(Jolie, the logo you made me will be going up in May!)
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I cannot believe how many of you fell for yesterday’s entry. Y’all totally made my day, you know that?
In case you didn’t figure it out before now, no. I am not pregnant, and I’m especially not pregnant with twins. I’m sorry to disappoint – some of you got REALLY excited, didn’t you?
I thought for sure you’d twig to the fact that it was an April Fool’s joke when I put up the ultrasound of twins.
Yeah, it would have been funny if it was true, but to be honest, if it WAS true, I would have written the entry on any other day EXCEPT April first.
Don’t you know you can’t believe anything on April Fool’s Day? I’ve gotten suckered in so many times in the past that I have April 1st marked in bright red so I know better.
I was actually not going to put up an entry yesterday. Fred and I were talking about it, and I said “I could say I was pregnant…” and we talked about it for a few minutes, and finally I said “Nah, I’d better not. I don’t want to get anyone mad at me!”
But then I checking my email yesterday morning, and there was a notify email from
Carrie. Carrie’s done (I think) three years of April Fool’s entries (my favorite is
this one), and I’ve never believed them – see above about the first of April being marked in red – but I always enjoy them. I clicked on her “
year ago” entry and saw the sonogram of the twins, and I called Fred and said “What if I said I was pregnant with twins?”
Honestly, y’all. It was so over-the-top I never thought anyone would believe it. I fielded about twenty emails from you guys asking if it was true.
That cracks me up.
So, no. Not pregnant. I hope none of you are terribly disappointed or angry.
Don’t feel bad if you did get suckered in – I had Fred proofread the entry before I posted it, and he said “You tell a good story. I almost believe it, and I know it’s not true!… is it?”
I found the picture of the positive EPT test and the sonogram on Google Image search. Fred used his mad photo skillz to put my name, the date, and the time on the sonogram – apparently it was pretty difficult, because he had to create an “n” out of thin air. It looked pretty real, didn’t it?
Fred is da bomb.
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“Urrrrp. Oh! ‘Scuse me!”
The come-hither look.
“I like to lick my arm and then sniff it…”
“I will NOT yawn for you, woman! Stop trying to make me!”
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Yay! I KNEW it! You are the best. I am so lame with the pranks. Good job.
You had me sort of in a panic half-reading as fast as I could, until I got to the sonogram. Then I remembered to check the date and I was all “You almost had me ya mo-fo!!”
The Fugly girls had a joke thing up about they’re now the Hugly girls- they were smarming about Michael Bolton and things. I am *praying* that it’s an April Fools thing, because I would miss those wonderful bitches. I’m addicted to the snark. Perez Hilton of tried to pull a similar thing, but by then I was all, puhleeze, I know what day it is now.
But I read you first so you almost had me.
That was pulled off REALLY well. But man…even though I KNEW it was April Fools, Fred was right, you REALLY told a good story.
That banner is hilarious! I love it.
When I got your notify yesterday, I remembered you had done a good April Fool’s joke before, but forgot all that as I read the story and was totally taken in, and even thought the repeat picture of the sonogram was going to show us a boy. When it was twins, I suddenly remembered what day it was again. Psych! (on me).
The pics of Meester Boogers make up for yesterday’s nasty little prank. Naughty Robyn! 😛
I am too much of a doubting Thomas, and especially on April 1st, ;).
I think it is hilarious how many did get excited. That was nearly as much fun as the entry itself..heh.
I was not taken in, because I’m a verrry suspicious person. You can blame that on my ex. I checked the date immediately.
When I got the email that I won a give-away, I thought THAT was the April Fool joke Robyn was sending to everyone.
The Boogs has such a lovely coat! If I had that coat, I would lick-n-sniff too.
I’m so stupid, I even told one of my friends about it. heh.
I went away on a trip to San Francisco and was catching up and prefaced my reading with telling myself — “Gee, I wonder if she wrote an April Fool’s entry.”
I can’t believe you snowed so many folks! Good job!
Ooers…nice weighted bright yellow melamine plates at Mervyn’s and I thought of you, dahling. What’d you buy, afterall?
Heh. I purposefully uploaded my announcement entry Thursday instead of Friday and I *still* had people asking if it was an April Fool’s joke. 🙂
I am so stupid! I believed you so much that I was in tears of joy for your family! I have fallen for so many April Fool’s jokes, it’s actually funny…
Good one Robyn… very good!