4/2/12 – Monday

This week at Dinosaurs Can’t Eat Pizza, Nance and I made Brown Sugar & Balsamic Glazed Pork Loin. Spoiler: SO GOOD. You’ve got to go over and check out the balsamic vinegar that’s apparently been sitting in my cupboard since 1862. Gah. Also, I find it appalling how damn CLEAN her crock pot is. Damn … Continue reading “4/2/12 – Monday”

This week at Dinosaurs Can’t Eat Pizza, Nance and I made Brown Sugar & Balsamic Glazed Pork Loin. Spoiler: SO GOOD. You’ve got to go over and check out the balsamic vinegar that’s apparently been sitting in my cupboard since 1862. Gah.

Also, I find it appalling how damn CLEAN her crock pot is. Damn her.

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Once upon a time, I said that if keeping up this site ever felt like an obligation rather than a pleasure, I’d shut it down.

Truthfully, it’s been feeling like an obligation for a while now. Don’t get all up in arms, I’m not shutting Bitchypoo down. I’ll repeat and bold that for you damn skimmers (you know I love you) :

I am not shutting Bitchypoo down.

I am making changes, though. I’m having a hard time coming up with non-cat-related shit to talk about, probably you’ve noticed. This isn’t because I’m hiding anything from y’all. I wish I had some big secret that NOW I CAN REVEAL ALL about, but I don’t. My life’s not that exciting. Things are pretty calm around here, and that’s very much how I prefer it.

So here’s what I’m doing: I won’t be posting at Bitchypoo 5 days a week anymore. How often will I be posting? Well, I don’t know. I’m not going to write here unless I have something to say and/or need to let the obscenities fly. Twice a week, maybe? I truly don’t know at this point.

I will be posting over at Love & Hisses 5 (sometimes 6 or 7) days a week. All the cat stuff will be posted over there. If I feel the need to create a obscenity-laden cat post, it’ll be over here. Crooked Acres Thursday? Over there. If you have a comment (here at Bitchypoo) that needs a response, I’ll answer it in the comments. Unless it’s cat-related, in which case I’ll answer it over at Love & Hisses.

Robyn, you might be saying. We don’t care if you write about all that cat stuff over here. Just do it over here! Well, the thing is that it’s a pain in the ass to write the post and then have to cut and paste it, and then when I do something dumb like mess up a link, I then have to go to several different pages and edit it on each page, and I know that sounds petty, but GOD is it a pain in the ass.

Listen, I love Bitchypoo and I love that I’ve had this site for so long (13 years in October!) and I plan to keep it going as long as I have something to say and obscenities to spew, but it’s just not going to be as often. I’d like to promise that fewer posts will mean higher quality but, I don’t think there’s any threat of THAT.

On the days that there will be posts here, they’ll be published at 6 am (central time). You can always join the notify list (I only send out an email when there’s a post; I don’t share your email address with anyone, but I can’t promise that Google Groups doesn’t), and of course there are always feed readers (I don’t truncate my posts because I find that annoying).

So.. there you go. That’s how it’ll be from here on out. I suspect some of you will be disappointed, and I’m sorry for that, but this is what works for me, you know?

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(This is where you’d expect to see kitten pics and stories, and permanent resident pics. Those are now located over at Love & Hisses. Sorry for the pain-in-the-assness of having to go over there.)

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2011: Maggie’s baby story.
2010: Can you HANDLE the G&G?
2009: Lord, I ask you: WHEN WILL THE SUFFERING END?!
2008: I try not to do the snackin’ time call unless it’s really snackin’ time, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
2007: When one mows the lawn on a windy day when it hasn’t rained in a long time, one gets a lot of dust on one’s face.
2006: No entry.
2005: I am not pregnant, and I’m especially not pregnant with twins. I’m sorry to disappoint – some of you got REALLY excited, didn’t you?
2004: I can totally see the Bean clinging frantically to the top of the Jeep while I cluelessly drive around.
2003: But you’d better believe that if I had a penis, it’d be a big swingin’ one.
2002: “Walmart eating ass” will be the name of my seventh novel, in case you were curious.
2001: No entry.
2000: Well, I’ve got magazines to read, and naps to take.

69 thoughts on “4/2/12 – Monday”

    1. Sorry, it’s not. After my April Fool’s “I’m pregnant! With twins!” several years ago, I swore off April Fool’s entries. 🙂

      1. I was afraid of that. 🙁 Like other commenters, I just added L&H to my feed list, and while I certainly understand and respect your decision, I DON’T HAVE TO LIKE IT, DAMMIT!!!

