
A few years ago, when we needed new couches, we got these big, cheap brown couches that have recliners in each end. (flickr) We had issues with something breaking under one of the recliners and had a guy out a few times to fix it, and I think we even had one of the couches … Continue reading “4-4-08”

A few years ago, when we needed new couches, we got these big, cheap brown couches that have recliners in each end.


We had issues with something breaking under one of the recliners and had a guy out a few times to fix it, and I think we even had one of the couches replaced at one point. A few months ago, I noticed that my end of the couch was getting to be pretty uncomfortable, and I started talking about buying new couches in the next few years and Fred would cover his ears and chant that he couldn’t hear me, because HIS end of the couch was perfectly comfortable.

Tuesday, Fred called.

“My Dad called and asked if we want their old couches,” he said. “I told him no, but then I thought I’d check with you.”

Fred’s parents, unlike us, buy good quality furniture when they buy it, and although I couldn’t remember what the couches looked like (I remembered them being blue), I knew we wanted them. Anything would be better than the instrument of torture I was currently spending my evenings perched upon.

So Wednesday, Fred’s father and stepmother came over and delivered the couches to us.


They’re old couches, but they are SO MUCH BETTER than the ones we had. When you sit down, you’re not sitting on saggy old springs, but springs that have a lot of life left in them. I do miss the reclining function of the old couches, but I’m going shopping later today and I’m going to be looking for a couple of ottomans, which should solve that problem.

I actually think the new (old) couches look a lot better in the front room than the ones we had. Two thumbs up to the new (old) couches and parents who buy quality furniture!


After a year of living in this house, I finally have a shelf in the computer room upon which I can put all the little things that make me smile. I wanted to just buy a shelf at L0we’s, but Fred decided he could make me one a lot nicer than we could buy, so we bought a piece of wood and some brackets.

When the shelf was done, it turned out that the brackets were too big for it. What is a homeowner who doesn’t want to make yet another trip to L0we’s to do?

Make his own brackets, of course! Which turned out way nicer than the store-bought brackets.

And now my shelf is in place and I love it.



Have you seen this? Cat adopts chicks.

Yeah, I’ve seen it. It’s about the cutest damn thing on earth!


Does anyone know how to get a cat to stop spraying in the house? Toby was a stray, but has been part of the family for over four years with two cats who were here before him. When Toby first came in the house he sprayed sometimes and I put him back outside. I never hit him, I just picked him up, told him NO!, put him out on the porch, and closed the door. He stopped spraying in the house. Now, years later, he has started again.

Nothing has changed in the house. No new animals, no new furniture, no new boyfriend — nothing! If anything, the other cats get along better with Toby; I’ve seen Mischa walk up to Toby and rub his head under Toby’s chin so Toby will lick his ears and head.

The vet checked him out and he’s healthy.

Has anyone used Feliway for spraying? Did it help? Petco didn’t have it, and I haven’t gotten around to ordering it on line. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


The Feliway hasn’t worked too well for us. We took in an adult male, who apparently had not been fixed early enough, so he wants to spray to mark his territory. Feliway was supposed to help with that, but it didn’t make much difference. I used it for about a month and then quit. While the little shit does not spray as much as he used to now, he still does it when we are not looking. Why, oh why, do I always have to take in any stray that comes along????


Apparently the Feliway Diffuser works or you wouldn’t be getting a refill. Is that the reason why you never write anything about any of your cats spraying? I have six cats and have had to isolate a couple of them for a while to calm them down because of spraying. I have hear of Felway before but hesitate to buy it because it’s expensive and if it doesn’t work. But I want us to be one big happy family so I’m willing to buy it on your good recommendation!

I’ve actually never had a problem with a cat spraying, but I can’t really credit the Feliway because we have a diffuser upstairs and downstairs, but they’d both been dry for about six months now. I got the refill because I thought it might help chill out the kittens.

When I use the Feliway, it might make our cats a little calmer, or I might just be seeing the behavior I want to. It’s never been a matter of the cats being assholes, plugging in the Feliway, and the cats turning into little angels. If there’s a difference in their behavior, it’s more subtle rather than really obvious.

