New month, new banner! This was created by the wonderful and talented Aly, who’s creating the majority of my banners these days!
Thanks, Aly!
If you want to give poor Aly a break and are feeling banner-creative, feel free to make me a banner – the only guidelines are that it shouldn’t be any bigger than, say, 800 pixels wide and 400 tall. I don’t pay for my banners (though Aly got a nice box o’ hot jams because she has made me a LOT of banners over the years!), but I’ll certainly link to you!
If things look weird around here for the next few days, it’s ’cause I had Fred download the updated version of my design, and I’m going to install that over the next few days, then fiddle around with it to make it look like I want it to look. I expect the sidebars will look mostly the same, though I might get rid of some of those links over there to the right (does anyone really need to know where to find me on Vox? I think not.)
The updated design will include threaded comments – which means that I will likely start responding to comments IN the comments rather than emailing a response (I’m pretty sure spamcatchers catch my emailed responses half the time, the thought of which drives me a little crazy).
If there’s any kind of information you’d like to see installed permanently in the sidebar, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.
Those of you who’ve searched on the topic recently, here’s the information about the cameras I use:
I use the Sony DSLR-A100 most of the time – it takes pictures faster and I tend to get my best pictures with it, but it’s also heavy and bulky. For times when the DSLR-A100 won’t do (such as when I need to get the camera in tight spaces or I want to have both picture AND movie-taking capability, and also when I want to carry a camera around in my purse), I use a Sony DSC-W300.
I’ll try to remember to add that information to the sidebar at some point.
I was wondering if there is a difference between incubator chicks and mama raised chicks, personality wise, I mean. I’m certain they all taste the same.
The ones raised by their mamas tend to be more skittish when we try to handle them – because their mamas keep them warm and teach them how to eat and all that good stuff, we don’t really have to pick them up and move them from place to place. The ones we hatch, we have to pick them up to move them from the brooder to outside on nice days, and we pick them up regularly to check and be sure they’re healthy. They’re not super friendly (with the rare exception), but they seem less freaked out when we approach than the ones raised by hens.
I think that the chicks who are hatched by hens tend to be healthier right from the start. The ones that just hatched look so alert and bright-eyed that it makes me want to only have hen-hatched babies from here on out. Of course, the problem is that they’ll only sit on the eggs if they’re broody, and they don’t always go broody when it’s convenient for us, damn them. 🙂
(Also, there’d eventually be an inbreeding issue, thus the reason we regularly add “new blood” to the flock.)
Robyn, did you make the quilt on the recliner? It’s pretty! I love one-patch quilts.
Actually, I have no quilting skillz (maybe that’s something I should consider taking up in my 40s!) – my mother made that little quilt a few years ago, specifically for the cats. I used to keep it on the end of my bed when we lived in Madison, and then when we moved here, it ended up on the recliner. Kara stretches out on it just about every night.
I hate signing up for something anymore. When I first found the internet back in 1995 I was an AOL JUNKIE. That’s right …a JUNKIE. It was pay by the minute/hour back then and for months my AOL Bill was over $1000.00 per month. I am embarrassed to admit it but it was a new world. Anywhoodle …I have since had a few things that I have signed up for over the years that required a monthly commitment. Not anymore though …cause I used my fingers and toes to add up all the money I have spent over the years on the internet that I certainly did not get value for.
Yours as an example:
15.99 per month X 12 months = 191.88 per year.
Over a 9 year period = $1,726.92
Doesn’t sound like much monthly but that there is a vacation …or some pigs or chickens.
Well, when you put it like that IT MAKES ME WANT TO JUMP OFF A CLIFF. Man, what a waste of money. Even when we were mailing out a bunch of books a day or the (now defunct) giveaway page was in full force, the convenience of wasn’t worth wasting $1,700 over nine years.
[Regarding] All of a sudden, because you threaten to cancel, they can cut the service fee six dollars a month? So you were overpaying for nine years and no one bothered to tell you?
I suspect it’s kind of like the way credit card companies are – you know, you call them up and say “I wonder if you could lower the interest rate on my card?” and they say “Nope, sorry, can’t do it. It is what it is.” so you say “Okay then, cancel my account” and they say “Whoa, hold on there! I FORGOT, I can lower your interest rate to zero percent for a year!”
That is, I never would have found the $9.99 a month deal at on my own, it’s probably something they only offer to people they’re about to lose.
“The Silkie is broody again,” Fred said. “Should I try to break her?” – makes Fred sound like some badass bounty hunter or prison guard something. Hee.
He is… duh duh DUH!!! THE BROODY BREAKER! More of a superhero than a bounty hunter or guard, I think. I see him in a mud-colored one-piece unitard with a chicken foot insignia on the chest.
