“You’re not making a face, are you?”
“No, Bessie.”
“Are you smiling?”
“Yes, Bessie.”
“GodDAMN, Bessie, I can’t get my face in the picture, because you’re weaving and bobbing all over the place like one of the cats, like this!”
Happy anniversary, baby. I’d do it all over again, without a doubt.
* * *
Spanky highly disapproves of the picture-taking process.
* * *
That said, since Nance suckered me into joining the whole
NaBloPoMo thing, I’m taking today off from writing an entry. I’m duty-bound to write one every single day of November, so I need to lay around and maybe read a little, watch TV, slack off.
You know, the usual.
See you tomorrow!
(If you view my entries on an RSS feed, be aware that it might go a little nuts tonight when I go through and publish the entries for the last 8 Novembers.)
* * *
2006: We’ve been married for eight years now. And they said it’d never last!
2005: Let the Seven Year Itch commence!
2004: Happy anniversary, you walnut-farting motherfucker.
2003: We’ve been married for five years as of today.
2002: He even sent me flowers.
2001: And they said it’d never last.
2000: And happy anniversary to Fred, who married me two years ago tonight, which was the smartest thing he’s ever done.
1999: “We don’t have to get married. We could just wait ’til next year. Shouldn’t we get married on the anniversary of the day we met? That would be more romantic!”]]>
You look so purty. And happy. Congratulations, you guys!
Happy Anniversary from a fellow Halloween Anniversary person!
Happy Anniversary- what a great day to get married. xoxo
You two knuckleheads are perfect together. Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Here’s to another 100 years together! Happy Anniversary…
You guys are adorable, funny and absolutely perfect together. Happy 9th Anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary! Have a wonderful day.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary. I’m so glad you two met. Life would be so boring without you two around to entertain me!
Every day..? Does that include Weekends?! OMG I CAN GET A WEEKEND FIX OF ROBYN >D *Squeal*
From your 1999 entry: “We talked about dressing up as Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.” Hee!!
Happy Anniversary! You guys are so cute.
Love the photos. Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Cute pictures!
Happy Anniversary!!!
Happy Anniversary. I love the last picture.
But if you take a day off, make sure you put up some kitten pictures anyway. I am in a late time zone and look for kitty pictures before I go to work. So now I have to go through kitty picture withdrawal. It will be a very rough day.
I surprised he didn’t do the bunny ear thing with his fingers behind your head.
In thirty years you will be just like Ma and Pa Kettle out on the farm. Google them…I think you are too young to remember their movies.
Happy, Happy Anniversary!! Boo to the naysayers. My family placed bets on our wedding day that it would never last, and here we are nearly 25 years later!
Gosh darn! You two are such a good looking, happy looking couple! A very Happy Anniversary to a couple of spring chickens! Or should I say fall? Are there fall chickens? Oh, well. What I mean is you both look very young. Heh.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Love the first two pictures!!
Fred has the “cat post” down perfectly in the 3rd one 🙂
Happy Anniversary! 😀
Oh I just love the pictures! Happy Anniversary – you guys are awesome 🙂
Happy anniversary to both of you crazy kids!
Happy Anniversary!!!!!
Happy Anniversary! Those holiday specific dates are great for wedding anniversaries, tres easy to remember. Jeff and I were married 10 years ago this coming January 2nd, and we picked that date because the registry office was closed January 1st for the New Years Day Holiday.
hey, did a postcard arrive for you? I sent them all before I left Oz, but had one left over, which worries me.
Happy Anniversary, you crazy kids! 🙂
The second and third pictures made me laugh so hard that I think I pulled something. You two are definitely made for each other (and I mean that in the nicest possible way). 🙂 Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! Hope you have a great day!
Congratulations to both of you! I think you make an AWSOME couple! Here’s wishing you many, many more!
You guys look great together. Thanks for all the laughter you’ve given us the last nine years.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary to the both of you Robin! You two look adorable together!
Happy, Happy Anniversary!
Happy anniversary!
Thanks for letting me know about NaBloPoMo…I just joined!
Also, NoJoMo over at OD…
Cutie patooties!
Happy Anniversary! I love the one where you are dry humping him from behind. Or at least that is what I think was really going on..nudge nudge wink wink…
Happy Anniversary! I remember when I was married for nine years, uh..that was 21 years ago!
Happy Anniversary! May you have many many more together!
Awe, Happy Anniversary!!!!!
Happy Anniversary! Cute pictures.
Congrats on NINE wonderful years together. You’ve supported each other through “thick and thin,” and now you will grow old together on Crooked Acres.
Oh, and Happy Halloween too!
Happy Anniversary Fred and Robyn. May your next 9 bring you just as many grins and giggles.
Happy Anniversary you all!!! I like the pic where Fred finally behaved. Y’all look very good together.
Happy Anniversary! You two were obviously made for one another. There really ought to be a law against having that much humor in one marriage. You both crack me up on a regular basis! The pictures were great!
You guys are one of the coolest couples I know. 🙂 Happy anniversary!
oh, and p.s. – your eyebrows look great.
Happy Anniversary! You two seem so happy together, here’s to another 50!
Happy Anniversary to the authors of the first two journals I ever read!
Great pictures. Happy happy, you two!
Aww cuuute! congrats you guys!!
Happy Anniversary!
From one Robyn to another, happy anniversary, and enjoy the NaBloPoMo, as much as one can enjoy it.
Happy Anniversary!! (a day late!)
I love you, Robyn. If only you weren’t already married. Oh, and…like, a girl, and stuff.