3/7/11 – Monday

Gooooooooood morning! That’s right. I’m bringin’ sexy back. That’s what I’m wearing these days, most days, though I usually wear a button-up shirt over the top of the whole getup. My range of movement is pretty good, though I can’t raise my arms much higher than my shoulders with them out straight; but bent, I … Continue reading “3/7/11 – Monday”

Gooooooooood morning!



That’s right. I’m bringin’ sexy back.

That’s what I’m wearing these days, most days, though I usually wear a button-up shirt over the top of the whole getup. My range of movement is pretty good, though I can’t raise my arms much higher than my shoulders with them out straight; but bent, I can get ’em pretty high.

I’ve had several good nights of sleep – I can even sleep on my side for short stretches of time – and I’m off the narcotics. I’ve barely even needed any Tylenol and Advil for the past few days.

A good thing is that there’s been a noticeable improvement under my chin, sagging skin-wise. The lump is still there, but while I can’t say for sure that it’s gotten smaller, I can say that it hasn’t gotten bigger, so that’s good, right?

I’m at about 75% of normal, I’d say, and getting better every day. That lovely bra/ arm compression garment up there? I bought that before surgery. Right after surgery, there’s no way I could have bent my arms back enough to put it on, but now not only can I put it on, but I can put it on without any help from Fred. It’s a pretty handy garment, and I like it better than wearing Ace bandages around my arms (I was always concerned that they were loosening and slipping down my arms – which they often did) and the sports bra from Walmart.

My weight has dipped down to 2 pounds less than I weighed the day before surgery, but I expect it to bounce back and forth for a while. I’m still swollen, but not as much as I was, and I think I’m doing pretty well for 3 weeks after surgery.

Later this week I’ll even leave the house and drive myself to the store, because my grand-nephew’s birthday is next week, and I am, of course, unprepared.

(I won’t be wearing that particular outfit from the pictures, though. I do NOT want to end up on People of Wal-mart, or whatever the hell it’s called.)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The number one favorite cat toy in the house these days seems to be the catnip banana. It lives in or near the downstairs hallway most of the time, and you can often look down the hall to see one cat or another laying there, licking it and getting hiiiiiiiigh.

Spanky and the nanner.

Corbie’s turn. He closed his eyes, but if they were open, you’d see how glazed they are after a session with the nanner.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



Remember how happy I was to replace the rug that was in the foster room with foam squares? It held up admirably for about a week. Then the Brady’s started sharpening their claws on it, but it still held up pretty well. And THEN they started pulling the borders off so that every time I went in there, I’d have to put one or two borders back on.

Then when the Bradys were given the run of the house, someone (not necessarily a Brady, it could have been anyone, but I suspect Corbie or Reacher) started bring the borders downstairs and leaving them by the back door.

All of which was annoying but something I could put up with.


Then came the day I found a small chunk missing out of one of the borders and then found a puddle of barf with the chunk in it. And before you could say “What, the 300 bowls of cat food laying around the house isn’t enough for you pigs?” I grabbed up all the foam squares and dragged them out to the garage. Then I went to Walmart and bought a cheap area rug ($20) and put it in the foster room.

And all of that to say that, look? Doesn’t that cheap Walmart rug look nice in the foster room, and could Corbie be any prettier?

I think not.

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“Give someone else a turn at the catnip banana, wouldya?!”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: Meet the new pigs.
2007: Going on hiatus!
2006: Hell of a way to start out your retirement, ain’t it?
2005: Book recommendations and a meme.
2004: No entry.
2003: Be afraid. Be very afraid.
2002: Food for her youngs.
2001: Not much going on here.
2000: Mean mommy, huh?

32 thoughts on “3/7/11 – Monday”

  1. Funny how the great ideas get flipped into bad ones with animals around. And yes, that cheap carpet does accentuate Corbie’s gorgeousness very nicely. Amazing how you were able to buy just the right shade at WM. πŸ˜‰

    Madonna *and* I are jealous of your look. Where did you get the compression sleeves? Ha.

    Batwing Jean

    1. Oh, I don’t want Madonna jealous of me. Madonna would cut a bitch! πŸ˜›

      I *think* I got that thing (it’s a bra and compression sleeves all in one sexy garment) at makemeheal.com.

  2. Please, please, pretty please, show up on People of Walmart!
    Your arms are looking fantastic!!

  3. Wow, you are looking so slim in those photos. And those are not even the real “after” photos we’re all waiting to see. Glad you are healing nicely, and able to get around better. Just don’t overdo. Hang in there!

  4. Glad to hear that you are feeling better!! Love the ‘NEW’ look. LOL!! Everyone is right, you are looking very slim.

  5. Wow, you look EXTREMELY youthful!! You’re going to come out of this looking like you’re 18 again. Glad to hear you’re turning the corner and starting to feel better.

  6. How great to see you standing up, arms held high, and with a smile on your face. That makes me smile right along with you, Robyn. So happy you are healing well and feeling so much better. You look fantastic. Thanks for posting these pics. Hope you are soon able to ditch all the extra garments and just wear your comfy clothes.

  7. You look fantastic, Robyn!

    It’s so wonderful to hear that you’re feeling better! You certainly sound more like yourself in each post.

    Cute kitty pictures today, as always. πŸ™‚

  8. Oh yes, Robyn, you look healthy and fit. Are those blue donkeys on your pj pants? I love that fabric.

    Corbett’s tail is so perfect it looks fake. And I love how he poses for the camera when he’s so inclined.

  9. Only you could make that outfit look adorable! So glad you are feeling better, and like everyone else has said, you truly look amazing.

  10. You are rockin’ that compression garment! And your arms look fantastic!! Can’t wait to see The Unveiling.

  11. I also thought you looked incredibly slim and even taller in the pictures. Are there truly donkeys on the those pjs? Must be a farmiliar fabric or someone has amazing eyes. I can’t see them! I like the blue walmart carpet too. I should check those out. I think we all worry about ending up on People Of Walmart.
    Sorry the cats ate the foster room floor. I think the holes torn in my bottom sheet are from the cocker spaniel not the cat. Oy. I took me a week to realize I CAN just buy a new bottom sheet for now. Getting slow on the uptake in the nifty fities.

  12. I’ll echo everybody else. You look down right skinny and taller!

    As soon as I say the first smiling pic I knew you were feeling better. Yay!!!

  13. it’s nice to see you up and feeling better! You really do look nice and I can’t wait to see the final pics of your transformation. Which one of the cats paid you the most attention while you were down? Just curious if you had a 24/7 recliner buddy or not πŸ™‚

  14. Robyn, you look great! I’m glad you’re feeling better and happy, too.

    Looks like a trip to WalMart for me. I like that rug. πŸ˜€

  15. Oh lord Jesus. That’s an interesting outfit you got there :O You should definitely wear it to Wally-World!

  16. Is it wrong that when I saw those pictures of you I immediately started hearing I Feel Pretty from West Side Story in my head? I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty, and witty, and bright! Heh. Seriously though, I think you look great πŸ™‚

  17. i’m glad you are up and posing!

    i tried to bring sexy back, but i didn’t have my receipt and only got store credit!

  18. Wow Robyn! You look great. Really. At first I thought that was some new fashion thingy the young’uns are wearing. I will donate $50 cash American to Challenger house if you will wear that to Wally World. Picture proof required of course. Seriously glad you are feeling better. If you look that good in that get up imagine how you will look when you are fully healed and wearing your new wardrobe. What’s that? You have not gotten a new wardrobe to go with the new you? Looks like there is some heavy duty shopping in your future.

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