
*Edited to add: I’m having surgery Thursday, not tomorrow!* On my way to Huntsville yesterday, I decided I wasn’t up for having my eyes checked (I have plenty of contacts and my glasses are fine), so I called and canceled my appointment. I still didn’t get home ’til almost 1:00, what with all the errands … Continue reading “5/20/08”

*Edited to add: I’m having surgery Thursday, not tomorrow!*

On my way to Huntsville yesterday, I decided I wasn’t up for having my eyes checked (I have plenty of contacts and my glasses are fine), so I called and canceled my appointment. I still didn’t get home ’til almost 1:00, what with all the errands I needed to run.

I hit Target, the pet store, Sam’s, and the mall. I spent more time in the mall than I’d intended, but I came out of there with lemon-scented candles, which I’ve been looking for forEVER, so I was happy.

At Target, I ended up buying a couple of oversized (over my size, that is) men’s button-up shirts. I’m going to pair one of those with some big, comfy pants to wear home from the hospital, so I should be all set. Thanks, by the way, for all your dress suggestions. Just ’cause I didn’t use them doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate them – and y’all ROCK.

I’ve actually set up Flickr so that I can post pictures from my cell phone, so it’s possible that I’ll be posting a picture or two from the hospital (I’ll leave a link to Flickr at the top of Thursday’s entry, which I will post before we leave for the hospital).

It’s also entirely possible that I won’t do anything but drift in and out of a narcotic-induced haze. Who knows?

As is my way, I’ve had anxiety dreams the last few nights. Not terrible ones, just ones where I wake up slightly freaked out, realize I was dreaming, and go back to sleep. I’m simultaneously looking forward to and dreading the whole thing. If there was a way I could go to sleep and wake up about a month after the surgery, I’d totally go for it. But like I told Fred last night, the only way to get to the other side is to go through it, so go through it I shall.

And I’m sure there’ll be plenty o’ bitching.

Yes, I’m taking before and after pictures of myself in underwear and no, I’m not sharing those. Unlike the underwear pictures I’ve shared in the past over at OneFatBitchypoo (don’t bother looking, I took them down) several years ago after I did a round of Body For Life-style lifting, cardio, and eating, there are far too many people I know in real life reading my sites these days, and I can’t think of a one of them I’d want to see me in my underwear.

I can only imagine the depth of your disappointment. But at least you won’t be reeling around screaming “My eyes! My eyes!”

I will, however, be taking before and after pictures of myself in clothes that I’ll happily share. Those probably won’t be up for a month or two, though, until after the swelling has gone down some.



In answer to the question Elisha asked in yesterday’s comments, this is the first time I’ve made my own no-waste bird seed. I decided to give it a try because the no-waste seed I’ve been buying (I’d provide a link, but I’m too lazy to go look for it) has become about half cashews. Which is fine and all, the birds and the squirrels like the cashews, but they’re such big pieces that they block up the bird feeders and it gets annoying. Also, there’s no corn in the mix anymore, and I thought I’d just give it a try myself.

It’s not really less expensive than the stuff I’d been buying, but I also don’t have to deal with the cashews anymore, which is more than worth the pain of having to mix my own. Judging by how quickly the bird feeders are emptying, the birds don’t have any complaints.

Probably it would be cheaper next time around if I actually looked and found a local supplier who could get me sunflower chips, white millet, canary seed, and roasted peanut chunks in bulk rather than ordering them online from various places. I would expect that the co-op would carry at least some of that, if not all of it.

I keep the bird seed mix in a 50-gallon garbage can in the garage. It’s covered, so it keeps the mice out.



I noticed yesterday that the kittens’ eyes are starting to change color. Around their pupils, the color is lightening and starting to turn to green.

Inara has taken to immediately coming over to me and asking to be picked up as soon as I come into the room. She likes to be cradled like a baby, and she likes to pat my face with her paws and then sniff my face and just when I’m about to melt from the cute, she starts with the claws and teeth and I have to put her in timeout. She’s the one who reminds me the most of Maddy.

Speaking of cats, I cannot believe it’s been three years since we got our very first batch of foster kittens. A quick check of my Flickr sets tells me we’re on about our 16th set of fosters. Some of them I remember fondly, some of them I barely remember. Very few of them – THANK GOD – have been returned to the shelter.

Inara makes the goofiest faces.

“You ever get that feeling like someone’s watching you?”

“So, I was mindin’ my own bidness and she climbs RIGHT into the litter box with me and she’s all kicking litter around and I’m all ‘Do you MIND? A man needs his privacy!’ but she just ignored me. I mean, seriously. Have you EVER?”

God, they’re huge.


Tons and tons of cute kitten pictures up over at Flickr.



Miss Stank has perfected the art of the baleful glare.



2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: It is, in fact, a happy-go-lucky-shpadoinkle-dy daaaaaaaaaaaaay.
2004: First day with the new brain, you know.
2003: So, Fred got it into his head a few weeks ago that he wanted a kayak.
2002: And further, you don’t get to be indignant and hurt when they act pissed off and boo you off the stage.
2001: No entry.
2000: Yesterday, I sneezed twenty-three times in a row. Fucking allergies.

21 thoughts on “5/20/08”

  1. Hi Robyn,
    Thanks for the kitty pics. Sad day in Indy today. Our elder statesman Gibson had a bad seizure last night and we had to put him to sleep. I had planned on bringing him in today for his final visit but Gibs took the guesswork out of our hands. So he is now with his brother and we are sad but relieved for him.

