Real Housewives of NYC Reunion show (cut and pasted from an email. To Shelly, if you MUST know):
Okay, I couldn’t get to sleep because I knew the Reunion was sitting on the DVR taunting me, so I got back up and watched it!
Man, I don’t WANT to feel bad for Simon and Alex, but it’s kind of hard not to! I mean, I agree with Bethenny telling them to just own their behavior, but with everyone jumping on, I was starting to feel bad for them!
The look on the host’s face when Ramona got up and walked off cracked me UP, ’cause he was all “What the hell am I supposed to do NOW?”
I didn’t understand Bethenny’s non-answer. Are she and Jason still together, or not???
Who are these idiots emailing the countess about manners and making her think she needs to write a BOOK? Does she not realize that there have been 10,000 books written on the subject, for the love of god.
I still don’t know who Ramona thinks she’s fooling, claiming she’s never had plastic surgery. MY ASS. Brow lift AT THE VERY LEAST.
Jill was fairly restrained, but I don’t know how on earth she and Ramona can claim to be friends, because if I had a friend I got along with (or DIDN’T get along with!) the way those two do, I’d cut my losses!
Okay, my eyes are crossing, I’m going to bed. This was a REALLY good reunion show. They’re not NEARLY as nice to each other as the OC housewives. And I love it! 🙂
(and then)
Ramona is just an idiot. She doesn’t see that she’s being a TOTAL hypocrite, though to be honest even if she did see it, I don’t think she’d care. I can’t stand the way she talks, either, and she sits there and makes faces like a little kid ever time she says something – like “Why is he here?!”, and then does a total bug-eyed look to the side. Did you notice that she refused to even look at Simon when he was talking? She has SUCH a chip on her shoulder! And I think it’s funny that she was the most disgusted by Alex & Simon’s house when she’d never been there!
I totally noticed that the Countess brought up the idea that they should finish their house before they go dropping tons of money on clothes. She stole my point! Obviously she has her spies reading my email. I could never be a Countess, though, I’d have to toss a “du” or “de la” into my name, and Robyn de la Anders0n…. Hmm. Actually, it has a ring to it!
Did Alex actually say something about them being the sort of people who like to “get their hands dirty” renovating houses, or did I make that up in my head? I don’t see either of them being in any way shape or form into renovating. Though if they’d pay me the amount of money she spends on a SINGLE DRESS for the OPERA, I’d renovate their damn house for them! And I’d be all “Yeah, that linoleum came directly from the sweaty brow of an old Italian man in :coughcoughcough:opoly! I know, you’d think I nipped down to Lowe’s and grabbed it, but totally not!”
I don’t know if they’ve even started filming the NJ Housewives, but it can’t be soon enough for me!
Instead of waiting ’til today to get potting soil so I could pot the plants on the front porch, I decided to run to Wal-Mart yesterday and buy potting soil and a few other things I needed. I picked up some eggplant plants for Fred (he adores those Japanese eggplants!) and a few other things, but I looked every damn where and couldn’t find potting soil anywhere. Since I knew that Lowe’s would have it in bigger sized bags and it’s not very far from Wal-Mart, I just went ahead and ran over there.
Two huge-ass bags of potting soil later, I was home. Instead of doing the potting right away, I opted to wait ’til the afternoon and spent the morning watching Work Out. As the show was ending, I got a call from my plastic surgeon’s office. The woman I spoke to had just gotten off the phone with my insurance company and wanted to let me know that they’d denied my pre-approval for plastic surgery.
I was turned down for not meeting criteria, so the nurse said I could come back to have more pictures taken, and if I wanted to write a letter to send in with the appeal, that would probably be very helpful. I spent the afternoon Googling around trying to get an idea of how to start such a letter – I knew what I wanted to say, but I had no idea, seriously, of what the first few sentences should consist of. After much Googling and ending up on very unhelpful pages, I discovered that To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter to appeal the decision of [Insurance Company], which denied me preapproval for a panniculectomy. was a good way to start, and once I got those first few sentences written, the rest came pretty easily. It’s always getting started that’s hardest for me, I find. After some writing and editing and tweaking, I was done.
So after I’m done at the pet store this morning, I’ll be going to the plastic surgeon’s office, where I’ll be getting naked for a strange woman, who will take pictures of me.
One hopes they won’t end up on the internet.
Okay, the kittens have been named. Fred and I had discussed going with a Shakespearean theme, and he had a lot of different suggestions, all of which were good ones, but I wanted pretty names for these babies, not silly or goofy ones. I know, I’m a dork. Probably once these kittens are adopted, their names will be changed anyway, so it doesn’t matter THAT much, but it does to me.
Elayne made a suggestion in my comments mentioning names from Firefly. I’ve never seen Firefly (it’s on my mental list of shows to watch on DVD some day), but the names she mentioned were pretty enough that I went to the link provided and looked ’em over. And I liked them enough, that that’s what I went with, a Firefly theme. So meet the newly named babies:
River. I know that the character of River on Firefly is a girl and this kitten is a boy, but it was a name that could be either a boy or a girl, and at the time I matched the name with the kitten, we weren’t sure, so River it is.