So I consider it worth a try, but I can’t guarantee it’ll make a difference for anyone else!

Readers, your experiences with Feliway? And suggestions on stopping a cat from spraying?


I forgot about this…a few months ago, we bought the 20th annual “Bathroom Reader”. I have only read the first 20 pages or so, but it is very entertaining! I picked it up for 10$ at Sam’s Club.

I was clearing off the bookcase where Fred keeps his books that he hasn’t read yet, and came across one of the Bathroom Readers. They’re interesting books, even if you’re not the sort of person to read in the bathroom!


I’m so glad you ended with what windows you had open, since until then, I thought you were talking about windows in your home and while I also love open windows (I’m sitting next to one right now!), it seemed a bit…odd to me that you and your sister would have to jump up from the computer and go open windows at random.

My sister is spazzy enough that it wouldn’t surprise me to find that she often jumps up from the computer and runs to open a window. HEE.


I got to thinking about all the tomato plants you have and was giggling about the mountain of tomatoes you will be buried under, when I realized that I just put in 36 watermelon seedlings and if I get one watermelon off of each vine I will have approximately 1440 pounds of watermelon. I’m not laughing anymore. Want to set up a trade?

Oh, I suspect the pigs and the chickens would be MORE than happy to take some watermelons off your hands!


In other comments, I am glad to see that most of us are “normal” and do read on the potty. Not normal would,um, be that woman that was in the news a few weeks ago.

Is it wrong that I read the story about that woman and thought “That must have been a REALLY good book!”?


Does anyone have a local or in-depth story, like with pictures and all the “gory details,” of the woman who was stuck to the toilet for two years? My mother has formulated the idea that the woman was OBVIOUSLY massively obese (like, “needs a flatbed truck and a Becker sling to leave the house” obese) because there’s “no other way” that could have happened. I haven’t seen or read anything to indicate that the woman’s weight was in any way a contributing factor, just that she stayed put for so long and.. well.. yeah. Anyway, I want to make her shut up about “OMG just think about how HUGE she must have been!!” but I don’t want to be wrong. Anyone?

As far as I can see, they appear to be keeping her anonymous and there don’t seem to be any pictures available of her. Readers?


My husband has been finding marbles in our front and back yards for the last twenty years, whenever he turns over the earth to plant something.

DUDE. Seriously, what’s up with the marbles? We find them every once in a while in places you wouldn’t expect. I mean, it seems kind of normal when we find them in the chicken yard, because the chickens are always digging stuff up (especially pieces of glass), but they’re all over the damn place. I can explain the golf balls – the children of the previous owner liked to hit balls into the back forty – but the marbles, I just don’t get.


I posted this site on Fred’s blog on where to buy humanely produced eggs and meat in their own neck of the woods….

Readers, you wanted to know where you could get humanely produced eggs and meat? There you go!


A question for Friday: My friend has a cat that loves to eat cantaloupe. In fact she and her husband prepare a separate dish for the cat every time they have some. She wants to know if any of your cats have a similar passion.

I once had a cat that ate grapes but only after he played with them for a while.


Hey Mary Ellen, we had a cat long ago who not only loved cantaloupe, but loved corn and *peeled* lima beans. The kids would always leave one row of kernels on their corn cob for her. In the summer, she’d even drag home corncobs out of the next door neighbor’s trash. Current furball loves yogurt–will climb up on you and get in your face when you’re eating it. All our other cats could not care less about people food.


My cat goes nuts for peanut butter sandwiches… We can’t eat one without him going bonkers – we usually give him a taste of PB just because it’s funny. He also loves cooked beans – I guess they taste meaty???


We had a kitty that went ape shit over bologna and Popeye’s chicken – the spicier the better. He also loved chips, especially Doritos. For any one of those, but especially the chicken, he’d literally try to take it out of your mouth as you were taking a bite. He’d get soaked with water for a bite also. Unreal.

