3/31/11 – Crooked Acres Thursday

Scenes from around Crooked Acres. Aigs! We’re getting in the neighborhood of 3 dozen eggs a day these days. Not actually here at Crooked Acres – this is up at the feed ‘n seed store we always stop by on our way to or from Tennessee. Baby llama. This time he was friendly and wanted … Continue reading “3/31/11 – Crooked Acres Thursday”

Scenes from around Crooked Acres.

Aigs! We’re getting in the neighborhood of 3 dozen eggs a day these days.

Not actually here at Crooked Acres – this is up at the feed ‘n seed store we always stop by on our way to or from Tennessee.

Baby llama. This time he was friendly and wanted to be petted.

The Wisteria is abloom.

More Wisteria (and our house in the background.)

Peach blossom. Let’s hope we get more fruit this year than last.

The garden, tilled. Except for the tiny patch in the middle where a few cabbage (that I planted last Fall) are hanging in there.

Keep growing, little cabbage. One day perhaps you’ll be big enough for us to harvest and eat.

Corbie in the back yard, sitting on the compost container. That’s where I toss all the kitchen compost, including any paper towels I used. I used to toss it all on the big compost heap, but stuff would blow all over the place and look trashy, so I made this container for composting. Works pretty well – and it gives Corbie a place to sit and glare judgmentally at me when I’m outside the back yard and he can’t get to me. He likes to walk along under my feet and then stop dead and demand petting.

Rooster on the move.

White Silkie. Someone once pointed out that she looks like a Muppet, so now I call her “Angry Muppet.”

The red coloring on this hen’s face always makes her look like she’s been rolling in mud.


I love the coloring on her head and neck.

Rooster keeps an eye on his wimminfolk.

Places to go, people to see.


Prettiest flowers ever.

Playful pups.

“You has snacks for us?”


Gracie’s always startin’ somethin’.


It’s like watching two polar bears fight.

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As of last night, Rufus is out in Gen Pop 24/7. He went upstairs with us last night at bedtime and snuggled for a bit, then he wandered off. I don’t know where he spent the night, but it wasn’t with me.

He’s getting braver by the minute – at first he’d run if you walked in his general direction, then he’d flinch and look nervous. Just now, he was sitting in the guest bedroom doorway, and I walked by him, and he just watched me walk by. He’s more nervous in the rooms where he hasn’t spent much time – especially upstairs – but he’s come a long way, baby.


On top of the cat tree in the front room, accompanied by Alice.

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::SIGH:: NO babies yet. She perhaps ate a little less this morning than usual, but I can’t swear to that. She’s not laying down on her side and letting me feel her belly as much as she did last week. I try not to harass her about it, but it’s hard not to – I want to feel the babies moving around, Maggie! Give me that much, at least!

Several people have asked if I’m sure she’s pregnant. This is what I tell them: last year, Maura was never actually checked over by a vet before we got her. We believed she was pregnant because we were told she was. As it turns out, of course, she wasn’t and never had been. This year, Maggie was checked out by a vet who said that she is pregnant. We’ve felt babies moving (though of course, we thought we felt babies moving with Maura last year!), and the other night I could distinctly feel, at different times, a little head, and a tiny little paw. So yes, I am pretty sure she’s pregnant. Clearly she wasn’t as pregnant as I thought she was when we first got her, but in my defense, I’ve only had one pregnant cat before (Kara), and I hardly got a chance to get to know the signs of a pregnant cat before she wasn’t pregnant anymore!

(Feeling the kittens move around is very neat, but it also freaks me out a little bit. I don’t know why!)

Also, a note: tomorrow is April 1st, also known as April Fool’s Day. I PROMISE you all that I will NOT post that Maggie had her babies if she actually did not. That’s mean, and I know I’d probably have a ticked-off horde descending upon my house if I did such a thing. So you have my word that I won’t.


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“Wha? Why are my PAWS wet? What’s going ON?!” Not the brightest bulbs, these two.

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2010: The Problem with Warm & Sunny Days.
2009: (reCOOPerating, HA HA!)
2008: Shea Butters would be an excellent stripper name.
2007: No entry.
2006: It was so friggin’ cute I made Fred listen to it, too.
2005: I have my finger on the pulse of pop culture, apparently.
2004: A day in the life.
2003: What makes me crazy.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Okay, enough of the wallowing.

23 thoughts on “3/31/11 – Crooked Acres Thursday”

  1. Thank you for the April Fool’s reassurance. This actually occurred to me yesterday, but then I thought “No, Robyn is not THAT cruel. Plus, anyone who bet on April 1 is going to be REALLY REALLY PEEVED if she tries to pull a fast one…”

    LUV the pics of those happy happy pups!!!