My mother has this one hen that keeps jumping the fence and digging up all of her strawberry plants. And she keeps doing all these ridiculous fencing things to keep the hen out, and I’m like, Why don’t you just get a lawn chair and sit in the shade and wait for her to jump the fence and then SNAP HER NECK and stew the damn bird, fer chrissake. Of course, my mother continues to fence the chicken out. Stupid f-ing chickens.
I’m wondering if we’re going to have an issue with Sassy McGee getting into the garden. I saw her poking around by the cucumbers the other day and mentioned it to Fred. If she starts messing with the vegetables, she will likely find her ass in freezer camp.
Does anyone else love reading your previous years’ entries sequentially to see what story THEY tell? Today’s, for instance. Take out the year hyperlinks:
I love my cats, but sometimes I really HATE MY FUCKING CATS too.
The mind boggles, does it not?
Yes, Robyn, it boggles indeed.
Kinda sounds like a poem, doesn’t it?
That chicken story was hilarious! I would have been afraid to pick them up, do they ever bite you?
I’ve actually only gotten bitten a couple of times – and it doesn’t really hurt, it’s mostly just a pinch and when you pull away they generally let go. It’s not physically painful, it’s EMOTIONALLY painful, because ALLS I’M DOING IS CHECKING FOR EGGS AND THEY GO AND BITE ME! Bitches. Fred’s gotten bitten more than I have (which makes sense since he deals with the chickens a lot more than I do), and once was bitten on that really tender area on the underside of his arm, and it left quite the nasty little bruise.
“I sniffed the puddle to be sure it wasn’t cat urine.” I am reminded of a Cheech and Chong skit. I’m grateful you didn’t proceed with the rest of the script!
Fred thinks it’s funny when I sniff something to see if it’s been peed on, because I don’t just delicately sniff in the general area – I get RIGHT ON IT and sniff vigorously. Once or twice I’ve accidentally touched my nose TO the object that has been peed upon, which necessitates a washing of my entire face.
the mess in your blue chicken coop sounds like the plot to a lifetime movie!
Oh, y’all have NO idea. It’s like a little Peyton Place over in that coop!
Newt naps in the tree? My cats are so goofy they’d probably fall out if they tried.
He doesn’t do it often, but every once in a while I’ll look out there and see him napping. I’m always afraid he’s going to roll over in his sleep and fall out, but I haven’t seen it happen yet!
You know, with all of these little pieces of Fred’s anatomy being posted on your blog and Fred’s, eventually we will have seen his entire body.
Oh, I’m just waiting for someone to put all the pieces together in a picture of him and post it on the internet! 🙂
I looooooove the fat little belly in the “stuffed animal” picture. I want to flubber it!!
Is that little fat belly not THE most adorable thing you’ve ever seen? I swear to god, she’s built like a softball with arms and legs. We flubber that little belly of hers ALL the time. She does NOT appreciate such shenanigans, though.
Do all the swine flu news reports making you feel as if you are living in the beginning of Stephen King’s The Stand? They do make me feel that way sometimes. I saw a PBS special on the spanish flu pandemic of the 1920’s last fall. Pretty scary stuff-hope all these years in between make a huge difference.
Oh yeah, absolutely – I think everyone who’s read the book or seen the movie must be thinking that. Fred says the news is making him want to see the movie again. We’ve seen that movie at least three times, and I have to say, it holds up pretty well!
The Stand, by the way, is the book I’ve read most often. I don’t usually reread books (there are SO MANY books out there to be read!), but I’m actually thinking I might read The Stand again soon.
Today, Jasper, Ezra, Elijah, Caleb (Troubles) and Phinneas are off to the pet store, hopefully to be adopted ASAP.
Yeah, I know it’s fast. When there’s room, there’s room – and these guys are ready to go, they’ve been neutered and have their id chips and shots. It’s a fact that the smaller they are, the faster they’re adopted, so hopefully they’ll go quickly.
Bessemer’s going to stay here to keep Beulah company for a few more weeks – we wouldn’t want the runt to get lonely, would we?
I made a short (30 second long) movie of Troubles doing his thing. Whenever he’s very sleepy or he’s just woken up, he has to cry about it for a little while.
Troubles from Robyn Anderson on Vimeo.
An illustration of just why we’re calling him “Troubles.”
He fell asleep behind my monitor. Why not, right? It’s not like there are 300 cat beds scattered throughout the house!
It looks like Tommy’s inside hanging out with Troubles, but in actuality he’s on the outside window ledge (Troubles is on the inside). He’s suddenly decided that he likes to hang out on the window ledge, so several times a day he jumps up there and startles me.
2008: As of this very moment, we have six eight thirteen fourteen bebbe chickens and they are pretty freakin’ cute.
