
7:50 pm: She pushed out three little ones in the course of about an hour. She’s resting now – Fred thinks there are a couple more in there. We’ll see! Number 3. More pictures up later, or tomorrow. I have a ton to go through – and there might be more babies! Edited to add: … Continue reading “4-17-08”

7:50 pm: She pushed out three little ones in the course of about an hour. She’s resting now – Fred thinks there are a couple more in there. We’ll see!

Number 3.

More pictures up later, or tomorrow. I have a ton to go through – and there might be more babies!

Edited to add: 9:08 pm: And now there are four.

She appears to be done, so I’m off to bed. I’m sure I’ll be checking on her through the night!



Wow, y’all had busy days yesterday, didn’t you? I felt like a great big slug thinking about what I had planned, and then seeing what you were doing!

(Which didn’t make me inclined to be any more active, just so ya know.)

I like reading your plans for the day; thanks for sharing with me!

I made it to my appointment only about five minutes late – I had to stop at the post office on the way to mail something – and settled in for my cut and color. I got a good ways into the newest book I’m reading, and although I didn’t think I’d like the book in the first few pages, it grabbed my interest and dragged me in pretty quickly.

I left there a little after 10:30, went to the fabric store, and spent over an hour browsing through the store. Fred and I are planning something – I’ll take pictures of it as it’s being made, assuming it turns out okay – and I had a list of stuff I needed to buy.

By the way, a month after I ordered and received the sewing machine (maybe even more like 6 weeks), I finally took the damn thing out of the box, set it up in the guest bedroom, and am slowly working my way through the book to make sure I know how everything works, ’cause it’s been damn near 20 years since I used a sewing machine. Maybe this weekend I’ll actually do a few straight stitches! Woo!

The problem with fabric stores is that even someone who has NO sewing skills (that would be me) goes in there to look around, and there’s so much CUTENESS in there that you can’t help but buy a few yards of material just in case you suddenly discover a skill for sewing (not holding my breath).

I ran over to the pet store to use the bathroom (and see if all the cages were filled, because I have scooping-and-feeding duty this morning at the pet store, so I wanted to have some idea of how many cats are around), bought some finch seed, and then went over to Target to grab a few things.

By the time I got home, it was close to 1:00, and I was starving. I had lunch, spent about half an hour with Splash, and then settled on the couch to watch Real Housewives of NYC (more on that in tomorrow’s entry). I finished watching that, and was cleaning up the kitchen when the phone rang.

“Help me Obi-Wan, you’re my only hope!” said the woman who runs the shelter.

“What’s going on?” I asked, figuring that she was going to tell me that there was another semi-feral who needed a home. Not so. Turned out, she knew someone who’d had a cat show up on her front porch – and the cat was very very pregnant.

“So, would you want a pregnant cat?” she asked hopefully.

I will tell you what – I almost did a little happy dance, because it’s been a while since I’ve had any itty bitty babies ’round here, and I’d offered to take the last couple of bottle-fed babies, but had been too slow because other people had snatched them up before I got my butt in gear and offered to take them.

She said that the woman upon whose porch the pregnant cat had appeared would take her to the vet for testing, and she’d let me know when I could pick her up.

Turns out that the woman took the cat to the vet right then, so an hour later the shelter manager called and said I could pick her up anytime.

You know me. I opted to pick her up IMMEDIATELY.

I moved Splash from the foster kitty room to the guest bedroom. I was afraid it was going to be a difficult task because I have yet to get my hands on Splash without her unleashing the Claw o’ Doom, but in the end since Splash spends her days hiding in a kitty condo all I had to do was put a towel across the front of the condo and carry the whole thing downstairs. Splash didn’t try to escape, didn’t move at all, thank god.

I showed up at the vet’s office, and they said that the cat – a pretty brown tabby – was ready to drop those kittens at any time. She was perfectly calm as I drove her home, only meowing once or twice. I put her carrier in the foster kitty room, opened the carrier, and she immediately came out, came over to me, and started purring.

She’s a seriously friendly little thing – though I’ve read that mother cats who are about to give birth get extra-friendly, so part of her super-friendliness might be due to that. She’s definitely ready to pop, and she has a hard time laying down and getting comfortable, so she paces a lot (another sign of being ready to give birth!) and she purrs and kneads, and if you rub her belly she will roll onto her back and give you the Love Eyes.

