
Happy birthday, Nance!!! & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &   In the interest of clearing out my “post these someday” folder, I’ve got three picture-only entries for you guys this week. Well, maybe four, we’ll see. Or maybe … Continue reading “5/25/09”

Happy birthday, Nance!!!

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In the interest of clearing out my “post these someday” folder, I’ve got three picture-only entries for you guys this week. Well, maybe four, we’ll see. Or maybe I’ll save some of those for next week. Stay tuned!

These pictures were actually taken in March of 2008 and have been languishing on my hard drive ever since. What I find most interesting about the pictures is how different it looks back there in just a little over a year – in these pictures, the back forty isn’t fenced in, and the big coop hasn’t been built (the pig yard is there, though, you can see the fence to the side). Also, the cat tree and platform hasn’t been built yet. Funny how you forget the way things used to be, isn’t it?

2009-05-25 (1)
“No, Boogie, I am the king of the world! Not you! See how I’m at the top and you are NOT?”

2009-05-25 (2)
“Sure is a long way down…”

2009-05-25 (3)

2009-05-25 (5)
“Seeya, dude. I got places to go.”

2009-05-25 (6)
“Go get the ladder, Joe. GO GET THE LADDER. I’m a portly cat. A jump from here would kill me!”
“Really? You pick on me all the time, you want me to do you a favor? GOOD LUCK WITH THAT.”

2009-05-25 (7)
“I am so going to break a leg jumping from here…”

2009-05-25 (8)
“Get the ladder, Suggie. GO GET THE LADDER!”
“I don’t see that happening, dude. You get stuck up there, I get your snack. WORKS FOR ME.”

2009-05-25 (9)
“That’s cold, dude.”

2009-05-25 (10)
“Toms away!”

2009-05-25 (12)
“I was stuck up there for HOURS, everyone was like “Don’t jump, Tommy! Don’t! You’ll hurt yourself! Stay there ’til Momma comes to rescue you!”, but it was almost SNACK TIME, and I was so hungry! I had to jump, even though I’m a portly cat and could have hurt myself seriously. But I’m fine! Well, my leg hurts a little when it rains and I’m in excruciating pain all the time, but I’ll be fine! I’m okay! They’re saying I might get a medal from the President for my bravery!”

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2009-05-25 (11)
Sheriff Momma and her security force.

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2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: Goofy cats.
2005: Grackles are kind of evil-looking and have great big beaks and I’m sure their bite is far, far worse than their bark.
2004: I sure am MIGHTY FUCKING TIRED of going to the FUCKING doctor’s office all the damn time.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.

2 thoughts on “5/25/09”

  1. Are Nance and Rick comming for a visit? I saw she’s going out of town it was her birthday and it will be Fred’s. Have I been here long enough to guess these things? I could be wrong-it’s just a guess. Up since 3:00 am wicked leg pain x4 days calling the dr. as soon as they open-so finding ways to occupy my sleep deprived brain. Weather is glorious-breezy and cooler-the A/C is off again atleast for today! Found a little 5′ bridge at the Christmas Tree Shop for 45 bucks. Husband built it and installed it over our little pond last evening. It’s wooden and very cute with Ollie or Ruby walking accross it. Have a great day!

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