Bontasia, who stole it from Say, who stole it from This Mom, who stole it from Bitchalicious.
* V I T A L S *
Name: Robyn
Gender: Female
Location: On my couch, in my living room, in my house, in Madison, Alabama.
Height: For years I’ve been saying I’m 5’5 1/2″, but on a recent trip to the doctor they measured my height, and I found that I’m actually 5′ 4 1/2″. I’m shrinking!
Hair color: Dark brown. Like this:
Yes, I am AWARE that I need to have my eyebrows waxed, thank you.
Eye color: Sometimes bluish, sometimes greenish, sometimes in between.
Is your hair long or short: It’s shortish, I guess. It’s a little longer than chin-length.
Tattoos you have: I don’t have one, but if I were to get one, it would be a happy face on my right hip.
* S C H O O L *
Are you still in school: No, thank god.
Favorite subject: Study hall!
Least favorite subject: Math.
Do/did you buy lunch or bring it: I usually make lunch at home (though I don’t have to bring it anywhere but from the kitchen to the table). A few times a week I get a Sonic grilled chicken salad. Yum!
* F A V O R I T E *
Number: 26
Clothing: My two-sizes too big Big Dog sweatshirt (dark blue), and my sheep pajama bottoms my sister gave me for Christmas.
TV show: Desperate Housewives, Amazing Race, The Shield, Lost, Survivor, and Grey’s Anatomy.
Fruit: Clementines.
Movie: When Harry Met Sally.
Scent: Vanilla.
Ice Cream Flavor: French Vanilla.
Color: Yellow!
Season: Fall
Holiday: Christmas!
Thing in your room: My bookcase, with all the books I haven’t read yet.
Author: Stephen King and Jennifer Weiner.
TV channel: ABC!
Shape: Uh… Nothing comes to mind!
Time: 6:45 am on the mornings when I don’t have to get up until I want to, and can roll over and go back to sleep.
State: Maine!
Disney character: The Little Mermaid. I must have watched that movie ten million times when the spud was little.
Scary movie: Oh, I’m not crazy about scary movies. I guess I’d say The Ring.
* T H I S O R T H A T *
Hot or cold: Cold.
Winter or summer: Summer.
Spring or fall: Fall.
Shakira or Britney: Britney.
MTV or VH1: VH-1 Country.
Rollerblading or skateboarding: Uh… neither? I’d like to give rollerblading a try one day, though.
Black or white: White (it shows the white cat hairs less)
Orange or red: Orange.
Yellow or green: Yellow.
purple or pink: Purple.
Cell phone or pager: Cell phone.
Powerpuff Girls or Charlie’s Angels: Powerpuff Girls. I have a soft spot for Buttercup.
Scooby Doo or Dino: Dino!
* Y E S O R N O P E*
Are you a vegetarian: No.
Do you like cows: Sure.
Are you a bitch: Sometimes.
Are you artistic: No.
Do you write poetry: Not seriously since I was in high school. The last poem I wrote was in February of 2004, in an attempt to illustrate the term “treacly poetry” and it went as follows:
the poo, she howls
a mournful sound
the sky is gray
and i am blue
Can you ski: Barely.
Are you British: Nope.
Are you straight: Yep.
Are you evil: Sometimes!
Is Britney a whore: No, she’s just misguided, poor thing.
* P R I V A T E *
Have you ever been in love: Yes.
Do you smoke: Not since I was 18, inhaled a lungful of cigarette smoke and coughed so hard I’m surprised my lungs didn’t go flying across the room. Why anyone would continue smoking after feeling pain like that is a mystery to me.
Do you smoke weed: Nope.
Crack, heroin, anything else: Nope.
Beer good or beer bad: Beer sucks. I cannot stand the taste.
Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: I’m the sissy who drinks Diet Coke.
* T H E L A S T *
Thing you ate: A sirloin chef salad from Steak-out.
Thing you drank: Diet Coke.
Place you went: To the post office to drop off
giveaway packages.
Thing you got pierced/tattooed: Uh.. my ears when I was 13.
Song you heard: El Cerrito Place, by Charlie Robison.
Person you instant messaged: God. I think it must have been Jane, last week or the week before.
Person you laughed with: Fred, I’m sure.
* N O W *
What are you eating: Nothing. I just ate lunch an hour ago.
What are you drinking: Water.
Any shoes on: No, I’m wearing slippers.
Hair: Um… what about it? It pretty much looks like that picture above, still.