Sugarbutt always dives face-first into the dry oatmeal container when Fred’s making his breakfast in the morning, and he likes to share Fred’s cottage cheese, AND he enjoys the occasional egg yolk. Tubby once ate a piece of broccoli. Other than that, I’ve got nothin’. None of our cats appear to care for fruit, but I’ll have to start testing them to make sure one of them isn’t quietly pining for a raisin or a strawberry!

Readers, what weird things do your cats like to eat?


I have this mental quirk where I always feel like you can’t have everything. For example, if you have a loving husband and healthy kids but issues with money; then you win the lottery or you get an inheritance and you don’t have issues with money anymore, then possibly something will happen to your marriage or your kids health or your health? Weird, I know and probably pretty stupid too. I just know that when things are going good in my life, which they are most of the time, I always have this sense of gloom and doom, like I’m waiting for the shoe to drop!

Yeah, if things go along too well, I expect something to happen to kind of balance it out. I’m glad I’m not the only freak out there!


I love that you are sharing your open tabs! How neat is that. I saw that Sideswipe blade in Real Simple this month and I think I have to have it. Do you (or any of your readers) know of anyone with one and if it is really all its cracked up to be? I just made the bigtime and finally got the fancy schmancy Kitchenaid from Santa and do not like how you cannot stick the spatula in there at all lest it get ripped from your hand. I had a nice Sunbeam one and I think I still like it better in some regards, but it wasn’t heavy duty enough to do 2 batches of cookie dough, which the Kitchenaid scoffs at and stirs it like the pro that it should.

Actually, the entire reason I was looking at the Sideswipe blade is ’cause I saw it in Real Simple and tore out the page to check it out online. I love the hell out of that magazine!

Has anyone out there tried it? I think I want one, but I don’t want to spend the money without knowing that it’s worth it!


Are you now reading Baby Proof? Thoughts? Is it going to piss me off when the wife finally relents and has a baby to please her husband/ex? This situation mirrors my life closely, except that so far my husband hasn’t given any ultimatum. I never ever ever want kids. Never have.

Warning: Possible Baby Proof spoilers in this section. Don’t read this if you plan to read the book. I finished Baby Proof last week (MAN I need to update my reading list!) and while the end was left kind of open-ended, yeah – she was willing to have a kid, in the end, to be with him (though to be fair, he was willing to give up the idea of having a kid to be with her, too). There’s a part near the end where someone tells Claudia to have a baby to get Ben back, and when she says that’s an insurmountable issue, he says well, then, I guess y’all aren’t soul mates, are you? and she buys into the idea that true love conquers all and after a stupidly OBVIOUS plot twist to keep them apart a little longer and make her very sad, they get back together, but whether or not they’ll have a kid (or try for one) isn’t really resolved.

It’ll probably make you cringe and get pissed off; it annoyed me more than a little, but I have to say that I think Emily Giffin’s books are getting better and better. The first one I mostly liked, the second one I liked more (I like to think that Emily Giffin wrote Something Blue to see if she could make a character who was very unlikable in Something Borrowed become likable) and Baby Proof, despite the too-obvious plot twist toward the end, is the best of the three, I think.

Heads up: she’s got a new one coming out in May!


HG is coming along, very very slowly. Last night when Fred and I were hanging out with him, he actually lowered his head for a pet, and it’s the first time he’s done THAT, so that’s an improvement. And then he stood and let me pet him for a long time. But, best part, I had him kind of cornered at one point and I started rubbing his ears and back, and finally FINALLY he purred for me.

One day he will sit in my lap, I promise you.

“YEOW! I feel GOOD!”


“Ah hets Spring and ah hets pollen. Ah hets grass and ah daffodils. Ah hets sun and ah hets rain. But what ah really hets more than anythin’ are porky black kitties, TOMMY, who jump on me and bite mah neck and run away before ah can kick their porky little butt.”


2007: 002. Do you have a pet? Six cats. Six. NOT EIGHT.
2006: “Brrrrrrrrrrp!” Mister Boogers said with great displeasure.
2005: E’gar comes home.
2004: No entry.
2003: “Hi. What R U doing to loose weight and how much weight have U lost?”
2002: Burned fucking beans.
2001: No entry.
2000: Diane Sawyer is so uncomfortable around kids, it’s laughable.

