Edited to add, 5 PM: We’re fine! All the really bad weather avoided Crooked Acres. We’re just fine, a little wind and rain, everything went North of us, for the most part! (Just wanted to let y’all know!)
Reading about your adventure under the house reminds me of one of the greatest movies of all time… “Andy crawled to freedom through five hundred yards of shit smelling foulness I can’t even imagine, or maybe I just don’t want to. Five hundred yards. That’s the length of five football fields, just shy of half a mile…”
That is SUCH a good movie! Which reminds me, it’s been a while since we watched it. I think it’s time to watch it again!
Can you tie the new cable to the old cable and pull it through the floor instead of crawling underneath again?
Unfortunately, when Fred cut through the cable, it dropped through the floor to under the house. It’s like he did it on PURPOSE because he wants me to have to go under the house again, isn’t it? That bastard!
Robyn, I’m a long-time reader (I guess since 2000 or 2001?), and I remember all your hetred for Leslie Sansone and Florine Marks! Haha.
Also where has the time gone? I was 19 or 20 when I found your blog. I’m 31 now!
Isn’t it amazing that this site has been up and running (and that I’ve posted MOST weekdays!) for over 11 years now? When I first started, I was sure I wouldn’t have anything to write about past the first week, but here I am, still chugging along! Thank god for cats. (And thanks for reading!)
It’s almost like you and Fred knew to build those steps and basket for Emmy. She seems to love that spot so much. I watched my first My Cat From Hell on Demand this morning and I thought how lucky all your cats are because your house is so well set up for them. I would venture a guess that you have no Bush Dwellers there-I think that is what he called the hiding cats.
Jake is actually a combination Bush and Tree Dweller. Miz Poo is also a Bush Dweller, now that I think about it. There’s a kitty condo in front of my couch in the front room, and Miz Poo and Jake share custody of it. Spanky is actually neither a Bush nor a Tree Dweller – he’s a Desk Dweller. He spends 99% of his time asleep in a cat bed on my desk. The rest of the cats prefer to be up high, though. Actually now that I think about it, Corbie’s a Bush Dweller. I wonder if he’d be a Tree Dweller if he could jump and climb better than he does? He spends most of HIS time sleeping on my couch or wandering around the back yard. I guess maybe he’s a Bush Dweller.
Everyone else, though, prefers to be up high, so they’re Tree Dwellers most of the time.
I LOVE Revenge. I am usual not one for the trashy soap-types, but it’s SO bad that it’s good, I guess. Emily is totally not scary, and Madeleine Stowe (“I’ll find you. No matter what OCCURS!”) is such a beeyotch. My favorite is Nolan, though. I love him. Do you know he’s almost 40? Hmmph. True story. I read it on People, so it must be true.
IMDB says he’s almost 40, too. Two sources mean it must be true! I LOVE Nolan – he’s so deliciously shifty-eyed. I hated him at first, but it didn’t take long for me to like him. I think I like him the most of any character on that show.
I forgot my other favorite thing about this show: when Emily shows up in flashbacks in that horrible black wig. Oh, it makes me laugh so hard, because it’s SO bad!
There is an app to store all your store reward card numbers into. For Droid phones, the link is here.
Apple has one, too.
If I can ever reliably connect to the Virgin Mobile Market on my phone, I’m going to download that!
Y’all should go read the comments for this entry. I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one who has issues with other people who don’t know their own email address! (And Elayne always makes me laugh!)
Watching the babies move was awesome. Then I heard a meow and thought “IT’S COMING FROM INSIDE THE WOMB!” before I remembered there are other cats in the house that could’ve made that noise. heh.
That meowing in the Emmy’s-belly video was Miz Poo. She picks up a toy somewhere in the house and then she travels the entire house, howling, until she finds one of her humans, whereupon she drops the toy at our feet and then expects to be praised. Here’s a video I made of it when we lived in our previous house:
She is SO proud of herself!
Why can’t da Corbs jump? Did I miss something due to my sporadic blog-reading ways?