Listening to: The most recent Grey’s Anatomy.
Talking to anyone: Nope.
* L A S T *
Last Cigarette: 19 years ago.
Last Alcoholic Drink: I can’t for the life of me remember. I think Christmas of 2003 when I bought a 4-pack of Jack Daniel’s cocktails.
Last Car Ride: A few hours ago, when I went to the bank and post office.
Last Good Cry: It’s been a few months.
Last Library Book: I don’t remember – it’s been a few years.
Last book bought: I don’t knowwwwwwww. I belong to the Red Dress Ink book club, where I get two books from Red Dress Ink every month; I got my latest shipment last week.
Last Book Read: Sammy’s Hill. Currently I’m reading
She’s Come Undone.
Last Movie Seen in Theatres: Something at Christmas time. National Treasure, I think. It wasn’t bad!
Last Movie Rented: I’m waiting for Closer, The Corporation, and Sideways to come from Netflix; I think they’ll be here today.
Last Cuss Word Uttered: Fuck, as in “What the fuck, Miz Pooty?”
Last Beverage Drank: Last beverage finished: Diet Coke. Last beverage slurped: water.
Last Phone Call: To Fred, to ask what our accountant’s last name is. He didn’t know, so I had to look at our tax return.
Last TV Show: Grey’s Anatomy (it’s currently playing). Before that, a rerun of The Practice – the series finale.
Last Time Showered: 9:30 am this morning.
Last Shoes Worn: A pair of blue
Keds slip-ons.
Last CD Played: Bob Guiney – 3 Sides. (Shaddup)
Last Item Bought: Stamps.
Last Download: Don’t Break my Heart Again, by Pat Green.
Last Annoyance: Miz Poo, carrying a toy from the other side of the house, keening the entire time.
Last Thing Written: An email to
Nance and
Last Key Used: The key to E’gar!
Last Sleep: Last night.
Last Ice Cream Eaten: A McDonald’s ice cream cone. If you can call that ice cream.
Last Chair Sat In: The one to my desk.
Last Webpage Visited: The Usual Suspects.
* * *
Hey, remember back in October when I told y’all if there was something you wanted to see a picture of, to leave a comment and I’d take a picture of it? And then I never did anything about it? Well, here are some of the pictures I took months ago and never got around to putting up:
My closet.
The fridge and freezer. Click here to see the bigger picture.
The front of the house.
A scene in my town/ a shot representative of Madison. And across the street from the Kohl’s located in the middle of a cotton field, my favorite new place in Madison, because it’s adorable. It looks like a little cartoon building:
Mojo to GoGo. Fred says the coffee is good, and that they have smoothies, too.
The laundry room; you can see a corner of the container that holds the litter box over there on the right.
Someone wanted to see the medicine cabinet. We don’t actually have a medicine cabinet; we use a shelf in the kitchen as our medicine cabinet.
Me, vacuuming with the Dyson.
Someone wanted to see my shoes. I wasn’t sure if they meant the shoes I own, or the shoes I was wearing. Above are some of my shoes.
More shoes.
The shoes I was wearing at the time.
Under the kitchen sink. See here for the full-sized picture.
Pictures that will be coming in the upcoming weeks:
Me putting on my socks (I don’t know which of you freaks want to see THAT one)
The house, from the back fence
The inside of my purse
The spud’s room
Closeup of my desk and the surrounding area
3 new Tubby pics
My favorite store
My favorite place to eat
If there’s something you want to see, leave a comment and I’ll see what I can do.
Wow! Photos of everything AND the kitchen sink! I am so jealous of your Dyson. I yearn for one of my own.
Hey Robyn! First of all – I love your house. It is too, too cute! Secondly, a question: Have you tried the Diet Coke with Lime? And if so, what did you think? I was skeptical, on account of the fact that the Diet Coke with Lemon (and the Diet Pepsi with Lemon) were hideous, but I absolutely have fallen in love with the Diet Coke. Please accept my apologies if this topic has already been addressed. My memory looks like a large hunk of swiss cheese.
How about a picture of Fred setting on the pot? LOL! Just kidding!
Hi Robyn, how about a picture of Fred’s Car 🙂
“Me putting on my socks (I don’t know which of you freaks want to see THAT one)”
I can’t stop laughing at the idea of some net perv surfing for hours on end in search of such photos, finding your blog, posting that question, checking back every day for weeks to see if you’ve posted it, and finally reading this post and thinking, “Wow, I’ve hit the jackpot!”