Last night before bedtime, Fred and I went in and spent some time with her, and we petted and petted and petted her, and rubbed her belly, and I brushed her (she’s shedding a lot, and – yay! – really likes to be brushed), and then we were ready for bed so we said goodnight to her and left the room. She howled for a few minutes and then settled down, so I figured she’d be okay.

A little after midnight, I was awakened by the sound of her meowing softly. As I listened, she got louder, and I was afraid that she’d wake Fred up (you know, the one member of the household who has a job and thus needs his sleep?) so I grabbed a pillow and a quilt and went in to lay down with her. Well, I laid down – she paced back and forth and rubbed up against me and kneaded on my arm and rolled over for a belly rub. Eventually, she dozed off for a few minutes before waking up and beginning the whole rigmarole all over again. When she’d finally calmed down, I went back to bed. She meowed for a few minutes, then quieted down.

I fell back to sleep a little before 2:00 and then she woke me up about 5:15, so I got up. I’d set the alarm for 5:25 anyway, because I had to get up and do my stint at the pet store. I gave her a snack, gave her some love, and scooped out her litter box before I went off to take my shower and get ready for the day. Fred spent a few minutes with her, and she started howling again, so we decided to put a radio in with her, hoping that the sound would soothe her.

Not so much.

So I’m hoping that she drops these babies soon, because I’m prepared to spend the night in the room with her tonight (I need to find something semi-comfortable to sleep on, though – this “floor” shit is for the birds) but I don’t know that I’ll be able to handle more than one night of it.

She doesn’t have a name yet, and Fred wants to wait ’til she births those babies before we name her, so we’re calling her Momma Kitty for now. Original, no?

I suggested naming her “Miss Scarlett” ’cause I don’t know nothin’ ’bout birthin’ no babies, but it was actually Melanie who was giving birth when Prissy said that. And we could go with a whole Gone With the Wind naming theme, but I’m fairly certain that all those names have already been used. We’ll see.

She’s ALL belly.



So for dinner last night we had Kahlua Pork. I think I’ve mentioned that I’m trying out new recipes lately, because I tend to see a recipe I like, stick it in the “try out these recipes” folder, and forget about them.

Fred didn’t think he was going to like the Kahlua Pork because he said it smelled like something was burning. I tried to convince him that it was due to the liquid smoke, but he disagreed. I went ahead and made stir-fried cabbage as suggested with the recipe, and I have to say: two thumbs up to the pork AND the cabbage. It was very good – Fred agreed completely – and so we’re having it again tonight for dinner. The only thing I would change is that I would maybe use a less fatty cut of meat (I used a Boston Butt) next time, but otherwise, I highly recommend it. And it’s a seriously easy meal to make!



Okay, the Momma Kitty is howling again. I’m going to go settle in with her and see if I can’t convince her to just go ahead and birth those babies already.

HG, by the way, is completely at home with the Crooked Acres gang. He absolutely LOVES all the older cats, and I have actually seen him rub up against Miz Poo and she did NOT have a hissy fit. Will wonders never cease? He’s also big-time into Snackin’! Time! It never takes the new ones very long to get the hang of Snackin’! Time!, not surprisingly.



Stinkerbelle in motion.



2007: It can’t happen soon enough, if you ask me.
2006: Taking the week off.
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: “Helloooooo, Fancypants! Hey, buddy, whatchoo doin’?” I said in my special Fancypants voice.
2002: Know what I’m thinking? Psycho stalker, desperate to come into the house, rape and rob us and leave us for dead, stealing the computers and the big-screen TV on the way out.
2001: I should have stayed in bed this morning.
2000: No entry.

33 thoughts on “4-17-08”

  1. I always think the fosters are so cute and that you have to be crazy to let them integrate with the other cats because they almost always seem to fit in so seamlessly – but for the first time in a long time I want you to keep this one. An impossibility perhaps but damn he’s so cute!

  2. Here’s a question for the question answering extravaganza. How is it decided if the cat is really a stray? Do you check the papers to see if someone places an ad? If they have no collar but their coat is healthy do you think they’re being taken care of?

  3. She is SO cute. I love brown tabbys. She looks just like my first ever cat, Mandy, with the M on her forehead, the sweet disposition and everything. Wish I could have one of her babies (no – I can’t). Good luck Robyn! Can’t wait for the birthin’!

