ATTENTION, those of you in the Germantown, MD area – or within a day’s drive!
Red and Scuse, two very close brothers, need a home!
They’re a little over two years old and very active. You may remember then from back in December when I linked about them – they were abandoned by their owners and then attacked by dogs; Red had irreparable damage to one of his eyes, which had to be removed. Abigail reports that they are very very friendly and easy to love, sweet, lovable, affectionate lapcats. Look at those faces – don’t you just want to kiss them?
Read more about them here, and if you aren’t in the market for two lovebugs, please pass the word along!
Sights from around Crooked Acres.
These pups REALLY like their daily snack. (That’s Gracie on the left, George on the right.)
Okay, yeah. There’s fresh water in your water bowls, but you’d rather drink from the pond. Tasty, is it? Rumor has it it’s going to get tastier…
I’m so glad that pond finally filled up. We were worried there for a while!
(A few people have asked and yes, the pond will attract mosquitoes. The dogs are on a heart worm preventative, of course.)
She believes she can touch the sky-y.
She thinks about it every night and day.
Spreads her wings and flies away.
Then she hits the ground and is like “Wait. I’m a CHICKEN. I can’t FLY. Hmph.”
Whenever we go out to the pond, the chickens follow behind in hopes that we’ve got something good for them.
So, a few weeks ago, Fred noticed that we’ve got tadpoles in the pond.
A LOT of them. I’m not kidding when I tell you that there are thousands of them. You walk along the shore, and they flit away in droves. Fred was like “We are going to have a plague of frogs out there.”
I was like “Well, what are we going to DO?” Fred said, “We need to get some cats. A LOT of cats. Like, 200 of them!”
So we did. (Those are catfish, in case you’ve never seen them.)
We got 100 4-6″ catfish, and 100 6-8″ catfish.
The fish truck came to our local Co-op, so Fred took half a day off work to go pick up our order. They were in tanks, and the guys dipped them up and put them in big bags and then tied them shut. We brought them straight home and took them out to the pond.
Hopefully they’ll eat some of those tadpoles. We’re also feeding them catfish food, but it’s only been a few days, they haven’t quite gotten the hang of the idea that people bring food. In a year or two, Fred will be a fishing fool and we’ll start eating them.
This is what Gracie thought about those catfish.
Mr. Bluebird sure does make me happy.
And Mr. Cardinal certainly has himself some Kramer hair, doesn’t he?
As is the Spirea (I love love love it when the Spirea is in bloom.)
Why on earth does Fred keep snuffling and sneezing and rubbing his eyes? It’s a mystery.
A big black Tom has recently started showing up and eating out of the food bowls on the side and front porch. We need to get him trapped so we can have him neutered, but he is absolutely terrified of people and takes off the instant he sees us. We’re trying to lure him into a daily schedule but aren’t having much luck. We’ll keep trying, of course.
I recently left the game cam on the front porch and caught some interesting stuff. I’m saving that for next week!
You guys, these kittens are killing me. They’re climbing up in my lap, they’re letting me pet them (they’re not sure about this kissing stuff yet), they’re play-fighting with my feet. I’m doing my best not to squoosh them, but it’s taking superhuman strength!
“Hallo, Mama. It time to eat?”
Logie is totally like “Where AM I?”
Someone apparently heard SOMEthing disturbing. “What you MEAN we all have different fathers?!”
“Gee, your foot smells terrific!”
They’re such rude little brats, and she totally puts up with them.
I hear Lenny and Squiggy saying “Hallo!” in my head when I look at this picture.
Emmy’s all “Oh, thank god. YES, go sniff her foot. Sniff it all night long, just let me sleep a little bit…Zzzzz…”
In the Joe Bob coop, no one sniffs annoyingly at him. (That smile on his face just kills me. He is SUCH a happy boy.)
2011: Maggie would like you to appreciate her girlish figure.
2010: Signs of spring – and pics from around Crooked Acres and beyond.
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: (“Why, Robyn, you only sounded like a PARTIAL idiot! I was amazed!”)
