5/11/09 (Monday)

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to set the banner image so that it’ll resize itself on your monitor no matter what size you’re viewing my site, so for now I’m leaving the banner as text-only. I don’t know, I don’t think I completely hate this particular design. I’m tired of … Continue reading “5/11/09 (Monday)”

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to set the banner image so that it’ll resize itself on your monitor no matter what size you’re viewing my site, so for now I’m leaving the banner as text-only.

I don’t know, I don’t think I completely hate this particular design. I’m tired of trying to mess with it though, I’ll tell you that. This is how it’ll be for the time being – do you totally hate it? Is it horribly ugly?

Edited to add: Fine, y’all want your cute banner, so it’s back. Those of you who can’t see the whole thing, I’ll fiddle with it… at some point in the future!



On Mother’s Day morning, I started off the day by sleeping in ’til 6:30 (I know!) and then when I went downstairs to see what Fred was doing that sounded all messing-up-my-kitchen-y, I found that he was trying to stuff a dead (cleaned) chicken into a too-small bag and was in a bad mood about the fact that it wouldn’t fit.

“You’re not using the right bag,” I said reasonably.

“I couldn’t find anything bigger!” he said, struggling with the dead rooster and the freezer bag.

Last month, I bought a bunch of freezer storage bags to put processed chickens into, because the big ziploc freezer bags aren’t big enough for most chickens. When I got the box of bags, I put them on a shelf on the bookcase in the kitchen, where they’ve been sitting ever since. Except, to be fair, usually when Fred processes chickens, I’m there with the bags for him to drop them into, so he didn’t necessarily know where I keep them.

So we got the two processed chickens (roosters) bagged up, and I put them in the garage.

“The knives weren’t sharp enough at all,” he said, continuing with his bad mood. “So I had to take a gun out there to get the Buff rooster. I couldn’t find the knife sharpener ANYWHERE. I looked in all the cabinets!”

I looked over near the knife block where I last remembered seeing the knife sharpener. It wasn’t there, so I looked in the drawer where I keep the extra spatulas and serving spoons and assorted crap, and it was on top. When he came back inside, I opened the drawer and showed it to him.

“It’s right here,” I said.

“Oh, okay,” he said.

I am 93.7% sure he won’t remember where it is.

He went back outside to clean up his killing station, and I spent the next ten minutes scrubbing down the sink and the surrounding counters. I washed the knives and set them on the counter next to the sink to dry. Then I went upstairs to get my dirty laundry, and when I came back downstairs, he’d brought a cutting board and bucket inside. The cutting board was sitting in the sink, conveniently leaning over the clean knives, dripping blood and goo on them.

I cleaned the cutting board, scrubbed out the bucket, and re-washed the knives. Then I scrubbed down the counters around the sink.

I put the dishes away, and got out my Kitchenaid mixer to start a batch of bread. When I looked down into the mixing bowl, I saw the familiar yellow sprinkles down the side of the bowl.

“Whatcha doing?” Fred asked, coming back in from outside.

“I was going to start a batch of bread, but I have to wash the bowl and beater first, because SOMEONE SPRAYED ON THEM.” I fumed as I washed.

“Happy Mother’s Day!” he said with a big, cheesy grin.

I finished washing the bowl and put it to the side of the sink to dry, then went and got his dirty laundry, and began separating all the dirty laundry into piles*. I started a load of laundry and then dried off the mixing bowl and began mixing the dough for bread. Fred came in from the computer room and said “I think I’m going to make an omelet!”

He puttered around the kitchen, finding an onion to chop, mushrooms to open, and a bag of shredded cheese in the refrigerator.

I was mentally beginning today’s entry along the lines of “Fred celebrated Mother’s Day by making an omelet. For himself. I had a bowl of Cheerios. I bet an omelet would have been good.” when he said “I’m going to make a scramble (ie, an omelet with all the insides just mixed into the scrambled eggs), want me to make some extra for you?”, which ruined the beginning of my mental entry.

Bastard. He ruins everything!

