Andrea asked:
I’m a long-time reader of your blog, and I’m hoping maybe you (and the other readers) can help me. We have two female cats, 3.5 years old and 1 year old, and three weeks ago, we adopted another 6 month old female. My older cats seem to be used to the kitten, but the kitten still seems deathly afraid of my older cats. Feliway Spray has calmed her down some, but she’s still scared. I’m not sure how to help her, and I’m very against returning her to the shelter. Should I try secluding her again, and reintroducing after another period of time? Or do you have any other experiences/tips to share?
and I said:
Andrea, I think I’d recommend separating them for a while. Spend as much time as you can both with her and with your other cats, and after a few days bring a blanket or bed that has the scent of your other cats into where you’re keeping her. Let her get used to the scent of your other cats, and then if you can, put a hook on the door so that it only opens a few inches. So your other cats can see and smell the kitten and vice versa, but she still has her safe place. If she handles that well, then start allowing her a little supervised time out with the other cats, and then let that stretch to more and more time. I think that a slower introduction to your cats might freak her out less.
and Lita said:
Andrea, can you not wait it out a while longer? Have the older cats ever attacked the kitten that she should be so scared? I think supervised “get-to-know-each-other” times and just patience might be all you can do. If the house cats aren’t threatening the kitten all you can do is wait for her to get used to them. Maybe wipe them down with a towel and put it in the kitten’s bedding or actually put one of their blankies on the kitten’s bed?
and Doodle Bean said:
Hi Andrea, it’s very important to take a lot of time to introduce a new cat to an existing cat household. This guide is helpful and recommends starting the process over again if things go awry, as they have for you. Hope it helps!
and THEN I stumbled across this:
5 Tips for Getting Your New Cat Used to Your Family
Which means we’ve given poor Andrea lots of advice, but if anyone else out there has anything to add, please feel free to do so!
Truly, it’s almost embarrassing, just how much time I spent telling this boy (and all of you) how beautiful he is.
And he is. He really, really is.
He’s become accustomed to waking up and seeing me standing over him with a camera. It doesn’t even startle him anymore.
If he were human, he’d have taken out a restraining order against me. He’d haul my butt into court for stalking him. But I can’t help it. I lurve him. He’s so purrrrrrrrrty. I just wanna touch him with the fangers.
He puts up with my weird stalkery ways because he knows he’s got me wrapped around his little finger. Um. Little claw?
So I haven’t told you exactly what’s going on with Corbie – don’t worry, it’s not bad! It’s just that he’s a thin cat, and in the past couple of months, we’ve noticed that from the waist up (not that cats have waists, but you know what I mean) he looks perfectly fine. But from the waist back, he looks like he’s starving to death. Which he’s NOT, let me tell you, boyfriend can eat when he wants to.
He also has this kind of knock-kneed thing going on that’s hard to explain – he walks fine, but his back two legs kind of go one in front of the other (I’ll attempt to get it on video so you can see what I mean). I originally mistakenly told Fred that Corbie was bowlegged, which triggered a memory, and I thought “What if he has cerebellar hypoplasia?”, but I went and read about it, and watched some videos, but that’s not it. He also can’t really jump – he can get up on the couch if he wants to, but that’s by pulling himself up by his claws rather than jumping. Though he can jump from one surface to another – he jumps from the table next to my recliner, to the back of my recliner – if they’re roughly the same height, but he just can’t jump UP.
This is not something that was going on when he was little – we would have noticed it. It’s something that has come on gradually as he’s grown. Several days before I had surgery, I took him to the vet. She looked him over, took some blood, and then took an x-ray.
Structurally, he’s okay. He’s got a perfect skeleton (and have you seen x-rays of cats? Aren’t they just the neatest things?). The night before I had surgery, the vet called and told me that his blood looked okay, but he had an elevated level of… something (my notes on the topic are hiding in my desk somewhere and I don’t want to go looking for them) and long story short, we should try giving him Taurine and L-Carnitine to build up the muscles in his back end.
