3/30/11 – Wednesday

LOOK at that face, would you? Butter wouldn’t melt! I think she’s got a moose herd in there. Needless to say, no babies. SIGH. At least y’all are still keeping up the guessing, which is entertaining me, at least. If you’ve entered the Maggie Pool, do double-check the spreadsheet to make sure I’ve got your … Continue reading “3/30/11 – Wednesday”


LOOK at that face, would you? Butter wouldn’t melt! I think she’s got a moose herd in there.

Needless to say, no babies. SIGH.

At least y’all are still keeping up the guessing, which is entertaining me, at least. If you’ve entered the Maggie Pool, do double-check the spreadsheet to make sure I’ve got your guess entered correctly, would you?

The Love & Hisses Facebook page is here.

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So, today’s the day. I didn’t want to announce it until the paperwork was done and everything was official. But our dear sweet Corbie, who by the way looked like this a year ago:




and who looks like this now:


Yes Corbie, that sweet little monkey who is (if you ask ME), the MOST beautiful cat in this whole wide world has gone off to his forever home.

So say goodbye to our beloved foster Corbie, the last of the Bookworms, who has lived here for all but the first few weeks of his life. My sweet Corbie, whom I love with my entire heart. Say goodbye to foster Corbie…








That’s right, Fred finally caved last week. I just didn’t want to announce it ’til the papers had been filled out and it was all official.

(Yes, that brings us to 14 permanent residents. What’s your point?)

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2010: The chickens of Crooked Acres.
2008: No entry.
2007: Love you! Mean it!
2006: I am absolutely the last person on Earth you want in the vicinity if there’s an emergency.
2005: Questions answered.
2004: I am absolutely stunned that… I frankly couldn’t give less of a shit.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: I have to wonder, what the hell do all you skinny people do?
2000: Yes, this is a lame, short entry, but since y’all love me, you’ll be back. Right?

60 thoughts on “3/30/11 – Wednesday”

  1. Yeah for Corbie! That’s one smart cat! Wrapped y’all right around his little paw from Day One!

  2. damn, Robin, you had me in tears over the Corbie news, first sadness then JOY! Hooray for Corbie!

  3. Well, that’s only fair. Fred did get Alice, after all!
    Tell Maggie we want some babies!

  4. I’m SO HAPPY about Corbie!!! I love him and was trying to think of ways to get my husband to drive down there and get him, but I’m glad he’s staying with you and the bonus is we’ll get to keep seeing pictures of him!

  5. Yeah!!! Glad that Corbie is now officially a permanent resident. I had a hunch you guys wouldn’t be able to let him go. 🙂

  6. Oh, I’m so glad! Such good news! I absolutely love Corbie and would take him in a heartbeat if I could. At least now I can continue to enjoy photos and read news about him.

  7. Okay, I officially relinquish my crazy cat lady title to you since you have surpassed my number of permanent cat residents. We have 13. I bow to your greatness. 🙂

    Welcome home Corbie! (He really is gorgeous). And Maggie…give up those babies already!

  8. Well, it’s about time y’all realized what we’ve known forever….Corbie is meant to be yours! So glad he’s sticking around for good. Congrats!

  9. I knew that was coming…just waiting for you to announce it!! Good thing you don’t have a job outside the house. taking care of and cleaning up after 14 cats must be a full-time job in itself!!

  10. When I thought Corbie was going to leave Crooked Acres, I was the most sad for you, Robyn. I knew if he’d been adopted (out), you’d have made sure it was to an awesome home but that you’d miss him dreadfully. This worked out the best way possible.

    Damn, that cat’s been jaw-droppingly gorgeous his whole life, hasn’t he? Thanks for the pics of him as a wee kitten!

    Yo Maggie! You can’t hang on to those kittens forever! (Seems like she’s gonna try, though.)

  11. Congrats on your not-so-new addition! You totally got me — I thought I was reading a heartfelt goodbye.
    I say you need to make it an even 20! Should we take a pool to guess the date on when that will happen?

  12. 15! I meant to write 15, not 20! (I like multiples of 5.)
    20 — wow, that would be a lot of cats.

  13. Ditto what Pat in Maine said.

    I was driving behind a car with those stick figure family decals on the rear window and thought how tickled I’d be to see your “family” in decals — you, Fred, the dogs, and row(s) of kitties.

  14. Oh how my heart was breaking for you Robyn! From a sad heart to a joyous one SO early in the morning. Corbie and his 13 kitlings are the luckiest bunch ever! Thank you for the daily laughs……

  15. YAY FOR CORBIE!!! So glad you are keeping him. 14 is a lot, but you guys will manage.
    Thought I cant imaging the litter box cleaning situation. I hate the dust from one cat, I can’t imagine 14!!