(The scramble was mighty tasty, for the record. Hard to beat onion, mushrooms and cheese mixed up with scrambled eggs.)

While I ate breakfast, I texted back and forth with the spud and emailed my mother.

When the bread dough was ready to be formed into loaves, I called Fred into the kitchen to make rolls out of the dough (last time I tried to form rolls out of the dough, they ended up all different sizes, most of them too small to use as sandwich rolls). I left the rolls to rise, and then he and I broke into the wedge of Horseradish Cheddar that Readerfriend Jean had given us.

That was some GOOD stuff; we ate it on crackers. You could taste the horseradish, which I like a lot (horseradish reminds me of Florida and raw oysters and now I’m craving a trip to Destin.) We brainstormed about the many ways we could eat the cheese (on meatball subs being the idea most popular with us both), then he went outside to do something, and I went upstairs to take my shower.

I announced, when I first got up, that in honor of Mother’s Day I was NOT going to get dressed. Then I amended that to “Well, maybe I’ll get dressed around noon”, but in the end I wore my nightgown all day long and I’ve gotta say, that was one comfy way to spend the day.

Maybe I need to make a trip to the muumuu store. They make muumuus with 3/4 sleeves?

The rolls were done rising, so I put them in the oven and then proceeded to make a yellow cake. It was a recipe I’d run across recently on a site where I run across a lot of recipes, and of all the recipes I’ve tried from this site, two have turned out really good, and the rest have been total snoozers. (And no, it’s NOT Pioneer Woman’s recipe site.) So I made the yellow cake and I made chocolate frosting to go on top, and Fred tried the cake when it was done and he said “Eh.” I got all mad at him and he said “What? Just because I don’t LOVE the cake doesn’t mean it’s a failure on your part! It just means the recipe wasn’t that great!”

But still.

So after lunch I tried a piece of the cake, and it was the most “Eh” cake I’ve ever had. Snoozersville. Fred took it out and gave it to the chickens, who enjoyed it.

They’re not picky.

I spent the afternoon finishing up the laundry, watched an episode of CSI with Fred (since we switched to the cheap plan at Dish Network, there are certain channels we don’t get, so we tend to NOT have as much TV to watch, which means it’s time to start watching TV shows on DVD from Netflix again.), and making dinner.

We had Light ‘n Luscious Lasagna (though I used sausage from our own pig instead of the kind of sausage the recipe calls for), romaine salad from the garden (the romaine is slowly getting choked out by weeds, but Fred still managed to pick enough for a couple of salads), and garlic bread made with the rolls I’d made earlier.

It was a tasty meal, and a good way to start off the week – especially considering that we’ll probably be eating lasagna for the rest of the week, which means I won’t have to cook again anytime soon.

*Please note that I still am not one of you anal motherfuckers who separates out your laundry into “darks” and “less darks” and “lights” and “whites.” The only time I separate laundry is when I’m doing my laundry and Fred’s at the same time (and the only reason that’s been happening lately is because I can’t hang clothes on the line to dry because of the GODDAMN RAIN. When it stops raining all the goddamn time, I’ll go back to my slovenly non-separating ways.)



Saturday, neither of us accomplished much. I actually made brownies and a lemon icebox pie, was impressed with neither of them, and the pigs benefited. I guess this really wasn’t a good baking weekend for me – but on the good side, those are recipes I can cull from my constantly-growing “recipes to try” pile.

We were lounging on the couch, half snoozing and half watching TV when the phone rang. Fred’s sister had mentioned earlier in the day that she and her husband might stop by to get some eggs, and she was calling to let us know they were on their way.

We sprang into action, Fred running around the house and picking up, and I grabbing the vacuum cleaner and vacuuming the downstairs. We finished just in time; as I was putting the vacuum away, they showed up. They stayed for about an hour, and they wanted to see the pigs (they’re buying half of one of them), so Fred took them outside to see the chickens, the pigs, the garden, and the fruit trees. Then they came back inside and played with the kittens. I think Fred’s sister would have happily taken both Ezra and Elijah, but her husband was completely uninterested. He wasn’t even uninterested in a needing-to-be-convinced way, he was dead-set against it. To be fair, they’re having a lot of work done on their house, so it’s probably not the best place for a couple of troublesome, nosy kittens to be right now.

