4/19/10 – Monday

Today, I slack. Scroll down for a cute kitten pic and short movie, and then answer these questions in the comments: If you know, how’d you find this journal, and how long have you been reading? I just ask because I’m curious. If you don’t know how you found me or how long you’ve been … Continue reading “4/19/10 – Monday”

Today, I slack. Scroll down for a cute kitten pic and short movie, and then answer these questions in the comments:

If you know, how’d you find this journal, and how long have you been reading?

I just ask because I’m curious. If you don’t know how you found me or how long you’ve been reading, that’s perfectly fine. God knows that I came across the majority of my favorite reads while I was flailing around the internet, and I have no concept of time, so I generally never know how long I’ve been reading someone!


* =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= *


The best part about fostering is when the kittens are released into general population. They invariably decide that my desk is the best place to sleep, and so there’s always a snoozing kitten or two within reach.

No complaints from me!

And now, a short movie.

Rhyme and Reacher discover that the best toy on earth is always juuuuust out of reach.


* =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= * =^..^= *


2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: “I’m not looking smug, I’m looking RUEFUL,” I said.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: “Bessie, Jayson Blair is black.”
2003: No entry.
2002: I hate it when there’s a web page touting some wonderful product, but you CANNOT place an online order.
2000: we watched the ultra-crappy End of Days last night

215 thoughts on “4/19/10 – Monday”

  1. I found your blog 10 years ago through the recommendation of a friend of mine and have been reading daily ever since. I start my morning with Robyn and the kitties. =)

  2. I found this blog through reading your other blog at OFB (which I’m pretty sure someone on the Weight Watchers message boards linked me to). I’ve been reading you since 2001.

  3. I found your journal about nine years ago. I was just randomly clicking on links. Thanks for sharing your life with all of us strangers.

  4. I don’t remember if I found your blog first or Fred’s first and found the other one of you via whichever one I found first. But I probably found you through weight loss link. I think you were living in the house with the pool. 10 years ago? Long time!

  5. If I recall, I found your site when Fred was posting pictures on TB2K of the work you guys were doing preparing your house a couple of years ago or so. I love the kitties and you are TEH FUNNY!

  6. I found you through this Norwegian yoga-related blog that linked to both you and Fred. Not at all sure when I started reading – sometime after Mister Fancypants disappearing but while Tubby was alive I think.

  7. I don’t remember how I found your blog or how many years but I do know the first time I read your blog you had your faces covered with smily faces~~I know its been a good many yars. Thanks for uncovering your faces.

  8. A friend recommended your site – because we’re all about the kitties. Been reading you since 2000 (and went back and read the first few months) Glad you’ve shared it all with us. I’ve been reading you longer than I’ve read any.

  9. I’ve been reading you since you first started your journal. Either I found you through Fred’s site or through a reader of Fred’s that mentioned you started your own journal. Over a decade of Bitchypoo…damn time really does fly!!

  10. I know it’s been several years since I found you through a link on ejshea.com. I think you had a post about leaving pets in a hot car, although it may have been something completely different. I found thepioneerwoman.com through a link here. What did I do before the internet? That was before kids, I must have had so much time on my hands…

  11. Hm. I think I found you as a link off of Milenka’s site (though can’t remember how I got to her…maybe OD?) and I know I’ve been reading you since 2003. Wow!

  12. We’re a faithful bunch, aren’t we? 🙂 Like several others so far, I don’t know anymore how I found your site, but I started reading during your first year online and have enjoyed every day since!

  13. I don’t remember how I found you either, but I used to read a bunch of online journals/blogs and maybe I found you though a link from one of those. Out of the ones I used to read, yours is the only one I keep up with.

    I also do not remember when I started reading. I know that it has been at least 10 years (how old is Miz Poo? I remember when you got her so I know Ive been reading since before that).

  14. Hmmm I think I have been reading since 1999 and I think someone recommended your site on a Weight Loss board I was on 🙂

  15. I’m pretty sure that Bonkrood gave me the link. When I was pregnant with my oldest, I was sick and taken off of work and was up all night long all the time, so she linked me to bitchypoo and plain jane. I took some time and read all the archives, refusing to read new entries until I was caught up. This would have been between 7-8 years ago. Sheesh. no wonder when I email you on occasion I feel as though I “know” you!

  16. I also found you through Fred’s Phat Man site (I think!). It had to be 8 or 9 years ago.

  17. I am not really sure how I found your site. I believed it was through OneFatBitchypoo first. I was going through my own weight loss struggles and was searching for inspiration. Then I gradually migrated over here when you moved to watch the transformation of your house, kittehs, chickens,dogs and pigs. You are the first Blog I read in the morning. .

    I’m sorry to hear about Fred’s job loss, my husband lost his last year. It is not an easy time for many.

  18. I found you through an LJ friend’s RSS links. Also, I’ve been reading for just over a year. I think you are awesome and hilarious, and you say exactly what I’m thinking ALL THE TIME.

  19. I do believe that at one point in time you were on the suggested links page at cockeyed.com. I have been reading your blog for about seven years. My husband is allergic to kitties and so I live vicariously through you!

  20. I first found OFB through a list of weight loss related links somewhere. I went back and read all of the archives, so it’s hard to know exactly when I started reading, but I think it was around the time you adopted Miz Poo. I know I started reading before my wedding, because I can distinctly remember reading your blog while sitting at my new computer desk in our first apartment. (isn’t it strange how memories work like that?). I’ve been married almost 8 years, so I’ve been reading at least that long.

  21. I found you ten years ago–don’t remember how, but I’m awfully appreciative of how long you’ve been writing. I miss you terribly when you’re on vacation and don’t know what I’ll do when you decide to end this journal 🙁 Hopefully that won’t happen for a looooong time 🙂

  22. Gosh, who the heck knows! It was thru a weight loss journal. I am not sure who I started reading first, you or Fred’s. I know it’s been awhile because it was way before either of you had gotton to your goal. My web reading would of probably died almost immidately if I hadn’t found you both.

  23. I’ve been reading Bitchypoo since 2004ish? Not exactly sure. I just did a search on my Gmail and found that I started subscribing to the Bitchypoo mailing list on 4/16/2005 and I know I visited your webpage every day for a while before I did the mailing list.

    As to where I found bitchypoo.com – I can’t remember! I’ve read back to the beginning; after I realized how awesome the blog is, I went back to the beginning and read it all!

  24. I’m not sure how long ago it was, but I found you when I clicked through when you won a Diarist Award (remember those! wow) for the “motherf—ing laptop” post. From then, I was hooked! 🙂

  25. I found Fred’s blog first but I don’t remember how. Read all his archives then read all of yours. I think I started reading right around the time you bought the house before the one you’re in. Fred posted something about your old backyard and I couldn’t figure out the logistics and you had a house tour link (which was so nifty) then I noticed the CAT + CAT. This was before you were CAT + CAT + CAT + CA*

    (*per an old friend, the pet keeping formula is CAT = 3 cats, DOG = 3 dogs etc. There’s a formula (CAT times X + UAs times Y(upright animals) / house square footage that supposedly determines the ‘crazy cat person’ quotient but I no longer remember the scale for it. We were very bored back then)

  26. Huh. I have no earthly idea how I found you, but I think I’ve been reading since…2002, at least…? I know it was pre-Boogie, and I see you adopted him in 2003. So I’m going with 2002. Thanks for all the great laughs and reads and stories!