(We double-checked last night. River’s the only boy; the rest of them are definitely girls.)
2007: Behold, I have The Internets in my home!
2006: So they had a baby. BIG FUCKING WOOP-TI-DOO. Now can we give it a freakin’ rest?
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: No entry.
2002: $65 for that bullshit. Bargain, eh?
2001: Dumbass, take two.
God I love those kitties, soooooo CUTE! As for the Housewives, I get the feeling that none of the ladies will be socializing with Alex anymore, I felt a definate divide going on and Alex and Simon were clearly on the outside of that circle. I also think the countess would like to distance herself from the whole thing, I’m sure her husband wasn’t too pleased.
You really should watch Firefly someday – you won’t regret it. I LOVED that show. So I love your naming scheme for these kittens. 🙂
Also, have you ever had experience with a cat with a broken elbow? I have a cat, Gracie, who broke her elbow back in January. I don’t know how she did it – I was handing out treats one morning, and she didn’t come to get hers, so I went to find her and she was laying in her favorite sleeping place, with a broken leg. She spent the last three months in a cast, and the last x-ray didn’t show much if any improvement over the previous one, so they removed the cast yesterday. I am VERY disillusioned with my vet’s office, let me tell you, first because of a billing issue last week, and then because yesterday when she had her cast off, they just took her in the back, removed it and brought her back out to me. I never saw a vet, and never got any instructions on how to care for her now.
I got her home, and her leg is weak and stiff, obviously, from being in a cast for long, and it was very much in need of a grooming. I pulled out as much of the dead hair that I could, so she wouldn’t ingest it, and she finished cleaning it up. The fur is a little thin now, but it looks much better. Anyway, though, she is using the leg, with a very obvious limp. I don’t trust her to jump down off anything onto it, so I’m watching her like a hawk to keep that from happening. But it troubles me a lot, because it doesn’t seem right to me. She even sometimes doesn’t seem to realize that her foot has turned under. She can straighten it back out, just sometimes doesn’t seem to realize she should.
I wondered if you or any of your readers have had experience with this. Since I got no instruction from my vet – am I doing the right thing by being so protective? (If she breaks the elbow again,she’ll lose her leg.) My plan right now is to have her loose when I’m home to watch her, and to encourage her to walk on it as much as possible, to try to strengthen it. (She has been living in a crate while the cast was on, and is in there now when I’m at work and at night when I’m sleeping, just so I know she won’t break it while I’m there to watch her.) Is there anything else I should be doing for her? Am I just being overprotective? (Also, there are pictures on my blog, if you want to see her when she just came home yesterday.)
(Don’t you love how you’ve become the Internet’s cat expert? 🙂
::eardrum-rupturing squeals::
WOW! Except for all these weird noises and faces I’m making, I’m speechless.
::double-plus-good-hearting you::
Also, you MUST watch Firefly. Seriously. My son talked me into seeing the movie (Serenity), and a few days later I realized, “Oh hey, this is based on that TV show that some of my blogger buds used to write about, the one they got all worked up about when it got canceled.” I mentioned that to TJ, and a few days later he found the box set of Firefly at Blockbuster. I was all, “meh,” but I let him rent one of the DVDs. He wanted me to sit down and watch it with him.
Now, remember, I don’t like watching TV. I’d be happy without even OWNING a TV. So I sighed my put-upon sigh and said “okay FINE, but I’m only going to watch one episode, I’m not going to sit here and watch the whole thing.”
Three hours later… oy.
So the very next day, I went out and dropped $50 on the entire box set, which we then watched in one long sitting on that weekend, and I am now a total Firefly convert. (A week later, my son found the box set somewhere else for $35, and said, “Now don’t you wish you’d waited? You could have saved $15.” I said, “Lessee, $15 extra, vs. waiting another week… no, I’m okay with the extra $15.”)
Also, Mal is totally my boyfriend.
Man, I can’t quit grinning. Now I REALLY have to have those bebbes!
Although I too love Mal, it’s Wash for me. Love, love, love him!
Yep, add me to the list of Firefly fanatics. You won’t be disappointed at all. But don’t watch Serenity until you’ve watched the the whole season.
This was a great theme for the names. I approve. Not that you need my approval of course. Heh
I wish I could take the one named Kaylee. That is my daughters name! It is sad that my pesky husband is very allergic to cats and that I live so far away! I have just fallen in love with that one and when I saw the name, I am smitten!
You should totally watch Firefly… the character of Jayne is a boy (BTW), but River is a great name too!
I can’t believe all of the soap opera names used in the first segment of this blog. I’m annoyed with them all already and I’ve never seen an episode. 🙂 LOVE the names. They are all really pretty and perfect! (the names and the kitties!)
NEVER SEEN FIREFLY??! You MUST! MUST, I say! I own it and still have to sit my ass down and watch it when Sci-Fi runs the marathons.
