Your Linguistic Profile:
65% General American English |
15% Yankee |
10% Dixie |
10% Upper Midwestern |
0% Midwestern |
As I was taking the test to see what kind of American English I speak, I was reminded anew of just how much I loathe it when people call grocery carts “buggies.” Oh my god, I hate that word. I want to smack the hell out of people when they use it. And here in the south they do it ALL THE TIME. Ugh.
* * *
Y’all, I have no clue what’s going on with the notify list. I guess I’m going to give it a week to get its butt back into shape, and then I’ll start looking at alternatives.
Stupid notify list.
It would probably be easier if you all just sent me your phone numbers, so I could call you and say “Hi! My entry’s up! Go read it!” every day, don’t you think?
* * *
Fred’s still sick, but he’s feeling a little better. His fever is coming and going (he’s on the Advil, 4 every 6 hours), and I thought he might not feel like going to get groceries, so I went this morning to get enough stuff for the weekend.
He hasn’t shaved in two days, and he’s looking like one badass, scruffy motherfucker. Mwrowr!
Hopefully by Monday he’ll be back to his usual non-sick self. One hopes so, anyway!
So I was wandering through the grocery store, through the ice cream section on my way to the meat section (I always secretly hope that Ben and Jerry’s will come up with an ice cream with all the flavor of their full-fat ice cream, but zero calories, zero fat, and 60 grams of fiber for the entire pint). A pint of Haagen-Dazs Light Vanilla Bean caught my eye, and I had to stop to look.
Half a cup? 230 calories.
“Light” my ass!
I guess this means the full-fat version probably has 460 calories per half cup, huh? Gah.
* * *
From my comments:
Robyn, do you usually finish books, even if they bore you to death?
Actually, it depends on the book. The only reason I finished reading An Isolated Incident is because it wasn’t until about the last sixty pages that I started thinking “Come ON, get on with it, would you?!”, and I really wanted to know who the killer was.
(Turns out I could have just flipped to the very last page!)
I used to read every single book I started, because I felt compelled to, since I’d usually paid good money for the book and would have felt bad about not reading it. However, I finally decided that life is too short to read crappy books, so I’ll generally give a book 50 pages or so to grab my attention. If it doesn’t by then, chances are good that it never will, so I stop reading it.
I’ve been looking for a welcome mat, and have been thinking about one on the site you ordered your “The cat don’t take too kindly to strangers” a while back, and now I don’t know where that is…. could you post the url for me??
That mat was made by High Cotton, and they have a page
I took a glance through the mats, but didn’t see “The Cat Don’t Take too Kindly to Strangers”, so they may have stopped carrying it. I might have simply missed it, though.
Robyn, what do you do with your mischievious little kitties while you go away for a weekend?
Fred’s mother and stepfather live about two minutes away from us, so they come over a couple of times to feed the cats, scoop the litter box, and check to make sure there were no break-ins. On the rare occasion they go out of town, we do the same for their cat.
We don’t have them come over every day we’re gone, though. I think this time we left on Thursday and they came on Friday and Saturday, but to be honest I think we could have just had them come over once, and everything would have been fine.
Actually, I have a funny story. Fred’s mother called on Sunday to make sure we’d made it home okay, and while she was talking to Fred, she told him that she’d been walking through the house to check that everything was okay, and she noticed that the door to one of the computers was open. She thought that maybe one of the cats had knocked it open, she told Fred.
When Fred hung up the phone, he told me what she’d said.
“She said she thought one of the cats knocked it open?” I repeated.
“That seems like a strange thing to be concerned about,” I said.
“Well, I don’t know that she was really concerned about it. She just mentioned it in passing. That one of the cats might have knocked the door open.”
“Oh.” I thought about it for a minute. “She didn’t mention that one of the cats might have knocked a great big dildo into my underwear drawer, too, did she?”
When he was done guffawing, Fred said “No, she didn’t mention that.”