The muscles in Corbie’s back end are not as developed as they should be. If you see him, he looks normal from the “waist” forward, but his back end is very thin. One vet had no idea why it would be (blood work showed that there’d been some damage to the muscles; skeletally, he’s perfect), and the other vet suggested that it could be due to his being born to a mother who had FIV. We tried different supplements to build up the muscles. None of them seemed to do anything but make him nervous if we tried to pet him (he’d think we were trying to give him a pill), so we took him off of everything. He’s not getting worse, and he might be a little bit better – we encourage him to climb and to stand up (putting treats in a location that he has to stand on his back legs to get to them). It doesn’t interfere with his ability to get around at all, thankfully!
What’s on the list of “best reasons to adopt a black cat?” I’ve got a beautiful black cat & I’m curious. I can reincorporate it into a list of “why my black cat is awesome.”
The top ten reasons to adopt a black cat:
1. We are always sleek, stylish and elegant.
2. You’ll never lose us in a snowstorm.
3. You’ll save money on our Halloween costumes.
4. Statistically speaking, we are friendlier than other cats.
5. We are happier because we look thinner!
6. In many cultures, black cats are good luck.
7. We can be slimming when draped over your lap.
8. We can easily accessorize our collars because everything goes well with black.
9. We are always appropriately dressed at cocktail parties.
10. We take the longest to get adopted and need your help the most!
I did a Google search on “best reasons to adopt a black cat” and came upon that list, which I cut and pasted into a document, added some pictures, and voila! The perfect list.
Are you familiar with the adorable Murkin and his various foster kitten friends on his very own YouTube channel? It’s here.
“Murkin goes to WAR with the kittens” is my current favorite.
I had never seen those – that is FANTASTIC! You’ve got to love a dog who’s that good with little kittens.
That is such an awesome story, and that is one beautiful cat!
It appears Everett is a gravity cat.
Indeed he is!!
Don’t you just want to kiss on Emmy’s belly??? However, I am sure she would smack the snot outta ya! LOL.
If I even thought about kissing her belly, I suspect she’d hook one of her claws in my eyeball. Fred kissed her on top of the head the other day, and she hissed at him. Twice!
Have you seen this?
I had not! Very neat.
I must be incredibly slow on the uptake because the fact that Emmy’s name is an award too just dawned on me. Is that what started this whole thing and it just went over my head? I’m not a skimmah I swear but menopause/medication brain is not what it used to be. Not on the finer points anyway!
Actually, I decided that I liked the name Emmy because it was a good, simple, strong name and then someone pointed out that it was the name of an award, and with the Oscars coming up, maybe that should be the naming theme, awards. So really, the name came first and then the theme came second. I think. It’s been what, a week? It’s kind of fuzzy now, honestly. 🙂
I suspect you will love this video.
You are correct! That is just too adorable.
Mama Emmy and her babies are doing just fine. It got really warm in their room, so I ended up turning the air on for a few hours last night to make it more comfortable for them. Emmy is bound and determined that they’re staying in the wooden box, and so in the wooden box they’ll stay for at least another day before we try to move them.
Every time I go into the room, those babies are eating. Emmy eats everything I bring her, which is good – she’s got to provide food for the little monsters, after all.
I’m intending to get a picture of each of the kittens’ faces, but don’t want to stress Emmy out, so haven’t done that yet, maybe later today. They all seem to be healthy and vigorous and in good shape, which is good! Right now, for identification purposes, I’m calling them “the dark one”, “stumpy (the one with the half tail)” and the two stripey ones. Once I get a closer look at each of them, I may have different nicknames for them!
Little stumpy the half-tailed kitten. Look at that little half-tail! Cutest thing ever, right?
Look at the little flailing legs!
The Noms, nomming. THE NOMMING-NEES! (Oh, I slay me.)
Little stumpy half-tail, little stripey legs, little adorable claws. Yep, I’d say this one is my favorite.
The dark one. LOOK at the little claws! Yep, this one is definitely my favorite.
