Man, I’m going through A Girl Named Zippy so fast that I’m either going to have to find another audiobook to listen to, or actually get around to checking out some of the podcasts y’all have recommended. SINCE KIM IS SLACKING THIS WEEK and hasn’t put up a podcast and all. (Edited to add: Um, nevermind. Kim DID put up a podcast this week. She’s not a slacker, I’m just an idiot.)
I would happily listen to nothing but Grey’s Anatomy podcasts if they didn’t only put up one a week (if that). I love listening to the producers and writers and stars of the show talk about what goes on and what there is to look forward to.
* * *
I very carefully did absolutely no housework yesterday at all, despite the fact that I let the spud take the car to school specifically so I couldn’t go anywhere and would be forced to do housework.
It’s like I’ve never met myself before or something. “Yeah, I’ll let the spud take the car to school, and I’ll be stuck at home, thus NATURALLY I will feel compelled to do housework!”
Not so much. Well, unless you count folding bras, which I don’t since it only took about three minutes (and that’s with a Sugary snuggle-break in the middle).
I finally got around to dipping my feet in the
Homedics Paraffin Bath Fred gave me for Christmas. I did my hands the other day and thought I was going to peel the wax off to find that my skin was coming off with the wax, because WAX is HOT.
Also in breaking news, the SUN is BRIGHT.
Anyway, I dipped my feet in the wax (but not before applying
Bag Balm to the bottoms in hopes of getting them super-softened, because my feet are just nasty) and it didn’t feel terribly hot at all, and then I peeled the wax off… and the bottoms of my feet pretty much looked the same.
I suspect that if I stopped walking around in bare feet all the time they wouldn’t look quite so nasty. If I got out of the shower, moisturized them, and put socks on, I’d probably end up with downright pretty feet in ten to fifteen years (my estimation of how long it will take for the nastiness to go away). But damn, I just cannot walk around in socks all day, or even (horrors!) shoes. CAN’T. I’ve been a barefooter for my entire life. It is too! damn! late! to force myself into socks all day! It just is!
I guess I’ll have to live with my ugly feet.
* * *
I got around to watching
Big Love yesterday afternoon (in a bid to avoid the fact that there are living things in the refrigerator and the damn thing needs desperately to be cleaned out and scrubbed down. Yeah, I’ll get right on that.), and for the first ten minutes or so I was like “Eh. Whatever. I don’t think I care for this show.” But then I got drawn into it, and by the end I decided that – despite the fact that Bill Paxton and Chloe Sevigny have the two most smackable faces in all of Hollywood – it’s not a bad show and I’ll probably continue to watch it.
I really like Jeanne Tripplehorn and Ginnifer Goodwin (who played Johnny Cash’s first wife in Walk the Line. No wonder she looked so familiar. She’s adorable, that girl.), so perhaps they balance out the smackableness of Paxton and Sevigny.
Also, the girl who played Sarah (daughter of… Barb? I think? Jeanne Tripplehorn’s character, anyway) was Lilly Kane in Veronica Mars. No wonder she looked familiar, too!
I swear to god, the older I get, the more I’ve either seen everyone somewhere else, or they resemble someone else.
Speaking of, Fred refers to Nick on CSI as “Sean Hannity”, and last night we watched the first episode with Lady Heather, and I told Fred that Grissom is intrigued with Lady Heather and I know she makes at least one more appearance on CSI (a recent one, I think), and he said “Oh, like Sean Hannity was intrigued with the hooker?” and my jaw dropped and I stared at him and said “SEAN HANNITY GOT CAUGHT WITH A HOOKER?”, because I’d heard no such thing (and I certainly would have run across THAT headline somewhere in the course of my daily surfing) and then I realized he was talking about Nick.
And then later I said something about Catherine. And he said, “Who’s Catherine?”
PEOPLE. We are halfway through the freakin’ second season of the show, and he doesn’t know who Catherine is!
I don’t know about him.
* * *

Tommy chases shadows.

Look for a patch of sunlight, and you’ll find Spanky.

Such a Boog.

If you look closely, you’ll see a single piece of litter on his nose.

