
I had blood drawn yesterday so that they could do all the usual preop lab work before I have surgery next week and I don’t believe I’ve ever had so much blood drawn at one time, I was wondering if they were just going to completely drain me to make the surgery a bit less … Continue reading “5/14/08”

I had blood drawn yesterday so that they could do all the usual preop lab work before I have surgery next week and I don’t believe I’ve ever had so much blood drawn at one time, I was wondering if they were just going to completely drain me to make the surgery a bit less messy.

This afternoon I have my preop appointment with the surgeon, and then it’s time to spend the next week alternating between twiddling my thumbs and racing around in a panic to get everything done beforehand. Everything = cleaning the house, making meals ahead that only need to be warmed up, and… well, that’s about it, I guess.

An interesting note is that although the surgeon told me it takes about a month after surgery before patients wake up and roll out of bed feeling completely normal again, it would take six months to a year before I could scoop litter boxes. So no scooping for me for at least six months, that’ll be Fred’s job! No really, he said that! True story!

(I wonder if I could get that in writing?)

You guys are smart motherfuckers who know a lot about a lot. I need a dress that buttons or zips up the front to wear home from the hospital. Go find me one. All suggestions appreciated!



Miss Momma (aka “Maxi”) went missing for almost an entire day. She didn’t come home and didn’t come home and Fred went down to ask the neighbor if she’d seen her, and she hadn’t, and we called and called and got all kinds of worried, and then around dinnertime the neighbor’s kids brought her home and said she’d been hanging out over at the (empty) house next door to them.




I think I’ve mentioned that we have a couple of chickens who’ve “gone broody” and were spending all their time sitting on eggs. We had to be careful and keep an eye on them to make sure they were sitting on the right nests (one of them got out of her nest, went to eat, and came back to the wrong nest several times, meaning we (Fred) had to move her back to the right one). A few days ago, Fred went out and candled the eggs to see if they were all fertile and to see how far along they were. He predicted that the dumb one (who got back on the wrong nest several times) would be hatching her eggs this week. Last night, he reported that they’d started hatching. We went out together to take a look, but every time we open the flap, the hen puffs up and looks scary.

Well, she TRIES to look scary. Mostly, to me, she looks scared so we left her alone.

We know there’s at least one hatched baby under her. I’ll be curious to see how many hatch okay, and how that works out.




The land next to our back forty is owned by a family that has a bunch of horses. I don’t know exactly how much land they have, but it’s enough to support six horses or more. Every now and then when Fred and I take a walk around the back forty, we hear horses. The other night when Fred was out there himself, a white horse came over to be petted (and to see if Fred had any food, I’m sure).

Last night I got some pictures of a couple of them.

They certainly are pretty. Too bad I’m not a horse person – or not, I’m not sure we have the room for a horse in the back forty. I’d like to see Mister Boogers riding a horse around, though.




After using up the tape in the camcorder, I went through all the footage and cobbled it all together and made a way-too-long movie that clocks in at 7 minutes long.

Sorry about that.

I’ll try, in the future, to go through the footage a little more often and make shorter movies.

In the meantime, you can see the movie at YouTube:

or watch it in MPG format, here.

(I used Muvee AutoProducer for this one, which came free with my computer. It’s pretty simple to use, I’m pretty sure I’ll be using that from here on out. It’s made for the dummies like me who can’t deal with anything too complicated.)

Also, I’m sorry about the incessant babbling and baby talk. I thought about adding music to the video, but I wanted you to be able to hear the babies and Kara “talking”.

Kara and the babies are continuing to kill me with the cute. I witnessed River using the litter box last night and when I made a fuss over him (“Look, Momma! He use the litter box!”), all the cats looked at me like they just might be getting tired of the incessant baby talk.

I cannot help it.

All the kittens are sniffing around the cat food when Kara eats. Inara’s very interested in the bowl of water and though she hasn’t quite hit the point where she’s drinking it, she is sniffing at it, getting her nose in it, then licking the water off.

These babies are just growing up way too fast. I want them to stay itty bitty forever, but they’re already HUGE compared to three weeks ago.


(flickr) “Where my Momma? I’m STARVIN’!”

(flickr) “HI Momma. I’m your favorite, right? You love me most?”
“That’s right. I love you most of all, little whatsyerface.”

Tons of kitten pics up over at Flickr.