44 thoughts on “4-4-08”

  1. BUDDY CHRIST!!! I’m sure you probably mentioned you had one at some point, but seeing it on the shelf just made me giggle.

  2. Anyone else find it amusing that the officer cited in the newspaper article about the woman stuck to the toilet seat is named Whipple?

  3. I’m pretty certain that they gave the weight of the bathroom lady and she was of normal size. This was more a problem of not moving, not washing and bed sores (pressure ulcers), I believe. Plus a really bad case of mental illness.

  4. Our cats growing up had food quirks. Our siamese loved cheesy popcorn (the kind that comes in a big tin). The lid opening would send her running. And Cheetos and of course, KFC chicken. She would HOWL when we were eating Kentucky Fried Chicken until we gave her some. Another cat loved spagettios. And yet another loved oatmeal (cooked).

  5. Robyn-
    It is amazing the positive difference the new-used furniture makes, definitely get the ottomans.

    And the shelf decor, to dub Jennifer, the BUDDY CHRIST, made me chuckle too.

  6. Eew, bathroom lady stories…

    Our cat Ozzie LOVED green olives. No matter where he was in the house, if you opened up the olive jar he’d come flying into the kitchen. Come to think of it, he’d do that whenever we’d cook with olive oil too. He also loved corn and coleslaw and Special K (original formula only, not these new ones made with a different mixture of grains). He would snitch the occasional dill pickle too, but he really dug the olives.

  7. My cats love french fries! They will steal them off the plate. One of my cats also loves potato chips (we nicknamed her “Chip” because of her fondness).

  8. Long time reader here, bad bad lurker. BUT! I had to pipe in about the Sideswipe. I have had one since Christmas and I LOVE IT! One of my biggest pet peeves with my baby (oh, I’m sorry, I mean my KitchenAid) was that I could never scrape down the bowl without making a complete mess of my hand or the spatula. Well, the Sideswipe completely takes care of that. It’s a lot lighter (its a plastic material)than the attachments that come with the mixer and depending on what you are mixing it is a bit harder to scrape off the batter, etc. from the blade itself, but like I said it is totally worth it.

  9. I had a cat that loved cantaloupe and currently have one that likes to lick the juice. There must be something in cantaloupe that attracts cats because it was the only fruit those two would touch.

    But I have a cat that tops anyone’s cat when it comes to eating human food. He’ll eat anything and everything. I’m on a cashew nut kick. He eats them with me. He’s tried getting food out of my month when I’m eating it if I don’t share. He’s stuck his face in my month after I’ve eaten something to see if anything is left. He eats meat, veggies, cookies, chips, french fries, pizza etc. The only thing he doesn’t eat is lettuce. It must be too healthy for him.

  10. I was thinking about this last night and realized it would be too late to go into this week’s extravaganza, but I have high hope for next week though.

    My question: Do any of your cats not eat people food? The reason why I ask is that our cat will not eat anything but his cat food (both wet and dry). We’d give him raw or cooked hamburger or chicken and he smells it and walks away. What a weird cat. (At least this means he’s not begging for food, I guess.)

    Also re the Bathroom lady: who in the hell brings food to someone in the bathroom?! (You don’t have to answer this one, it’s kind of rhetorical.) I mean really! We only have one bathroom, so this probably won’t be an issue, but the time my husband asks me to bring him food when he is on the throne is the time I say “get it your damned self.” I am pretty sure he’d say the same. It should be a rule or something. A code. Man!

  11. That first picture of HG belongs on the LOLcats site with some appropriate caption, I don’t know what. Great picture.

    I am the marble lady (so to speak). We can only assume that before our housing development was built (around 1950) there might have been a clearing in the woods here and a lot of the local kids played marbles here. Then the ground was all turned over for the construction and now they’re slowly rising to the surface as we plant or put in borders and stuff. I’ll have to ask my husband if he’s kept them, maybe I’ll take them with me when I live the dream some day and go on Antiques Roadshow.