  1. Robyn, as someone who isn’t really into the cat stuff (don’t kill me, everyone! I love the cats but tend to skim a lot past cat content…sorry.), but is very into your humor and overall personality, I have to say that I applaud this choice! Sometimes my RSS reader gets backed up and I find it hard to keep on top of all the posts, so you’re doing me a favor. Selfish of me to say, but I totally understand your reasoning. Anything to keep you from burning out on Bitchypoo, because I look forward to the day when you’re linking to 20-year-old entries at the bottom of your post (a day that isn’t far off, you know!). Thanks for everything!

    1. Jackie, I understand completely! And I know what you mean about your RSS reader backing up. I’m perpetually behind in my reading and sometimes it can be overwhelming! 🙂

  2. You start my day and it will be at Love & Hisses now. You take care of yourself, Robyn, I want you to be happy and will read you wherever you may roam.

  3. I look forward to reading your posts every day, but I totally understand how it could be a burden to come up with something to talk about everyday. I like the kitty stuff so I’ll read you on Love & Hisses. I couldn’t find a subsribe button over there, but I’m probably just missing it. I really enjoy reading you. Thanks

    1. There’s one now! If you look in the right-hand sidebar under “RSS feed”, you should see it. Let me know if it doesn’t work for you! I may move it higher in the sidebar to make it easier to find.

  4. Will you be having a subscribe button over at Love and hisses? I looked but couldn’t find one

  5. This prompted me to add L&H to my feed reader…. I agree with your statement, “of course there are always feed readers (I don’t truncate my posts because I find that annoying).” and I pretty much only read bitchypoo in Google Reader and i DO appreciate the untruncated posts.

    I’m not sure if it’s me, or you but L&H is showing up truncated in Google Reader… is this something you could fix? Please? 🙂

    1. Jen, there appear to be two feeds for some reason, and I am HORRIFIED that one of them is truncated because I hate that so much! I think if you unsubscribe from the one you’re subscribed to and go to this one, it should work. Let me know if it doesn’t!

      Add to Google

  6. Well. I love me some Bitchypoo! And the only reason why I’m not despondent/gnashing my teeth/renting my garments is because there is Love and Hisses.

    I hope you will come back to us. Because I appreciate your odd obscenity-laden rant. I am content, however, with pictures of kitties. For now… 😉

  7. Wow, this makes me really sad. I have been reading forever, I think you were one of the first online journals I read, along with Bitter Hag. Feels a bit like the end of an era, even though you aren’t shutting down completely. I can’t imagine how much work it must take to put out and entry almost every day of the year, but I sure have appreciated you doing it.

    1. That (the end of an era) is kind of what kept going through my mind, too. But the end of one era is the beginning of another, right?

      Also, I wish Bitter Hag would start blogging again, I miss her!

  8. Yours is the only journal I have consistently read for 10+ years. The kitty entries are nice. I really enjoy your sense of humor and silly observations in the daily entries. I am hoping like heck you are fooling us otherwise I will cry. This is the first place I come every day and it starts off each day fun. *hugs*

    1. Aww, don’t be sad Kristina. I swear I’m not shutting down the site – and there’ll always be a daily post over at Love & Hisses!

  9. I will miss my daily Bitchypoo fix, but I totally understand.
    Yours is the only blog I follow regularly; you have quite a way with words, obscene or otherwise.

  10. Miz Robyn – I love when you write about everything and anything! I love that I have been reading you for years and years, and love having followed you through the big city living to your home on the range with cats, chickens, dogs, hogs and all!

  11. ps….I swear I saw Fred at WalMart on Sunday – but what the hell would he be doing in North Dakota! lol!

    1. He can barely bring himself to visit the WalMart 10 minutes up the road. I can’t imagine him traveling to SD to go to WalMart – but stranger things have happened! 🙂

  12. You know who updates every day? No one. Because that shit is hard. lol
    After 10+ years of it, I manage a post once a week. Sometimes less. At some point, outside of random acts of god, you REALLY HAVE said it all. lolol
    I say enjoy the break! 🙂

  13. It kind of makes me feel better in a way, about dropping my own blog. I just couldn’t keep it UP! I could never figure out how you could do it: just get online and chat away about the most normal, everyday things and make them seem so fun and fantastic, day in and day out, year in and year out. Yours is the first one I read every morning as I have my cup of tea and hop on the internet and it WILL be missed… kitten pics over at loves and hisses won’t be the same, but I’m pretty sure I’ll just make that my new habit. OF COURSE you will continue with annual Christmas cards, etc;. right?