  4. Momma Kitty is absolutely gorgeous. Our first momma kitty this year (we’re on our second) we got when the babies were four days old and Arabella was absolutely loving and sweet with us from the first time I clapped eyes on her. Our nine weeks with those babies was an absolute joy and an almost complete vacation in terms of fostering. I hope your new baby is as much fun as we’ve had with our two little families! I’m looking forward to baby pictures!

  5. She looks so resigned to being held up straight so we all could see her belly. She’s seriously cute too. I so can’t wait for the baby pictures!

  6. I’m SO excited about Momma Kitty and the impending kittens. She really is a pretty little thing.

    Hey, I have a question: if, God forbid, poor Splash never learns to trust and be friendly, what will happen to her? Will she live forever as a foster hiding in your kitty condo? Or what? I mean, I get that it’s a no-kill organization but what the hell do you do with a cat like that?

  7. Oooh exctiting!!!! I got to learn how to birth them kitteh babies with my cat. She had them in my lap, or tried to, the first one came out before I knew wth she was doing!
    And I always heard they go and hide. She was an odd cat. LOL I had her until she died at 11 years old (too soon). I never got a cat since then. I tried twice but they both had freak accidents. I think her ghost won’t let me Mama another cat or something. 😉
    I cherish the experience, it was kinda beautiful!

  8. I love the markings on the Prego Kitty. When yall are holding her up, I love the lines on her arms…looks like she has on a short sleeve shirt. Haaa haa!

  9. I think you and I could have a contest about who has the least sewing skills. But I’m like you in that I can’t resist buying cool fabric when I see it. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with…

  10. Oh!! I’m sooo jealous. It’s been years since I’ve had any baby kitties.
    I’ll be living vicariously ,through you.

    Mama is a beautiful cat too. She looks pretty young.

    Does the shelter check to see if the “strays” are mirco-chipped?

    Enjoy your “baby” experience:)))

  11. SO!! exciting!!! Hurry up and post some pictures, dammit! Or tell Fred to! I am fairly bouncing in my chair, I’m so excited! Look how many exclamation marks I’m using!

  12. What beautiful little baby’s, and Momma is beautiful as well.

    Robyn you are so lucky!!!

  13. Awww….bitteh kittehs…how wonderful!! My kids will be so happy to see this today (I’m fighting the insomnia here at 3:15am, so I get the bonus of seeing them early); they were psyched about Momma Cat when they saw her yesterday. I’m so glad Kitty Momma has a safe and warm place to bring the new ones into the world….and the baby toes and noses…I almost can’t stand it, the squeeze factor is so high!! BTW, Fred is so rocking the “farmer’s tan” in the background…Zexy!!

  14. Congrats, grandma! Haha 🙂 The babies are so cute!

    I have a question for the next comment answering fiesta! Do you find it hard to cook for two, or do you just make big meals all of the time and eat on the leftovers for a couple of days? I love to cook but always feel so wasteful because it’s just my boyfriend and me so we have way too many leftovers. Do you have any favorite two-people recipes?

  15. Awww she seems like such a nice cat. Thankfully she found you just in the nick of time. Congrats on the babies!

  16. Momma looks so healthy. I can’t help wondering if she has humans who are heartbroken wondering what happened to her. How long was she on that woman’s porch? Days on end? Is anyone checking for lost cat notices in that neighborhood?

  17. Simply adorable. Love baby kitties. I took in a stray way back in ’91 and about 2 weeks later I notice her belly had gotten quite large. So when petting her I put a little more pressure on than I had before and felt all the individual bumps. She ended up with 5 babies. Cutest things ever!

  18. SOOOO cute!!!

    re: sewing for newbies. I’ve found the following books pretty helpful:

    Sewing 101: A Beginner’s Guide To Sewing (Creative Publishing, 2002): covers the basics as well as basics of sewing clothes and stuff for the house. Lots of photos.

    Sew Everything Workshop by Diana Rupp – more chatty and not as many photos, but still helpful. The book also has a bunch of easy sewing projects, including patterns.

    I’ve managed to make a major sewing gaffe for each project so far. My first sewing project attempt: I sewed stuff on backwards or inside out twice and ended up scrapping it. I challenge you to be more sewing-challenged than I am!

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