3/24/10 – Wednesday (kittehs)

“Shall I run across the room like a little lunatic, or shall I take a nap? Decisions, decisions.” The thousand yard stare kittens get when they’re in the litter box always makes me laugh. Rhyme sniffs the kibble (and then he promptly walked through it). Reacher and Corbett: Brudderly love. I love it when they … Continue reading “3/24/10 – Wednesday (kittehs)”

“Shall I run across the room like a little lunatic, or shall I take a nap? Decisions, decisions.”

The thousand yard stare kittens get when they’re in the litter box always makes me laugh.

Rhyme sniffs the kibble (and then he promptly walked through it).

Reacher and Corbett: Brudderly love.

I love it when they flail around with their mouths open. Makes me laugh.


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“What babies? No babies here. Just takin’ a bath.”


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Pretty Stinkerbelle in the sun.


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2009: You’d think it’s not such a big decision, but I AM a master ditherer, so dither I shall.
2008: And then they tried to say that I was calling Rick’s feet “dainty”, so in one short day I managed to insult everyone in the house.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: I. Am. PISSED.
2004: “I’m sorry,” I said. “I don’t believe I quite understand. Could you explain this “spoonful” word to me via pantomime again?”
2003: That, or she’s a stalker-reader.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Some people just have a smack-me face, don’t they?

9 thoughts on “3/24/10 – Wednesday (kittehs)”

  1. Stinkerbelle must have let her guard down. 😉

    Maura is going to look you in the eye and deny there are kittens dropping from the other end: “That? Oh no, just some wicked hairballs. The sound? No, just a little gas…pardon moi. The movement? There *have* been a lot of earthquakes lately.”

  2. I was stuck in St Louis for 8 days relying on free wi-fi sources for Internet. Robyn, you’ll be proud to know that, in their infinite wisdom, the St Louis County Library system blocks access to Bitchypoo, while McDonald’s does not. Btw, this batch of kittens is ADORABLE.

  3. I’d adopt all those kitties if I didn’t have a house full of animals already – God, are they adorable!

  4. Oh, poor thing. No privacy in the litter box. When I was a kid, my momma cat would go in after the kittens and re-bury their poo.

  5. Yeah, I had bitchypoo blocked on me once too. I guess your name kicked was objectable. I had to settle for a dose of Loves n Hisses that day.

    Maura is in denial, ddddeeeeennnnniiiiiaaaaallll. Ha Ha! You might have to take a picture and show her the round belly on paper…

  6. Just read your 2008 entry-the insult hook got me. Those pictures of all the puppies jammed into too small cages would be very effective for a please spay & neuter ad. Heartbreaking! Loved the rest of the entry. My friend and former coworker is having a scheduled c-section today-baby is breach and too long to turn. My sister’s boss’ daughther is having a scheduled c cestion tomorrow. Babies of all kinds seem to be in the air!

  7. Thankfully I was able to get to Bitchypoo on my Kindle (since I apparently now work for the Gestapo … or some idiot was on a porn site … now we’re all on Internet lockdown) because I need my Robyn fix in the morning! But the Kindle doesn’t show the cuteness of those kittehs!! Rhyme particularly has a pronounced “M” on his wee head. Awwwww.

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