Poor Emmy. Yesterday morning was particularly busy for her. When the kittens weren’t eating, they were requiring pottying. And the bigger they get, the more they potty.
“No, seriously. I think I’m gonna barf.”
“Okay, phew, that passed. Bath time for me, now. ::thlurp::thlurp::thlurp:: So, if they’re almost two weeks old now… and I have to keep doing this for another two weeks at LEAST… That’s fourteen – well, let’s round up to twenty days, just to be safe.”
“And there are four of them, and they have to potty, let’s say, six times a day. Four kittens times six times a day is twenty-four times a day, and then twenty-four times twenty days, that comes out to…”
Okay, y’all wanted to hear Princess Logie complaining. She’s actually gotten a bit calmer the last few times I’ve picked her up, but I made a video just the same.
Don’t you want to just kiss her ’til the marshmallow fluff comes out her ears?
And today’s other video: while Emmy is giving one of the other babies a bath, Razzie decides it’s time to figure out how to give herself her OWN bath. So cuuuuuute.
Elwood, hanging out.
He’s also fond of the cat tree in the guest bedroom.
2011: My week in cats.
2010: True Blood updates.
2009: No entry.
2008: I sound, if I might be frank, like a blithering idiot, especially when I ask Newt if he’s alive. “Are yew ‘laaaaaaahv?”
2007: No entry.
2006: They are SO pretty to look at, but my GOD do they stink.
2005: Questions answered.
2004: No entry.
2003: Yeah, don’t look at me. I have no idea what goes on his head, either.
2002: I think I could kick her ass, personally, and I’d be happy to do it. Bitch.
2001: “That’s okay,” I said cheerfully. “Those things are a pain in the big butt, aren’t they?”
2000: Fred sings again.
Razzie bathing herself is sooooooooooooooooooo CUTE!!!!!
The squint-eyed calculating (catulating!) look on Emmy’s face in the next to last picture could NOT be more perfectly captioned. Poor Emmy.
I need to copy this post and put it on my fridge and inside my cabinets and staple it to my eyeballs! My blood sugar numbers would improve for sure because my stomach was lurching! Poor MaMa Cats!!!
Oh, Emmy.
Hey girl, you made Cute Overload again. Go check it out.
Your Emmy captions today . . . ::snort:: TOO FUNNY