5/18/10 – Tuesday

Okay, I finally got a chance to watch last week’s Real Housewives of NYC, and I have this to say: 1. Kelly is a complete blithering moron and Sonya hit the nail on the head when she said that it bothers Kelly when anyone talks about their feelings. 2. When Luann was singing – I’m … Continue reading “5/18/10 – Tuesday”

Okay, I finally got a chance to watch last week’s Real Housewives of NYC, and I have this to say:

1. Kelly is a complete blithering moron and Sonya hit the nail on the head when she said that it bothers Kelly when anyone talks about their feelings.

2. When Luann was singing – I’m sorry, I mean “singing” – I was very much reminded of this:

3. That guy Luann was out on a date with? What a cheeseball. Total cheese from beginning to end. I’m not seeing any chemistry there, as much as you try to convince us, Luann. Ugh.

4. I love Bethenny, but my god, what is going ON with her head? When they showed footage of her on the yacht and then switched to the talking-head interview, it was jarring. Bethenny’s head – specifically, her jawline – was HUGE. I don’t believe it’s a weight gain thing, is it? What the hell? What kind of alien child was she carrying that could cause that sort of mutation??

Also, as far as Housewives, I watched the NJ episode from last week (I haven’t seen last night’s episode yet) and I have this to say:

1. Christine is a knockout – she reminds me of a young Mariel Hemingway.

2. I DO NOT LIKE it when they talk shit about each others’ kids. First Danielle with “I don’t know if Gia has what it takes to be a supermodel, she’s like 4 feet tall!” and then Caroline and Teresa talking about how Danielle’s kids are missing a “light” in their eyes. That’s uncalled-for, and I think the kids should be off-limits. (Caveat: I, of course, am allowed to talk shit about the Housewives’ kids, and Gia annoys me.)

3. The whole made-up drama about Caroline’s daughter dating Albie’s best friend is not working. Time to drop that story line.


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Speaking of TV, Fred declared the other night that this was the best season of Survivor ever. I think it was pretty damn good, but I have to point out that when you start out the season with a bunch of people we already know – though we skipped last season, so didn’t know who Russell was – it makes the show more appealing from the get-go. There’s no two-month struggle to figure out who is who and which blonde is which.


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So, when Maura went to her new home, I said to Fred “You know, that foster room up there is empty and available…”

And he said “We HAVE four fosters already!”

We agreed that I wouldn’t go looking for new babies, but if they dropped into my lap, I could take them.

So on Saturday night when I got an email from another foster mom saying that her sister had found a kitten who needed a home, I told Fred, and he reluctantly agreed that we could take the kitten. (He’s so funny – he’s always reluctant about taking new fosters, but once we get them, he’s all “I LOVE THESE KITTENS THEY ARE AWESOME!!!”)

On Sunday I talked to the shelter manager who said “Cydney said you could take this one?”

I said, “Yes!”

She said “Would you want another one or two?”

“YES!” I had been concerned at the idea of only having one foster, because I didn’t want him to be lonely, and I think kittens need to be raised in sets of two or more.

So Sunday afternoon, I went and picked up the first kitten. His name is Franco.

He’s a talker, our Franco. A little shy at first, but when I picked him up, he’d snuggle with me. I probably didn’t endear myself to him by immediately shoving dewormer down his throat, then giving him a bath (he was hiding up inside the engine block of a truck in a parking lot when Cydney’s sister and her husband heard him and coaxed him out, so he had some oil in his fur and on his paws).

He did NOT like being alone – I’d go into the foster room to hang out with him, and he’d play and run around and then snuggle, then as soon as I left the room he’d howl sadly at the door.

Yesterday morning, I packed him up and took him to the vet for his combo test. He tested negative (THANK GOD).

I got the other two kittens at the same time. They are…


and Garrity.

Gavin and Garrity were found inside the wall of the company where another volunteer’s mother works. They’re a little older than Franco – Franco’s estimated to be about 6 weeks old, and Gavin and Garrity are 7 weeks old.

But wait! That’s not all!

When I walked into the vet clinic to pick up Franco and get Gavin and Garrity, there was a little gray kitten in a cage by the door. She was ADORABLE, and she was a little wild thing, spinning around that cage like a little Tasmanian devil. I went over to say hi to her, and she pressed her little face up against the bars of the cage and howled and rubbed against my hand.

Oh, I loved her immediately.

The shelter manager came in and eyed the kitten, asked a few questions of the clinic staff about the kitten, and could SEE the love on my face, because she asked if I wanted to take the kitten along with the others. I think I was wildly nodding “yes” before she could finish her question.

This is Sheila.

Expect to see lots of blurry pictures of Sheila, because girlfriend does not stop for one moment. She’s a wild little thing, super-friendly, and boy is she letting those boys know who the boss is. I had all four of them in one carrier when I left the vet’s office, and by the time I got to the shelter to pick up some supplies, the boys were all on one end of the carrier falling asleep together, and Sheila was chasing her tail.