    1. I couldn’t imagine a Christmas without a Christmas card exchange – that’s the thing that ALWAYS gets me in the Christmas spirit. 🙂

  14. Life is change, and who the heck wants to do something that’s supposed to be fun, but has become an obligation? (Frankly, I don’t know how you were able keep up with 3 different sites, anyway!) I adore you and will look forward to reading you before work every morning, wherever you are. I lurve the kittehs, so an “All Kitteh-All The Time” site 5 (or 6 or 7) days a week, with an extra side of Bitchypoo sometimes, is just fine with me!

  15. Do whatever works best for you, Robyn! I know I will take Bitchypoo in whatever size doses and with any frequency that strikes your fancy 🙂

  16. Yours is the first blog I read every day, but I understand the need to cut back. I’ll follow any kitty related posts anywhere, Robyn! 🙂 I always love hearing about the residents and the fosters.

  17. I can understand that….I very rarely write posts myself. However I have a dynamic sidebar that gets updated all the time…what I’m reading, how many miles I’m walking, my cross stitch, my photoblog, stuff like that. Good way to let my readers, if any, know I’m still alive and around, ha!

  18. LOL.. can I say I think I like you just a little bit more for this post with out sounding too weird?? Well if I can’t (do it with out sounding weird) then I’ll just be weird..

    I started my own blog for me eons ago, then I started fostering kittens and “my” blog became “THEIR” blog, and it was getting annoying for me, so I started the kittyblog and had my own.. yeah, I tend to post way more kittens then me – cause frankly they get much more interest.

  19. Boo Hoo — I guess I will have to get a life. I just thought you’d always be here, well at least most of the time 🙁 Yes, I know you will be around, but it won’t be the same. I understand (typed through tears).

  20. I totally understand, and am grateful that you are keeping the site up. I have you on my google reader list, so I’ll catch your posts. I stopped keeping a journal online because I ran out of things to say, and then it felt like a burdon. ANYHOO, just post when you feel like it. This should be fun for you, not a chore. Have fun! I’m actually surprised u didn’t do this before now. 🙂

  21. I love the kitty entries but love the you entries even more. You are such an amazing writer. I feel guilty for not commenting on one of my favorite entries lately, the one about you shaking the Diet Coke. I have totally done stuff like that myself, and I laughed out loud (not LOL, but for reals) at that whole post.

    But I totally understand the burn-out. I think I’ve been reading you for 11+ years; Bitchypoo is my Number 1 place on the whole worldwide web & I am not even kidding. So I will miss (more than I can say) not seeing you here. And of course I will go to Love & Hisses. Just know that stuff like peed-on pillows, dryers breaking down, weird Amish guys, people who rummage for their checkbooks in line, dumb cashiers, Walkin’ Dudes, house renovation, t-shirts from Maine, & all the rest have made my days better all those years.

    1. Do NOT feel guilty about not commenting, Kathy (and also, I’m glad I’m not alone in doing that, hee.)

      There’ll still be all that stuff, just not every day. So… it’ll be concentrated and even better? 🙂

  22. Sounds like a wise decision, Robyn. If I felt that I had to blog every day just *because*, I would go crazy. (Uh, well, I don’t blog at all since I don’t have a blog, but you know what I mean.)

    And trust me, there are a lot of blogs out there that would benefit from posting fewer entries, especially the flagrantly monetized ones that put up three or more (really? REALLY?!) boring, nearly contentless entries a day. WE KNOW WHY THEY’RE DOING THAT. Ahem.

    If you ever get the urge to blog about working out/fitness again, I’d love to read it. Of course, I can go back to your archives and reread the old fitness stuff, too. No pressure! 🙂

    1. Oh god, yes, those sites that post multiple times a day just to drive traffic to their site drive me a little nuts!

      If I had anything to say about fitness/ exercise, this is where I’d do it, I promise. 😉

  23. I would rather have a reduced schedule than an outright stoppage, that’s for sure. Even though you post in the morning, I always save you for after work because your posts brighten my day. But I will keep you in my reader and I have Love & Hisses so with that and a nice bottle of rum, I should get by just fine. Because I will still get my Miz Poo fix. And cute kittens. And the occasional obscenity laden post…Oh! ANNNNDD!!! Dinosaurs Can’t Eat Pizza posts! Which are awesome.

