Last week, I got an email from… Robyn Anderson. Seems that Robyn Anderson was sending herself pictures from work. You’d think she’d know her own email address, wouldn’t you? She works at Target, by the way. I’d post the pictures here and mock them, but there was nothing particularly mockworthy about them, so I’ll refrain.
These Robyn Andersons, I tell you what. Who doesn’t know their own email address? She’s not even the first Robyn Anderson to send herself an email and sent it to me instead!
Thus far, we’ve got Irish Robyn Anderson, Illinois Robyn Anderson, Mormon Robyn Anderson (whose annoying goddamn family keeps trying to add me to their relatives on “We’re Related”, whatever the fuck that is), and now Target Robyn Anderson, who all are either giving out the wrong email address, or sending email to themselves at my email address. Oh, there was Canadian Robyn Anderson, too.
(I’m sure when they talk about me, I’m Cat Lady Robyn Anderson.)
Last year when Illinois Robyn Anderson signed up for frequent flyer miles and used my email address, I was so annoyed that I logged in and changed the password to the account. O YES I DID. She doesn’t apparently fly all that often, though, because there weren’t many frequent flyer miles and she hasn’t used the account since.
(Well, maybe because she doesn’t have the password? Duh.)
Fucking Robyn Andersons. They’re all pains in the ass, if you ask me.
Oh, lord. I just went and looked at my sent mail for that email address, and found this exchange from April, which I had forgotten about:
Robyn Anderson,
I still haven’t decided on which potential tenant to rent the house to yet. Sorry for the delay. I will make my decision before 8pm tmr.
Also, can u confirm that if you are able to move in on May 1?
Do you have animals?
Sent on the TELUS Mobility network with BlackBerry
Warren –
I am not looking for a house to rent, therefore I’m pretty sure you have the wrong email address for a different Robyn Anderson.
And I have 14 cats, two very large dogs and 70+ chickens.
Robyn Anderson
Sorry about sending u the wrong email. Why do u have so many animals?
Sent on the TELUS Mobility network with BlackBerry
Warren –
Because I can.
Robyn Anderson
And then, back in March:
Hi Robyn:
Congratulations on becoming a grandma. That is so exciting. It’s a shame they live on the other side of the country!!! But I’m glad you got to go see the new baby and your daughter and son-in-law.
Bro. Hickey the Stake financial clerk has been nagging me about getting some sort of closure on the checks that were sent out for camp. I doubt you still have receipts, but if you could possibly send me a short written statement of expenses, signed and dated, that will do. It can be very general. This needs to be done in case of auditing, so they know where the money went.
Thanks so much and Happy Thanksgiving
(I simply emailed her back and told her she had the wrong email address. But then I forwarded it to Fred and said “You think she knows something I don’t?”)
And then this from last September:
Our records show the following for ROBYN ANDERSON:
Next Preventive Appointment: 10-15-2010 at 8:00 am
Notes: Just a friendly reminder that you have a cleaning appointment coming up in our office. If the time listed is not convenient please call us as soon as possible to reschedule.
To which I responded: Please cancel this appointment. I’ll need to call and reschedule at a later date. Thanks.
(I’m an asshole, but I’m snickering about it all these months later.)
About a year ago, Robyn Anderson sent me (I assume intending to send it to herself) :
email and print calendar
do expenses
vegas selling day
order gwps
az travel update
Robyn Anderson
Southwest Regional Coordinator
I said: Don’t wanna. How come *I* have to do all the work?
(But never heard back from her. Robyn Anderson, Southwest Regional Coordinator is humorless, I think. Or embarrassed. I should have said “The GWPS is backordered. Should I order something else instead?”)
This reminds of when, several years ago, Fred sent a picture of the spud sleeping with her eyes open to what he thought was her email address. As it turned out, he got a very polite email back from the person he actually sent it to, letting him know he had the wrong email address.
I guess Robyn Andersons aren’t the only dumbass Andersons.
PS: My favorite wrong-email that I’ve gotten at that address is below. I responded to it with “You have the wrong email address” because I didn’t even know where to start even though I’m curious as shit to know why the front desk kept issuing key cards to people who weren’t booked for the room. I’d certainly like to know what “supposed wife of Edgar” means, and why that would afford her the privilege of having a card to a room that isn’t hers. But I decided to play it safe and not even try to get involved in that mess.