  2. Hi Robyn,
    Just want to say good luck with the surgery! I know what you mean about the nerves. I just graduated from nursing school and I will be starting my first job as a nurse in June. I am so excited and scared at the same time, I want to throw up! But I make make myself push through the negative feelings.
    I know you will be just fine. I can’t remember, did you say how long you would be in the hospital?

  3. Good luck on the upcoming plastics! I’m currently gestating, but I cannot wait to mournfully beg my insurance company for skin removal once we’re finished wrecking my body even more. It’s been over 3 years and 160 pounds since my bypass, and it’s just not a pretty sight! 🙂 Also? I laugh every time I hear you talk about the kittens. My oldest daughter’s name is Inara! 🙂

  4. Re: the kittens looking huge – that’s what it looked like when Keeka was 12 weeks old, and nursing on Abbey. I have got to find some pictures of that…

  5. HI, Robyn, Just wanted to wish you good luck on your surgery. I will be praying for you the whole time. Will you still be able to play with the kittens?I mean with their claws and teeth and rascally ways and all. I am sure yoy will find a way. Thanks for all the cute kitteh pics.

  6. Another reader here sending you good thoughts, vibes and prayers. I’m convinced that your surgery will go off without a hitch, though, so I’m not worried. 🙂

  7. Good luck tomorrow. Plastics scare the everloving beejesus out of me, but nay – you are a badass, so you’ll be fine!

  8. Good luck with surgery tomorrow Robyn! I had my plastics a little over a year ago and then a revision about 2 months ago. You will be so glad you did it! The swelling can suck in the beginning but wear the garments for compression even when you do not want to, it makes a big difference. I will be sending speedy healing vibes your way!

  9. I too am sending warm thoughts and prayers your way, Robyn!

    We’ll all be eagerly awaiting your return to blogging!

    AND PLEASE take very good care of yourself!

  10. Best of luck tomorrow Robyn! We’ll be thinking of you and wishing you a comfortable and speedy recovery. I know you will come out the other side of this happier and healthier and even more beautiful (if possible!) Take good care, sweetie!!

  11. Just wanted to wish you well… I envy you having the plastics done… I have so far lost 140 lbs with 20 more to go and only wish I could get rid of all this skin… I am 50 years old and losing all that weight,even though it took me 2 years to do it did a job on my skin no matter how much I worked out. Insurance company won’t even give a dime towards a lower body lift which is what I need. I can deal with the batwings.. sigh
    best wishes to you. please write when you can….

  12. Thanks so much for the bird seed answers. I’m going to attempt that myself. Good luck with your surgery. I will be thinking about you and hoping for the best. Fred will take great care of you, I’m sure.

  13. Good luck! I had mine done in 2001 and the scars are almost completely faded. I’m so glad I did it and I hope you have a great outcome too.

  14. Isn’t it funny that we’d rather share underwear pics with complete strangers (and potential pervs) on the internet than with people we know “IRL”? Having said that, how about a mailing list – Complete Strangers Only – for those of us who are really curious? LOL

    Tell Fred to do some video while you’re coming out of anesthesia – people who are out of it, but think they’re totally with it, are hysterical. What?! It’ll help make up for the drought we’ll be forced to suffer with no kitty pictures!! (c:

  15. Robyn:

    I’ve been reading your site for almost ten years. You’ve made me laugh, you’ve made me cry, and basically feel every emotion in between. I love “seeing” your’s and Fred’s good relationship, I am in love with all of your cats (owned and fosters), and I am in awe of your cleaning routine. You are usually the first website I read in the morning (because of the time difference, I am on the west coast – which is not to say that’s the only reason).

    I have had a horrible few weeks and my nerves are shot all to hell (visit my lame-ass attempt at a website using the Comcast template if interested in an explanation). Throughout this rough patch, your writing and those of a select few others (Nance, Jane, and Weetabix) have helped me to maintain some level of sanity and even laugh out loud at times. So, in short, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    – Amy

  16. Robyn!
    Best of Luck Thursday. I had breast augmentation done about 6 and 1/2 months ago now and love it! I also had some loose stomach skin removed at the same time, however it didn’t even qualify as a mini tummy tuck. I know your anxiety, I remember it well; oddly the day of surgery I was very calm. I’ll be thinking of ya woman and keep us posted!

  17. …sitting here with Alice the kitteh snoozing on my belly shelf, Jolly Rancher Peach flavor candy in my mouth (thanx Robyn!)… Know you will do just fine before and after the surgery !! Cause you are my IDOL and we LURVE you and can’t wait for the “drug induced” blogging/bitchin’… Looking forward to it actually !! So just know we are praying hard and will be glad to look at panty /no panty pictures if you want us too.
    All my girls send their lurve…

  18. Oh my gosh, your kitten captions are the GREATEST!
    You always start my day out right, with a smile! =)

  19. I’ve been reading your blog forever.Way back when y’all were phat:)

    You make everything look so easy.Hoping and praying that your surgery goes
    smooth as buttah.

    I have never had WLS ,but I do have a hideous flabby stretched out stomach from having 3 kids. I am green with ENVY that you are getting yours fixed 🙂

    Perhaps you could give us some tips on what to write to the insurance company to get approved for surgery.

    Fred is going to have his hands full ..being “Robyn” lol
    He’s gonna take kitten pics everyday…right?

    Good luck Robyn!

  20. P.S.

    I had hair color on my head while I was reading your blog just now…and did not hear the timer go off.

    No telling how long that stuff’s been on my head.

    Hope I don’t go bald now.:)

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