Big Love yesterday, and PLEASE. Who the hell didn’t know the instant Harry Dean Stanton handed over the pitcher of drink to Bruce Dern’s head wife during the pilot episode that there was poison in that thar pitcher?
Harry Dean Stanton is one scary-looking motherfucker.
* * *
For once, I timed my sending of discs back to
Netflix juuuuust right so that they all arrived at Netflix yesterday and Netflix immediately sent
The Squid and the Whale,
Capote, and
Derailed out to me, so they should be here in the mail later today. In other words, I’m getting three movies the day they come out without having to drag my ass to the movie store, and LIFE IS GOOD.
I hope they’re good movies.
Countdown: Two weeks to
Brokeback Mountain on DVD! And I WILL be hauling my ass to the movie store for that. Because frankly, there’s just not enough gay cowboy sex in this world.
* * *
I sat down to watch Grey’s Anatomy yesterday, but when I turned the TV on the channel was set to HBO HD and
Titanic was playing – the part where Rose and Jack are in the water and she sees the boat go by, only Jack is frozen to death – and I had to sit and watch it ’til the end, and I got all teary-eyed ’cause I’m a big baby.
I sure do love that Kate Winslett.
Even back then Bill Paxton had the most smackable face in Hollywood.
* * *
Rosie Dunn, by Cecelia Ahern. I realized the oddest thing this morning – I was reading the author bio on the back flyleaf, and read that Cecelia Ahern is the daughter of the Prime Minister of Ireland, and remembered that I knew that, since I read
PS: I Love You a few years ago, and I remember reading back then that she was the daughter of Ireland’s Prime Minister, and thinking that it was cool that Ireland had a female prime minister. I have no idea on earth why I assumed that the Prime Minister of Ireland was a woman, since the bio didn’t mention whether it was her mother or father who was the Prime Minister, I just for some reason assumed it was her mother.
The Prime Minister of Ireland is not a woman, in case you were wondering. At least, I hope
that’s not a woman.
Finished late last night:
Dead Sleep by Greg Iles. Good book – I had to stay up late ’cause I couldn’t force myself to put the book down. I played the “Just one more chapter!” game so many times that around midnight I just gave up and finished the book.
Of interest to Harlan Coben readers: He’s got
a new one coming out toward the end of April. And it’s a Myron Bolitar! Whee!
* * *

Never met a closed door he didn’t want to be on the other side of.

“What, Momma?”

I love the way every time Suggie and Tommy fight, Suggie lays there with his mouth open in a rictus of horror.