  27. I discovered you a little over a year ago. I don’t know how I did bu am so glad that I did! You are a highlight to my day Robyn, thanks!

  28. Not sure when, but it must have been around 2004 or 2005, and I found OFB through some other weight loss site.

  29. I have no idea how I came across you, but I know you were one of the first online journals I discovered – you and Aimee, who had “The Mombat Situation” at that time. It was 8 years ago, because I was pregnant with Mel. Time flies, huh?

  30. I found OFB in 2001 or 2002, probably from a link from another weight loss site, maybe Lose the Buddha or Pound or Madermouse (does anyone else remember Madermouse?) I’m not sure how long I was reading at OFB before I realized that it wasn’t your main site and asked you for the link here; I think it was a five-cat period, before Mr. Fancypants ran away.

    1. Hi Rose, I still get occasional emails (group ones of course) from Heather (madermouse). I believe she is in Portland ?? area working as a personal/executive chef.

      1. I miss Madermouse, hers is the first blog i ever read. She was talking about Fred in a post, he was beginning his weight loss then, and didn’t have a book yet. I clicked over and read his archives then Robyn’s. That must have been 99 or so, 10 years ago. 🙂

  31. I have been reading since 2002. I think I found a link on Dooce that lead me to a blog in Nashville that led me to you. I can’t remember the middle blog though. You are the only blog I have bookmarked. I can go a day without coffee, but not a day without kitties.

  32. I have been reading you since 2004-2005, and I believe I found your site because I was randomly searching for pictures of tarantulas (don’t ask why, and not even how I got here, because if I search for that now on your site, nothing comes up before then…) Regardless, I am so glad I did stumble upon you – you’re one of my first reads every morning!

  33. I found you through Bonnie – whatever happened to her – in 2004, I think. Yours is officially the blog that I’ve followed longest!!

  34. I don’t have any idea how I found the link to your site now. I’m sure I followed a link in someone else’s blog, but I don’t remember where that was.

    I also don’t remember exactly how long I’ve been reading, but I know it was before Tubby died, if that gives you any frame of reference. Also, it was two houses ago, I think? The spud was still in school, Fancypants was still around – it’s been a while. 🙂

  35. I do not remember where exactly I found your link, but I do remember it was your birthday – someone had posted one of those “it’s so-and-so’s birthday, go over and give them love” things. That was in 2003, I believe. Wow, I didn’t realize It’d been that long. 7 years and I think this is my 3rd or 4th comment. I am one hell of a lurker!

  36. I found your blog about 5-6 years ago after I’d been searching for online advice columns. (I LOVE reading advice columns.) Through that search I found … smartnsassy? Whatever it was (now defunct), with you, Jane & Nance. You’re the only one I still read, though. I just love reading about your animals, house and Crooked Acres. Thanks for sharing your life with us!

  37. I have been reading since 2001. I found your site linked on 3fatchicks. I used to read several blogs from that site. Yours is the only one left. Thanks for the blog.

  38. I found you through Fred’s old site (and I think I found Fred through a message board) in late 2000. It’s been a good ten years. 🙂

  39. I found vituperation.com after Fred reviewed one of your Firm videos (there was a link on videofitness.com), and from there found here. That was 2002, I think.

  40. A friend of mine mentioned your blog. I ventured over to see what the fuss was all about {;)} and have been reading ever since. It’s been about around seven years {maybe longer} that I’ve been reading you. 🙂

  41. I started on OFB when I was trying to lose weight back in 2003, then switched over at some point, but it wasn’t immediately because at that time you were trying to keep your two personas secret from each other to avoid scrutiny from real life people.

    I’ve had periods of being a skimmer but swear I have changed my ways! Even started fostering…currently have a momma cat and her six nursing kittens.

  42. Through Fred’s site about his book and weight loss. Which I found on someone else’s blog about weight loss. You were living in the bigger house. Spud was still at home. The ‘icing on the cake’ about the weight loss blogs, was that you and Fred were cat lovers. SO AM I! That really hooked me. Love those cats ! Plus, I might add, I think you and Fred are angels for your dedication to the animals. What an inspiration for all!!!

  43. I can’t remember exactly how I got here. Some random clicking I’m sure. It’s been about 8 years now (how can that be!).

  44. I think I have been reading since around 2000 — I fully recall some “issues” with your neighbors… the spud’s high school events etc. I first started reading you through One Fat Bitchypoo (through a diet website I recall). I just clicked back and I recalled your Carol Channing comment in April of 2000 — as she scares the bejeezus out of me, too!

  45. Oh wait, actually reading Rose’s comment made me remember it was 2002. Rose, I used to read LTB, Pound, and Madermouse. And it was a five cat period including Mr. Fancypants. Hope he was taken in by someone nice and it still being fancy to this day.

  46. I think I’ve been reading your blog for about 7 years, and found it through something related to cats. Besides we’re almost “neighbors”…if you consider neighbors being less than 100 miles away and having never met in person! :=)

  47. I found your site through smartandsassy.net five years ago. I was searching for the answer to an etiquette question and found the site. It was my first exposures to journals, blogs, etc (I know – behind the times) and have been a faithful reader of you and Jane ever since. I now have a laundry list of others as well and blame you for my decrease in productivity 🙂 Thank you for sharing your lives over the years!

  48. Hi Robyn,

    I have been reading your blog since 2008, but this wasn’t the one I was reading originally.

    Since I was having gastric bypass, I began by reading your weight loss journal (I read it all the way from the 1st to the last entry). And since you stopped updating it (at that time) I e-mailed you to ask you how you were and if you were planning to update the blog.

    In your reply you mentioned this place, and I have been coming here ever since. So, it’s been two years since I started reading this blog.

    This was about the time I also started reading Fred’s blog too.

    The other one I came across in a google search for the words “gastric bypass”.

    Just want you to know I am in love with you, Fred and the spud from day one.

    Sorry for not leaving comments, but I am kind of shy at these things, so….

    Love, hugs and kisses for you and convey some of my love to all the other members of the And3rson family 🙂

    1. Forgot to tell you that I am your (and fred’s) #1 Portuguese Fan 😉

      Thank you both for all the laughs and tears and for letting me “share” your life with you.


  49. A long time … maybe through a weight loss link to Fred’s site? I remember the house with the swimming pool, and the Spud was still a kid. *sigh* Time flies by …

  50. I’m pretty sure I found you through Bonnie who I found through the WW boards. I know it was before Mr Fancypants went on walkabout. Which, in checking the archives was about 2003, so a long freaking time.

