
* * * From my comments: Anyway what brought me here today is that I’ve been reading your blog forever, but just stumbled across your bio today. I can not believe that you lived in GooseBay!!!! I’m originally from Nova Scotia. It is very bad manners to bring up the following point on your anniversary of meeting Fred, but this must have been in your first marriage since Fred thinks Maine is north! So being stuck in GooseBay in a less than great marriage, is it any wonder you learned to swear! Actually, I lived in GooseBay, Labrador (Canada) for a while when I was about two years old. My father was in the Air Force and we were stationed there for a while – my sister was actually born there. I don’t remember a thing about the place, except what I’ve seen in pictures. I seem to recall that it was verrrrry cold and snowy. Also, Fred thinks Tennessee is a little too far North, let alone Maine. I can’t imagine ever trying to drag him into Canada – though one of these years he’s going to finally go to Maine to climb Mt. Katahdin, and maybe I’ll drag him north over the border into Canada just so he can say he’s been.

* * *
I got up from my desk this morning to do something, and as I walked through the dining room I glanced into the back yard. There, in the midst of hopping down from the bird bath, was a stumpy gray Boogerman. He came inside and proceeded to lick his lips for twenty minutes, leading me to conclude that he’d been in the bird bath drinking water (probably he was more perched on the side of the bird bath, since he wasn’t wet, rather than in it). I emailed Fred to report what I’d seen, and said What if he ends up with mad bird disease? To which Fred responded Mad Boog disease!
* * *
Currently reading: Appetites, by Caroline Knapp. I hate it when I pick up a book and flip it to the back so I can read about the author (and check out the author pic) (which I always do before I begin reading a book) and find that the author died. I couldn’t even begin reading the book until I’d come downstairs to find out how she’d died (lung cancer at the age of 42). Recently finished: Catch Me When I Fall, by Nicci French. Good book, but not my favorite Nicci French. FBI Girl, by Maura Conlon-McIvor. I didn’t really care for it. I think maybe Haven Kimmel has ruined me for all other memoirs. The Dog Walker, by Leslie Schnur. Another one I didn’t really care for; the style of writing got on my nerves. Secret Smile, by Nicci French. I really liked this one. It made me so tense I had to stay up late to finish it. Satisfying ending. Over Her Dead Body, by Kate White. Not bad, but the ending really dragged. I’m not sure whether I’m going to stick with Kate White books or not; I’ll have to decide when the next one comes out.
* * *
I had decided to suck it up and go see Brokeback Mountain on Friday, but when I checked the listings I found that it was no longer playing. Figures, doesn’t it? Ah well, it comes out on DVD in less than three weeks. I’ve already informed Fred that we WILL be watching it the day it comes out. He threatened to bring the camera into the living room while we’re watching it, to capture the occasion for y’all when I go from merely teary-eyed to full-out Ugly Cry. (Now, watch. I won’t cry at ALL, since I fully expect to be a weepy mess by the end.)
* * *
Da Sugs, up close. “Why, I oughta…” Tommy’s little chin-whiskers just crack me up. Spanky checks out the situation (there’ll be more Spanky pics up in the next few days, Amy, I promise!) Uh, yeah. That looks comfy! All of today’s uploaded pictures (there are quite a few) are here.
* * *
Previously 2005: MY BOX! 2004: (”He sighed at me, your honor, and then I had to kill him.” “Case dismissed!”) 2003: No entry. 2002: Bastards. 2001: You’re thinking If you had a clue how to tell which hamsters are girls and which are boys, you wouldn’t have this problem in the first place! 2000: Yes, I’m a goober, I think we all know that. ]]>

18 thoughts on “3/15/06”

  1. Looking at that last picture, I don’t know how you keep that stuff on that white shelf…my cats knock down EVERYTHING!

  2. Bonnie: Oddly enough, they don’t mess with the shelf at all. Sugarbutt will occasionally stand with his front paws on the shelf and sniff at everything, but he doesn’t try to get up there, and neither do any of the other cats.
    Tawnya: They’re working out well – we have to replace some every few days (they shed the caps when they shed their nails), but so far so good!

  3. I’m jealous, too! Monday it was 73° and yesterday the temperature dropped like a rock and barely made it above freezing.

  4. Mary and I must live in the same part of the world, it’s 25 here as well and we got some snow last night. As soon as it breaks above 65 it’s shorts and t-shirt weather here.

  5. It is sixteen degrees here today, so I’d like some of your weather, please. 🙂

  6. Yay! Spanky! He’s so pretty. Also, don’t cats sleep in the weirdest positions? Our Daisy sleeps in contortions I didn’t even know a cat body can do. And she sleeps HARD as though it were the most comfortable thing in the world.

  7. Thank you for mentioning the “Soft Paws.” I ordered them and they work wonderfully!! Saved my cat being de-clawed, which I didn’t want to put her through.
    I love your colorful walls (and have always loved your site).

  8. Pamalam: Yay, I’m glad they’re working out for you! 🙂
    Wren: It’s a collar that works with our electric fence to keep him from jumping the fence in the back yard.

  9. Oh, that pic of Sugarbutt oozing out of his donut and onto the mouse pad just CRACKS me up! I think of my new kitty beds as Perimeters, you know, boundaries, to work towards ‘kitty containment’ so I have some room left on my desk to keep a mouse, a mousepad and perhaps a small jar of pens. But mackie doesn’t see it that way…
    Anyway, DON’T please don’t move to Las Vegas. I lived there 9 years they are not the kind of mountains you can climb, being hot molten lava! That place is 120 for weeks at a time and when you get a mere 107 degree day you think you’ve hit a lucky streak and don’t let ANYONE tell you, “But it’s a Dry Heat” because you can just tell that to the crack of my ass. Dry heat. What I’m saying is, you’d be miserable. Stay in the south even if the trees DO stink. For a hearty dose of loving your own life, check out my blog today where you can read about yet another incident of ‘bossal’ abuse!

  10. Jen and Mary…it sounds like the weather here…I’m in Western New York, just outside of Buffalo. When it hit 57 I was opening windows to let the ‘warm air’ in.

  11. Well here in Calfornia where you need a millon dollars to buy a house.. I am about an hour from the beach and about an hour from the mt.s and I have hills all around me. But it’s so expensive to live here. Just sayin…. oh and it’s been rainning for weeks!

  12. You know, I have a ton of bird feeders in my yard and fill them quite often. I had not even thought of the “Mad bird disease”. Hmmmm But the poor birdies need to eat don’t they? Is this something we should really be worried about in our own backyards? I don’t watch the news.. so not sure how bad it is, thought it was still in like China or something… I know… I know… I live under a ROCK. LOL

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