
Impromptu Saturday entry, just for shits and giggles. Who loves her readers? No one loves you like I do, baby. NO ONE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   A reader in Indiana sent me the link to this story. It’s a Humane Society in Madison County, Indiana, and they’re in danger of closing due mostly to theft by an … Continue reading “4-12-08”

Impromptu Saturday entry, just for shits and giggles. Who loves her readers? No one loves you like I do, baby. NO ONE.



A reader in Indiana sent me the link to this story. It’s a Humane Society in Madison County, Indiana, and they’re in danger of closing due mostly to theft by an employee. An employee of the shelter has committed to staying in the shelter for a month to raise at least one months’ operating costs for the shelter.

Want to help? Here’s how.



I bought a bottle of Feliway spray on Thursday, used it once, and now I cannot find the bottle ANYWHERE. It’s driving me absolutely nuts, because I’ve looked everywhere, three times in some locations, and can’t find it. I know I put it down in some stupid location thinking “Oh, I’ll remember I put this here!”, and now it’s nowhere to be found.

If you see my bottle of Feliway, please send it home. Thankyew.



Fred sent me a link to this video on Friday. I started watching it, figuring I’d get tired of it about ten seconds in and close it. It was surprisingly entertaining, though – the part about 26 seconds in when the mascot misses the ramp, runs into the audience, and popcorn goes flying everywhere made me laugh ’til I snorted.



Let’s play a game we’ve played oh so many times before, a game of which no doubt many of you have grown weary. But I am stupid and I know nothin’.

What’s this plant?




I’m sorry to gross you out, but Fred took this picture of a bee stuck in a spider’s web – being taken care of by the spider – and it came out so awesome that I had to share it.


Something else gross – with the warmer weather comes ants, and lots of them. See the full-size picture here to get the full effect.





Daffodils are still in bloom for a little while longer.


Onions are growing nicely.



Due to the amount of rain we’ve gotten lately, we have a lot of standing water in various points on the property. This is where the pond used to be, before we filled it in.


This is the front part of the back forty.


Given last summer’s drought, I’m not complaining about the standing water at ALL.



The pigs like chocolate.

“Hey! Maybe they gots chocolate!”


I’m afraid to ask.


Fred made a “playpen” in the grass by the garage, and we’ve been bringing the little chicks out to play when it’s nice outside. At first they were freaked, but now they get excited and start hopping and flying around as soon as we put them in the pen.

The white chick is George (because she’s so curious). She’s got a bit of a sashay going on here.

The little rock stars hang out away from the unwashed masses.

Chicks in flight.

One of the Americaunas does her Bird of Prey impression. Watch out, George!

Rhode Island Red.

Hey now you’re a Rock Star get the show on, get paid

I call these girls “Ivanas”, Fred calls them “Don Kings”.

I love the eye makeup.


Tommy disapproves of this “Saturday entry” business.



2007: “If a fluffy black cat prances across the yard, goes upstairs and shits on the carpet, could you give us a call?”
2006: “Hmm,” I said, like that meant something to me.
2005: Just because the fuckers are talking to me doesn’t mean I’m obligated to listen to their bullshit, does it?
2004: What exactly the fuck was I supposed to be doing at 5:30 on a Sunday afternoon, running for fucking president?
2003: No entry.
2002: Apparently the Committee for Deciding Who is Hellbound was meeting in the waiting room.
2001: “Jesus has arrived in Madison,” he said nonchalantly.
2000: Now that, my friends, is wickedly fast.

15 thoughts on “4-12-08”

  1. I have your bottle of Feliway and I am holding it ransom until you either send me ONE MILLIONS DOLLARS or George.

    I await your response. I’ll pass the time by twirling my villain-y mustache and damning my mother for the genes that would cause a villain-y mustache in a girl, thus leaving me no choice but to become an actual villain.

  2. Is the only way to donate via the (completely unreliable) mail? I’m hoping there’s a faster route, but will do whatever is necessary.

  3. Jennifer: If you scroll down that page, there’s a phone number for the shelter. I imagine they’ll let you make a donation via credit/ debit card over the phone. It’s worth a try!

  4. I want a back 40! Well, I have a back 40, inches. And we can’t handle that…so maybe acres isn’t good for us just yet!

  5. Hi Robyn,
    Thanks so much for posting the story and link about the Madison, IN humane society. We had already donated when the story broke here in Indiana. I cannot even express my anger at this situation. Thanks for pointing a light at a worthwhile opportunity for your readers to help the animals who need us now more than ever.

  6. Robyn,

    A dumb question just occurred to me when I saw the pig pictures.
    Do pigs wash themselves at all? You know, like dogs and cats do.

    Inquiring minds want to know. :))

  7. Robyn,
    Thank you Thank You for posting the website about the Anderson, Madison County, Indiana Hume Society. I am hoping that they can get enough donations to stay open. The other animal shelter in town is a kill shelter and this one isnt.

  8. I think that is pachysandra, an easy to grow groundcover. The eye makeup comment makes me think of “Best in Show” where Jennifer Holland’s character, a former beauty queen and trophy wife, does a “persian eye” on the trainer. Hilarious!

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