    Has anyone heard from Bonnie??

  51. I’ve been reading you for a looong time. I think I found you through Fred, whom I found when I was flailing around reading diet journals on the interwebs, it was during his big weightloss – maybe halfway through, if that gives you a time frame. And no offense to Fred, but I dropped him a long time ago, but sure as hell am keeping you! Also, I think you used to read my old cross-stitch blog before I gave it up (Picky-Stitcher? ring any bells?) I’ve been with you through thick and thin, Miz Robyn, and have enjoyed it thoroughly. Thanks for sharing bits of your life 🙂

  52. In 2003, I was on the internet searching for comfy, wedding shoes and came across a blog called “When in Doubt, Use Parsley” and she had a link on their to your blog. I had never even heard of blogging before then.

  53. I found you through my mom. She’s been reading for.. gosh maybe 6 years? I know I read you all through 4 years of college, and I’m reading you a year later.. plus probably a year or more in highschool. :3

  54. I have no idea how I found you or when I started reading you. I think it was a couple years before the Spud graduated but I am not sure. I just know that I hope to keep reading your for a long time!

  55. I have been reading your blog forever. I had my first computer still, with dial up. You only had a few cats. The Spud was a kid.Fred was losing his weight . It had to have been in the late 90’s (?) Have you had a blog that long? Oh, I mean an “online diary” I’m pretty sure I found you by searching for online diaries.I had never heard the word Blog back then.

    I had also just met my husband on the internet and (back then) I was too embarrassed to tell people . So I was glad to see that you and Fred had met that way too. (correct me if I’m senile) 🙂

  56. I don’t remember how I came across your site. The earliest I can remember was when you were waking everyday getting ready to walk in a three day breast cancer fundraiser. You sprained your ankle the first day and couldn’t finish.

  57. I found you through Fred’s website about 10 years ago, I believe.

    Love the pictures of your kittehs!

  58. I found your blog through Fred’s just after my son was born and I was trying to lose weight. So, I guess I’ve been reading about 9 years, since he just turned 9!

  59. I can’t remember how I found you, probably a link from another blog, and it’s hard to know how long ago too because I read all the archives so I’m not sure whether I remember “living through” things or just reading them in the archives. Let’s face it, my memory’s pretty useless nowadays……

  60. I have no idea how I found you – link hopping I imagine – but once I did, I stayed. With Vituperation as well. I remember following your and Fred’s weight loss journeys, but that was never my main reason for reading either of you. I read you because more often than not, you make me laugh. Thanks for that.

  61. I’ve been reading you since Sept/Oct of 2009. I’m a cat lover, and those Wonkas just stole my heart. I found you through random clicking on blogrolls (I think). I do remember though, someone else on their blog asking for their readers favorite blogs (or funniest or something…)my memory sucks! I love that you have links back to previous years entries on that date. I will regularly click back for extra laughs. Long live crooked acres!

  62. For the life of me, I can’t remember how I found your site. I also can’t remember exactly when, except that I’m pretty sure you only had four cats at the time.

    It is funny how time flies on the internet. I recently realized that I’ve been chatting with some of the same people on a message board for 12 years! I’ve known some of them longer than I’ve known my husband!

  63. I am not sure how long I have been reading your blog, but it is one of the highlights of my day. Keep up the fantastic job with the kittens and the cats (and the dogs and the chickens – GRIN). Thanks for sharing your life with us!

  64. I don’t remember how I got here. Maybe you commented on PW’s blog?
    Your’s and her’s and Chickens in The Road are the sites I visit each and every day. I guess I just love the animals, especially the cats. I have 3 of my own. If I had your energy I would foster. You do such a great job and I just love the pictures you post. I do not remember how long it has been since I started reading, a couple of years I guess. I hope you never quit posting. You have such a special gift.

  65. I found your site through your weight loss site (which I found through other weight loss sites). I think I started reading your WL site in 1996? and this one soon after?

  66. I found Fred’s site about 10 years ago when I was trying to lose weight after I was disgnosed with diabetes. I’m sure I’ve been reading daily since then. I have to get my Bitchypoo fix…

  67. You certainly inspire loyalty Robyn! So many long time readers. I think I must have found you via link, maybe through Shelleyness or Bitter Hag? I’ve been reading since 2000, but it’s funny I thought it was even longer than that. I feel like I’ve been reading your entries while drinking my coffee for a long time, and I mean that in the very best of ways.

  68. I think your OFB site was linked from someone on a Weight Watchers site. It has been quite awhile, 8-9 years, maybe. I’ve enjoyed your sense of humor and cat stories for all those years.

  69. I also don’t remember if I found your site or Fred’s first but I think it was sometime in 2001 or 2002. Long time ago 🙂

    You know how it is a lot of sites have links on them to sites they like. I do not remember which it was but that was how I found you originally.

  70. I can’t remember how I found your site but I’ve been reading since 2000. You, Fred and the kitty pics got me hooked.

  71. I found your site when I was googling weight lose blogs. That goes back a few years now. I love reading about all your adventures.

  72. I don’t remember how I found you, must have been something to do with cats! Have been reading for about 5 years. Thanks for sharing a bit of your life with us!

  73. I am pretty sure I found you on 3 fat chicks. I don’t recall if you were blogging there or if it was a mention in someone else blog. It does seem like the name is not exactly the same as it was then but I am old now and my memory is shot. I have quietly stalked you for 8-10 years or so.

  74. I found Fred’s OneFatMan first, somwhere around 2000. Then I discovered OneFatBitchypoo, found it to be way funnier than Fred’s (sorry Fred) and eventually around 2002 I started reading this blog. I started reading it from the beginning, however.

  75. I found you through Fred’s blog, which I then stopped reading because you’re funnier.
    Sorry Fred. I’ve been reading for 6 or 7 years.

  76. I’m not sure how I found you or exactly how long I’ve been reading. You had Spanky, Tubby, Miz Poo, and Mr. Fancypants. The rest of the cats joined after that.

  77. Hi, I think I found your site from a link on “3 fat chicks on a diet” (not sure if that was the right name) way back in 2000, right after I got my first computer. And I’ve been reading faithfully everyday since. I need my daily “kitty fix” but back then, you were more of a weightloss site. I used to follow Fred too but haven’t for a long time now. You and the Scale Whore are all I read now. Thanks, Robin!

  78. I know I read OFB off and on around 8? 9? years ago, but I think I found this blog through Fred’s about 6 years ago or so. I was searching for weightloss (what else!) and came across Fred’s OnePhatMan blog and then Vituperation and then here. I think. I do know I must start my day here with Robyn & The Kats.

  79. I found your blog from reading Fred’s blog. I found his blog from searching the internet about stripping and refinishing stairs. That was a couple of years ago. We share a love of cats, books, and I am on a weight loss adventure…so we share that too. I read your blog everyday. I love seeing your pictures and videos. Thanks for sharing your life with me =)

  80. I must have started reading regularly in 07 or 08. I know at least that long since I have your calendars from the last couple of years and I know I did a holiday card exchange in a similar time frame. No longer than three years though.

