1. I meant to have gone through all the last year’s worth of pictures and had calendars available today for all two of you who are interested in buying them. This obviously didn’t happen (or I’d be linking to the calendars), but I WILL get that done this weekend, and have them available on Monday.
2. The comment-answering extravaganza will take place tomorrow instead of today, so if you’re burning up with wild and crazy questions, feel free to ask. Look at me, shaking things up! What’ll happen next? YOU NEVER KNOW.
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So, our Thanksgiving was fabulous. Fred’s sister’s kids (and her daughter’s husband) stopped by for a few hours and played a few rounds of Catchphrase with Fred. Everyone got to see and admire the foster kitties (though we weren’t able to get anyone to take a cat or two home). Fred’s sister and her husband showed up around 9:30 because she had called the night before to find out if it’d be okay for her to actually cook the sweet potato casserole and dressing in our oven rather than cook it at home and then have to warm it up when they got here. Fred told her that would be fine, and so when she got here she just had to toss together the dressing, and before I knew what was going on, she’d volunteered to make the gravy, and was boiling a few eggs to put in the gravy, and I just had to stand back and let her go at it. The woman did 9/10 of the work to be done, and I was NOT complaining.
We’d planned to eat around noon, but the turkey was done a full hour before it was supposed to be, so we ate a bit earlier. Everything was so damn good I wanted to keep eating, but couldn’t even get down a small sliver of the carrot cake Fred had made because I was so stuffed from the meal.
The best part of having so much meat at Thanksgiving is that we had a ton of turkey left over. We just don’t eat nearly enough turkey around here. I boiled the turkey carcass for a few hours last night, and will be making a turkey and rice casserole (with leftover gravy, and possibly bread crumbs made from the sourdough bread Fred’s mother brought us) and I’m just drooling at the thought. We sent a ton of food home with everyone, and had more than enough left over.
Okay. Enough about food. How ’bout a couple of pictures?

I intended to put up this picture to illustrate my current hair style, but you can’t really see it that well. I had my hair done on Wednesday, and I don’t know what she did, but I am loving it. I think I want to keep this hairstyle forever and ever. So since you can’t see the hairstyle all that well, I’m putting it up to show y’all that I am the whitest woman in all of the country. (

The table, at dessert time. The cake is the carrot cake Fred made. The pie is a pumpkin pie that Fred’s mother made. I only had a sliver of pie and a bite of cake, but they were REALLY good. (

