Today Fred turns 44! (It probably doesn’t surprise you to read that I had to stop and do the math to figure that out. One day last week I said “I’m forty… how old am I? Forty-two?”) Happy birthday, baby!!!
Last weekend, we finally got our pigs for this year. We went with the intention of getting two, but a couple of people at Fred’s job expressed interest, so we ended up with a third. The man we get our pigs from is known as “Egg”, as some of you know, so here are some sights from around Egg’s farm.
Cute little baby pigs (these guys were too small to be separated from their mama yet. I did get a shot of their mama – who kept giving me the “Don’t you think about touching my babies!” eyes, but it didn’t come out.)
Puppy, keeping an eye on the pigs.
Our pigs, not sure what on earth was going on.
What’s a farm without a barn cat or two?
White donkey, hangin’ with the cows.
And, of course, sights from around Crooked Acres.
Thus far, one of them will take a cookie from Fred’s hand, but the other two are too skittish. They wait ’til Brave Pig takes the cookie from Fred, then follow her around, trying to take the cookie from her. They’ll learn soon enough – they always do!
That’s Gracie in the front and George in the back.
Even though George and Gracie never come into actual contact with the pigs (the pig yard is fenced off), they still get excited when we get new pigs.
This is inside the pig shelter (before Fred added straw, not that it’s been cold enough for them to burrow down inside the straw lately, but still) a few days before we went to get the new pigs. This hen decided this was a good place to raise some babies, so she made a nest, laid a clutch of eggs, and sat on them looking angry when anyone came close. Fred moved her to the maternity yard, and she decided she didn’t want babies after all, and abandoned her eggs.
They’ve hit their gawky stage.
If you look closely, you’ll see Gracie inside the fence and Coltrane outside the fence, on the other side of the ditch. He comes and goes constantly, and the dogs completely ignore him.
First fresh veggies from the garden for 2011 – baby romaine, purslane, and radishes.
Pansies have taken root in the cracks on the front steps. I should probably pull them up, but they’re so pretty I don’t want to!
Dorothy loves to pick fights with Jake, and he puts up with her shenanigans for far longer than you’d expect him to, but eventually he snaps and fights back. Then she gets all “Oh, wah! I am but a wee baby! Please save me from this horrible beast who would pick on a tiny helpless baybeeeeee!”
Dorothy is off to the vet today to be spayed and ID chipped and all that. I’d say y’all should wish her luck, but she will be perfectly fine, and I expect she’ll be racing around here tonight like nothing ever happened.
Oh Cillian, how I love your worried little face.
If you couldn’t guess, I was waving the feather teaser around wildly, and they were pretty interested in what was going on.
This is a pretty good shot of all six of them.
Ciara really likes to hang out underneath this cat bed for some reason.
Maggie’s been getting some alone time this week – not every day, but about every other day, I put her in the room at the other end of the hall and leave her in there for two or three hours. She doesn’t really care for it, I think it worries her to be away from the babies, or possibly she just doesn’t like being in a strange room. The babies don’t even notice that she’s not there until I bring her back in, which is when they gather around her like “Mama! We missed you! WE THOUGHT YOU WAS A TOAD!” and she gets a look on her face like “I wanted to come back in here why, exactly?”
2010: “Zip it. ZIP it. ZIP. IT.”
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: He’s such a liar.
2005: But by the time I was about three words in to the text message to the spud, I was using “u” and “2″ and “gd” with abandon, and it STILL took me 4-fckng-eva 2 get th gd msg typd n & snt.
2004: I started to answer her, when I realized to my horror that Fred was leaning forward, CUPPING HIS HAND TO HIS EAR to illustrate that he hadn’t heard what she said.
2003: “I breathe oxygen!” “Me too!”
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Our first trip to G’burg.
Happy Birthday Fred 🙂 My husband’s birthday is tomorrow. Ooh, cake 😉
I want to watch O Brother now…..
Happy hatchings to Fred
You should totally submit the photo you captioned “a pretty good shot of the six of them” to Lolcats with the caption “Minions, awaiting orders from Ceiling Cat”
I also found that I submitted a Sugarbutt LOLcat at some point in the past and completely forgot about it. It still makes me laugh!
Happy Birthday, Fred!
Those little baby piggies are so cute. Hard to imagine that they’ll be bacon and honey-baked ham someday.
George and Gracie have that experienced herd-dog saunter going on there.
What beautiful vegetables. I love the bright white of the radish insides clashing with the bright red skin.
Those hydrangeas are gorgeous, too.
Six busy kitties in one photo! Love it. 🙂
Happy B-Day Fred!!!
The pics of G&G and the herd of kittehs are just terrfic!!!
I’m thinking Spring at Crooked Acres is just a little slice o’ heaven. Your pics are beautimous.
Happy birthday Fred!! I still miss your blog!! 🙁
Thanks for all the great spring pictures, Robyn! 🙂
Three little pigs: With a-skippity-hop, and a hoppity-skip, it’s off to school we go…
Happy birfday, Fred! As a present to us (what?), you should put your archives back on line. I miss being able to read all the links Robyn’s sent us to over the years!
As for the wanta-be-a-momma-hen, I have a picture in my mind of her, after being moved, saying, “Never mind! Just NEVER MIND!” and stomping off in a huff.
Happy Birthday Fred! I love that your dogs are always smiling 🙂
Robyn and jai- perfect photo and caption.
Happy birthday Fred!
It must be piggy nursery rhyme day. Here is my contribution. This was in a book I used to read my three daughters when they were wee, wee, wee! 😉
To market, to market to buy a fat pig;
Home again, home again, jiggety-jig.
To market, to market, to buy a fat hog;
Home again, home again, jiggety-jog.
That rhyme is stamped in my brain. It will probably be what I drive people crazy with in my declining years.
The pansy is my new desktop. Please don’t pull it out. Let’s see how big it gets!
Spanky! You are my favorite! I love you!
Happy Birthday, Fred!
Happy Birthday to Fred!
I love the hydrangea, is that a perennial for you? Ours never survives the winter, but I don’t mind buying one each year, they are so beautiful. Do you call those pansy that just start growing johnny jump ups? That is what my grandma used to call them, and I have some in my gravel driveway that show up each year. I just leave them they are so cute. Happy Holiday weekend to all at Crooked Acres!
Happy birthday to Fred. I love the fact that he is a fan of bright colors too. Someone above mentioned archives and I mistakenly thought YOURS were removed. Nope, still there. I just read some of the earliest ones and they were really amusing. I can’t imagine Fred smoking. Does he? I was never good at smoking either. My husband has been smoke free for 10 months now and is 30 lbs. heavier but feels much better. The no more than 4 cats essay was killing me too.
When I looked at the first picture of George and Gracie quickly it looked like the chicken in the background was on George’s head. I doubt that would ever happen.
Happy Birthday, Fred!!!
If I hadn’t been born in a decade year (1970) I’d have a hard time remembering my age, too, some days.
Have you seen this? Possibly the most adorable thing ever.
Happy Birthday, Fred!! I hope Alice recognizes her daddy’s special day in some way.
Happy birthday, Fred!!!!!!! He has the same birthday as one of my best friends in the world. 🙂