  12. My now deceased cat {who passed away last week :(} used to LOVE eating Italian rolls {or “buns” as I call them}. But it was only from this specific Italian restaurant around here. Funny enough his name was Russo {pronounced ROO-SO} which is an Italian name. I wonder if he was a former little Italian person in his former life? Heh! 😛

    My other cat Mango loves fried chicken and ribs. His mom was a feral cat and would root around in our garbage which explains that.

  13. It looks as though Spanky is giving the ‘old” new furniture his approval.It looks good and the cat likes it. Can’t beat a gift like that.

  14. Two of my cats go nuts for cream filling from snacky cakes. And cheddar & sour cream flavored chips.

    Another one will not stick her face in a bowl, so she uses her paw to bring food out a piece at a time.

  15. I had to post when you mentioned that one of your cats might crave raisins. My cat used to love yogurt-covered raisins; I fed them to her whenever I had some. She’s now deceased, but I was in the vet’s office last month with another cat and saw a poster on the wall listing people foods that are poisonous to pets and raisins were on there! I was horrified and I questioned the vet, who confirmed that you should not feed raisins to cats (possibly other animals, too, but the guilt ringing in my ears prevented me from taking in any more information). The deceased cat was 18 and had cancer, so I didn’t kill her with raisins. But, still.

  16. About parents’ furniture: I have in my living room the couch that was in my parents’ house all the time I was growing up. There is a picture of me somewhere at 3.5 with my new baby brother on my lap and I’m sitting on that couch. (Said brother was born in 1957.) In the kitten room is the chair that goes with it, which was my seat in the living room all the time. Also in the living room is the cool but odd recliner (not a La-Z-Boy type) that was my dad’s and which is still very comfortable, along with the coffee table and two end tables my mother bought shortly after they married and which she hated the rest of her life. I admit to not liking them much, either, but they still hold things, so I figure they can stay. I hasten to add that all of the upholstered furniture has been reupholstered many times since my parents bought them. Given my son’s evident drive to acquire more furniture than will fit comfortable in his apartment (THREE dresser drawers!), I fully expect him to adopt all this furniture when we die.

  17. I had a 50-gallon fresh water aquarium for years and one day I read that fish enjoyed the outside rind of a zucchini after it had been boiled. So I bought a zucchini, boiled it, and was slicing it into little disks and scooping out the insides. My Persian, Shamarin, was winding around my ankles meowing, “Give me some, I want some too.” I said, “It’s boiled zucchini, you crazy cat, you won’t like it!” But being a well-trained human I put the stuff I was scooping out in a dish and set it on the floor. She gobbled it up like it was fresh tuna. From then on I bought a zucchini about once a month and it was a treat for the fish and for her. The other cats thought she was nuts.

  18. I love the photo of HG. Something about that kitty I tell ya. The longer they are to come around the more loyal, in my totally useless opinion.

    Lanna Lee – my elder statesman Gibson is on a special diet for kidney health. Since all my cats eat the same food my other two furbots eat the diet too. I try to get the younger two to eat some roast turkey deli meat or crunchy cat treats but they will not have any part of it. If it is not their kibble in their food bowl they won’t touch it. Of course the old dude Gibson is a kitty vaccum cleaner and will eat anything he can get his teefs on. He especially loved Doritos but I am very careful that he only eat his special diet so he stays with us for a long time.

  19. I used to have a cat that would eat green beans and shrimp. Now the shrimp I understood..but green beans? Oh! and Onions..raw onions..she’d harass the heck out of you till you gave her one.

    Now my cats just get wet food and dry food and I don’t even begin to give them human food. My son does that enough for all of us.

  20. One of my current cats loves popcorn, Fritos and dried pasta and the other will absolutely beg for any sort of beans. She loves beans.