I am using this email address from now on since Jannett knows about my Yahoo account and has my email address for that account. There’s no telling what that psycho would come up with.
I am at the hospital right now. I came down this morning to see if I could meet with the chaplain but he only works on weekdays. I will need to come back to see him at 8:00 on Monday morning.
I managed to find his office and got the office number. He can be reached at the Pastoral Care number : [redacted]. His office is actually on the second floor of the hospital building.
Mom and I went to Jannett’s place last night ([redacted]). She and the kids were not there so we stayed and made supper anyhow…..just to pretend all is normal.
When she finally came home with the kids and the twins who just flew in….we learned that they had been at the ICU visiting Edgar. I am so scared as to why she wanted all his children to see him
in that state. I pray to God she did not do that so that she can later instruct the doctors to pull the plug. She did not bother to invite us to come along with them to visit Edgar. What’s worse…she did not offer to fill us
in on how Edgar is doing. There was another guest from the Fisher House who was asking her infront of us about how Edgar was doing. She ignored the lady and later dragged the lady into the laundry room to update her on
how Edgar was doing. So she obviously does not want us to know anything about how Edgar is doing. I bet she is calling her ex-husband everyday to let him know how my brother is doing.
On another note the twins did come to stay at the Navy Lodge in our room that mom and I are sharing. Just as i thought would happen……they tried to let themselves into the room WITH YET ANOTHER KEY THAT JANNETT GOT FROM THE FRONT DESK!!!
There is a total of 4 keys/cards for that room now and it’s only mom and I who were booked for that room….. I think that is so outrageous. I understand that as the supposed wife of Edgar she has certain privileges but mom and I have many issues with that. Besides the privacy issues we fear that she can go in there and do Lord knows what.
The girls showed up at our room at 12:30 last night and said that they were coming from the hospital and had been visiting Edgar at that hour. She obviously is not interested to have mom and I visit Edgar at the ICU. I will take mom to visit him today and
I just hope and pray that she has not given them instructions not to let us in to see him.
If you girls ever try to call me on my cell and can’t reach me then it’s because i am around her or her kids. Just try on the hotel line and if we are not there then i will just call or text you back. I do not want her or any of her kids to know
about the cell phone i have. I will keep you posted.
Miss Dorothy in the sun. (Current nicknames: Fred calls her Dottie and Dortsy. I called her Dorfy and when I was looking for her Saturday evening, I called her KittyDorfin’ and then EnDorfin’. Oh, we amuse ourselves so very much.)
She is such a sweet and well-adjusted girl. I love to see her chasing Jake down the hallway, and she even got Miz Poo to chase her a little on Sunday!
“Am… under… attack… SAVE YOURSELF!”
“Who, ME? Climbing the cat tree? NO. What a ridiculous question!”
“HI MAMA!” (Please ignore the scattered litter in the background. I hadn’t swept yet.)
“I find that simply amazing, my good woman.”
“I… did not touch the Kong Wubba. Why? Did someone say I did? Pay no attention to that paw.”
“Dude, it’s okay. I’ve got it covered.”
::chomp:: Her eyes are so neat right now – I love the way the permanent color is moving outward from her pupils.
Miss Maggie doesn’t miss a thing.
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: Getting ready for surgery.
2007: They’d surely have fabulous gay parties and invite their fabulous gay friends and give my inner Mrs. Kravitz something to spy on.
2005: I like cats. They’re good to eat.
2004: No entry.
2003: We’re some calendar-loving motherfuckers, that’s right.
2002: Kitty meeting.
2001: So… I guess we could probably sell your shithole…
2000: It sounds like there’s a lot to do in Gatlinburg, so it should be fun.
The kittehs always start my day off on the right note, but OH, the emails!! I will be giggling all day! (Or at least until some moron ticks me off!) Thanks!!
I like the wrong tenant/landlord e-mail exchange the best. I mean, WTF did he think the response would be when he asked “Why do you have so many animals?” Your answer was just right.