They’ve settled nicely in the foster room, where they’ll be quarantined for the next couple of weeks. They’re a very playful bunch, and I’m so glad they have each other to play and cuddle with!

In case you don’t recognize the names, they’re named after characters from the series Rescue Me. The firehouse is Ladder 62 / Engine 99, so I’ll call these guys the 99s. Hey, it rolls off the tongue better than “The Rescue Me Gang”, right? I’m open to suggestions as far as what to call this bunch, though.


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The Bookworms are not quite sure what to make of this new development. Suddenly there’s a room they can’t go into, and I keep going in there and coming out smelling like OTHER KITTENS. What on earth?! We have a fireplace screen set up in front of the foster room doorway so the 99s can’t get out, and the Bookworms (and Jake, who’s really interested in what’s going on in that there room) can’t get in. When I walk out of the foster room, there’s usually at least one Bookworm sitting there waiting for me.

Oddly, the Bookworms have been even more friendly toward me than usual. Maybe they need reassurance that they’re still my babies, too!

Super-friendly toward ME – but still fighting like crazy with each other!


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Elwood in the Ham-mick (buy them here!) in the middle of the living room floor – the most popular bed in the house. I’m going to have to start taking reservations for it, they practically stand in line to get in that bed!


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2009: Joe Bob just kept smiling.
2008: No entry.
2007: Ten.
2006: I walked over to them and threw Cheerios at them, and they looked at me as if I were mentally disturbed.
2005: Which he proved by dancing lightly about the room once I’d said we should just stay home.
2004: He asked questions, he really listened to the answers, and he was just really a nice guy.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: She’s obviously picked up her mother’s bad attitude.
2000: My day in pictures.

25 thoughts on “5/18/10 – Tuesday”

  1. More kittehs… yay!!! And they’re all SO cute, of course!! And I LOVE the name Sheila for a cat! 😀

  2. Seeing all those babies makes me wish we had some kittens! But Ihave to be careful what I wish for- last fall we found two different litters of 5 kittens each, just a few days apart in different areas of our town. Of course we took them all in and were able to find a rescue to take them, thank God! We had 18 cats in our house for a few days! IT WAS CRAZY!
    But my question is where does one get a “ham-mick”? Since its so popular with your kitties I would love to give it a try with ours!

  3. I love how Ellwood’s tail is flopping down over the Ham-mick!

    Housewives stuff:

    >>1. Kelly is a complete blithering moron and Sonya hit the nail on the head when she said that it bothers Kelly when anyone talks about their feelings.

    Making lemons out of lemonade? WTF? It looks like THIS week’s episode is going to be filled with the Kelly-cazy. What is her deal about going batshit crazy on someone and then coming out and acting as if nothing at all had happened??

    >>2. When Luann was singing – I’m sorry, I mean “singing”

    Ugh, I immediately fast-forwarded through all that. Despite that, I still can’t get the damn “song” out my head!

    >>3. That guy Luann was out on a date with? What a cheeseball. Total cheese from beginning to end. I’m not seeing any chemistry there, as much as you try to convince us, Luann. Ugh.

    Um, creepy, too! Did you see how he tried to mack on her and she kind of drew away? But then in the next scene, it looked like SHE was putting the moves on HIM. Weird. I love how his tongue just lies there like a dead animal when he throws his head back to laugh. ::Shudder::

    >>4. I love Bethenny, but my god, what is going ON with her head? When they showed footage of her on the yacht and then switched to the talking-head interview, it was jarring. Bethenny’s head – specifically, her jawline – was HUGE.

    I thought the same thing – she’s been sort of a physical mess this season anyway, but could that have been a makeup issue? I know I look like a blockhead if I somehow get blush too low on my face. I love how she tells it like it is, always, and accepts responsibility for the things she’s said & is sorry about.

    What, nothing about Ramona?? She seems crazier & a little alcoholic-y this season. She’s a two-faced little bitch, too! And I HATE Sonya!

    Housewives of NJ

    >>1. Christine is a knockout – she reminds me of a young Mariel Hemingway.

    I knew she reminded me of SOMEONE – you are spot-on. Also, the two girls look EXACTLY alike – I wonder if Danielle looked like that before all the surgery.

    >>2. I DO NOT LIKE it when they talk shit about each others’ kids. First Danielle with “I don’t know if Gia has what it takes to be a supermodel, she’s like 4 feet tall!”

    Yeah, and she’s also, like, SIX! That was crazy.

    >> and then Caroline and Teresa talking about how Danielle’s kids are missing a “light” in their eyes.

    I hate those two, especially Caroline.

    >> Gia annoys me.)

