3/3/10 – Wednesday

The snow is gone – it was gone by early afternoon – and what remains is muddy muddy mud. And it’s kinda cold. The air, I mean. Well, I assume the mud is cold as well. There’s nothing going on ’round these parts, so here – some pictures I’ve been saving to share with y’all. … Continue reading “3/3/10 – Wednesday”

The snow is gone – it was gone by early afternoon – and what remains is muddy muddy mud. And it’s kinda cold. The air, I mean. Well, I assume the mud is cold as well.

There’s nothing going on ’round these parts, so here – some pictures I’ve been saving to share with y’all. I think I took them about a month ago (before surgery, at any rate), just so y’all know I really AM still taking it easy, I wasn’t out traipsing around with the camera yesterday.

I saw this little colander at TJ Maxx and really liked it for some reason, so bought it and brought it home to put the eggs that are too small to sell in. Of course, we get a lot more small eggs in the course of a day than we’ll use in that same day, so they tend to build up, and when Fred was making dinner last week, one of the eggs toward the bottom was rotten, so now that colander lives in the fridge.

But I still really like it, no matter where it lives.

Birds in the tree outside the computer window.

One of our Light Brahmas. You probably can’t tell from the picture, but these chickens are HUGE.

Pretty rooster of an unknown breed.

This rooster stood there on one foot for ages. Mud = cold feet.


“Whatcha doin’ there, Bob?”

I took some leftover scones out to the dogs. They’re so funny – George will just stand right there and eat whatever you give him, but Gracie takes whatever the snack of the moment is, and runs off. Probably so George won’t steal it from her.


Miss Stinky in her porthole window. She’s the only cat I’ve ever seen in that window; I wonder if she’s the only one who’s figured out that she can get there from the mantel.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


2009: “LAYDEES,” he crows. “I SAY! CAN I GET SOME LOVIN’?”
2008: That, my friends, is a powerful stench. And it wasn’t a pleasant one.
2007: No entry.
2006: “MmmHMMM, I KNEW that was going to happen, the dumb bitch was lifting shit long before she was supposed to!”
2005: By the way, Erika: who watches your kids while you’re busy reading PEOPLE and firing off those indignant letters?
2004: Have I mentioned that I adore my DVR?
2003: Ah, you poor damn AOL users.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: See? I always say “Thank you” to the freaking servers at fast food places. Yet all I get in return is rudeness.

8 thoughts on “3/3/10 – Wednesday”

  1. What do you guys do to keep the dogs’ fur from matting with all the dirt and outdoor living?

    My George also runs off with his treats. Brianna does if it’s something large (like a big Milkbone). They both run off if it’s something they aren’t supposed to have, LOL!

  2. That photo of Miss Stinky is begging to be made into a jigsaw puzzle. Doesn’t it look like it should be on the cover of a puzzle box?

  3. Just so you know — and I am sure she will agree with me — you can’t have too many pictures of Stinkerbelle in her window.

  4. I have a colander just like that one….I got mine at Target. I love it too……it reminds me of something in an old farmhouse from the ’50s.

  5. I read it as “I took some leftover stones out to the dogs” and thought, in this order, “Robyn! That’s mean! I’m surprised at you! Stones could break their teeth! Wait… stones left over from what? Maybe I should read that again.”

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