4/30/09 (Thursday)

Swine flu may have hit the area. They’ve closed all the schools in Madison ’til Monday. Fred said it was like a ghost town on the way to work. I blame these guys. “That’s RIGHT, we started the Swine Flu! Would this have happened if you gave us all the cookies we wanted, like we … Continue reading “4/30/09 (Thursday)”

Swine flu may have hit the area. They’ve closed all the schools in Madison ’til Monday. Fred said it was like a ghost town on the way to work.

I blame these guys.

2009-04-30 (28)

“That’s RIGHT, we started the Swine Flu! Would this have happened if you gave us all the cookies we wanted, like we demanded? It would NOT. You have no one to blame but yourself, lady! Three cookies in the evening is hardly enough to survive on!”



For today, a picture entry consisting of pictures that are taking up space in my “to post” folder. You’re welcome!

2009-04-30 (1)
Little Polish chick is getting head feathers. I love the way it looks like a flat top.

2009-04-30 (2)
Check out the leg fuzz!

2009-04-30 (3)
Charlie, in a nest box with one of the broody mommas. The broody mommas are endlessly patient with Charlie and if they’re outside with their babies and Charlie comes close, they don’t get fierce and protective the way they would if any other chicken came close to their babies. I guess they don’t consider her a threat.

2009-04-30 (4)
These guys love to hang out on the coop steps. (Nance, these are some of the ones who hatched when you guys were visiting!)

2009-04-30 (5)

2009-04-30 (6)
Silkie Momma’s babies. Fred particularly likes the one with the tan face.

2009-04-30 (7)
Poor fucking bluebird. I found him dead by the back steps yesterday. I TRIED to convince him not to hang out in the back yard, but he was stubborn about getting worms from the back yard. He said they were tastier ’cause they’d marinated in the het of Mister Boogers.

After I found the bluebird, I called Fred and demanded that he come home and kill all the cats, but he refused. Hmph.

2009-04-30 (8)
Polish cross, about 10 weeks old. We moved all seven of the chicks from that batch out to the big chicken yard. They seem to have adjusted well, but Tuesday when I walked by the maternity/ little chicken coop, this one had escaped the big chicken yard and was trying to get into the maternity yard. I let him in and he hung out there for the rest of the day, then we moved him back out to the big chicken yard where he appears to be willing to stay. For now.

2009-04-30 (9)
“THTOP calling her a bad mother! She is a good mother! I luff her!”

2009-04-30 (26)
Saturday, Fred was working on the shade structure on the big coop (something I still need to get a picture of), and I was inside puttering around. He came in and said “Did you see the show?” I said “No, what happened?” Apparently he’d been up on the ladder, lost his balance, and FELL. Right on top of the ladder. He hurt his elbow and bruised up his leg, but the worst bruise by far is the one on his ass cheek.

You know you’ve been dying to get a good look at his ass.

The bruise is about the size of a softball, but as is always the way, it’s the areas that aren’t as badly bruised that hurt the worst.

2009-04-30 (11)

2009-04-30 (12)

2009-04-30 (14)

2009-04-30 (15)
We’re getting to the point (AGAIN) where we’ve got too many roosters. They sure are pretty. It’s too bad they’re such assholes.

2009-04-30 (13)

2009-04-30 (16)

2009-04-30 (17)

2009-04-30 (18)
For a while there, we had such wet weather that there was nowhere for the chickens to take their dust baths. In desperation, some of them started doing it inside the coop. Fred caught this one on camera.



What I love about having little kittens: watching them curl up and sleep with each other. So cute I go into sugar shock every time.

Bed capacity: holds four.

I love how he’s holding on to her like she’s a stuffed animal.



Joe Bob saw Newt run up the Poltergeist Tree and decided to join him. Then he wasn’t quite sure what to do. In the end, he had no problems getting down. Newt stayed up in the tree and took a nap.



2008: It smelled like evil.
2007: I think you can imagine our happiness.
2006: No entry.
2005: Always/ Sometimes/ Never
2004: Erin should be more concerned with the fact that heโ€™s been killing people and burying them in the back yard and less with his lying.
2003: I believe thereโ€™s a seat in the ass-singe section with my name on it.
2002: Sucks to be her.
2001: “Fuuuuuuuuck,” he said.
2000: Donโ€™t come back here looking for no entry, my friends.

