From reader Wendie:
My local animal shelter is competing in a contest to win a million dollar shelter makeover (I checked and your kitty rescue is not in the contest at all and there are no Alabama shelters anywhere near the top) and the internet part of the contest is over in just 11 days. We’re in 10th place right now and as long as we stay in the Top 20, we’ll win at least $5000 and a chance to win anywhere from $10,000 to the million dollar makeover. We’ve been dropping fast in the ranks these past few days and since this contest has been going on since September, we’re very worried that all of our hard work isn’t going to pay off. We take in around 175 animals a month (75% cats) and only have 12 dog kennels and 30 cat cages so we badly badly need this makeover. We have a $100,000 budget and live in a rural farm area (the nearest “city” is 8000 people) and are competing against shelters with a five MILLION dollar budget in huge metropolitan areas. Anyway, with 11 days left in the contest, I was wondering if there was any chance you would ask your readers to sign up in support of my little shelter. ZooToo is a pet website (think Facebook meets Dogster/Catster) and for everyone we get to sign up, that’s 50 points and then if they upload pictures, comment on animal news stories, vote for cutest pet in pet wars, write journal entries, upload videos, etc etc it’s even more points.
More info about our shelter can be found here (if you’re the researchy type).
Our shelter ZooToo page can be found here.
MY ZooToo page can be found here.
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The Momma would like you to know that she has no intention of updating today because she’s a big slacking slacker and she’s got other stuff to do.
Also, she would like you to know that Samba and Rumba are going to the pet store today, so someone should skip right over there and adopt them ASAP.
Now go away.
2008: They feel cartilage-y, like human ears. Go figure.
2007: Did I mention my hormones are all out of whack?
2006: “And they’ll have to call it Wipe the Ass!”
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: Want some cats?
2002: I had no idea what to say – “Well, of COURSE you’re only going to date someone you think is cute!”? Then I’m anti-ugly.
2001: Except for that crying at the drop of a hat thing, she’s just fine.
2000: Do y’all ever do that, have moments where the startling realization that you’re a complete dumbass smacks you in the face?
Mr. Boogers, why do you hates me?
Hmmm. Your photo of “The Mamma” looks like Mister Boogers. No wonder the Boogs hets so much, if his own owner mistakes him for a girly-cat on her blog.
Wait! I “get it”! You’re not saying The Mamma is the cat, but yourself. No wonder the Boogs hets so much, when stupid readers don’t “get” his mother’s humor.
Thank goodness Nance wasn’t a big slacking slacker today….We needs our fix!
The picture that Nance posted of George and Gracie kissing just about made me cry. SO freaking sweet.
Oh, and I seriously covet your boots. What brand are they? I wouldn’t tuck my jeans into them, though…I’m just sayin’.
I Loves the Boogie (even though I know he hets me EVERY day!) so no long Friday post is all good cuz it was a Boogie post!
hi all I hv a russian blue and u havent seen a cuter one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! catlovers of the world unite we have nothing to loose but dogs @#$%^&*
I saw Samba and Rumba yesterday. They didn’t get adopted :(, but they are doing great. They are even cuter in person.
I saw this and thought of you!