reading: The Honk and Holler Opening Soon.
Finished yesterday: Sympathy Between Humans. Good book!
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I’m glad y’all liked the entry yesterday. It took me for-fucking-ever to put together, so it’s a good thing y’all appreciated my hard work.
Questions regarding yesterday’s entry:
Does your neighborhood have an anti-front-yard- fence-covenant ?? Being a former farm girl,I am very territorial about the land I own.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t let us put up a front-yard fence. It’s actually not all that bad – the kids run across our front yard from time to time and leave the occasional toy, but they don’t generally hang out in our front yard or anything. We’re looking forward to the day when we can sell this house and buy one on a little more land, for sure.
Did I read that correctly…no breakfast and no lunch till’ 2 pm? That is typically when I eat my first meal but I don’t get up till around 11 am. I wish I got about 1/2 done of what you do on any given day. Something to be said for being an “early riser” I suppose. I do the grocery store run around 3-4 times a week, so you are definitely more organized than I. Wondering why you don’t just buy your groceries at the Super Target?
Yeah, some days I don’t eat breakfast and some days I do. If I haven’t eaten breakfast by 10:30, I skip it for the day. Today I had scrambled eggs and an english muffin, though. Yum.
I don’t know why we don’t get our groceries at the Super Target. I guess because the Publix is a whole lot closer and we know where everything’s located in the store. I’ll occasionally buy a grocery-related item at Target if I’m there for something else and remember we’re out of bread (or whatever), but the vast majority of our grocery shopping is done at Publix.
For a while we were getting our groceries at Wal-Mart, but it drives me crazy, the way pallets of crap are all over the place in Wal-Mart, so I avoid that place like the plague.
I was just thinking about your itching. Maybe it is some type of shampoo they use on the kitties when they come in. You don’t itch around your babies do you?
I do itch at home – I itch most of the time – but it’s never as bad as it is in the half hour or so after I leave the pet store. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s a combination of the sweat and all that cat dander – we’re talking 7 – 10 cats in a pretty confined space. I just may try taking a kid’s dose of Benadryl next week, like another commenter suggested, and see if that helps.
Bradford pear flowers stink like rotten shrimp heads because whatever it is that pollinates them (cats perhaps?)is attracted to that lovely scent. We had them in front of the architecture building at A&M – quite a lovely way to greet visitors.
I feel like someone’s told me that Bradford pear trees are pollinated by flies. I can’t find anything on Google to confirm that, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s true – that is one nasty, nasty smell.
in the pictures of the cats eating their treats — what IS that furry looking toupe thing on the floor?
That furry looking toupe thing – hee! – is a mink tail. Someone gave a pack of them to my sister for her cat at Christmas (did I get that right, Deb?), and she wouldn’t touch them, so I brought them home for our cats. Miz Poo is particularly fond of the mink tails, and will occasionally “adopt” one as her baby, and drag it around the house, keening the entire time.
Please note: I didn’t take the tails off the mink, I didn’t purchase the mink tails from the store, I DO NOT SUPPORT THE REMOVAL OF TAILS FROM MINKS, so don’t be emailing me and giving me shit for this, people. The tails were already removed from the minks by the time I came along; I just took advantage of getting something for nothing, and brought ’em home.
* * *
Well, it finally happened. We knew it would, just not when. Last night, as Fred and I were sitting down, watching TV and eating our snacks, he said “Where the hell is Mister Boogers?”
At snack time, Mister Boogers is always sitting and eyeballing Fred, hoping to be given a piece of popcorn. But last night? Nowhere to be found.
Fred went out into the back yard and called for Mister Boogers. I checked several different places in the house where he might be.
Fred went to the next door neighbor’s house to ask if he could look in their backyard. I got in my car and drove around to the back of our fence. We called for Mister Boogers, we looked for him, and he was nowhere to be found.
I was just heading back to my car after several minutes of fruitless searching and calling, when Fred – who’d gone back into our back yard – called me on my cellphone.
“He’s back,” he said.
“Where did he come from?” I asked.
“I don’t know. I was in the back yard, and he wasn’t out there, and then I went inside and a second later he came hauling ass through the cat door.”
The little fucker.
Fred’s going to ratchet the collar of doom up to almost it’s highest level, and set the electric fence so that the little shit can’t go within ten feet of the fence, and we’ll see how that goes.
If he gets out again, though, that’s it. Either we’re shutting the cat door for good, or we’re going to get a dog run-type fence to put around the outside of the cat door, one that he can’t climb or jump.
My heart can’t take losing another cat just yet, especially not that crazy little Booger Butt.
The cat door is closed right now, because Fred’s going to fiddle around with the electric fence when he gets home. We unplugged it last night when we realized the Booger Bastard was missing, because if he’d jumped over the fence, he might not want to jump back over for fear of getting zapped.
