We have hit the part of my recovery where I am cranky as fuck and ready to get this shit over with. I hate the way EVERY damn part of my body that was operated on looks, I think I look horrible and I am positive I will look and feel like this FOREVER.
(Knowing that I’m being ridiculous somehow doesn’t make me feel any less that way, for the record.)
So I’m making today Alice Wednesday, and am forcing you to look at a million pictures of her little monkey face. Maybe tomorrow I’ll be less cranky.
(Don’t count on it, though!)
Alice (who is most often called “The Princess” these days) was just hanging out on my desk with her tongue sticking out. Juuuust sitting there with it sticking out. We laughed and we snapped pictures, and she just sat there, all “Yes, my tongue is sticking out. What of it?” for the longest time.
Then, the very next day I was checking my email and looked over at her to find that she was sleeping with her tongue sticking out.
I particularly like the fangs.
Such a funny little monkey, this one.
Note how little room she’s taking up in that bed. Plenty of room for another cat, don’t you think?
I love the tiny beauty mark near her mouth.
I still can’t believe she can get on top of the dryer. Reacher, twice her size, had a hard time getting up there! She’s got springs on the bottoms of her feet, I think.
She was watching Fred fill the bird feeders. She spends a lot of time watching the birds, too. See that black spot in the middle of her orange tabby patch on her head? I tell her that’s where an angel kissed her.
Yeah, that Alice. I SUPPOSE we like her just a little bit. Good thing Fred twisted my arm and forced me to adopt her, isn’t it?
Looky looky what I found on the memory stick of my point-and-shoot camera – a short video of Miz Poo and (most of) the Brady Bunch.
(Really, I discover new things on the memory sticks in my computers pretty regularly. I need to get a little more organized. One of these days.)
I like how, aside from Jan Brady, none of the cats are excited enough to actually get up and JUMP for the teaser toy.
2010: Have you ever seen such miserable cats in your entire life?
2009: (reCOOPerating, HA HA!)
2008: Shea Butters would be an excellent stripper name.
2007: No entry.
2006: It was so friggin’ cute I made Fred listen to it, too.
2005: I have my finger on the pulse of pop culture, apparently.
2004: A day in the life.
2003: What makes me crazy.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Okay, enough of the wallowing.
Alice looks like our Lucy!
Such a great mix of cali and tabby. We call Lucy our little raccoon, the stripes on her tail are so definitive. Had she been a boy we most likely would have named her Oy. 
You are entitled to be cranky. Hang in there, kid, you are going to look FABULOUS once healed!!
“Knowing that I’m being ridiculous somehow doesn’t make me feel any less that way, for the record.”
It never does! Isn’t that funny? I mean, not in a ha ha way, but in an “aren’t humans weird” way. I do the same thing, knowing that something is not worth freaking out about while I am freaking out about it, but not stopping either.
I love the Alice pictures. And I hope your equilibrium balances itself soon. Hang in there.
I suggest you slap Fred around a little to make you feel better. Nothing like a good therapeutic dope-smack to raise ones spirits…..
Or if you don’t want to slap Fred around, I’ll volunteer my husband.
Honestly, though, just take it one day at a time. Each day gets a little bit better.
I was in a pretty serious car accident many years ago and that’s the best advice the nurse gave me — just take it one day at a time.
Did you wean yourself off of the Percocet? When I had surgery and came off of the pain meds I had several days of OMG I’m never going to be well again, I’m going to be in pain forever, and one additional day of hysterical crying. I hope you start feeling better soon!