That pic of Newt has me giggling.
Your names for Dorothy reminded me of the movie Tootsie when Dorothy gets all up in arms because the director keeps alling her, well, Tootsie:
Ron: Tootsie, take ten.
Dorothy Michaels: Ron, my name is Dorothy! It’s not tootsie, or toots, or sweety, or honey, or doll.
Ron: Look . . .
Dorothy Michaels: No, just Dorothy. Now Alan’s always Alan. Tom is always Tom. And, John is always John. I have a name, too! It’s Dorothy, capital D-o-r-o-t-h-y, Dorothy!
Now edited for your household:
Robyn: EnDorfin, take ten.
Dorothy: Robyn, my name is Dorothy! It’s not Dottie, or Dorfy, or Dortsy, or Endorfin, or kitty.
Robyn: Look . . .
Dorothy: No, just Dorothy. Now Fred’s always Fred. George is always George. And, Gracie is always Gracie. I have a name, too! It’s Dorothy, capital D-o-r-o-t-h-y, Dorothy!
Okay, now you are either laughing hysterically, or think I am insane, or perhaps both.
I’m cracking up over the emails. I have an “alter ego” that I also get emails from. However, I am too much of a wimp to write back snarky responses (although I did love your responses to the landlord!). I did let her lawyer know that he had sent her divorce papers to the wrong email address. He politely responded back and apologized, but then proceeded to send me another email the following day (which I ignored). I know way too much about this person. My husband keeps telling me I should write a book about all these bizarre emails I get from/about her.
LOVE the Newt pic. He looks so handsome!
I got an email last week about someone doing the photography at my wedding. She broke down how much her fees were by each set of photos, including one that said she’d charge ‘a little extra’ for the sitting with the mother of the bride and mother of the groom, seeing as they ‘do not care for each other or approve of the marriage at all.’
I emailed her back and told her that would be the highlight of the job and she could probably get some very candid shots of the two of them fistfighting, as that is what they do best when in each other’s presense.
And then at the end of the email I told her I was just joking and that my name was not Kim and she had in fact, emailed the wrong person.
Re: reference to “Fisher House” in one mis-directed email to you. Family members of injured military personnel stay at Fisher House(s).
I love that you wrote back to those e-mails! I’ve never received an email that wasn’t for me but my current home phone # used to be the phone # for a medicinal marijuana place. I get crazy phone messages from patients all the time wanting me to renew their prescriptions…ASAP! Particularly over the weekends
Have you seen this? I love the very end when he says “cheese”….
That is SO cute!
Love your responses – esp the pne to the Landlord (nosy bastard isn’t he) and the one to the Robyn list maker – it would have been hilarious if you had written the gwps (wtf?) was backordered. Thank god I am working alone today, so I can laugh out loud all I want and not let anyone think I am enjoying my job or anything.
“Last year when Illinois Robyn Anderson signed up for frequent flyer miles and used my email address, I was so annoyed that I logged in and changed the password to the account. O YES I DID.”
Bahahaha! This made my day.
Now *I* want to know what in the hell happened to Edgar? Did that psycho Jannet with two ns and two ts pull the plug? OH THE DRAMA!
The Edgar plot thickens. This did not take any time at all to find:
That Jannett sure is a bitch, isn’t she?
Holy christ, she is certainly a piece of work!
Right? I feel bad for that family.
I wonder if this is your problem with all the Robyns: (click the first one about the dots)
gmail used to accept dots in the beginning but now it all goes to the same address and doesn’t really seem to recognize the dots anymore, I don’t know I didn’t read it, but I do remember hearing about it way back when so I thought I’d clue you in.
All the pics are beautiful today, but Newt’s is out of this world! Great shot!
It’s great to know that a creepy picture of myself sleeping with my eyes open is out there floating in the interwebs for all to see.
Also, Newt has no neck in that picture. Interesting. Cats usually have SOME sort of neck, but not Newtles.
Today,I predict that Miss Dorothy will become a permanent resident of The Anderson Farm.
That last pic of Newt,’tis now my desktop background.
The Andersons know NOT the insane amoount of photos I have stolen from them…I just use them as inspirations of future art works,nothing untoward!