(Note: I’m kidding. There’s no great big dildo in my underwear drawer. Or
is there? You’ll never know! Ha!)
Those are some kick ass pictures. What kind of camera are you using for them?
Sony DSC-V1. We actually have two of them now, so that Fred and I can each have one. We were talking about getting a new camera back before Christmas so that I could carry one in my purse at all times – we were talking about the
T1, to be exact – but after reading a bunch of Amazon reviews about each camera, we ended up getting another of the V1s. Now we each have our own camera, and I still don’t carry mine in my purse at all times, because I suck.
They take kick-ass pictures, though. Especially when they’re set on the highest possible resolution.
* * *
Pet store kitty pics from Monday are
* * *
The Booger lurves his daddy.
I completed the whole FRIGGIN thing and then when it submitted, my browser crapped out. Won’t let me submit it.
And #6 didn’t say anything about “bubbler”!
I love those doormats. I have this one:
I also love the dog one that says “Ask not for whom the dog barks. It barks for thee.” I giggled for about ten minutes when I first saw that one.
I’m getting your notify emails again after changing the which of my addresses they go to yesterday. Freaky.
Too quick with the post button… If “bubbler” was an option when I took that quiz, I bet my Yankee score would’ve been higher!
Re: Pet Store Kitty pics: Nathan *does* have cool markings! I love the way the tabby part has a continuous line across the lower part of his body, across the legs and belly.
That is such a sweet picture of Mister Boogers on Fred’s lap. 🙂
The Notify list works fine for me:-)
Hope Fred gets better soon.
Heh. I am twice the Yankee that you are.
Have you tried the notify list that is built in to Moveable Type? You can put a box right on your page where people can sign up automatically on their own. It’s pretty handy (though not nearly as customizable as I’d like, at least for me. Fred could probably figure a way to customize it.)
I forgot to say thanks for the cool book I won on your give away site – “King Country” – loved it!! I tore through it and passed it along to another Stephen K fan! Thanks again!!!!!!
Oops Robyn…I emailed you about still not being on the notify list before reading today’s entry, not to be up your ass about it or anything. Sorry! Also, have you tried Edy’s Grand Light Ice Cream? It’s 30% fewer calories than regular and it is so amazingly awesome you’d never guess. I am currently addicted to the French Silk flavor. Check it out and have a great weekend!
Heh. The highest percentage I got was Yankee at 35%, which makes sense to me, because I grew up in Nova Scotia- which is practically more Yankee than New England. But I got hits in every category, possibly because on a few of them I was like “WTF? None of the above?”
Well that was a strange email that your notify list just sent me. I believe I’ve received all of your notify, except when my DSL went down this past week. grumble grumble. A week without being online and without my bitchypoo journal to cheer me up. *sob*
Susan and Stacey: And I thought I was the ONLY one who was looking for the “bubbler” option in that quiz!
As I’ve always been told, it isn’t said much further than Milwaukee and the surrounding counties, so you two must know the area well.
We even sell a T-shirt with a picture of an old fashioned bubbler, with the caption, “Where’s the Bubbler? at the top, and “Milwaukee” at the bottom.
Yep. I’m a Yankee, all right!
Robyn, I also have the Sony DSC-V1. It’s my first digital camera and I do like it, but I don’t think I have the hang of it yet. Do you change the settings when you’re taking certain pictures, or do you just leave all that alone? What do you have your settings on? I find the shutter lag frustrating because I’m so used to an SLR, but I think that’s par for the course with any digital camera. And suggestions/tips are greatly appreciated!
I’m from the West Coast of Canada and I got 75% General Am. Eng., 10%Yankee, 5% Dixie, 5% Midwest and 5% Upper Midwest. Go figure. And what in the world is a bubbler?
Hey Robyn, ever try soy ice cream? I find it tastes just like regular ice cream, but is much healthier. I especially like So Good chocolate, yummy!!