I should sell Suggie-cuddles online for $5 a pop. I’d make a killing!
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
* * *
And THEN in the car on the way to Mom and Dad’s, I was thinking “Well, THAT was rude, to tell her she was being too loud!
2004: No entry.
2003: Miz Poo has an infection.
2002: And if you unsubscribe from the notify list? A reason for the unsubscription is neither necessary, required, nor desired. Thanks so much.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.]]>
1) I too have played “Just one more chapter” SO many times
2) I love Sugarbutts foot pressed up against the wall to give him leverage
3) You could solve world hunger if you sold the Sug love.
1) Your mother and mine must have been twins, separated at birth.
2) I want to plant my face in Sug’s warm, fuzzy belly.
3) Are we doing lists today?
I am 33 yrs old and back living with my Mom. The woman is wonderful I assure you BUT I am 33 and the mother of 2 boys and apparently I don’t raise them right because they should take out the trash clean the table do laundry vacuum and make dinner each night because SHE didn’t raise her child (ME) to NOT do those things…..ARGH!! I know I know………. I will miss her when she is gone…..
Are you sure you weren’t talking to my mom?? You are missing the best part…just wait until your mom has some kind of serious chronic illness then you’ll get to hear all about every doctor’s visit and every medication EVERY time you talk to her. I love my mom but I get so tired of listening about her illness. And if I hear one more word about the old lady that lives next door to her I think I will scream so loud you will hear me and you’ll know instantly what it was!
Hi Robyn,
But it is a cool coincidence though that Southern Ireland (Eire) does indeed have a female President.
Doesn’t it just suck that kids nowdays can’t find part-time jobs? When we were young, they were plentiful. They must be scarce everywhere. My daughter is doing the same thing – looking and looking for a summer job and after school next year-her SR year-since she’ll get out early. Good Luck to the Spud.
Love the kitty pics.
Our Maisey thinks all doors MUST be opened and available to her at all times. It doesn’t matter if she is sleeping…the doors must not be closed!
Aww…isn’t talking with mothers fun?
I never had a job until I was a sophomore in college. Then I had at least two part-time jobs at a time throughout the rest of my college life (sometimes three to four at a time), plus volunteer work, until I got a full-time job three months before graduation.
The good thing is, after college, no potential employer cares what you did during your high school years. (Which can also be a bad thing if most of your coolest accolades came in high school…”What do you mean you don’t give a shit that I was a National Merit Scholar?”)
Doesn’t it just suck that kids nowdays can’t find part-time jobs? When we were young, they were plentiful. They must be scarce everywhere.
I think a big part of it is because adults are taking the types of jobs that kids used to take (e.g., retail). Since the job market is in such shambles, people are taking up any paying job they can find. I mean, after being unemployed for 7 months and having debt collectors hounding me, I was dropping off applications at Target like my life depended on it.
BTW – cudos for whoever recommended the body butter ribbon showerwash moisturizing stuff! I forgot the name – maybe Olay with jojoba? I bought some over the weekend and it rocks!
Mothers are wonderful. 🙂
Does your local library have pages? They shelve books and do various jobs in the library. It’s easy work and it’s usually part time. At our library, it’s 15 or 20 hours a week. I’ve been a page for almost 3 years and I love it, although I’m ready to step up to library assistant. Maybe Spud would enjoy it.
All your cats are adorable. Sugarbutt and Tom have grown soooo big. Please do a few comparison pictures of when they were kittens and now. I just love Poo. How is her mouth and allergies?
Awww, Miz Poo is divine!
Thought you might find this article about the Soprano’s interesting- it talks about Tony’s dream sequence really being purgatory- the author breaks it all down.
I also think that Harry Dean Stanton is scary- he make sme think of the movie Poltergeist movies- the missionary guy.
That conversation w/your mother made me pee in my pants, and I have to go to work now, so thanks.
Ack. I hear you on the mother thing. And really I’m fortunate to have a mom who *usually* doesn’t drive me crazy, but there have been a couple of phone calls in recent months that made me absolutely insane. One where she tried to convince me that I should try to have a baby (“You’re not getting any younger, you know” — but I am a) infertile and done with trying and b) broke and she knows both of these things) and once recently when she inexplicably tried to convince me to go to college.
Mothers. ARGH!!!
I would gladly pay $5 for a Suggie-cuddle today.
I love Rosie Dunn. I bought it for my sister when she was sick once, and she read it in a day and gave it back to me to read and then I read it in a day. Hope you enjoy it too!
Yikes, watch that door! As soon as he’s able to open the door, he’ll be opening cabinets and drawers for the rest of his life and driving you nuts at the same time! Just like my Varinia! 😀
If the spud likes kids, she should try to apply at local parks and pools.
Oops. I hit “post” too soon. I meant to say that the parks and pools hire lots of teenagers, especially for summer, starting now. At least that’s true over here in LA.
And your mom would make a great TV mom. hee. Like Rosanne’s mom or Marie on Everybody Loves Raymond.
I loved the “Mom-Phone” sequence. You have such a way of telling it that slays me. My mom once interupted my story of having fallen down a flight of stairs and strained my back and sprained my ankle to tell me that she had a hangnail that had gotten infected. Honest to God, A HANGNAIL.
But Ireland DOES have a female president, just not Cecelia’s Ahern’s dad, who is the prime minister. The President is Mary McAleese.
I love Cecelia’s books though.
And, on a mom note–it’s funny, because my mom complains that her dad (her mom passed away) calls her and just downloads all of the info about his day/week/month, and then practically hangs up without asking her how she’s doing–but even when I am the one calling my mom, she’ll do the same thing to me! Sometimes, I have to interrupt to ask the question that I called her to get the answer to in the first place. That’s family, though–gotta love them!
I’m leaving Thursday to visit my parents for a week… and your post just burned off one of the three days that I’d normally be able to stay with my mom without flipping out. Thanks! My teeth are already on edge…
Luckily my boy(who will be 18 tomorrow, yikes), was a swimmer and life guard jobs are in big demand. Can she swim at all, because now a days, you don’t need to swim all that well to be a guard(isn’t that scary?), and they are always calling him to fill in extra hours, so it has been a good part time job(except for the 5 am shift calls!).
*Shaking my head* Havent ya learned that ya agree with EVERYTHING she says and then do the exact opposite??
“Even back then Bill Paxton had the most smackable face in Hollywood.”
Hey, I just wrote in my LJ about my sexual dream about BP. I think he’s *hot*! 😉
Its not so funny since almost everyone said it but…
are you sure that wasn’t my mother?
I think my mother is your mother’s evil twin sister, and I’ve had to put up with mine a lot longer than you have!! Cause I’m old!
I think that you and I (and apparently about 14 other posters before me) are sisters.
Tell me, did you get to the part where, after she keeps interrupting you while you’re trying to tell her stuff, you finally give up and just go “uh-huh, yeah, uh-huh, okay, hmmm” and then a week later you finally get a word in edgewise to tell her what you were trying to tell her in the first place, and she yells at you for not telling her sooner because “you never tell [her] ANYTHING,” and so then you’re trying to tell her all the other things that she’ll yell at you for not telling her about, but she keeps interrupting to complain about you not telling her things?
I have a headache now.
(Word to whoever recommended the body butter stripey lotion. I never saw it recommended here, but saw it in the store and it was so PURTY I got some, and … LOVE!)
Have her call back and follow up on her applications. Good luck to her. She find one soon.
OMG! I love the mom conversation. I can’t totally relate, because my mom doesn’t give advice as much as she drills and grills. Dad’s the advice dispenser.
And your kitties are so sweet. I love the claw cover things (can’t remember the name). I need to get those for mine so I can stop purchasing slip covers.
That cracked me up!
It seems we all have the same mother. . . . I just have the same five conversations with my mother each time we are in the same room. And none of them can ever be resolved because a) I still don’t agree with absolutely everything she said and b) my dad’s dead, so really, why are we still having the same exact discussion? I can’t even blame senility, as the woman’s only in her early 50s.
Oh, and I love your kitties. My beloved torti died two years ago at a ripe old age, and I still miss her to pieces. . . .
Thanks for the heads up on Harlan Coben- I managed to get on the hold list at the library at #3 for 2 copies (I’m on a semi-rural library system now) thanks to the early warning. Anyone else got something coming out I should know about as we have fairly similar tastes?