They left, and then we went right back to our lounging and slacking. I’d make excuses for our slacker ways, but it was a rainy day and there was nothing that could be done outside, the inside of the house was clean(ish), so slack we did.

Oh, actually I forgot – we did go out when it got dark and moved the 33 two month-old chicks from the blue coop they’ve been sharing with the broody, murderous Mommas, to the big coop in the back forty. It was kind of a pain, slogging through the mud with a box full of chickens several times, but once Fred set each of them on roosts in the big coop, they were pretty quickly at home. Their adjustment to their new living quarters was pretty much painless.

(Fred said “I’m looking forward to late July, early August when all the chickens are in the back forty and there are no baby chickens in the brooder in the garage. I second that!)



The kittens are doing fine. I mentioned on Friday that Phinneas and Caleb were going back to the pet store, since they weren’t the ones having litterbox issues. When I got to the pet store, I saw a note on the cage they’d been in, one I’d managed to miss the night before, saying that Phinneas had been having litterbox issues and vomiting. Since he was perfectly okay after I picked him up, I’m going to guess that he ate something that didn’t agree with him. I emailed the shelter manager and told her that I hadn’t seen the note the night before, but as far as I could tell, Phinneas and Caleb were perfectly fine, but if they started having issues again, to let me know and I’d go back and pick them up.

Not only did they not have issues – they both got adopted over the weekend! Yay!

Yesterday I was shown without a shadow of a doubt that one of the buff tabbies (I think it’s Elijah, but honest to god I can’t really tell the two of them apart anymore) is A-OK in the litterbox, so I grabbed him up and marked his ear so I’d know that he was the one who was okay. The other buff tabby is NOT A-OK in the litterbox, and for that matter, Beulah and Bessie managed to develop litterbox issues, too, so the bunch of them are on something that will hopefully solidify things.

Since the one buff tabby’s okay, he’ll be going back to the pet store tomorrow morning.

Actually, Beulah wasn’t feeling well at all Saturday morning. I found a puddle of vomit upstairs and reported it to Fred. We assumed that it was Spanky‘s work (the boy has issues), but a little while later Fred told me that Beulah was vomiting. She vomited again, drank some water, and vomited that up. We kept an eye on her, but she didn’t seem to be in distress, just didn’t feel well, slept the day away, and by early evening was back to eating and playing like normal.

Oh, kittehs. How you make us worry!

2009-05-10 (1) 2009-05-10 (2)

2009-05-10 (3) 2009-05-10 (4)

2009-05-10 (5)



2009-05-10 (6)
Blessed are the pure in het, for they shall see Dog.



2008: No entry.
2007: Mister Boogers doesn’t have opposable thumbs and finds it too difficult to text anyone – he gives up and stomps off in a huff after texting a few LOLs.
2006: Which to ME means “I’m not interested,” but to the operator apparently was code for “I might be interested. Try harder!”
2005: Now, I don’t know. I think that if your life is SO BUSY that taking the time to put a little pill in your mouth throws your entire schedule off, then perhaps it’s time to reorganize your life.
2004: You can’t have genius every day, y’know.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2000: Poor overworked, abused child…

31 thoughts on “5/11/09 (Monday)”

  1. I have a recipe for lemonade pie that I think is very good and simple to make. You mix a can of sweetened condensed milk with a container of frozen lemonade concentrate that’s been thawed and a regular size tub of Cool whip. Put the mixture in a graham cracker crust. I made one on Friday with a shortbread crust and it was good also.