    I found you by way of my August mom friend Mimi who was writing via Diaryland I think? Anyhoo, she had you, Nance & Jane amongst many others on her blog roll and although I did not know at the time how connected you all were, you just happened to be the three on her list that became immediately attached to since your writing styles just clicked with me. The fact that I had just added kitties to my household in 2007 made you an even more perfect match!

  81. I found Fred first and then found yours. I found his blog through a medical transcription message board. Not sure how long I have been reading but it was before you bought your current house cause I remember being fascinated by all the work he did on the house.

  82. I do not remember how I found your site or when. I do remember Fancy Pants and Tubby, so it has been at least that long.

  83. I have probably been reading you for about 5 years – I believe I found you through what used to be Pesky Apostrophe which I no longer read.
    I hardly ever miss a day!

  84. I started reading you when I was reading onephatman.com and Fred linked to you, probably back in 02 or 03.

  85. Hmm. I might’ve found you from a link or when I was just perusing until I found the end of the internet. I don’t know, it was too freaking long ago.

    I’ve been reading you since probably 2002 (when I had a job that allowed ample time to kill searching random stuff on the internet!) and read your archives when I started…Good lord, i’ve been lurking on your site for a long time.

  86. I found this blog through I link through love and hisses (I believe to Miz Poo’s myspace, then your myspace – but don’t hold me to that. This was about a month ago.

  87. I got my first computer in Feb 2007 and I know I found you that first year so 2 to 2 1/2 years I think. I discovered blogs and loved them and I may have googled something looking for good ones. I saw your name and loved it and I’m pretty sure you were nominated for an award for funniest blog. I loved your writing-you are funny irreverant (I curse a bit too-lol), I love cats and could relate to the weight issues. I loved you because you didn’t forget the pain of being fat even when you grew thinner. One of my major pet peeves is former large people who act all superior and pretend they were never fat-the opposite of you, Robyn. I love your little world of Crooked Acres and the animals and fostering and your love story with Fred. Yours is my favorite blog by far. I only follow a few regularly but have checked out many.

  88. I was told about Fred’s site onephatman through a weight loss/exercise message board and found you from there. I don’t remember exactly when, but probably early 2000s.

  89. Damn I don’t remember. It was at least 2003 since it was before I got pregnant w/my first and she’s going to be 6. CRAZY. I don’t remember how I found you but maybe it was via Jane or Nance? If that’s too outdated, I don’t remember.

  90. Not sure how I first found your blog…. probably randomly clicking through links from another blog. I’ve been reading on and off since about 2001.

  91. My coworker found Fred’s OFM site a day or so after 9/11. It was basicaly him yelling at all the stupid people out there talking conspiracy already and other stupid shit. He told me to go read it and I’ve been reading him ever since. Not long after I started there I found a link he had to you and I’ve been with you ever since as well

    My nine year old kitten still chases his tail. I love to watch him. He’ll start out just sitting there, then he’ll start to twitch his tail and stare at it for a bit. Then all of a sudden he pounces. Too funny. Oh yeah, when he was a year or two old he’d go running into the tub and then run, run, run in a circle chasing it. I miss those times they were most hilarious.

  92. Awhile back I posted a request on my LiveJournal for recommendations of blogs to read because I’d just discovered the joys of Google Reader. One of my friends (Mel from http://www.moonrakerbeads.com/) posted a link to your blog. I’d say it was about 4-6 months ago, which I know is kind of vague, but I always have the hardest time remembering time frames. I started — and kept — reading because of your cat stories, your sarcastic sense of humor, the fact that you read almost as much (if not more) as I do, and our mutual love of Keith and the Girl. 🙂

  93. A friend told me about it. I read off and on for a couple of years, but now I go through withdrawal if I don’t read EVERY DAY. I’ve been reading for maybe 5 years? Oh, that’s scary!

  94. Oh Wow – can’t believe it’s been about 10 years – found you through Fred’s PhatMan website. His writings inspired me to lose 50 lbs – twice! (Unfortunately, the SAME 50 lbs.) I love living vicariously through both of you. Think it’s soooooo cool that you’ve chased dreams, made them a reality, and now you’re living “The Life”. That’s something we all dream of doing, but you actually accomplished it. Yeah, you are a GREAT writer, and very funny too – but the kittens, Ahhhhhhh… the kitty pictures just make my day. LOVE to hear your outlook on life, it reflects mine, but I’m too chicken to state it out loud.

    Keep up the good work, Robyn. Thanks for sharing your life with us!

  95. I don’t remember how I found you, but I’ve been reading since about…2001? 2002? Life may have gotten in the way a few times, and I’ve mostly lurked for the past few years, but I never stopped loving you. 😀

  96. My husband and I were planning a trip to Hawaii and one of my co-workers sent me a link to your webpage. You had been to Hawaii (or were in Hawaii) and posted pics so she thought I would be interested in reading your about your trip. She also knew how much I loved cats so that was another reason she thought I should check you out. I believe that was the summer of 2004 and I have been a dedicated reader ever since. Please don’t stop blogging because I do so enjoy your fosters, animals stories, and all things Bitchypoo!

    1. and thanks to Jillybean, I too am a loyal reader! She told me about the blog shortly after she started reading it, but I didn’t really start reading daily till I quit work, which was 4 years ago, so 2006. You even inspired me to blog myself for the year that I was off work. Now that I’m back to work, I find I just don’t have the time to devote to it like I should. But I still get a little something posted every now and then!

  97. I read your love-and-hisses blog for a while before I found this one through my Google reader recommendations. I was surprised it was the same person, but now I totally love reading both your blogs!

  98. Hmm, I can’t remember how now, but I think it’s been more than five years. Back when there were far fewer cats to keep track of!

  99. Found through a link on another blog, but for some reason didn’t start reading, then I was googling possible blog names, and you popped up, and I’ve been reading every day ever since. It’s been since I think 04? You are my only daily read. 🙂

  100. Some chick name Denise recommended your blog. 🙂 I’m fairly new around here, I think it’s been about a year.

  101. I found OneFatBitchypoo or OnePhatMan first via Athena/Lexxicon I think… it may have been Erin Shea. It was definetly a link from another weight loss blog/journal in 2001. I read OFB for almost a year if not longer when you mentioned your “other” journal. I was to much of a chickens**t to email you and ask for the link. One day I think Fred linked to Bitchypoo.com instead of OneFatBitchypoo and the lightbulb went off. I felt so stupid. But have been reading ever since!

  102. Uh. I don’t know. Since 99 or 2000 so? I think? I know it’s been a very long time, indeed.

  103. A long time…before Fred began to loose weight and the Spud was little. The entries back in those day were about MizPoo-best.kitten.ever. and cleaning your house-the one with the pool…so 10+ years? I have no idea how I found you….I just can’t remember.

