Attention, North Alabama and Southern Tennessee readers (really, anyone in this area)! Challenger’s House is having Cat Tales, a benefit to raise money for the shelter, on April 17th!
There’s a silent auction, and will be lots of interesting stuff to bid on. Even habanero jams and jalapeno jellies (and habanero hot sauces, oh my!) made by yours truly.
You can download the PDF file here if you want to fill out the reservation form and send it in, or you can send in the money for your reservations via Paypal (at the bottom of the page, here), or call the shelter at (256) 420-5995 and make your reservations that way.
ALSO, the shelter is accepting donations for the silent auction (acceptable items include art, gift baskets, antiques, collectibles, gift certificates, home/garden furnishings, etc), so if you’ve got anything to donate, give the shelter a call!
Michelle sent me a picture of Hoyt and PitStop mid-week. Check this out:
They are sitting so close that their tails are TOUCHING! And they’re SMILING at each other! And it hadn’t even been a week since they met each other!
It’s my prediction that they’re going to be the best of friends. Snuggling will commence any moment, I’m sure.
I LOVE IT when cats who aren’t related become best buddies. (I mean, I love it when cats who ARE related become best buddies, too. You know what I mean, though!)
And while we’re talking about the True Blood kitties, I asked Ann, who adopted Bill, how he was doing. She said:
Bill is doing well! We love him! He is definitely such a sweetie pie and a character at that! I’m attaching a couple photos from my iPhone.
He and Izzy are still working things out. We’re committed to it though. Izzy just had such a rough first year of life that it’s hard for her to trust cats as they were competition for food on the streets I suspect. But we’re giving them each time and space for working thru it. I wish I could just wave my arms and she’d magically be in love with him but yeah, not happening yet.
Bill though… He’s into watching birds! Now that spring is coming, there is a family of barn swallows that have a nest right outside the window on the porch and he is enthralled with watching them and chirping at them. One of the warm days, I went and had the window open so he could enjoy some fresh air and he was loving that and hearing all the sounds and watching things. I have to share a funny story though… The first couple months, when we let Bill out to run thru the house, he would get on our table in the breakfast nook, look around, and meow at us. I never could figure out what he wanted or was asking for. Yes, it’s a messy table but I don’t think cats truly care about that! Lol. And one day, it hit me. That *YOU* would have beds for the cats on the tables! I went and got a beach towel (that’s what he’s standing on in one of the photos) and laid it up there on the table for him and that was exactly what he was asking for! Now when he’s out and tired of playing or just wants to hang out where he can see it all, that’s where he goes and chills out happily! Isn’t that just the funniest thing?
I am really happy to hear that Hoyt is hopefully REALLY home now with his forever family and that they are just in love with him too! He was actually my first choice of kittens but didn’t get there quick enough… Then it was Terry but Bill is the one who chose us and we are truly happy with him!
Don’t you love a happy ending? 🙂
I forgot to mention this when I wrote about meeting Michelle and seeing Hoyt last weekend. I was telling Hoyt’s Dad (former Dad?) about when I got the True Bloods, and he asked how many were in the litter.
And would you believe I couldn’t REMEMBER? Finally, Michelle and I said, at the same time, “True Blood 6!”
It’s terrible to get old, I’m telling you.
This isn’t cat-related, but it’s SO freakin’ cute that I have to link it (and have been meaning to for days!)
2009: No entry.
2008: I sound, if I might be frank, like a blithering idiot, especially when I ask Newt if he’s alive. “Are yew ‘laaaaaaahv?”
2007: No entry.
2006: They are SO pretty to look at, but my GOD do they stink.
2005: Questions answered.
2004: No entry.
2003: Yeah, don’t look at me. I have no idea what goes on his head, either.
2002: I think I could kick her ass, personally, and I’d be happy to do it. Bitch.
2001: “That’s okay,” I said cheerfully. “Those things are a pain in the big butt, aren’t they?”
2000: Fred sings again.
Awww, now I want a lamb! How cute!
So glad to hear the good reports on the kitties, and thanks for the lamb video. Hilarious, I love how he (or she) peeks around the corner of the doorway.
fantastic to hear about Bill and Hoyt.
Love the lamb, I want one too.
Happy Mother’s Day to all mums everywhere – its Mother’s Day here in UK
Awww Bill is a lil sweetface just like his brother Hoyt!! Yes, Ann, he is definitely in his forever home 🙂 and also loves to sit in my bedroom window and watch the birds. We all love him and that includes his new big brother, PitStop. He is a ball of joy!
Don’t worry Robyn – once you get to be as old as me you either forget to care that you’re old or forget altogether – HEE.
Love to all readers who have shared their interest in the True Blood kitties.
The Goofballs ~ Michelle, PitStop, Hoyt/Lugnut & Aunt Julie
OMG Robyn! You HAVE GOT to get some lambs!!!