Awfully dark, this one. Almost black, I’m thinking, but Fred disagrees. It’s so hard to tell at hours old what they’re going to look like, I know. My prediction: this one’s going to grow up to be beautiful. I know, it’s a stretch that I’d make such a wild prediction, but mark my words. Beeyootiful.
The dark one from another angle. Love the stripes. Maybe it’ll be a dark gray tabby?
Bellied up to the milk bar. I love how that one on the right has Emmy’s tail flung around her like a mink stole. (Psst! That’s my favorite kitten!)
Left to right: the dark one, little stumpy, and the two stripey-pantses.
Such a good, patient mama. Hey Emmy, you think you might like to settle down somewhere more comfy?
“NO. Emmy is perfectly comfy right here. Where’s my food? You go away. But scritch under my chin first.”
Toes and tails and stripes, oh I am dead from the cute.
(I expect I’ll be posting at least short posts this weekend with pictures because I’m sure there will be roughly one million pictures snapped this weekend. LOVE digital cameras!)
Corbie, alert. He looks around… he listens… he thinks.
“But… they’re not more beautiful than ME… Right, Mom?”
That’s right, Corbie. You’re still the fairest of them all.
2011: Maybe tomorrow I’ll be less cranky.
2010: Mother Nature is a whore.
2009: March came in like a lion yesterday.
2008: No entry.
2007: “Yes, they’re AWFUL. They taste like my grandmother’s attic*!”
2006: I call him Bob.
2005: Bouncing like that just can’t be a good thing.
2004: “DAMN it’s cold in here, give me some ass!”
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: Let’s just hope she wasn’t preparing him for the slaughter.
2000: No entry.
The list of why the black cats are the best is AWESOME. I needed no convincing at all that our next cat will be black, but in case I need ammunition with the husband, this will do it I’m sure!
Also? KITTEN TOES! *swoon*
I’ve had several black cats and they’ve all been awesome! Great list.
Oh my gawd, the beebees are so precious. Grey tabbies are my favorite kind of kitty and seeing FOUR of them as little-bitty beebees…great! Haven’t had a kitten in about six years, so I live vicariously through your posts/pictures.
Good Lord!!! Those baby feet have slayed me – I am dead from the toes! And the flailing feet in the “mosh pit” photo!! I’m having to force myself to not get in my car and drive to Alabama to kiss those babies! I need to use more exclamation points!!!!!
I dunno, you guys. The baby feet creep me out just a little. They look so… clawy and skeletal, and clawy, and also there are lots of claws. I keep thinking about giving birth to something with claws like that, and cringing. I’m sure I’ll be smitten by the toes in a few days, when they’re less… y’know… clawy.
I love the “where’s my food?” picture with the little bebbeh tucked up under her chin…. *melting*
Also, I got another misdirected email today – apparently I am now a nurse or a doctor in South Africa. (Ooh, I hope I’m a doctor, then I can write my own prescriptions!) But I have to pay my annual fees for registering as a health-care specialist. Fortunately they included all the bank information, including account numbers and branch codes. Yay/sigh.
I’m curious to see what the darkest kitten grows up to be too. I’ve always been drawn to the darker ones except for our first buff kitty. He was a surprise gift from my husband. I did not pick him out but he was a cool one. They are all cuties. They and Mama Emmy are ever so lucky to be in the best foster home ever.
Are you and the Crooked Acres gang ok. I just read on CNN that a tornado came down in the Huntsville AL area.
We’re fine! It went north of us. Or south of us. Whichever, we didn’t get anything but rain and wind, thankfully!
Good to hear..
The babies are so beautiful. Mama sure looks more relaxed now, unsurprisingly.
I’m chuckling at Corbett’s poofed-out whiskers.
OK readers, I am starting a betting pool that Stumpy becomes a permanent resident at Crooked Acres ;))
Glad to hear all is well at your house!!!
11th reason to adopt a black cat: You can wear black clothes without obvious cat hair!
That made me wish for a facebook style like button!