Then, of course, I went off and had surgery. About a week and a half later, I remembered about the Taurine and L-Carnitine and I went online and looked around to see what I could find for supplements. There are these treats that have the right amounts of Taurine and L-Carnitine in them, but we’d have to give four treats, twice a day, to Corbie and that seemed like an awful lot to get him to eat, especially considering that we didn’t know if he was going to like the taste. So we ordered L-Carnitine in powder form and Taurine in capsules, with the intention of sprinkling them atop a scoop of Gerber chicken baby food and letting Corbie eat it.
Well, the problem was that to make sure Corbie was the only one ingesting it, Fred had to take him into the guest bedroom. Being locked in the guest bedroom freaked Corbie out, and he wouldn’t touch the stuff. We dithered about what to do for a few days, and then finally Fred just tried mixing the powder with water and shooting it in the back of Corbie’s mouth.
Corbie’s not crazy about it, but he handles it just fine. So he’s been on Taurine and L-Carnitine for about a week, morning and evening. Fred doesn’t think there’s any difference in Corbie, and he’s probably right, but to ME (you know, the woman who stalks Corbie relentlessly), he looks a bit bigger. A bit more muscular.
We’ll keep going with the supplements and see how it goes. It’d be nice if this took care of the issue – though I need to check with the vet and see if this will be a lifelong thing or if we can discontinue the supplements after a while. Whatever the issue is, I can tell you that it hasn’t slowed Corbie down at all. He runs from one end of the house to the other just fine, he plays, he snuggles, he’s a happy boy.
He might have a skinny back end, but he’s perfect to me!
(For the record, Corbie is still officially available for adoption.)
Wouldn’t you think Newt wants in? Doesn’t he LOOK like he wants in? Like he’s thinking “Brrr, lady, it’s cold out here! Let me in!”?
Not so much. He and Maxi both drive me nuts. They hunker out there and stare at me and they look completely miserable so I go running over and open the door and try to coax them in, and they look at me like “Are you NUTS? I’m not coming in THERE!” and then ignore me. Brats.
2010: Hoyt goes home.
2009: (Nance is laughing at me right now, I guarantee it.)
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: So when I reached down to pet his head, IT WASNโT HIS HEAD I GOT. ::shudder::
2005: Killing the messenger.
2004: Howling and hissing and growling and yowling ensued.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: Gather โround, younguns, and hear the heartbreaking tale of farts and betrayalโฆ
2000: You still love me, though, right? Um, right?
Newtles and Maxi are stalking you. They think you’re GORGEOUS. When they look at you through the glass doors of the porch, you take on an ethereal quality that mesmerizes them. If they were human, you’d take out a restraining order. Just get used to them looking at you adoringly from the outside.
I wish I could ::like:: this comment like I can on facebook.
There needs to be a “thumbs-up” graphic, doesn’t there? ๐
I was thinking the same thing.
You know cats – always on the wrong side of any door or window!
No kidding – they’ve never seen a door or window they don’t want to be on the other side of!
I wouldn’t mind having a skinny back end!
Christine, I was going to same the SAME thing! Heh. Does that supplement work on humans? ๐
Robin, if you want to come over every morning and evening, I’m sure Fred will happily shove some Taurine and L-Carnitine down your throat after he medicates Corbie, and we can see. ๐
It doesn’t sound like Corbie has CH (I have a cat with a severe case of CH). CH shows up at birth–it is neurological condition that affects the development of the cerebellum. It does sound like some sort of weakness in his back end. Hopefully, the Taurine and L-Carnitine will help that little cutie out. And, yes, he is beautiful!
I’d hate to see Corbett leave the Anderson nest at this point. He’s being so beautifully cared for now. Although if someone really wanted him, I’m sure he’d fit in most good homes like a round peg.
And, yes, Corbie is gorgeous AND photogenic. That camera just adores him.
He is SO beautiful that Corbie … love him!!
“Corbie is still officially up for adoption”
ROTFLMAO…. Yes, right. And one of your pigs is flying over my head as I type this.
Amen Lesley!
Hey, now. I SAID “officially”, didn’t I? ๐
So when are you going to announce that Corbie has recieved And3rson status Robyn? ๐
When I can convince Fred, of course. ๐
Just tell him that he got to keep Alice, lol. ๐
Just put his name on the permanent residents list and when Fred notices say “this old thing? He’s been there forever!”