  104. I had just started up my blog at Diary-X back in 2003. I can’t remember quite how I came across your blog, I think it was from a link on another journal I was reading back then. I found both you & Nance about the same time. Your journal was the first one I found that had as many “cat posts” as I did, & you were hilarious, so I added you to my list of reads. Now almost 7 years later, after moving to my own space & being sporadic about my updates, I still read your site daily! I think you win for “longest journal/blog followed” for me (though Nance is a close second).

    I can’t believe it’s been 7 years! I guess I’m an “old-timer” now. Regardless, I am always so happy you are still posting and it’s reached the point that I can just say “Robyn & Fred” in my house and my husband knows who I am talking about!

  105. I was 20yo old so I must have started reading your weightloss blog sometime in 2002.. I have read off and on since then 🙂

    1. oh! and i found your blog by searching for weightloss stories or something like that. I was looking for motivation:)

  106. I’ve been reading for a long time – can’t remember how long! I think I found you throug OFB via ejshea or someone similar…. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your life with us!

  107. Yours was one of the first blogs I read, probably beginning sometime in 2001 when I was in college, although I don’t know how I found you. Funny (somewhat related) story. In my first job out of college (2002), I didn’t have a ton of work to do, and so I would read blogs for part of each day, yours among them. Christmas rolled around and a Christmas card from you showed up at the office, addressed to my boss (this was back in the days when you sent cards to readers). My boss had checked my browser history, stumbled across your site himself, and added his name to the Christmas card list. I freaked out, but didn’t mention it to him. Several years later he admitted that he thought we all spent too much time surfing the web, and he used your Christmas card to let me know that he knew what I was doing online. Needless to say, I no longer work for that sneaky man– I mean, just talk to me about it, dude. /super-long comment

  108. I’ve been reading both you and Fred since about 1997/98. I know it was before Fred started his whole food pile thing. I found you by searching weightloss blogs and you and Fred were the only ones I found interesting!

  109. Oh, I have no idea how I found your blog. Back in the olden days of blogging/online journal crap, there weren’t actually that many of us and we all sorta knew about each other, yes? Back when my journal was The Mombat Situation. I really really really admire the fact that your journal/blog is the same name and url as it always was. If I could go back in time, I’d get my head out of my butt and just stay at one domain forever and ever and ever. I’ve been reading your blog for a long time. My daughter is going to be 9 in a few weeks and I’m fairly certain I was either pregnant or a new mom when I started reading your journal.

  110. I think I started reading you back in 2001. I know I started reading you when you were OFB. I was nearing the end of my efforts to lose 50 lbs. I made my goal (it took me a little over a year), then I promptly got pregnant and gained it (and then some) all back!!!!! 9 years later, I’m still struggling to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight!!! Grrrr.

  111. I would guess I started reading about 3 years in, but I know I went back and read the archives at some point early on. Don’t know how I found you, clicking links probably.

  112. I’m guessing I found you by browsing someone else’s blogroll, but couldn’t say who’s. Been reading at least five years!

  113. Oh, wow, I don’t even know. I started a weight loss site back at angelfire in 1998 where I wrote journal entries daily via html by hand – pre-blog and all. I’m willing to bet that I found OFB (probably via the 3 Fat Chicks site) soon after because I vividly recall pretty much everything from the very start, way pre-Poo. Silly as it sounds, I feel like I know you between the weight loss journey and the kitty love. I’m finally past the weight loss stuff but still solidly in the kitty love. Though we’ve lost 6 of our kitties to old age in the past 18 months, so we’re down to a mere 8 now. Maybe it’s time to foster again, eh? 😉

  114. I, uh, don’t remember but it was a long time ago and Miz Poo was a kitten. And you were going to name her something else, and I forget what, but I came back to see if you really had gotten the kitten or not, since you obviously wanted her even though you had “too many” (hahahaheeheehee) cats at the time. And then I stayed. The end.

  115. Do you remember a blogger called Jhames? Well, I found him via random wandering, and he had a link to you. This was back in the days when you also had OFB. There was only a year or two of archives at that point, so I went ahead and read everything, and have been here ever since. Fred had just yanked his archives off in preparation for putting “From Chunk To Hunk” together. I discovered Jane through you too.

  116. I started reading you way back when blogs were called “online journals”…in the mid- to late-1990’s. Renee (justme.org) had your journal featured in her “new journals” posts in 1999 or 2000.

  117. I found you a long time ago… I think right after ou moved to the second Madison house? No clue how I stumbled onto you. You’re the first site I read every day.

  118. I found you when you wrote me an email (I’m sure you were just sucking up for more hits). I only started reading to see how white trash you were (ha!) and then when I came across the Little Drummer Boy entry…


    I laughed until tears poured down my face and knew you were a pretty good read.

  119. I no longer remember how I found your site, but I think I was drawn by the cute title. I’ve been reading you forever, at least 10 years. You were still working at Fred’s company, it was before either of you lost weight, and the Spud was little. You’ve been one of my favorites all these years and still are.

  120. Hmmm, I think I found you through bonnie but I have no idea how I found her! I seem to remember it was around the time of a charit campaign in a cats memory or to have an op or soemthing and it was a while after that when tommy and sugarbutt arrived, at least 5 years but not ten 🙂

  121. I “found” you from a comment someone made on Open Diary in early 2000. I’ve been hooked ever since. Through you I “found” Jane and Nance. The three of you are my pretend sisters!

  122. Don’t you love how most of us have no idea how we found you? I too have no idea how I found you but I’m glad I did. Maybe through smart&sassy? Or plainjane or Dysfunction Junction or was it called something else before that? Or maybe you had commented on someone else’s diary/blog and I found you through there. If I had to guess, I’d say I’ve been reading you for six years or more? Not sure. A long time.

  123. Hmmm, I honestly can’t remember how I came across your journal but it was back in either 1999 or 2000.

  124. I remember when I stumbled onto your journal. It was when Tubby died, and Jane (plain-jane) linked to you from her journal about it. I checked in on yours periodically from there until about the time you bought your current home, and then I finally figured out what a feed reader was and have beem a loyal reader ever since. 🙂

  125. I’ve had you and Nance in my favorites through 4 different computers! Other blogs come and go but you and Nance are my daily companions.

  126. I can’t remember how I found you. I read a lot of diaries at Diaryland so it could have been there. But I believe I’ve been reading you since 2000 or 2001.

  127. I stumbled accross Fred’s blog actually, way back when it was a weight loss blog. He was still pretty heavy when I started reading if I remember correctly. I read him for quite some time and eventually branched off to your blog. Now I read yours daily and only check his on rare occasion! hahaha I wanna say that was like 10 years ago but I don’t keep track of time either… I have loved seeing all the changes you have made though and I feel this strange connection to you guys (I am a computer nerd and grew up on a farm so would LOVE to be able to move back out to the country) even though I don’t actually personally chat with either of you. Lucky for you I am way too lazy to be creepy in anyway! So carry on for another 10 more years and I will continue to read and never comment! 😀 Oh…and I am a dog person too!