  16. I totally saw that coming. (c: Something about “our beloved foster Corbie” gave it away. I’m tickled for you and Corbie both. Corbie looks a bit like my Maufry, with that lovely caramel undercolor. Looks so warm and soft… she’s not into snuggling, though, Maufry. Not a bit. Corbie seems much more congenial.

    I thought last night was gonna be the night for Miss Maggie. She’s starting to remind me of myself – I went nearly two weeks overdue with my son. UGH. Poor Maggie.

  17. Congrats on adding Corbie as a permanent resident to your household. I think anytime a cat has been at your house for a year, that should qualify them as an automatic permanent resident! He reminds me a lot of my beloved, Toonces, who was laid to rest in Oct. of 2009. May he live a long and happy life at Crooked Acres with Robyn and Fred.

  18. Its odd how invested you get into the lives of the journals you read. It never crossed my mind that you wouldn’t keep Corbie but I had big ol tears well up in my eyes before I could scroll down to the punch line. Of course you kept him (or truth be known he kept you)

    PS I read every post every facebook (& have since OFB) – I am just lazy and dont comment ofetn.

  19. Ever since the number went to 13 I have been expecting a 14th to quickly follow 🙂 And what a quality 14th! Corbie!!

  20. Awww, so glad to know Corbie has a forever home! Well, he always has, really, but now it’s official! I think you need to reclassify your place as a “cat ranch” or something. Maybe get one of those ranch signs that says “Anderson Cat Ranch” and have some claw marks or a picture of a litterbox on it 😉 And there’s no judging here on the number of permanent residents you have…says the woman who has 11 of her own…hee.

  21. Yay for Corbie and Yay for you. You belong together. I’m so happy to hear this.

    I have a question that I have never thought before. What do they do with cats who just don’t delver? Do they induce? Do you think Maggie has had kittens before?


  22. I’m soooo surprised that you didn’t move him over to the permanent residents corner and fool us like before!!

    Yeah, Corbie…one day, you will let me meet you : )

  23. You got me! I was tearing up waiting to read all about his new family and how him leaving was so hard!!
    Then in the next sentence had a huge belly laugh! Congrats!!

  24. Oh, YAY, Robyn! I imagine it would have been heartbreaking to let him go if an adoptive home had been found. He’s YOUR baby now, and nobody can love him as much as you do! Well, that’s how I would feel, anyway. 😉

    And Miss Maggie has got her job cut out for her if she thinks she’s going to produce prettier babies than the Bookworms were. I still think they were your cutest litter, closely followed by the Cookies.

  25. Aww! My husband & I have a brown tabby that looks like Corbie. His name is Henry & he is the sweetest, happiest cat! All we have to do is look at him & he purrs so loud we can hear him across the room. My parents have a super sweet brown tabby too- something about them makes them special! I’m sure Corbie is happy to be officially part of the family!

  26. I was all “awwwwwwwww:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(YYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY:):):):):)” as I scrolled!

  27. That’s classic!! Of course he had to stay 😉

    Which reminds that I need to post a pic and link back here to my own beautiful Amber posing right next to Coltrane and the Andersen kitty calendar.

  28. Just occurred to me, you could have posted this on Friday and half of us would have thought it was an April Fool’s joke and refused to believe it. (c:

  29. Robyn, you had me fooled. I was reading and thought “Oh no, Robyn lost her Corbie.” Then I scrolled down and read your good news! 😀

  30. OK you got me with Corbie leaving. I had tears in my eyes. But then the tears got worse when I read he was staying!
    Yay for Corbie and Robyn. An even bigger yay for Fred finally agreeing. After all he got Alice, right?

  31. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Even though I still want him for my very own, I am so glad I’ll still get to see him. 🙂

  32. SO HAPPY for this happiest of endings. My heart was breaking for you, Robyn, to see him go and it’s wonderful to see him stay forever. Exceptions must be made for the super special soul mate/heart cats! All the kitties are special but some are just a little more so.

    Impending babies and a new perfect permanent resident-how much excitement can you handle at once? Maybe Maggie just wants the total limelight to herself so she’s holding out a little longer. A friend became a first time grandma today-maybe Maggie will be close behind.

  33. Frankly, I gave up trying to keep track of them all. I just know I miss Mr. Boogers.

  34. Ah, that Corbie Boy is one lucky fella (as is his permanent family)! I agree with you, Robyn, Corbie is one beautiful boy!

  35. Badabing! I knew you wouldn’t be able to give up such a handsome hunk of kitty. Congrats!

  36. OK – I’ve read you for years, just don’t comment very often. I cannot believe you got me with that. I got a knot in the pit of my stomach before I got to the “good” part. Congratulations, I’m glad Corbie is keeping you.

  37. I fell for that hook line and sinker!! What a fabulous ending. Yes, Corbie is the most beautiful cat ever.

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