  21. Ok Im far too lazy to go look for links but the bathroom lady was not large she was not even “normal size” the info I read said she was small, “amazingly small”

  22. My husband, who loves everything as cheap as possible, wants to marry you (and possibly Fred, if he turns out to be even thriftier than you)! I’m a big believer in value, so I fall in with Fred’s parents, and in STYLE, which, due to my Europeanness, forbids anything overstuffed or (gasp!) reclining. I really like the way the new (old) sofa looks in your living room!

    Now, if you’re interested in my husband: He does scoop litter boxes occassionally and is very good at brushing cats.

  23. My cat Gertie Mae loves green beans, too! He(yes, Gertie is a boy! My little tranny cat!) will do his best to steal them right off of your plate. He will sit by the fridge for hours meowing for the leftovers. He also has a thing for Oreo cookies.

  24. Lanna,
    Yes, my current cat only eats cat food. Dry cat food. He was raised by a pet store owner who raised him on Science Diet or something like that for the first 2 years of his life. Our vet says to keep him on dry (not canned) food and that it’s way better for cats. But the weird thing is that he’s not interested in anything else. We’ve given him bits of hamburger, steak and chicken and he could care less. Weird cat.

  25. Is it wrong that I read the story about that woman and thought “That must have been a REALLY good book!”?

    If it is. I don’t wanna be right. ROFLMAO!! 🙂

  26. Lanna–One of my cats is like that. Things she will not eat: people food; cat treats; canned cat food; the special canned cat food from the vet that costs $5 a can and is supposed to tempt cats who aren’t eating because they’re sick; dry cat food that is not Iams Multi-Cat (and only one flavor of that). (It took a month of gradually mixing in more of the Multi-Cat to transition her from her kitten food to that.)

    She will, however, drink black coffee out of my mug any time I turn my back on it. But not if I add milk. (She also won’t drink milk.)

    She’s taken “finicky” to a whole new level, I think.

  27. I used to have a cat (now deceased, bless her heart) that LOVED cantaloupe, tortilla chips, ice cream, etc. My cat Poof loved apricot jam when he was a kitten – that’s probably one of the weirder ones I’ve heard of. Now he has no interest in it. My other cat, Winter, loves sesame flavored crackers, pita chips, and popsicles. Now my dog, on the other hand, loves vegetables and plain yogurt, also my hand lotion and tries to lick my deodorant off if he can get near it. WEIRD!!!

  28. My boy kitty has the nose for the cheese. If there’s cheese being eaten, you must share. He’s pretty snooty about it, usually he prefers a nice Brie or Cambazola over, say, cheddar.

    Girl kitty used to stick her nose up in the air at the thought of “sharing” food with us humans, but she’s come out of herself a couple of times, getting braver any day. I fully expect to come back to the table one day and see her up there with her face in a bowl.

  29. My cat loves cheese and beef vindaloo – you’d think that would cause serious litter issues, but it seems to sit well with her 🙂

    And I want to know what the bathroom-lady’s housemate did when he needed to go to the toilet… *heh*

  30. Our Lola eats chicken pot pie, cheese, marshmallows, and grilled cheese.
    A few weeks ago, I had a little dish of olive oil in our bathroom. My 4 month old had some cradle cap, and it was recommended that we rub olive oil on it. We used a little oil, and just left it there overnight so we could use it again the next day, but the next morning it was completely empty… except for the telltale black cat hairs stuck in the dregs. I’m guessing she licked up about 1/4 c. Lets just say Lola was very regular for a good few days. 🙂

  31. I love hearing about all the people whose cats are weird like mine: no people food!

    Of course, I was talking with my parents tonight and they reminded me that when they were kids their pets ate table scraps (and the cats stayed out in the barn.) Crazy.

  32. I, too, love the rant o’het…my daughter (11 y.o.) and I love them and have taking to comment on various situations “he/she/I hets it”! She’s a total Mister Boogers girl. The new old couches are fabu and really fit to the room so nicely, plus looks like they are cat approved.

    Weird foods for 2 of 6, “Oreo, my Orry Main” is Cheez-Its; he’ll eat the whole thing and go searching for more. He’s also one of the only cats that will investigate what you’re eating and doesn’t runrunrunrun when the food’s being dished up. He and his brother totally dig when you are eating cereal and do everything to circumvent the spoons bowl to mouth route, even though the get a little of the leftover milk.

