
Watch Me. Finished last night, FINALLY, An Isolated Incident. Some books are like a meandering country road. They go on and on and on. If you’re lucky, there are enough interesting and compelling things to look at during the drive down the road to make the trip worthwhile. And sometimes it’s boring as hell, and you just wish the damn drive was done and over with already. The latter is what An Isolated Incident was like. I don’t recommend it.

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Fred is sick. He’s SICK, I say! Sick! He hasn’t been sick like this since before he started losing weight five years ago, except for the time when he had Hepatitis A. I believe it’s a proven theory that if you are male, whining about how crappy you feel makes you feel much better (but NOT all the way better!) almost instantly. The more you whine, the better you feel. He went to the doctor’s office yesterday and they did a flu test, diagnosed him with the flu, and prescribed a prophylactic dose of Tamiflu for the spud and I. Fred got home from the doctor’s office just as the area schools got out for the day, and I took the prescriptions (Tamiflu for all three of us, Tussionex for Fred) to the grocery store. Thank god I remembered to bring a book, because I ended up being in the grocery store for 45 minutes. The doctor had prescribed 7 pills each for the spud and I but our fucking insurance will only cover 5 pills at a time. Fuckers. So I filled the prescriptions, picked up some ice cream and double stuf Oreos for Fred (“I’m sick; I’m allowed to eat whatever I want!”, is his theory.) and went home. Where I felt his forehead many times and reported on the state of warmth. (“Cooler than it was, but still warm!”) He’s feeling a little better today, but still too crappy to go to work. I’m sure there are going to be naps in his future. I, on the other hand, will be spending my day doing laundry and watching some of the ten thousand shows I’ve DVR’d.
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I’d like to point out that ever since last summer when I realized that Mister Boogers was trapping birds under the platform feeders I had on the ground, and I made it so that both the platform feeders are hanging instead of sitting on the ground, there has not been one single, solitary bird in this house. Of course, Spring is still young. I suppose that when the baby birds are born in a few weeks, some of them might still end up in the house in the jaws of the mighty hunter.
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Hey, remember how my New Year’s resolution for this year was not to buy any books until I’ve read what I have? Yeah, that’s a resolution that is good and broken. We got our state tax refund back earlier this week, and decided to split it – Fred would use half for whatever he wanted on Amazon, I’d use the other half for whatever I wanted on Amazon. I’ve got about twenty books on the way to me right now. I had stuff on my wish list that had been on there so long that they’d gone to paperback, so I ended up buying mostly paperbacks. In fact, I think I actually bought nothing but paperbacks. I’m not sure I’m going to have room on the bookcase for all those books! Why do I bother to make New Year’s resolutions, I ask you?
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Miz Poo kneads and kneads and kneads for twenty minutes before she feels the time is right to curl up in her bed. Maybe kneading is her form of exercise, and the reason she’s lost half a pound! I think she’s planning on writing a book. “Knead Your Way Thin.” She and Mister Boogers are already planning the infomercial.

14 thoughts on “4/14/05”

  1. I’ve been looking for a welcome mat, and have been thinking about one on the site you ordered your “The cat don’t take too kindly to strangers” a while back, and now I don’t know where that is…. could you post the url for me??

  2. Knead Your Way Thin. Oh, we only wish that was possible. What a great book title. Heh! Sorry to hear you have one of them there sick males on yer hands. They can be quite the divas. *wink* Please give Fred my best get well soon wishes.

  3. Have you been notifying these entries? I’m not getting any (notifies, people), and they aren’t caught in my spam filter. I am feeling cut off and alone. I need to know when you post.

  4. I’ve been sending out the notifies, but apparently they’re not getting there – a LOT of people haven’t been getting their notifies. Wah!
    I have no idea what’s going on with the notify list; just hang in there, and hopefully we’ll figure it out!

  5. Debbi: That mat was made by High Cotton, and they have a page here:
    I took a glance through the mats, but didn’t see the “The Cat Don’t Take too Kindly to Strangers” one, so they may have stopped carrying it. I might have missed it, though.
    Elle: She is SO CUTE. You’re making me want to get a kitten, you know. I think I should, and then I could blame it on you!

  6. Hey Robyn:
    First, get well wishes to Fred. Hope you and da spud don’t get it.
    Second, did you ever look at that link I sent you w/the kitty halliditarod…or whever the fuck he called it…the one w/the kitty pulling the sleigh made of popsicle sticks. For some reason, it cracked me up!!
    and, Third: got the suzuki ballcap from the giveaway today. (thanks!!)
    Coincidently, my son’s 13th birthday is today. I let him open the pkg and he immediatly thought it was a birthday gift to him from you. Heh heh..he has thought you and the kitties are like family (he especially loved Tubby and loved the Tubby Christmas cards we have)
    He really liked it, too… 🙂

  7. My Most Patient Wife says I whine when I get sick too. But the truth is when I’m feeling yucky, I want only two things: the TV remote and a clear path to the bathroom.
    If I get those things, I don’t whine — and nobody gets hurt.

  8. Hi Robyn. I just wanted to let you know about this website I found awhile back. It’s the best place (cheapest)I’ve found to buy books, although, I don’t think they carry new releases. I ordered a huge box full of books from there about 2-3 months ago and it only cost me $30.00 or so and that was with shipping. It’s http://www.bookcloseouts.com/ Might be able to save a little money (to buy more books). 😉

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