  2. Sorry, I need me some banner, that is just ugly! But Beulah is just as CUTE as can be!

  3. The banner hasn’t been working right for me but I wasn’t going to say anything. However, the gray in place of the bright and sunny yellow I will have to say something about. I did notice last week that it seemed like you weren’t uploading your entries until around noonish (eastern time at least), but when I would finally be able to see it, there would be comments on here from earlier in the morning when it wasn’t showing up for me. Sorry Robyn, but you’re not going to run me off that easily! You have been the one journaler I have consistently checked daily for years. So, thank you!!

    Happy belated Mother’s Day!

    1. I swear I haven’t been uploading my entries any later – I wonder if I need to check the time stamp on my entries. Hmm.

      I *do* plan to switch the gray back over to light yellow, but it’ll take time for me to figure it out. CSS code is not my friend. 🙂

  4. I can’t see the whole banner but could never see/read it clearly. Probably not a you thing I have issues w/some videos etc. on my computer. I could see the bitchypoo words fine -and it’s a nonissue for me. There is so much-pictures, your funny, amusing journal to read, links, the sidebar etc. you could lose the banner forever and I wouldn’t care. You do more on your slacker days than I do on my good days lately. I love my Mumus/nightgowns/pjs waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. Slippery slope for me though-real clothes are more confining and reveal weight gain a lot faster! Mentally ready to work at it harder. Want your energy level!

  5. Okay I haven’t commented for about a zillion entries when you’ve mentioned cleaning up cat pee but this example is so gross! On your kitchen stuff?!? This is your house and all so if you are willing to put up with it then it’s none of my business but GROSS!!

    1. God knows I’m not thrilled to find cat spray in my mixing bowl, but it could be worse. I imagine everyone puts up with stuff in their life that other people wouldn’t put up with for one minute.

        1. I have a cat (or she has me!) that is preventing me from buying furniture and rugs for the “new” house we moved into over six years ago. It’s her practice to vomit/urinate/defecate on any new furnishings that come into the house.

          Katherine will be 15 this fall. I wonder how long it will be before I can go shopping…

          1. Make no mistake – it certainly doesn’t thrill me, but Annette’s right – at least most of the time they do it in a spot where it’s easy to clean up. I just might snap one of these days and go on a killing spree, though. Mister Boogers better WATCH IT.

            Jean, I find that bellowing “YOU ARE THE REASON WE CAN NEVER HAVE ANYTHING NICE!” as I’m cleaning makes me feel marginally better. Heh.

          2. My old cat just turned 17!!!! He stinks, he drools on everything! He no longer grooms himself…. I feel terrible but I am to a point where I am thinking “Gee ain’t it your time buddy”. I have a feeling this cat will live another 5 years and all my furniture will stink of cat drool….. shudder…

  6. Banner-I just figure it’s your new “hip hop” name: Bitchy P. 🙂

    Most days I check, you’ve posted between 7 and 8 a.m.

    There must be something wrong with me…no cake is too “eh” to feed to chickens. Not that I HAVE chickens, but if I did, I still wouldn’t feed ’em the “eh” cake.

      1. The cake goes to good use when the pigs eat it. I have put stuff in the trash and poured dishwashing liquid on it to keep myself from eating it-learned from Miranda on sex and the city. Too food addicted to think it up myself.

        1. Oh, did I forget the part where we were going to slaughter you and have Jean steaks after you ate the “eh” cake? 😀

          1. Yeah, you conveniently forgot that part. Robyn, I’m way past my “slaughtering” prime, this meat is too old. And fatty. I wouldn’t be good eatin’.

            I’m having a good laugh imagining Fred trying to stuff me upside down in a traffic cone, though. Ha!

  7. Seriously? You don’t separate your colors for laundry? I didn’t know that was an option. I hate to sound so stupid but I guess I just do what my mother always did…whites, sheets, towels, dark, light, and reds. DAMN!!! No wonder I do so much laundry.

    1. Well, if there are items that will color the other clothes – new red shirts or socks, for instance, or new jeans – I wash them separately. Otherwise, I just toss everything in the washer together, and have had no problems getting everything clean and bright. Though it might make a difference that I wash everything in cold water, I’m not sure.