  33. The only people food my late kitty Sugar Foot would eat was that really thin sliced preformed turkey lunch meat. AND you had to fold it into a little pyramid shape for her. Now the girls that I have now…Alice loves lemon cookies, blackberry yogurt(spitting out the seeds), and iced sweet tea. Babby LUVS lemonade, chinese bbq pork, green olive juice and will wrestle you for buttered toast. Kuchi is my mayo girl. No turkey or lunch meat thats on the sandwich. Just the mayo on bread. My semi feral boy Osgood(okay he does live in the house!), has to eat WHATEVER you are eating… just a little or maybe a LOT. But he has to have a sample. I guess they are weird, But then so am I.
    P.S. Meester Boogers has a Lovely Southern drawl..Ya’ll.

  34. When my son was young, his male cat DC was crazy for fruit esp. apples, bananas and grapes. The weirdest thing DC loved though, was Blo-Pops. Son once left one on the dining room table, and the next morning we woke to find the wrapper, crunched up candy bits, a wad of the chewed bubble gum and the stick in various parts of the house. DC pretended to be all innocent but had a piece of the lollypop stuck under his lower lip! This happened again when DC dug another Blo-Pop out of my sons Halloween stash. Weird cat!

  35. We adopted an adult male who had not been fixed. We took care of that right away, but when we moved to a new home, he sprayed everywhere, which made the other 3 completely freak out. We cleaned the areas with Nature’s Miracle, and used the Feliway diffuser. While he stopped spraying all over the house, we have never been able to break him of doing it right in front of one of the litter boxes, so we just put down a puppy pad. It seemed like the best compromise at the time.

  36. My cat has 3 favorite foods: lettuce, cheese popcorn and rice crispy treats. It’s so strange though, I will give her thinly sliced turkey or ham and she won’t eat it.

  37. Out cat Oliver eats Cheeze-its. Iris eats anything that doesn’t move – we call her the hoover.

  38. When I was growing up, one of our kitties, Spaz, loved Cheez-Its. He would open the pantry, jump in and knock the box on the floor (which usually opened the top of the box), and then just sit there fishing out one piece at a time until they were gone. He also quite enjoyed shoving his nose into the opening of a freshly opened soda can, no matter what kind it was. He preferred beer, actually, but so often got a nose full of diet coke or coke.

    Recently, my kitty Mia has a strange fascination with bread. Any kind of bread – green olive bread, sandwich bread, pumpernickel, crumbs on the counter after making a PB&J sandwich, anything. She will eat Grape Nuts out of the bowl while I’m turned away getting milk – but she fishes pieces out of the bowl with her paw. Yogurt – but only strawberry flavored – is a winner.

    I’m kind of tempted to go buy a cantaloupe!

  39. Also, on a side note, I was looking through all the books on your list, Robyn, you’ve read a few Wally Lamb’s but not “I Know This Much is True” – if you really haven’t read it, you sooooo should! Its possible you’ll like it even more than his others.

  40. Each of our furbabies has their own food quirks! Jazz loves sauerkraut, avocado, cheddar and he used to gag down long strands of ramen noodles which was disconcerting but slightly amusing too.
    Tigger loves green olives, heineken beer and uncooked whole wheat spaghetti ‘twigs’, he’s a little weird!
    Lixue loves ricotta, mascarpone, greek yoghurt (never the runny stuff) and sardines in their own oil. If they are in olive oil she won’t touch them. Lixue is the one cat who will always taste something once if I offer it to her. She’s pretty trusting 🙂

    HG is definitely a cutie, such a sweet lookin little guy

  41. “Whipple was the second law enforcement officer to go to the mobile home where McFarren and Babcock were living. Whipple, who described Babcock as a “thin, petite woman,” used a pry bar to take the seat off the toilet so the woman could be taken to hospital where the seat was removed.”

    from one of the articles.

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