21 thoughts on “4/30/09 (Thursday)”

  1. Great pictures this post! I especially love the bad momma and her chick picture! Too cute! Too bad about the bluebird.

  2. Such great photos Robyn. I love the picture of the tree. I guess I did not realize how big it was. The boys give it perspective. To me nothing is as sugar sweet as sleeping animals and kids. And of those, kittens and cats are the tops. Add two or three sleeping together, especially one with its arm around the other, and I am gone. DED!
    I never noticed the stripey cat before. Those are some beeyoutiful markings on Mr. McStripersons.
    And yep, we came back from Vegas. Did not win enough to run away forever.
    Saw a fist fight in the food court at MGM Grand, some kind of bad behaviour that resulted in a guy being taken out of O’Sheas in handcuffs, guy in a Viking helmet playing blackjack at the MGM Grand, lots of Britney Spears wannabes wearing very short skirts and revealing tops, saw one the idiots from that reality show The Pickup Artist (such an exciting moment for us I tell ya!)Pretty good trip!

  3. I’m loving all of the CUTE pictures in this entry! That little Polish chick is adorable. The Silkie (notabadmom), the kittens snuggling, the Big Boys up the tree, and Charlie being accepted by the Mamas are all great!

    Sorry to read about the poor bluebird and Fred’s boo-boos. You know, with all of these little pieces of Fred’s anatomy being posted on your blog and Fred’s, eventually we will have seen his entire body. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Yep, that is one GORGEOUS McStripersons! Gray tabby cats are my favorites, but I’ve never seen a cat/kitten I didn’t think was beautiful in its own way.

    IF all pigs were raised/taken care of like yours, I dare say there would be NO swine flu on the loose now. Factory meat farms, on the other hand, are going to be the death of us — in one way or another.

    Hope this current version of the swine flu turns out to be mild, and will be over soon.

  5. I am very glad Fred’s okay. Last time someone in my family fell off a ladder, he ended up having to be airlifted to the regional trauma center and was off work for months. A big butt bruise is better, I’m thinking.

  6. LOVE the butt bruise picture! Made me laugh and laugh.

    I’m curious about something… what’s the full name of that magazine-ish looking book under the second kitten picture down??? What I see is – “Virgin M??? Access???” ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Poltergist tree is huge and very spooky-perfect name. Great pictures-especially the bad mama silky and baby. Baby chicks are way cuter than chickens. Do you and Fred get pecked much? Do all the swine flu news reports making you feel as if you are living in the beginning of Stephen King’s The Stand? They do make me feel that way sometimes. I saw a PBS special on the spanish flu pandemic of the 1920’s last fall. Pretty scary stuff-hope all these years in between make a huge difference.

  8. Is that Jasper’s leg over Ezra??? I get them all so confused as I can’t separate the cute. Anyway, they are like the good and evil of one another (dark and light) with all the same stripes! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Annette: You crack me up! I knew what you meant. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Jenn: Yeah, that’s Jasper’s leg thrown over Ezra – doesn’t he have the most beautiful markings?

  10. Ooooooooooooh nooooooooooo! I was kinda attached to your bluebird. I even had the photo of him in the snow for my wallpaper quite a while. Little bluebird of happiness over Crooked Acres. *sniff*

    Tell Fred thanks, thanks a lot for getting me all obsessed about Jason Mraz. I meant that in a snarky, yet very good way. What an amazing voice. Does Fred know about this? http://www.archive.org/details/JasonMraz

  11. Wow, those babies got huge fast! But I bet they would talk smack about me like the others did. I hated that – they would glance at me, look away, then start there babbling…all the time sneaking glances at me. I could never live with your smack talking chickens – they make me paranoid!

    And OHMYGAWD, Beulah is such a cute little shit I can’t stand it.

  12. Great pics of the chickens. I love the little Polish chick. So cute!

    And the napping snuggle pic. Buelah is much smaller-I just can’t get over it. So cute!

  13. Jasper is the most handsome cat on the face of the Earth I swear. Well, besides Sugarbutt because I love that guy!

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