2006: “What IS that? Some kind of GODDAMN NICKNAME? You fucking heartless freak? You want me to kick your ass to Seattle, or you want to confess right now, jackass?”
2005: A day in the life.
2004: Naturally, the mental note got lost in the mental clutter, so I forgot she was in there, and only remembered when it had been a few hours and I hadn’t seen her.
2003: No entry.
2002: Don’t look at me like that.
2001: Of COURSE he falls in love with her inner beauty, because EVERYONE knows that fat women don’t have any of that OUTER beauty, for crying out loud.
2000: I can only hope he’ll flash me some butt cleavage.
Wouldn’t frogs help keep the mosquito population down, though? Will the catfish eat all the frogs, or just some? I love me some frogs.
Frogs will help keep the mosquito population down – and now so will the Catfish.
I’m not against frogs at all – I love walking around the pond and seeing them leap into the water, I just didn’t want to be overrun with them. We should still have plenty of them!
And confession: we were always going to get Catfish, tadpoles or no.
Just seeing so many out there made Fred get them a bit earlier than he’d planned.
Ducks love tadpoles! When I was a kid we had ducks and my Dad would scoop tadpoles out of the pond with a net and feed them to the ducks. They loved the tadpoles so much that they would follow my Dad around the yard hoping to get more tadpoles. It was pretty funny seeing him walk around the yard with 7 ducks following him!
The ducks actually discovered the tadpoles yesterday. It made me SO happy to see them going out there of their own volition, to have a tadpole feast.
With the pond and now frogs, snakes are sure to follow but please, no pictures of snakes! Or at least warn me so I can skim through them!
Yes, please. Serious warnings before pictures of slithery things. Unless you want to read about my untimely death.
Ditto frogs. I’m too full of pre-frog terror to type any more than that. (c:
Y’all are wimps.
No snakes or frogs without warning, I promise!
Also, before anyone requests it, no bugs either!
Love the chicken parade photo!
There is a pond full of croaky bullfrogs near my mother’s house. I love listening to them.
We have one bullfrog out there right now that we can hear in the evenings. I love listening to him.
I think those fish would keep the mosquito larvae down, at least the regular goldfish in our pond keep ours in check. Smilin joe, he’s so nice.
Between the fish and the frogs, we may never see another mosquito again! Well, that’s probably too much to hope for, but a girl can dream!
Frogs AND catfish now at Crooked Acres, how fun is that? Envious!
I LOVE all the pictures of flowers, birds and of course the kittens. Spring hasn’t sprung up here yet and you really brighten my day! Laughing at the thought of you and Fred as the pied pipers of chickens, I would love to see a video of that.
Yaknow… those frogs would help cut down on your mosquitoes, big-time!
I know – and so will the catfish!
I can’t wait to see what Logie looks like in just a few more weeks. It looks like he has two different types of fur. Very interesting. And, very, very cute! They all are!
I like frog pictures and listening to them too.
Went to the Salon today to get rid of my awful roots (2 months, way too much gray!). Another patron there was describing this awful several month thing she had to go through from a spider bite. It included having a debridement and packing and special antibiotics and sounded horrible. I liked talking to my hairdresser about her pregnancy much better. I previously thought she was looking larger but would never ask. Today she was waddling and had totally popped so there was no question.
I’m envious of the catfish too. It’s gotten so damn expensive-$10.00 a pound here-my local grocery stopped carrying it. I LOVE catfish best of all fish!
Holy cow, that’s some expensive fish!
Also, recovering from that spider bite sounds awful! Ugh!
the big black tom is hiding because he has heard that you have great treats and toys, but will cut his balls off. all the cats know what goes on at crooked acres!
Ha – that’s right! Off with his balls!
Catfish from a pond often tastes “earthy”. If you catch catfish in the summer time, when the water is very hot, the fish will go deep into the mud and thus taste muddy. We never ate catfish from our pond, dad liked eating other fish so we seldom ate catfish unless it was from the lake. I learned from my mom to soak catfish in salty water overnight to remove the earthy flavor. Other people use milk, etc.
I didn’t know that, Carole, thanks for the tip!