At the moment Mister Boogers is upstairs snoozing, but it’s a semi-sunny and warm day outside, so he keeps coming downstairs to look through the window and meow with exasperation because I won’t put his collar on and open the cat door.
Sucks to be him.
The little bastard.
* * *
I watched
The Bachelor yesterday via the DVR. I had actually forgotten that it was on Monday night; luckily at some point in the last week I’d set the DVR to tape it.
ABC isn’t hyping this season of The Bachelor one-tenth as much as they hyped the Jen Scheft season of The Bachelorette. And I think I know why.
Charlie O’Connell is a freakin’ dork. He’s not particularly good-looking, intelligent, OR charming. No charisma. Nothin’! Who the hell is this guy, and why is he making lame-ass jokes on my television screen?
And furthermore, WHY are these girls killing themselves to get his attention? Ugh.
Except for that Danushka chick, who was sooooo very impressed with herself. She totally deserves him.
Why do I watch this stupid show? Whyyyyyyy?
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“Yeah? Well, I don’t even WANT to go outside! No, I don’t! I just want to stay here in my cozy bed, snoozing in the sun. Don’t open the cat door. I don’t care! Bitch.”]]>
I haven’t watch The Bachelor since the Alex season, was that the first one? Heh.
Christine: Yeah, Alex was the first season. I wish I HADN’T watched any of the others – though I liked the Trista and Ryan season. 🙂
Word on the gossip street is that young Mr. O’Connell BROKE UP WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND so he could be on the show. Looking for true love there, eh big guy? Let us not hold our collective breath…
It does my heart good to see responsible, caring pet owners such as you and Fred. I am having major kitty issues in my neighborhood right now and no help from the peanut gallery a.k.a. our local ASPCA. (sigh) Damnit I can’t keep them all!! I can’t keep any now thanks to my hubby’s $150 shot regimen with his major allergy being to, yep, kitties. We had to give up our Taj and now we have other strays coming around, taunting me. 🙁
OH MY HECK! I am so hot for Charlie! He’s total eye candy to me. His little “Be nice to the other girls in the house” statements made me giggle like a rabid school girl! I’d ditch my dh for him in a second! The fact that he kept the chick with the 9 year old daughter brought me to tears!!!!! It’s so not like me! Mid year crisis? Someone take my temp!!!
Hi Robyn,
Charlie O’Connell is brother of Jerry O’Connell (TV series “Crossing Jordan” and previously “Sliders” on Sci-Fi). Jerry is more handsome!
I read your journal daily and I enjoy your and Fred’s sense of humor. You rock!!
Robin / Chandler, Arizona
It was like watching Elimidate. He has NOTHING to offer anyone. Yuck. I still have to watch it, though.
Phew! Glad Mr. Boogers returned.
Hey Robyn,
Are you watching Amazing Race? Haven’t seen you comment on it…and was wondering what you though of this season.
Robin – thanks for commenting on the O’Connell brothers. I was just putting two and two together there. And you are right about Jerry… totally hot!
Robyn – I so agree with you about Wal-Mart. I avoid that place like the plague. I also shop at Publix because I know where everthing is, so I can get in and out fairly quickly.
My Jabba Kitty likes to pick up the kids’ stuffed animals, carry them to various places around the house in his mouth, and sometimes even… have a little too much fun with them. 😉
Charlie O’Connell seems like just a regular guy, in an immature, not-very-smart, not-that-cute, boorish, boring sort of way. And that accent really hurts my Texan ears. Definitely not someone to create a show around!
Also, I think it’s sort of hard to hype the show after all the failures. I almost didn’t watch this season, but I remember how much I love seeing the catty bitches, so I watched anyway. Is it just me, or are they even more bitchy and desperate than usual this season? And over CHARLIE! Ugh.
AH HA HA HA HA! The picture of Boog with the caption is HILARIOUS!!!! I had to suppress my out-loud laughter, though, ’cause I’m at work and the doctor next to me who’s dictating would get pissed, so therefore I’m redfaced & have watering eyes.
I’m sure you have thought of this but make sure the batteries are not dead in his cat collar. We had the same system to keep our dogs out of the flowerbeds and as soon as it stopped beeping, they knew they wouldn’t get zapped and in they went.
I’m glad he came back.
Everytime I read about Mr. Boogers I think of my dad’s friend’s secretary who would answer the phone and if her boss couldn’t come to the phone she would say with a very thick accent, “Meeher Gomez, he beesy.” So when I read Mr. Boogers was nowhere to be found I instantly thought, “Meeher Booogers, he beesy.”
I love your journal Robyn!
mink tail killer.
I’m glad someone asked because I was so wondering what that hairy thing on your floor was!
Anyone see the spork incident on alias last night? clairvoyant much Robyn?