    2. I separate my laundry this way too – I even have two of the three-basket sorters and I LABELED them that way (although instead of “sheets” I have a “jeans” bin – sheets usually always get washed separately anyway just because they take up so much room). But I only bother with it if I’m doing a lot of laundry… if it happens that I need to wash a particular item – like if my son needs *this* shirt for school tomorrow – I’ll just toss whatever needs washing in with it (always excepting reds). I use cold water 99% of the time, and never have a problem.

      For me, it’s a convenience thing, though – I find it easier to do the folding part if I’m doing a bunch of the same thing. Folding ten towels all at once? On it; done. Folding one towel, two pairs of jeans, three shirts, socks, underwear, and a kitchen washcloth? I’ll never do it; I will literally pull the clean clothes out of the basket until they’re all used up rather than fold/hang them and put them away.

  8. I have to admit I miss the trademark sunny-day yellow, rather than the somber gray.

    Also the Friday question-answering extravaganza. It was a nice end to the week, like putting a cap on the entries. I always read all the Friday answers, but I find I don’t read all the replies in the comments section. Maybe there are some “big” questions that can get saved for Fridays?

    and (small but audible sob), I only see a wee version of the banner, too.

    (puts card in complaint box at Customer Service.)

    Now, where was I? Oh yes, speaking of wee…the more cats we acquired (in truth, they just showed up at the door), the more everyone pees on everything.

    (That is, the cats pee…in every odd spot, on grocery store recipts, the kitchen island, sofa/chairs/area rugs, inside half-empty boxes…) The kitty litter boxes, upstairs and down, are clean, btw. When we had 2-3 cats, all were well-behaved; the only time they peed in a weird place were when they were sick. I read on a vet site that above a certain number of cats–say, 5 or 6–the crazy peeing is inevitable. I passed that critical mass a long time ago. Sigh.

    1. I’ll likely work on the site this weekend, hopefully I can whip it into shape!

      And the Friday Comment-Answering Extravaganza will probably be back this week. If not this week, definitely starting next week, promise!

      I hear you on the cat critical mass. I would say that the problem really ramped up when we brought Joe Bob home, but I don’t know that I’m remembering that correctly. ::sigh::

  9. I made the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies you posted a link to
    last week and WOW! They are soooo good. The recipe makes a
    ton too. I took a bunch to work today and people went

    1. Aren’t they fabulous? They’re the first cookies I’ve made in a long time that didn’t end up going out to the pigs, because we liked them so much!

  10. I just did laundry…without separating colors. The clothes look great. Do you know how much time I have been wasting? UGH! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  11. I, of course, come to Bitchypoo to laugh my ass off, look at cutie-patootie pics, and sometimes to cry “with” you, but I’d really miss the banner….silly, I know, but it makes me happy first thing in the day or last thing at night. I’m glad I missed the trauma of no banner ☺!
    I make it a point to not get out of my pajamas on Saturdays; it’s a treat to stay in p.j.’s and clear off the Tiv0! I fill full of hets for the things that make me get out of my “spanky pants” on a Saturday. Don’t worry, you just keep on with the non-separating, I’ve got the laundry separation covered for the Florida/Georgia/Alabama area; you non-separators out west are on your own, though. Socks get washed separately, underwear get washed separately, sheets get washed separately (whites and colored sheets also have their own sub genre), darks, lights, whites, delicates, hell, I may just have to make up some more categories….whoo, boy, I think I better go lie down. I even have separate labeled bins. I was never like this to this degree until I got an HE washer, with SANITARY CYCLE (I lurve you sanitary cycle)…Woo-Hoo…I blame LG for leading me down the path of laundry righteousness….it’s my one OCD quirk…no, really, look at my floors and my rugs, they’re all scrunkled!

  12. Liz, as long as you’ve got the laundry-separating covered, I feel there is balance in the world, and I’ll keep on with my non-separating. 😀

  13. WEb design tip: Can you lose the black outline around all the boxes? If so, I think it would look nicer. If you can’t, oh well. Just a thought.

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