  128. I don’t remember exactly how I found you… but I know it was around 9 years ago. My middle daughter just turned 9 and I remember she was an infant when I started reading. I probably followed a link from Aimee and then I went back and read all your archives.

  129. I found your site in 2003 through a Weight Watchers support group. Someone had read Fred’s book and said his wife’s website was hysterical and worth reading and I’ve been hooked ever since.

  130. I found you what seems like a million years ago when you Nance and Jane were doing Smart & Sassy. I think I found that site on a search for advice columns because they are my favorite kind of brain candy.

  131. I’m not sure how I found you, maybe through Smart & Sassy? You still lived in the other house, Spud was still at home, I think you had had the surgery fairly recently when I found you. But I’ve never left; you’re one of my very favorite sites and I check you every morning!!

  132. I found you through “The TMS List” via my stepdaughter Aimee. Loved your sense of humor there, and fell head-over-heels for your kitties once i started reading about them/seeing their pictures. That was before “the kitten” in the pet store who is now the inimitable Miz Poo. Before the joyous arrivals and tearful passings of many a kitty after that. So, maybe almost 10 years now?

    I remain a faithful reader because i honestly care about your entire clan and enjoy reading your journal more than just about any other out there. You have a unique voice, and you and Fred have amazingly generous hearts, to do all you do for The Kittehs of the World. I can always come here and find myself a daily smile. Thanks, Robyn. 🙂

  133. I found you through Fred’s site when he was still losing weight. I enjoy your site very much.

  134. I learned about your blog from Fred’s blog before his book was published….probably found his from a weight loss blog or something. I believe it was probably while he was writing the book….

  135. I found you through either Jane or the advice column – I think Jane, though. (No idea how I found Jane.) And I probably started reading shortly before you had the WLS, but I don’t think I became a regular reader until afterwards. (I was really interested to see how you progressed through the surgery and recovery because a lot of the doctors I type for had begun recommending WLS for our (orthopedic) patients as an alternative or prerequisite to joint replacement or similar surgeries.)

    Shame my browser doesn’t give me a “bookmarked on” date when I check the properties…

  136. I can’t remember how I found your site….I was probably following links from other blogs. I do know it’s the first thing I read every morning! 😀

  137. I’ve been reading your blog since around 2001, I think. I can’t recall how exactly I came across it. You’re filed under ‘Journals/Fitness’ in my very old system of bookmarks folders, so I reckon I must have found you after a search for weight loss/exercise blogs (which I stubbornly referred to as ‘journals’ back then), or perhaps you were a link from Fred’s weight loss site. Time flies!

  138. Found you from a link on another blog, dont’ remember who. I was intrigued by the blog name! I started reading about 6-8 months before you moved to Crooked Acres. You’re a must in the daily read.

  139. I think it was about 10 years ago, or close to — I’d followed a link someone put up on a fitness forum to Fred’s post about the Firm video, and from there found my way to OFB and then here.

  140. I have been reading since 2000. I stumbled on your site with a weight loss search. I bought Fred’s book, cried over Mr. FancyPants, Tubby and the Boog. I have been to the Muddy Rudder and Cool as a Moose. I used to read Smart and Sassy and even had a question answered! (Y’all called me an idiot for being with a dude who sucked. He did suck- you were RIGHT!!)
    Anyway- I am a daily reader and a huge fan. I am married to a turbo dork who is very like Fred. I would like to think we would be friends if we lived closer. Is that weird??

  141. 1999 I think?

    I was reading OneFatMan and Bitchypoo when you’d walk for miles and miles and miles. I was walking for miles and miles and miles back then too.

    I found you via a weight loss board.

  142. I found OneFatMan through 3FatChicks (I think it was called) while he was losing weight and from there I found your site. Our first cat, Mongo, was a twin for Mr. Fancypants.

  143. I think I’ve probably been reading about 5 years. Can’t remember how I found you but I think it had something to do with a survey or listing of great fun sites. Been along for the ride ever since. You are the best!

  144. I searched my email and see that I subscribed to your mailing list in 2002, but I think that I was reading before then. Back when this was called online journaling? I would have guessed 2000 or so. I was reading other online journals before I found yours, and I’m sure I got here from a link from one of them. My guess is from Wendy at Pound? Or perhaps Jessamyn (I can’t remember what her Diary X site was called) or Carrie at Earthmovers and Sandcastles? One of those old-school early online journallers. Kymm at Sweet as a Biscuit? Oh, or Amy at Parsley.org? Those are my guesses!

    I really am happy, by the way, that you have kept with the email notifications and the one-entry-a-day, one-entry-per-page format and you haven’t migrated to Livejournal or devolved into just posting videos and links or deleted all your archives. I like the continuity here!

  145. Many moons ago, before Facebook, I was on a bbs that still, incidentally, exists today but is a bit of a ghost town. A bbs, if you recall, is all text-based and I remember some people starting LiveJournal accounts and creating websites. I am a curious (*coughcough* nosy *coughcough*) person so I searched for some of the people on the bbs to see if there were pictures on their websites so I could put faces to these names of people I’d been “talking” to for 2 years. On one woman’s website was a link to “Robyn” and I thought it was one of the members of the bbs with the same spelling of the name. Turns out it wasn’t, but I was quickly hooked and that is how I was led to bitchypoo.com.

    I believe this was 1999 or 2000 because I was living in Turkey at the time when I found the site. I read faithfully for years and even asked for a Christmas card one year! (though I can’t remember if you sent the card to Turkey or Portugal) I didn’t read for a few years – inconsistent web access and too much other bullshit going on in my life – but a few years ago I suddenly remembered that I really enjoyed reading the website, especially about the cats, so I rediscovered bitchypoo – much to my delight! 🙂

    Random note: I still think of Spot, Tubby, Spanky, Mr.Fancypants, and Miz Poo as “The Original Five” 🙂 Actually, a quick check to your cat page reveals that I did indeed start reading in 1999 because I remember when you guys got Miz Poo. It was very soon after I’d started reading.

  146. No clue how I got here originally. You were just unpacking from the house with the pool. It was long before Spud started driving. The cat count was still in the low single digits. ’99 maybe? Gosh, that has been awhile. Thanks for more years than I realized!

  147. I found Fred about 3 months after he had his ER-Trauma-foot-sloughing aha moment, and he linked to OFB. I didn’t know about this site til later. I go through periods of computer problems, then when I get back online the first thing I do is come here and catch up. I have had more pleasure and entertainment from the two of you than books, movies and TV could ever provide. If I ever win the big one you guys are on my short list… but don’t hold your breath! PS – I loved the underwear years, you guys are too much!

  148. I found this as a result of One Fat Bitchypoo. I am guessing I have been reading since…2001, 2002.

  149. I found you through Fred. If I remember correctly, I found his because I had come across the word “vituperation” and didn’t know what it meant, so I Googled for a definition and started reading him. That was about 7 or 8 years ago. Of course I went back and read all the archives too.

  150. I found you through Fred’s onefatman site. I can’t remember how I found his site, but I’ve been reading both of you for at least 9 years.