    HEE! I think there is endless opportunities for Gia to embarrass her parents this year – did you hear the mini-conversation about why she doesn’t want to marry a Jewish person? Priceless!

    >>3. The whole made-up drama about Caroline’s daughter dating Albie’s best friend is not working. Time to drop that story line.

    I think that Albie is gay and is jealous that his best friend is dating a woman.


    I obviously devote way to much headspace to these women, but I find them wholly hilarious!

    1. I’m not sure what I think about Ramona. She’s as nuts as Kelly is sometimes, but while Kelly is completely nuts, Ramona has her lucid moments. I’m seriously wondering if the next season of NYC is going to start with Ramona in rehab!

      Also, Luann’s date, with his tongue laying there like a dead animal when he throws back his head to laugh – BWAHAHA! YES! I didn’t even realize I was noticing that, but I immediately flashed to it in my mind, and you are dead-on. HA!

  4. shoving dewormer down his throat, then giving him a bath (he was hiding up inside the engine block of a truck … so he had some oil in his fur and on his paws

    I would accuse you of copying me, but I haven’t had time to post my blog/pictures yet, so it must just be a case of weird quasi-parallel lives. (c:

  5. Oh more kitties to drool over. I am taken with Gavin-I love those beige boys. My husband would love Sheila because he loves the wild & crazy ones. I prefer the calmer ones like the lovely Miss Maura.

    I agree with everyone’s comments about both Housewives’ shows-the Bethenny head thing-I knew something was really off but thought it was some wierd pregnancy thing. Having never been pregnant myself I don’t know enough about that stuff. I think the NY housewives are far more entertaining than the NJ ones. The war with Danielle is getting old for me. I think the NJ Housewives are too much alike- they need some different personality types.

  6. Oh my GOD they’re so cute!! (The kittens, not the Housewives). I love the names too! Enjoy those babies!! 🙂

  7. please tell me that Gavin is not a flame-point. I will be compelled to drive to you all the way from California.

  8. Oh I was waiting on you to comment on the NY Housewives!!! I think Kelly is a Total Nutbag, what the heck is she talking about half the time, I used to like Jill but now I think she is just a bitch who likes to be the center of attention. I used to hate Alex but now I think she is the most “normal” one and I think the nicest on the show. LuAnn singing was just bad, really bad…. and here date was ver freaky!

    1. Who knew back in the first season that Alex would turn out to be the only reasonable one of the bunch? I really like her quite a lot this year!

  9. Robyn, your karma points are over the top once again! You and Fred are so kind to take in those little baby kittehs!

    (This is why I wish I’d win a multi-million dollar lottery. I’d buy two houses. One for me and one for all the neglected, abused and abandonded kittens and cats. Then, of course, I’d end up on Hoarders or something with about 100 cats!!!!) 😀

    1. Oh, I’m with you on the lottery – I would SO have a big ol’ house just for cats. Wouldn’t that be heaven? And I could hire someone to clean that house, too!

  10. I cannot wait to see this week’s real housewives – NY. Kelly is absolutely nuts!

    Bethenny does have quite the freakish jawline! I’d rather have her jawline than Alex’s muppet mouth!

    I also immediately though “Mariel Hemingway” when I saw Christine. I just hate hate hate how Danielle talks about her neurotic issues with her children. Those poor girls.

    I would like to pinch Teresa’s husband’s head off. What in the hell is up with him teasing that poor kid? What a moron!

    Man! I love those Housewive shows!

    1. YES – I watched last night’s episode this afternoon, and the way Danielle talks about her problems with her girls just drives me nuts. “Should I call her? Should I call her or not? You think I should call her?” and her 11 year old is all “I DON’T CARE I AM GOING TO PLAY WITH MY BARBIE DOLLS, YOU MESS.”

  11. KITTEHS!!!!

    Also I am off to buy a Ham-mick (or two). We should be moving in a week or so and the house has a bay window. Perfect, I’m thinking!!

  12. If you want to really get into the RHONJ mess, try reading Danielle’s blog on Bravo. She talks crap about everyone. She really is a mess. (Her kids are both gorgeous, though.)
    RHONY — what a group of petty, self-centered loons.

  13. Kittens are soooooooo cute!!

    No one else has commented about Survivor yet. Russell is a douche bag! The previous season he pouted like a child because he did not win the game. We half expected it this time too but he was a little more grown up about it. He got the Sprint $100,000 award both times. I personally think it is absolutely delicious that he took Sandra to the end thinking it would give him a huge advantage and she wound up winning! He even told her several times through the season that she “won’t get a vote”. Well -he- didn’t get a vote! ha ha.

  14. … Okay, you are being too meen to this poor old diabetic…
    I m.u.s.t. go do another shot of insulin… Sooo much SWEET LITTLE KITTEHS… luv them bebbes. Shelia ? A knockout !!

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