(flickr) “That Momma cat did NOT kick my ass. I let her THINK she was kicking my ass because sometimes after wimmins has babies, they get to thinking ‘I used to be a badass. Am I still a badass, or did having them babies weaken me?’ and I wanted to reassure her that she was still a badass. So I went into the room and I was all ‘Kick my ass!’, and then I rolled around and pretended to scream and let her think she was kicking my ass. But really, I was having a GOOD TIME pretending to be scared. Did you hear me screaming ‘OhmylordjesuspleasedonthurtmeowowowowowOW!’? That was all acting. I’m a very good actor. Tom Cruise calls me all the time for acting hints. I tells him ‘Tom, you just get into the scene and let your heart lead the way. If your heart ain’t feelin’ it, you let the hetred lead the way. The hetred will never steer you wrong.’ It’s true!”



2007: Ugly, but somehow oddly appealing to me.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: Memeriffic.
2003: “One of the cats brought in a baby possum and it appears to be dying.”
2002: A mother can dream, can’t she?
2001: I almost shot a red bean out of my nose, I was laughing so hard.
2000: No entry.

28 thoughts on “5/14/08”

  1. You should try one of those house-coats that zip up. They have ’em most anywhere. 🙂

  2. Those ARE gorgeous horses!!!!!!! And the pic of Kaylee on top of da momma is entirely too adorable.

  3. What’s wrong with this picture? “a couple of chicken’s” O_o

    Those horses are beautiful.

    As far as the dress, all I can even picture is one of those terrycloth house dresses like Gram used to wear. Heh. Good luck!

  4. I recommend trying a local uniform supply store. They will carry nurse’s dresses, which can have either zip front or button. Sometimes they have in colors other than white. Google “Women’s Zip Front Nurses Dress” etc. to see what comes up locally to you. And, it can double as a Halloween outfit, ha ha!

  5. What about a shirt dress? They’re pretty popular with designers this year so there are a lot of options around. Most button but some zip.

  6. Did Kara hurt Mr Boogers Eye? Poor Thing. That was the cutest kitten movie ever. Good luck with your surgery. I don’t know about zippers, they might rub against your stomache.Could you not slip a very loose house dress or duster over your head. (duster!! I’m showing my age.)

  7. Since as a SAHD, I sit around eating bon bons, watching Oprah, smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo, I find myself reading the odd “PREVIOUSLY” entries. One of the ones from yesterday led me to a description of a visit to a petting zoo. You made the comment that you made Fred promise if you ever have land he would get you Pygmy Goats.

    Welllllllllllllllllllllll? Where are they to be found on Crooked Acres?


  8. Ok, it’s official: Zoe’s my favorite. I love those serious stripes on her forehead.

    You do realize that this might send me to my local shelter sometime this summer to check out them kittens there, don’t you? Is that intentional (I hope it is!)?

    Best of luck with your surgery. And yes, I’d suggest checking Target out for a nice, light shirtdress. They have tons of them, between $20 and $30: http://tinyurl.com/5wtdh8 (the ladies’ dresses are towards the bottom of the page).

  9. Is the no-litter-scooping because you aren’t supposed to bend over that far while you’re healing?
    Because if so, I have a suggestion, not for the litter, but for picking-up whatever you might drop:
    garden shops and hardware stores usually have a thingie that looks like a kind of claw at the end
    of a long stick. You put the claw-thing on what you want to pick up, squeeze the handle, and the
    jaws of the claw close around your dropped sock (or whatever) and voila! you’ve got it with no
    bending. Works like a charm. I use mine to retrieve things from in back of the washer, to retrieve
    soda bottles and cans that have fallen into a deep crack in back of my storage area, and so on. It works to pick up stuff as heavy as a large can of soup, and as light as a bit of paper.

    For the clothes question: I second what others have said about uniforms, if anybody still carries
    traditional nurse uniforms. (All the nurses around here wear scrubs, it seems.)
    Good luck to you, and I hope the surgery succeeds even better than you wish for.

  10. there is a line of clothing for people with disabilities and medical conditions. there are some things that fasten up the front, some that snap up the back, and not that you would need it- some have the ass cut out (and not in a sexy way!)! just watch what you are ordering or you will be flashing fred!


  11. It’s nice that Fred went through the cosmetic surgery first cuz now he can’t bitch (too much) about how you can’t do certain physical things around the house for a while.

  12. Best wishes on your surgery, I’ll be sending healing thoughts your way today. Love the kittens, they are so adorable!

  13. The last picture caption had me laughing my ass off. In the future, could you please caption all my pictures for me? Thanks!

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