“How YOU doin’?”
(All of the above pictures were taken by
All of today’s uploaded pictures (there are a bunch of Spanky!) are
* * *
2005: Old pictures.
2004: (Bwahaha! Thatβd be the shortest study in the history of mankind, eh?)
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: Takes all kinds, I guess.
2000: A life of excitement, thrills and chills, lemme tell ya!]]>
I am sorry, but I NEED more pictures of da Poo! Let’s supersize the Poo!
A PEDICURE makes your feet look great, you chicken.
I’ve found that the only thing that works on my feet is daily doses of baby oil (which now comes in a gel formula) before I get out of the shower. You do need to remember, though, that the bottom of the tub can become really slippery and soft feet do not compensate for broken bones.
Can we see photos of the new couch?
I’ve been using the online service of the public library to download audiobooks. I have to download them to my PC and then transfer them to my mp3 player, but the books are FREE and there lots of ’em.
That first photo of the cat chasing the shadow reminds me of Michelangelo’s “Creation of Adam” – but of course, it would be called “Creation of Cat” here.
I have the same issue with my Gorilla Feet as I call them. I thought about going to get a pedicure but then again, it would take me three days to get them decent enough to go get the pedicure.. cause of course you don’t want someone messing with nasty feet.. right? I work outside alot and when I went to get my nails filled last time, the little guy that does my nails informed me that I needed to wash my hands more! Me? The handwasher from hell? I wash my hands so much they crack and bleed, and he says I don’t wash my hands?? The nerve! I should have smacked him upside the head.. instead, I hung my head in shame and mummbled something about just washing them, honest. So, my feet? Nooooo Way!
But I love me some Flip Flops, so I have to do something. I guess I will soak and baby oil them at home and pray for the best. π
I am not a sock and shoe girl either, and pedicures don’t even come close to doing anything to the cracked skin on my heels. I’ve used those razors for heels, baby oil, Vaseline, lotions, and even sandpaper like the foot doctor used. (Yes, really. His sandpaper was even on a DRILL! Bwhahah!)
So. I just tried Olay’s Body Wash with Body Butter Ribbons with Jojoba Oil (the purple one, there are 3 different new kinds) has really made a difference on my feet! And my skin, I don’t even have to use lotion – amazing! I’m really too lazy to be using any of that other stuff on a regular basis, so using a body wash is perfect. If I’m feeling ambitious, I use a little extra on my hand and apply it directly to my heels, but I don’t do that often. Anyway, they aren’t cracked any more! They aren’t gorgeous, but considering I’ve done practically nothing, they look the best they have in years! And so has my skin! I know you have issues with some bath products and your skin, but it might be worth a try.
Sorry I went on for so long, but I am totally in love with this stuff and want everyone else to buy it too so they don’t stop making it like every other product that I love!
Spanky twice in one week? Who woulda thought it?
Spot on a spot on a Spot, very cute.
The easiest way I know to get the cracked ick off your feet is to get a pair of white cotton socks, a vat of vasoline, and before you go to bed you slather on the vasoline onto your bad areas – mine are my heels, I walk around barefoot too, and it makes them hard and cracked and peeling and nasty. Then you carefully pull the socks on over the greased up feet, in the morning you will be amazed at the difference. If I let mine get really bad I have to do this several nights in a row, but they do end up soft and nice, AND it is really cheap to do.
Every pic’s a winner. Love that photo of Mister Boogers…
Robyn, so glad to hear you’re another Veronica Mars fan! Did you watch last night’s yet?
(And thanks to Libby for the body wash tip!)
Ohhhhh I thank Libby for her review of that Ribbon stuff! I wanted to try it, but I’m a cheapskate and it was like $6 so I didn’t buy it because if I paid $6 for it and it didn’t do anything special, I’d be PISSED.
I bought some Olay lotion recently for extra dry skin and it has flecks of gold crap in it (not mentioned ANYWHERE on the tube, by the way.) I can’t use it unless I want to look like I just gave Oscar a handjob–so I’ve been increasingly skeptical of Olay.
I guess I’ll give the ribbon stuff a try. My skin is so dry I can write my name on my leg. TMI but true.
Hi Robyn,
I was going to come tell you about a great (cheap & easy) way I do my feet when they scare me with thier crackiness. I too am a barefooter. BUT..I see someone else already suggested it! This really much so that I thought aliens had come down in the night and switched my feet with someone else’s! Do the sock and vaseline thing overnight. Make sure they are the cotton/sweatsock type variety tho. I hate my feet hot at night.. so I had to sleep with them outta the sheets for sure. But it was so worth it the next day! Good luck.
That photo of Spanky is a real winner π
I went to the body shop yesterday to purchase a special pair of socks you use over your feet when you put crap on them (like vaseline). I have sucker tattooed on my forehead…
My dear! Put any old slathery lotion on your feet, and THEN put plastic bags or saran wrap on them, and THEN put the cotton socks over the wrapped in plastic feet. Just don’t try to walk at that point because you will slip and slide. Then, wake up with very nice softened feet and head straight to the nearest beauty school. For some reason, beauty school pedicures are dirt cheap and you usually get two people working on you at a time. THEN, you silly, silly girl! Hire a cleaning lady! Just anybody will do, for ONE HOUR, once every two weeks, even. You can lounge on your sofa and keep an eye on her, but whatever she gets done in an hour or two is that much less you have to do yourself and it’s worth the money. My philosophy is, I’m never too poor to have at least a temporary cleaning lady. As a Tax Return Treat to myself, I hire Merry Maids and they come in as a team and just dial your place up to brand spanking new in no time!
Doesn’t Monday count as this week?
I’ll make you a deal — you grade the 16 MS Access Portfolios and 50-odd persuasive letters I have sitting on my desk right now, and I’ll do another podcast. π
I’m glad to know my cats aren’t the only one who get litter stuck on their nose. I don’t even want to know how that happens.
Test comment.