5/12/10 – Wednesday (kittehs!)

The many faces of Loony Jake. And then two movies featuring Jake. It’s a Jakeapalooza! His crazy little face KILLS ME DEAD.   * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= *   Movies for you, today! First, the fightin’. And then the lovin’.   * =^..^= * =^..^= … Continue reading “5/12/10 – Wednesday (kittehs!)”

The many faces of Loony Jake. And then two movies featuring Jake. It’s a Jakeapalooza!

His crazy little face KILLS ME DEAD.


* =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= *


Movies for you, today!

First, the fightin’.

And then the lovin’.


* =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= *


ACK! The dishwasher kittens are back. We just sprayed for them two weeks ago! I’ve never seen an infestation this bad. I guess it’s a bad year for dishwasher kittens.


* =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= *


2009: And when the wily snugglicious runt has determined that no smackdown is coming her way, what does she do?
2008: And… that was my weekend!
2007: No entry.
2006: Where the hell did the year GO?
2005: If my nose is cold, the rest of me is cold.
2004: I guess this is what we get for living in the Bible Belt, isn’t it?
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Ah well. Maybe next life.

19 thoughts on “5/12/10 – Wednesday (kittehs!)”

  1. Your dishwasher looks like an ad for kittens, and/or yellow fiestaware!!!

    1. They get in there and lick the plates – and I RINSE the plates before I put them in there, I don’t know what they think they’re getting. But they sure are happy while they’re doing it. πŸ™‚

  2. Always love the kitty pics!!
    I just started reading “Caught” a couple days ago…hard to put down…I just love his writing : )

    1. I was up ’til midnight last night (and I’m usually sound asleep by 10!) finishing the book, and it was worth staying up to finish. LOVE him! πŸ™‚

      1. Awesome…I’m a bit ADD so a couple a chapters a night for me…my mom read it in 3 nights…
        I’m envious of your ability to read quickly : )

  3. Adorable kitty pictures!!
    Where’s Elwood? I never see any pix of him….is he camera shy??

    1. He’s not camera shy, he just tends not to be around when I’ve got the camera out. I’ll see if I can’t snap some pictures of him today or tomorrow. πŸ™‚

  4. The bottom right photo of Jake looks like he has bags under his eyes! Must have had a rough night? LOL

  5. I luv the video’s. Too cute for words.

    Friday question/request: Are you growing veggies etc this year, and where are the pic’s of them, woman! πŸ™‚

  6. The pictures and videos of Jake are fantastic.The meowing one cracked me up and that boy has some large paws in the second video. Is it the angle or is he gifted in the foot department? He appears to be a major piece of work.

  7. I promise I’m not a skimmer – I know what their collars are! But, I guess seeing the video made think that the collars look like little cameras around their necks. Tourist kitties! Or blogger kitties!

    1. I would SO love it if we had cameras to put on the cats’ collars! πŸ™‚ (And you’re not alone, a lot of people have said that!)

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