2007: Repeat: NOT MY BOOKS.
2006: “Hey little Tom, is yer Daddy home, did he go and leave you all alone, uhn-huhn, I got a bad desaaaaaaaahr, whoa-oh-oh, ahm on fire,” I sang, Elvis-ly.
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: Every time Madonna opens her self-important mouth these days, she just annoys the shit out of me.
2002: Thank god I vacuumed yesterday, so he won’t be eye-to-eye with a thousand rambling dust bunnies composed of cat fur.
2001: Who’s the dumbass now, huh? That’s right, me.
2000: I stood there and watched the bag go by, thinking to myself “How did he get it to keep going like that?”
I’m sure in the changes you make you will leave the link to one fat bitchy poo. You are an inspiration every day with all your farm activity but sometimes a little extra inspiration is needed. Struggling with the whole food/diet/diabetes thing. Positive sucessful stories are great to see.
Kittens are too adorable not to go-lucky adopters!
Have to tell you-computer is acting up-it was freezing up etc. I was whinning “Nooooooooooo I need my bitchypoo!” I usually save you entry -the best- for last like dessert but I wasn’t taking any chances today.
So the giveaway page is no longer? What about One fat bitchypoo??
Uh, please tell me you’re keeping Beulah. It would be a crime against all cat-kind if that little princess had to go live somewhere else. Think about it. She’s so tiny, I don’t think it would even COUNT as having another cat.
hehehe Peeping Tommy! Once our cat got accidentally left out overnight – around 2 a.m. I heard scratching near the window and was like OMG it’s the guy who escaped from the asylum, and he’s going to leave his hook hand…but then I fully woke up and realized that the cat thought the window was still open and he was hanging by his toenails from the frame around the window. Ledges might have come in handy for him.
I watched the video of Troubles with my gray kitten in my lap. She enjoyed the video too. 🙂
And yes, you must keep Beulah. All of us out here have fallen in love with her, and you can’t take that away from us, can you?
How can Tommy guard the home if he doesn’t occasionally check the interior? Since the weather is so nice, he’d rather say outside to check versus coming into the home. It must have been funny to suddenly see a cat looking at you from outside – after your heart starting beating regularly again.
OMG I love the picture of Beulah and the buff kitten. It’s like – I’ll protect you lil sis!
Aimee’s story reminds me of the time when my cats accidentally got outside. I’d left a window screen open. Suddenly, while I was sleeping, I heard my cat meowing outside my open window. It took me a minute to put it together (one cat stayed in the house and was just so happy when I was getting ready for bed) and then I freaked out. He was one smart kitty – he went to the open window to yell – “Let me in, damn it!” I got one cat in the house right away, but the 2nd was outside all night, and I was worried. Luckily, I finally caught him at dawn – I was due to leave town for a week for work that morning. How does one explain to her boss that you cannot go out of town because your cat got out? That would have been me – no way was I leaving with my cat on the loose – I’d never find him again.
The picture of Beulah and Boogie (I can’t tell if that’s Mr. Boogers or someone else) is a riot – the look he is giving the camera is priceless. Baby kitty’s all “Oh, hai” and you can all but hear his long-suffering sigh of disgust. Too cute!
Nicole: The link’s over there to the right, under “Me, elsewhere.” I update it every few months or whenever I have anything to add – which is less and less often as time goes by, not surprisingly.
Yes, Robyn, you should definitely take up quilting. Most quilters have lots of cats and there are tons of cat-related quilt patterns out there. Kitties love to snuggle under/on quilts as much as humans do.
Speaking of kitties, the pictures today are particularly adorable. Troubles looks like a little mischievous monkey in that second pic.
You just have to see this photo of a pig wearing boots. I thought of your little piggies when I saw this. First time I have ever commented on your site, but I read y daily. Love it!
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought of “The Stand” when they heard about the swine flu. 🙂
I am having problems viewing videos that are done using vimeo. Do you have any idea why? I have checked it out myself but I am useless. I can view the ones that are done using youtube just fine. I didn’t even get to see Troubles doing his little crying. Awww. Oh and when you get a chance, go and read my journal cuz I know you don’t have enough to read. And I need readers!!!
And they’re DELISH hot jams, too! Mix well with peanut butter sammies. Yum!!!
Testing threaded comments.
I am sorry the fosters are already up for adoption – where will I get my fix of kitty pics now? I do hope they are adopted soon – and please keep Beulah!
Loved the Troubles video. He is an adorable bad ass.
“she will likely find her ass in freezer camp.” LOVED. THIS. Made me almost spew my coffee onto the screen LOLOL
I, too, am a longtime lover/reader/watcher of “The Stand.” I have read that book more than once, watched the videos and finally bought the damn thing on DVD. LOVE IT.