    So, you aren’t going away, you’re just parceling up the lurve. Which is WAY better than having my favorite blogger just stop posting. (Cuz then I’d have to find you… and poking around the countryside in Alabama isn’t in the budget right now…)

    Onwards and Upwards!

  24. I’ve been trying to get my ass in gear to post an update on my own blog about the fuckery that is my life right now, but I can’t ever seem to get to it – probably because of all the fuckery going on. (And because I’ll have to password protect it, and I don’t really like doing that.) So on the one hand I totally understand how the blog can get to feel like a “chore” instead of an indulgence.

    On the other hand, when I read this post this morning, I… um… sort of teared up a little bit. Maybe a lot. Well, not a lot; somewhere between a little and a lot. (Please don’t laugh. I’m hormonal on top of everything else.) It sort of felt like you were breaking up with me. (Just ME, you know, not all your thousands of readers – it’s AAAAAAALWAYS got to be about me! True story: My birthday flower is the narcissus. I mentioned that to my son and he said, “That explains a lot.” heh)

    Anyway, you are at the top of my “Famous Folks” blog category, and you’re the only one I’m super faithful about checking – the others, I’ll catch up on weekends or at the end of the month, but when I first hit the computer in the morning, it goes: Email, Twitter, open all daily comics in tabs, and while waiting for them to load, Bitchypoo.

    I’ve bookmarked Love & Hisses because of course we all love the kittehs, but I will probably continue to check in here every day, too, because… well, because you feel like a friend. (c: xoxo

    1. Bwahaha! Birthday flower the Narcissus. That’s kind of awesome. 🙂

      Hey, I was a little teary-eyed typing it (also hormones – going off the estrogen patch, grr, now THERE’S an entry!), but things will settle down into a new routine and I suspect it’ll all be fine. It will! (And I saw a frog this morning and thought of you, hee.)

  25. Thank you for writing as long as you have.

    I love cats and your stories about them. I do hope your passion for this site returns one day. Until then, love and hisses it is!!!

    Tina Bruce

  26. I’ve been a lurker for the most part for years at your site. I love it, like everyone else. Since I only have dogs, the cat stuff is great but I rather enjoy your sense of humour – not so much the obscenities though…I thought you’d outgrow those as you got older really…but your new lifestyle at Crooked Acres is totally intriguing and interesting. Just the thought of your growing not only your own veggies but your meat, as well, is incredible.

    I totally admire your hard work with the cats, as well as Fred’s. You both really deserve medals for the good work you do.

    Being a blogger myself, I totally understand wanting to lessen the load of having to come up with topics every single day. I don’t know how people write every day to be honest, and you have done a yeoman’s job with this blog all these years.

    As for all the feeds, I don’t do those except a few email-only notifications. I just put my favourite sites on my desktop all lined up and each day I just click on them to see if there is anything new. Doesn’t clog up my email box that way.

    Good luck Robyn with this new schedule.

  27. I’ll miss your daily posts, Robyn! And although I don’t comment much, I always read you with my morning coffee.

  28. I have really enjoyed reading your blog everyday. I will miss your sense of humor. I have been reading your blog for years and years, since OFBP and followed Fred on his weight loss journey when I found his book.

    Totally understand though. I often thought of starting a blog over the years but knew I would never have enough to write about on a daily basis.

  29. Thank you for your years of stories. For sharing your journey with us, and letting up play voyeur… in a non sexual not creepy way. You have made me laugh and cry, and for your hard work and daily diligence I am truly thankful.

  30. I second the “thank you for all your years of stories” – and those stories are still there and we can go back and read them! I love re-reading your archives, especially the 1st summer you moved to Crooked Acres your gardening and canning adventures! And between Love and Hisses and Dinosaurs can’t eat pizza, we still get to enjoy plenty of swearing and/or mishaps!

  31. I will miss your weekday posts, but I totally understand your point. It must be hard to write a blog every weekday and find material to fill it. It must be very time consuming. Whatever you write and whenever you write is fine with me. Wishing you, Fred, and the kitties a most joyous Easter.

  32. Oh, cool.

    I’ve been a skimmer for the last year or so, because I’m not really into cats. Yes, you know officially hate me.

    Anyway, due to the All Cats, All the Time, I just skim skim skim. It’ll be nice to read more, if less often, about The Adventures of Robyn and Fred and recipes and stuff.

    Anyway. Just my opinion.

    Happy Easter!

    -Loyal reader/skimmer since 2002.

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