  2. Hi Robin;

    I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now and have been one of those people lurking in cyber space – laughing away but not making my self known. Don’t know why. Anyway – love you – hilarious – love all the kitties and enjoy reading all about your life in sunny warm Alabama – all the way from sunny cold Ottawa Canada.


    PS – need babies now

  3. It’s about two weeks from being able to feel the babies move and them being birthed. Soooooo…. how long have you had her? How long have you been able to feel the babies move? At least a week, right? She MUST be nearly there, now in that case.

    Psst Maggie… I have a vote for you tomorrow, so April Fools would be a GOOD day to pop ’em out.Just so’s you know. No, no pressure or anything…

    And yay for Corbie staying! Such a pretty kitty. How’s the skinny back legs issue going, the supplements helping any?

  4. Nice pictures! It looks so nice and Springy down there! George and Gracie are beautiful dogs!

  5. It seems Jake is not the only looney one. I can’t beleive those two are in a puddle.

    I really enjoyed your spring flower pictures. Here’s hoping Mother nature stops dicking around and sends some our way. Snow Showers comming tomorrow for April Fools in NJ.

  6. There’s no worry about fooling us tomorrow because Maggie is going to have those babies today. Right around 9am. It’s Cesar Chavez Day and the favorite holiday of all California state employees (especially moi) and, even though our Mary Margaret is Irish, TODAY is the DAY. That is all.

    1. I am very confused how Lori in Houston can be a CA State Worker. πŸ™‚ Perhaps we can give the kitties Mexican middle names.

      1. It is a headscratcher, is it not?

        Here’s the scoop: I work for California’s Franchise Tax Board which is the state’s taxing agency. We audit the ginormous multi-national corporations that do business in California (and thus owe tax) but that are headquartered outside of California. As a lot of those businesses – and I can’t name names but I’m sure you can figure it out – are located here in Houston, it was more cost efficient to set up a branch office in town. The FTB also has offices in Chicago and Manhattan.

        And that was probably more than you wanted to know, wasn’t it?

        P.S. If I win, I’ll pick the Irish first name and let YOU pick the Mexican middle name!

  7. I was awake last night trying to think of an emoticon that I could do of maggie and her giant belleh!
    here’s what I’m coming up with:


    the belly’s not nearly as huge as I would like for it to be, and you have to look at this like she’s lying on her left side, head up. But the fact that it spells MOOS is pretty damn hilarious.

    We want bebehs!

  8. Seeing as how she’s moved from St Patrick’s Day to what could be April Fool’s Day, perhaps we should be sending you names of comedians instead. Or we could send you the names of Irish comedians! πŸ™‚

  9. Yay! George and Gracie pictures make me happy.

    Your yard (and home exterior) looks so lovely. I need to go find some quilt fabric with some wisteria on it. Maybe some chickens, too (since I won’t find Corbie fabric, obviously).

    Well, of course Corbett demands that you pet him regularly, Robyn. You’ve been telling him how gorgeous he is and now he believes it. He’s gonna have a superiority complex, which will make even more really amusing blog entries in the future, I can imagine. πŸ™‚

    Oh, and you are awesome for promising NOT to give in to April Fool’s ridiculousness. I hate that “holiday” because it glorifies practical jokes, which aren’t funny. The only people who find practical jokes funny are those with no real sense of humor to begin with. And, have you noticed that the people who find practical jokes the most funny are people who absolutely cannot stand to have a joke played on them? Talk about being able to dish it out and NOT being able to take it at all. /rant off

  10. At the risk of being labeled a SKIMMER!, what do you do with all those aigs? One dozen lasts us a couple of weeks in our house!

  11. Maggie is just being selfish now. She needs to give us those babies right now (or this weekend when my picks are in).

    I love the pics of George and Gracie – I love when dogs fight like they are rampaging rams; unless it is mine “fighting” in the house in the wee hours when I am sleeping. Then it is cause for separation and stern talking (maybe yelling).

  12. I love your pictures. They are great.

    I would have read any of your posts with *no that is not what is happening*, it is an April fools joke. As a long time reader let me say; you cannot top when you fooled us into believing that YOU were going to have bay bees. Lol.

  13. I need that compost container! Did you buy it or add holes to a plain container?

    (Oh, and SO JEALOUS of your actual spring! It snowed yesterday here.)

  14. Jake and Elwood?? Do they know they’re actually cats? I am in Upstate NY and we are supposed to get 10 inches of snow tonight. It better be a damned April Fools joke.

  15. Aigs! I will come get some more off your hands in a few weeks! We shared a dozen from my last visit, and are just finishing up the ones we kept. I have read that they keep for MONTHS. How long do you keep them? Reacher sends big love – he and Beau are hanging out, each in their own chair – with me in the living room. Awww!

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