  151. I’ve been reading you since the Spud was in high school. Damn, I feel old. I don’t remember how I got to you, I’m just SO happy I did. I’ve always felt so envious of your life (until you go out to weed the garden, because, Hello? not for me) I read Nance and Jane, and I think I started reading you all about the same time. I’ve read most of your archives and would love to read NANCE’S but the beeotch won’t put them up! Still love her. And you, and Jane. Hm, maybe I found you thru the advice website you all used to have! Ok, done writing the novel. Just want to say, I Lurve you with a capital L.

  152. I don’t remember how I found your place, but it was probably from either a kitty related search or a link from a kitty related journal. Actually I take that back. Thinking about it, I think I found you from a comment you made at Rob Rummel-Hudson’s site, now known as Schulyer’s Monster. There was a link to your page on your comment and the name Bitchypoo intrigued me. I clicked away. The kitty pics sucked me in, when I started reading, I was hooked. I’ve been reading you for about six years now I believe. And then between you and Nance I’ve found a few other other people that I enjoy reading as well. You’re both funny people.

  153. I’ve been poking around trying to figure out how long I’ve been reading you – best I can tell, it’s been for about five or six years. I found a link to your site from someone else’s (can’t recall who, but I’ve long since stopped reading that site). I read the S&S site religiously (linked to from here), and started reading Jane and Nance from that. Been reading all of you ever since, and I have never stuck with anyone else for that long.

  154. Found you from Fred’s Old Blog One fat man, in 2000 and have been reading you ever since. Way before Crooked Acres when the Spud was still small and One Fat Bitchypoo was not born yet : ). Keep writing, Gigi (in Maine).

  155. I found you through Fred when he was One Fat Man. I think I found him through DietGirl. It was back in 2001 or 2002. Thanks for so many years of entertainment!

  156. I found you from someone’s blogroll (now defunct). I don’t remember exactly when, probably in 2002-2003. It was before Mr. Fancypants went missing. Like many others, I am a daily reader and a big fan! Love the kitty pics!

  157. I found you through randomness – my first computer, checking out chat rooms, finding online journals, finding yours – so I’ve been reading you for what? 10 years now?
    You write M-F faithfully, and I read M-F faithfully.
    This fake relationship is odd, you know? But I’d miss you if you stopped 🙂

  158. My sister sent me the link to your journal around Thanksgiving of last year because she knows I like kitty stories and pictures. I enjoy reading it so much that I am now working my way through your archives from the beginning. 🙂

  159. I’m not sure if I started reading Fred’s blog or yours first, I think I found it from a link on some type of a weight loss online journal list. But I’ve been reading along for about 8 years now, and I feel like you all are part of my family! I talk about you and your adventures to my kids and they feel like they know you, too! I read you almost every day and enjoy your farm/kitty/chicken/dog/pig adventures! Thank you so much for sharing your life with all of us!

  160. I found your blog a couple of years ago through reading Nance and seeing your comments and pics of you. I found Nance through the NaBloPoMo site. I’m happy to have found both of you.

  161. I was chatting in an AOL chat room with a regular group of “online friends”. We were talking about fun, interesting online journals to read. Two different people insisted I check yours out. I did and have been reading you daily since the summer of 2002.

    On a side note, that summer was the most difficult of my life. I was downsized from my employer after 21 years(before it was fashionable),my husband caught a “virus” that attacked his pulmonary system and was in ICU for 3 months and my 14 year old, never ill Chow Chow died in her sleep. You just can’t make that stuff up! The reason I mention this Robyn is you brought me joy at such a difficult time.

    Proof of that is I was just giggling at the kitty video. My husband calls out….”you must be reading Robyn!” Yes, yes I am! =)

    Thank you for the daily giggles….

  162. I would have to guess I have been reading your delightful website since 2002. I have no idea how I found you as I also flail around on the internet. Virtually no concept of time? Check. I do however have the navigation system of a homing pigeon. 😉

  163. I think you found me. Way back in the day. But then I started to read you, and I never stopped. Luckily for me, you never stopped writing. Unlike myself.
    Still, I love you, and you are a daily read.
    Thank you for everything you and Fred do. Really. You have all my respect.

  164. I remember that I originally found OFB and then came here, but I don’t remember what how I found OFB. I started reading just after Mr Fancypants went missing. You were still hopeful that he’d just gone walkabout and would be back. I think the only cats from back then that are still around are Miz Poo and Spanky.

  165. I don’t remember when I found you, but it was a long time ago. I started reading many cat blogs at the same time including yours. I’ve been reading Fred for just as long. And the Nance/Jane/you. I own several of your (autographed thank you) books. Now, I just read a few blogs, but always yours. Hugs.

  166. ~I vaguely remember finding you thru another kittheh blog, but can’t swear to it. And I know you still lived in the big brick house and were using the hot tub/pool all the time. You had just lost Tubby I think. GOD… my memory sucks !
    I’m looking forward to visiting with you for many years to come. We will grow old together !

  167. Someone locally to me in the UK started a weight loss support site which was featured on the local news. I started going there and someone mentioned Fred at OneFatMan. From there I found you at OFB.

    Fred was fairly new on his journey and you were still at the first house with the pool.

    From his progress pictures I’d say it was somewhere between July and September 2000.

    For so many years you’ve been my first click of the morning!

  168. Found you through kitschinlogic. Have been a faithful reader for 4 years.
    BTW, I hope Fred finds a job soon. I was downsized (and am also VERY good at what I do :)) and was gainfully employed in four weeks.

  169. I don’t remember how, but I started reading One Fat Bitchypoo years ago. I read entries here and there until the entries became monthly and then even less than that. Then one day I was reading either Plain Jane or Kitcschinlogic (I can’t remember) and they linked you here. I was so excited! I told my daughter “She has a regular blog, Bitchypoo has a regular, daily blog!” She patted me on the head and said “I’m happy for you mom.” I’ve been reading here for 3-4 years now. I rarely leave comments, because I’m a bit shy in the comment leaving area, but I enjoy every entry. :o)

  170. I found you via Fred’s site (who knows how I stumbled over that) about ten years ago. Like other commenters, I like to start my working day by checking in with you. Its a ritual – you, nance, jane, swistle, then get on with my work!

  171. I’ve been reading for about 8 years. I found you through Bonnie’s now defunct Bontasia. Sidebar: Really wondering how she’s doing since her last post. Found Bonnie through a Weight Watchers message board. Found every other blog I read through you.

    So I hereby declare that all of the hours I spend on the internet are YOUR FAULT! 🙂

  172. Robin, I’m sure I found your blog from linking from another blog. How could I NOT read a blog entitled “bitchypoo”? I have you to thank for our family finally getting our kitten Lola almost a year ago. She is now the center of our family – the first thing any of us do when we come home is look for Lola! Love ya!