Carrot cake, up close. (

As appetizers, Fred put out a bowl of cream cheese, jelly and jams, and crackers. On the left is jalapeno jelly, which he labeled “Girls.” In the middle, strawberry-habanero jam, which he labeled “Boys.” On the right, blackberry-habanero jam, which he labeled “Men.” The habanero jams went over very well, and his niece’s husband liked them so much that Fred gave him a jar of each to take home with him. We also gave him some fruity habanero hot sauce to take with him. Here at Crooked Acres, if you think you’re going to visit and leave without some jam, you are sadly mistaken. (
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Oh, remember the whole “I neeeeeeeeed a gravy boat!” thing? Well, I’m an idiot. We don’t set the table for Thanksgiving dinner, we just do it up buffet style, and instead of putting the gravy in anything, we left it in the pot, and put a ladle in it, and no one thought twice about it. Duh.
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“Stupid trees with their stupid leaves. How’s a portly kitty supposed to sneak up on a bird when these stupid leaves make so much noise when I stomp through them?!”
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2006: No entry.
2005: I think he might be half skunk.
2004: I do love, love, love the gmail!
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
1999: If you look closely at the picture, you’ll note that it’s very close to the color of bile.]]>
She put boiled eggs in the gravy?! hmmm, I have never ever heard of that. Is it good?
she’d volunteered to make the gravy, and was boiling a few eggs to put in the gravy,
How does that work? Chop them up, them let them dissolve???
Poor kitty. She’d really hate coming to my backyard. It’s completely covered, can’t even see the grass. Yeah, guess what we’ll doing this weekend.
It was Giblet gravy.
Oh my, that cake looks divine!
I love your hairstyle…it suits your face perfectly.
I gotta know about the eggs and gravy too. Share a recipe, please? I have never ever heard of this before.
OMG, that carrot cake looks sinful!!!!! Can you send me a slice? Haa ha haa ha!
Question –
You don’t really write too much about how you are dealing with life without the Spud. Are you at the point where you are used to her being gone, or do you find yourself missing her like crazy at times? Actually, that’s how it’s been for me over the years with my own two daughters leaving home – sometimes I don’t even think about them for a day or so; other times I do miss them. (Until they show up at the door for a visit … then I realize how easily we have become accustomed to being empty-nesters!)
Had I been there, Fred would have needed a ‘sissy girl bitch’ jelly option.
Oh, and I’ve never not had giblet gravy when we have turkey. I didn’t know that everyone doesn’t have it.
I like how you did the Christmas plates with the Thanksgiving napkins. Very folksy. 🙂
Hey Robyn…
You know where your logos go? What pixel by pixel size are the logos supposed to be to fit in the “logo box”? You know, in case I ever get a wild notion to make you a logo. 😉
MMMM cakes looks devine. Eggs in gravy, whats with that! Never heard of such a thing.
You seem to get so much accomplished in a day. It seems you just get up and start doing what needs to be done! I can’t seem to do that anymore. Do you ever run out of energy, or decide, “Hey, I’m just going to take a short nap”, and wake up 2 hours later? You are like the energizer bunny!
Lisa from Iowa
Very pretty picture of you, Robyn. And I think I gained a pound when I looked at that picture of the carrot cake! Yum!!!!!
I make my gravy using the giblets, but I’ve never heard of putting eggs in with it. Please clue us all in as to how she did it. By the way you look so pretty with your new haircut and your face has really thinned out. Don’t you just love your picture taken now. I know since losing 100 pounds I don’t mind my picture taken. Before I’d hide, cause I hated my fat face with the triple chins.
I still stare at some of my thin pictures and can’t believe it’s me. I actually did it, after all those years of diet after diet. Finally just changing my eating habits and exercising and before I knew it the pounds were falling off. Now to keep at goal weight, that is hard hard hard. Okay enough about the weight. I’ve ate enough turkey and dressing to hide from the scales for at least a few weeks…ha.ha
Robyn, you look mahvelous in that picture. Absolutely mahvelous. (Read like Billy Crystal doing Lamas}. Now questions…1. What has the Spud said, if anything, about your weight loss? 2. Ditto for your Mother. 3. Ditto for your in-laws. And 4. Do any of them treat you any differently now?
Also,since you appear to the rest of the world to be a different person now that you weigh what your average person weighs, do you think you behave any differently than you did before, both in private and in public?
I ask these ?s only because your appearance is that of a completely different person than that of several years ago. What has changed on the inside? (I guess that would be #5, heh.)
Robyn, you look mahvelous in that picture. Absolutely mahvelous. (Read like Billy Crystal doing Lamas}. I think it rates as Best. Picure. Ever. of you.
Now questions…1. What has the Spud said, if anything, about your weight loss? 2. Ditto for your Mother. 3. Ditto for your in-laws. And 4. Do any of them treat you any differently now?
Also,since you appear to the rest of the world to be a different person now that you weigh what your average person weighs, do you think you behave any differently than you did when you were a “large woman”, both in private and in public?
I ask these ?s only because your appearance is that of a completely different person than that of several years ago. What has changed on the inside? (I guess that would be #5, heh.)
Or #6 actually.
Can I borrow some eyebrows?I don’t have any and you seem to have plenty.:)
So does my sister. Why did she get them all? I need to go to the “hair clinic for men ” to get some eyebrows.
Love the pics ,like they said….you look mahvalous!
My M-I-L makes her gravy with eggs, too. I thought it was weird, but now I like it. Maybe it’s a southern thing?
I, however, make mine just like my mother- eggless.
I would love to see some pictures of the family gathered around the table having dinner, or playing games with Fred. I guess they all wanted their privacy. I’m glad you all had a good Thanksgiving. That is a great picture of you, you look so happy. Fred makes a mean carrot cake, I could almost taste it, yumm!!! I used to make a recipe of boiled eggs and tuna fish in gravey served over toast. It sounds yuky but was really guite tasty.
My MIL also makes her gravy with eggs, and is Southern. Is it regional, do you think? My mom & dad always made giblet gravy sans egg, but they’re both Yankees.
That carrot cake looks scrumptious! Your Christmas plates look so pretty on your table.