What the Hell? Never seen Firefly!?
And you there with the Netflix account.
(seriously, you have to watch it. The entire internet can’t be wrong)
Aw, Momma has my name!! I feel so honored. 🙂
How much do the kittehs weigh? I need to know so I can send the correct FedEx package and airbill so the kittehs can be sent to me. OkThxBai.
I’ve never seen Firefly. Embarassingly, I’d never even HEARD of it before today. Wait, I’ll move this rock I’m apparently living under.
I know that the character of River on Firefly is a girl and this kitten is a boy, but it was a name that could be either a boy or a girl, and at the time I matched the name with the kitten, we weren’t sure, so River it is.
Heh. It’s actually sort of fitting, since one of the male characters on the show is named Jayne.
Gosh, if you were in California, I’d really really want Zoe. She looks just too precious, and I have a serious thing for tritabbies.
Aaaaahhhhhhh kittens!
What is Firefly? I’ve never heard of it.
Those kittens are too adorable. I swore never again to have another cat, but when I
see tiny kittens, I just melt. (Note to self: No more cats, EVER, doesn’t mean really
forever, or does it?) Those darling little pink paws get me every time, and the little
triangle tails. Too bad they have to grow up…
Ok I admit it – I’m addicted to Housewives NYC, too. But a book of manners from the Countess!!!? I think not. Did anyone else notice how her children chew with their mouths open and talk with food in their mouths? And the “whisper” conversation about how to address her in the back of the car – like the driver couldn’t hear her. Manners – not so much.
Your Kaylee is completely adorable! (I think that’s been mentioned before, right?) They are all as cute as tiny little buttons. And Kara is also lovely.
As for Firefly — may I strongly but humbly suggest that you get started on watching that right away. I admit my family are all big science fiction fans and we were already big, big fans of the creator, Joss Whedon. Nevertheless, it is absolutely Must See TV. One of the best TV shows ever and tragically canceled as it began to reach its potential.
I definitely love the kittens’ names. I may have to go with something like that with our next group!
Wow. It was hard enough letting go of a 7-month old kitten, and we STILL wound up keeping one of them. I can’t imagine how hard it would be with wee little babies like that. And my husband is worse than me now about the, “Can we keep them?” Yeesh.
Oh, and those are excellent name choices. I also recommend Firefly…didn’t get it at first, but was sad at the end that there wasn’t any more to watch.
Kara looks like an absolute sweetheart as well. She looks like a cross between my Tiger and the kitten we gave away, Peaches.
Yep, another Firefly freak here! My special little baby kitty is named River!
You should have named him Jayne. The Jayne song is hilarious.(Plus I love Adam Baldwin.)
Thank you for mentioning the housewives reunion show. I watched it and was so disturbed that I taped it again to watch another run through.
It was like watching a bunch of chickens jumping on one hen and hen-pecking her to death.
I KNOW that Alex and Simon DO have the social climbing thing going on,but of all of the housewives,I really like Alex and Simon.I smile when they are on camera. They love each other so much I know the others ar extremely jealous of them.I LOVE that they are in each other’s back pocket!
The other gals,especially “The Countess”,are scared to lose their husbands.She’s wife number four and who knows if she caused marriage number three to end? She couldn’t even joke with the Count during a tennis match. What an ass.
Remember the Countess saying that she cold never speak to The Count as Ramona did to her husband,Mario,during the grudge match.
Ramona is a loud,crass harpy. She’s mutton dressed as lamb in too tight outfits. Worst of all,she dances like Elaine in Seinfeld.
No,actually the WORST thing about her is the way she reframed what actually happened between her and Alex and Simon.Ramona was the rude aggresser while Alex and Simon took the high road.At the reunion show Alex acted like it was all Alex and Simon’s fault.
Long live Alex and Simon!
Apparently I need to put that show on my Hillbilly Tivo. I mean my RCA Guide Plus on the VCR.
Those kitties are precious!
Jaaaaaaaayne…. the man they call… Jaaaaaaayne… oh yes, firefly rocks. It’s also only 15 episodes long, so a quick DVD set. When I saw the pics of the kitties, I thought that Inara and Kaylee’s names should be swapped, though! Inara’s a gorgeous brunette & Kaylee’s a pretty redhead.
I have a dog that had ACL surgery, not a cat or dog with a broken elbow, so this may be assvice. With the dog, we were to gently extend the leg until he pulled back – like 10 times a couple of times a day. Then the opposite, gently push the leg in towards his body as far as he would let us. Also 10 times a couple of times a day. This gets the muscles working and the blood flowing.
I would baby the cat for a little bit – give her a “boost” onto the bed and furniture. I would slowly let her do more otherwise she won’t heal. If you are really concerned, get her some pet stairs so that she doesn’t have to jump up and down onto the furniture or bed. My arthritic cat has stairs and he uses them in both directions.
Wah! I am overcome by the kitteh kyootness! And I wish I could adopt Kaylee — she’s so freaking adorable!