  173. I think I started with Fred’s One Phat Man, back when I was always searching for motivation to lose weight, one thing led to another and you two have become ‘friends’, and I look forward to your daily journal writing. This had to be at least 10 years ago. I know you have lived in three different houses. (Yes, I finally lost weight when I QUIT DIETING!)

  174. I have no idea how long I’ve been reading, but it’s been a LONG ASS TIME. Like, at least 8 years. I think I found you through some old healthkick blog on DIARYLAND, or maybe Weetabix? Dunno. This was one of the first blogs I read nearly every day, though. True story.

  175. I do not remember, but I think I started reading journals in about 2003. I don’t know if I found Nance through you or the other way around, but I think I found Jane through Nance. You had Miz Poo and Tubby – I think it was the 5 cats days? You were one of the first journals I ever read, and I thought, “whoa, this is cool!”

  176. I think there was a forum we both belonged to and everyone was all about the Bitchypoo. (for the life of me, I can’t remember the name of it, though. All the cool kids were posting, and I tried, desperately to be one of them. I failed. 🙂 I know that I started to read right after you adopted Miz Poo, because I went back to read the whole adoption saga weeks after I started to follow your journal (I still think of you as a journaler, not a blogger). I think I might have started reading Nance about the same time, and Jane shortly thereafter. It’s been a delight, that’s for certain. 🙂

  177. I am not sure how long ago, but I know I was reading Fred’s site…OneFatMan. I know that this is the third house you’ve lived in since I started reading…so maybe 7 years or more? I don’t know, but I enjoy being your online friend!

  178. I started reading back in 1999(98?). I used to read a lame ficitional diary on Redbook site. And in the forum someone said, if you want to read a real online diary, try these… and it was your url and secraterri (who I miss terribly!) and someone else I forget now. Shortly after, I started writing on diaryland and moved a couple times since then.

  179. 2002-2003, before Mr. Fancypants went missing. I don’t really remember how I first stumbled across your site; it was probably on someone’s blogroll – Lose the Buddha, maybe? All I know is yours is the blog I’ve followed the longest, though I did take a break around 2004-2005 when I didn’t have internet at home. I remember coming back and you had Tommy and Sugarbutt. I love all the animals and hearing about crooked acres.

  180. I started reading you around the end of your first year of posting or the beginning of your second year. I cannot even remotely remember how I stumbled on your site though! I think you maybe commented on something I read elsewhere or somebody quoted and linked to you, but for the life of me I just cannot remember!

  181. A friend of mine sent me a link to Fred’s infamous “walnut” entry about 5 years ago, and I found you from there.

  182. don’t remember how I found you! It was a long time ago; I think I started reading right after you’d left your job at Fred’s company.

  183. I had to search your site to find out how long: since this entry: http://www.bitchypoo.com/338/2002-07-03 I was googling for something (can’t remember what) and came across the a/n entry. It was soooooo much like what goes on around here, I was hooked and have been reading every since. (Hmm, that’s like 8 years ago)

  184. I’ve been reading daily since 1999. I remember when you got Miz Poo, and I remember Hamster Sex. 2 Houses ago for you, I think, and I remember when you worked in Fred’s office. I came via Fred’s OFM site.

  185. It is with shame I admit this: My mother was the crazy woman who flipped out on you when someone stole your picture and used it at 3fatchicks.com

    I only have half her crazy I promise.

  186. I’ve been reading since 2002 and I came across it via Television Without Pity which had a link to Tomato Nation (one of the writers on TWOP that I liked) which had a link to Bitchypoo.com. Thanks for keeping it up – it’s been a great read.

  187. Found you via OnePhatMan…before Fred actually reached his goal…and I have to have my Bitchypoo fix every morning, or I am not a happy camper!

  188. Hi Robyn, found you when I was googling what a pluot was (while eating one). Led me to Fred’s site, then yours. That was at least six years ago. I am from Boston so I love that you’re from Maine. Thank you for updating everyday!

  189. I’ve been coming here for my daily dose of kitteh’s for hmmmmm… 8 or 9 years!!! Wow!!! I didn’t realize it has been that long. I did not “find” your journal on my own, it was thrust upon me every single stinkin’ day (slight exaggeration) by someone I used to work with. I believe this particular chick is one of your most adoring fans… she’s your sister. I miss her… but I still have YOU! 🙂

  190. Late to the party, as usual. I think I found you via a good friend of mine from high school, maybe around 2001. You were in your old house. I remember you bitching about neighbors there, and getting the house ready to sell. I mostly remember when Mr. Fancypants went missing. I have to say, I get sad when you post about illness or death of your kitties. It’s like I’ve met you IRL or something. (I remember gasping when I read that Mr. Boogers had died.) And you have answered some questions and given me advice on feral-ish kittens and other stuff.

    I can’t believe it’s been so long.

  191. God damn you Robyn. You sure know how to make a girl feel fucking old! Hrmph. Let’s see, I was just out of college and living two states, and three apartments ago. (and still in my 20’s! did I say you sucked?) So… 2002-2003? 7-8 years ago, and have no clue how I came across the wonder that is Bitchypoo. Although I can trace many I site I read back to you.

  192. Someone recommended your site and Fred’s site on Dotti’s Weight Loss Zone message board. It was about 10 years ago. You were counting calories and Fred was losing weight by eating less and lots of exercise. I never visit Dotti’s anymore but I still read you every weekday.

  193. I started reading about a month ago. Your family and cats have been household names in my house as my mom has been reading for as long as I can remember, and finally I decided that I wanted to know what was so good about this thing… and here I am to stay.

  194. It was a long, long time ago. You only had a couple three cats at the time. So back when Christ was a cowboy….

    Seriously though, Miz Poo was still “the kitten” and was not even Miz Poo yet. Maybe only had about six months of archives to read.

  195. I’m another who isn’t sure whether I started reading Fred’s Fat Man blog first or yours, but it’s been about 10 years or so I’d imagine & I’m pretty sure I got to whichever one I started reading first through someone’s link on their blog 🙂

  196. Found you through Fred’s OneFatMan site a long time ago. I have an autographed copy of Fred’s book, so you probably made a trip to the post office for me at some point. I read you almost every day. Sometimes work gets in the way and I have to catch up a few days worth, but I’ve read every one of your entries. BUT, this is my very first comment. (And don’t hold it against me, but I’m not even a “cat person” even though I think that little Corbett sure is cute!) I often tell my sister or friend something you’ve “said” and it’s like we all know you now. My very fav entry is “I like cheese, just not on a salad.” Laughed and laughed when I saw that cake. Thanks for sharing your sense of humor and best of luck to Fred in his job search.

  197. I found your blog on another blog I read- Boobs, injuries and Dr. Pepper (mcknob dot com- about six months ago and have been reading you daily ever since. I am slowly working thru your archives. I think your blog is fantastic.

  198. Better late than never!

    I’ve been reading you since spring 2002. I found your blog by way of Erin Shea’s (whose blog I still read as well.)

    10 more years! 10 more years! 10 more years!

    You are by far one of my most favorite bloggers EVAR. 🙂

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