New month, new banner!
Christine – who’s done a LOT of banners for me lately – created this one, too. Just seeing those sweet little faces is making me itchy to have more wee fosters! Hey, I’m practically halfway through my six-week recovery period, aren’t I? Yay!
I don’t have a whole lot to write about, as you can imagine. I can tell you that I’m feeling pretty good these days, although yesterday I tried to put on sports bra that was tighter than the cheap ones I’ve been wearing from Walmart, and I made it maybe five minutes before I was ripping that damn bra off and getting another cheap bra out of the drawer.
I’m sleeping okay lately, with the help of painkillers. Fred is being absolutely spoiled, because more often than not lately, we’re off to bed by 8:30. I lay in bed and surf the internet on my netbook (LOVE that thing), and he’s probably sound asleep well before 9:00. I sleep propped up on pillows with a pillow on either side of me where I rest my arms. I’ve never been much of a back sleeper, but the couple of times I’ve attempted laying on my side, it hasn’t gone so well, so I’m a back sleeper for now.
Arizona Robin (who is not the same person as Arizona Robbins, if you were wondering) asked yesterday how difficult it is to brush my hair what with the scalp scabs. It’s not a problem, really – I’m careful not to brush too hard after my shower, and I don’t bother to spend much time styling my hair, because this is how it looks 23 1/2 hours of the day:
(Note the inside-out white t-shirt.)
The high point of my day is at 3:30, when I get to take that thing off my head, the Ace bandages off my arms, all my clothes off, and take a shower. Fred gets home just about the time I get out of the shower, and he wraps my arms for me and then puts the head garment back on me. (If pressed, I could probably do the Ace bandages on my arms, but I don’t think I could get that head thing back on.) That fifteen minutes or half hour of freedom is kind of glorious, and I look forward to the time when I won’t have to wear all that shit.
I’m watching a LOT of TV these days. I set up to tape episodes of House, and I’ve probably watched 15 – 20 episodes and have another 20-something on the DVR. Watching TV wasn’t an easy thing for me in the week and a half after surgery, because I kept falling asleep. It took me three tries to watch one particular episode of House because I slept through the entire thing the first try through, and then most of the way in the second attempt.
Yesterday, I watched an episode of Confessions of Animal Hoarders (or whatever the hell it’s called) and was so disturbed by the fact that these people with 80 cats were washing their dirty litter boxes IN THE KITCHEN SINK that I had to pause the show and go upstairs and take a nap. I mean, GAH. SHITTY LITTER BOXES DO NOT GET WASHED IN THE KITCHEN SINK, FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST, PEOPLE. Wash them outside with the hose, or in the utility sink (if you have one), or if you MUST, wash them in the shower and then sanitize the FUCK out of the shower.
I myself, actually, do not wash the litter boxes in any of those places. I prefer to spray down empty litter boxes with my favorite cleaning spray, then once they’re scrubbed cleaned I finish them with the spray bottle of 50/50 white vinegar and water. When they’re completely dry, I wipe down the lower third of the litter boxes with olive oil, let that soak in and dry, and then refill them with clean litter.
(I’m currently using 50% Precious Cat and 50% Fresh Step. The Precious Cat is good litter (and as dust-free as any I’ve seen), but doesn’t quite do the job of keeping down the smell that I’d hope for.)
The olive oil helps keep clumps from sticking to the litter box. If you were wondering.
Well. Wasn’t THAT a fascinating tangent?
Have I ever mentioned that I can hardly stand how gorgeous Corbie is?
SO gorgeous. He knows it, too.
Kara, enjoying the unseasonably warm weather we’ve had lately (NOT complaining!)
2010: I guess it’s March’s plan to come in like a lion
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: Natalie Maines could use some wardrobe advice, though, and I hope I’m not trampling all over her Right to Freely Dress Like a Bag Lady when I say that.
2006: It was so friggin’ cute I made Fred listen to it, too.
2005: I have my finger on the pulse of pop culture, apparently.
2004: A day in the life.
2003: What makes me crazy.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Okay, enough of the wallowing.
I’m glad you’re feeling better. Just reading about about your experience makes me glad that I’ve never had surgery. I am a real baby when it comes to pain and I can’t imagine having an operation unless it was absolutely necessary.
Hope you recover quickly!
Hi Robyn – glad you’re feeling better and hoping you have a speedy recovery!
Thanks for the olive oil trick for the litter boxes – never thought about that before!
Keep going, Robyn. You’re doing great.
Thanks for the homemade cleaner recipe. I’ll try it later this week. The link for the homemade laundry detergent was dead to me, but my washer insists on Tide HE anyway.
Ah, gorgeous Corbett.
Thanks for the heads up, devil, I’ve fixed the detergent link.
Oh, is Corbett kind of pretty? I hadn’t noticed.
I have a circular booda dome box for Elphaba. I had to drive 15 minutes to get to a place that stocks them and often they were out. One day out of desperation I tried doubling two black Glad foreflex trash bags I had on hand. It worked great and I have been using them ever since. Captian Hooks who lives to scratch everything else has never destroyed them. She seems to prefer woodwork or toilet paper and my bottom sheet last week. This is cheaper and I buy the large economy box of those at BJs and never run out. I’m sure Robyn’s way is more enviornmental but I have no utility tub and this is much easier for me. I spray the box clean with litter box cleaner from Walmart-for the little bits that filter down there. Works really well for me. Litter Box in kitchen sink=vomit in my mouth!Gross!
Meant to put this on the comment below. Having a can’t do anything right kind of day!
Wait. Are you saying you don’t use liner bags in the litter boxes? Because I might have just decided you ARE crazy.
Have you seen our litter boxes? They’re just huge buckets with holes cut in the side for access. They don’t make liner bags for those.
my cats shred the liners with their freddy krueger like claws.
Love, LOVE the new banner!
And weren’t you smart to have your surgery in the winter? I can’t imagine wearing all that binding in the summer months. One good hot flash and I’d be ripping that shit off and flinging it hither and yon.
I keep meaning to ask you…have you watched/started watching the Tudors yet? I highly recommend it – very good show. And Jonathan Rhys Meyers is quite yummy in it, in spite of his cokey eyes.
Love the new banner. And the cute pic of you
I love the new banner, too. And, as always, the picture of Miz Poo.
I can’t stand getting paper cuts, so I can’t imagine going through what you did. You’re a lot braver than I am and I’m glad you’re on the mend!
I have been sick all day over the THOUGHT of cleaning a shitty pissy litter box in the kitchen sink. Ugh. Blech. Patooie.
I use spray canola oil (Pam) in our cat box for easy application. I’m glad you are feeling better. I missed you and your cats. Hugs.
This is what they sent me home in. I wore it over a inside out t-shirt. Very comfy. It is stretchy and supportive all over with the shirred elastic.
I sewed up two more so I would always have a clean one. It was the FIRST time in my entire life I could wear a tube top and not look ree-donkulous!! Well, not that I went out in public prancing around in it!! Haahaa! I am looking around for Nance to bust a tube top cop move!
I am so glad you are feeling perkier. Might I recommend watching The Lost Prince if that is your cup of tea.
Such a pretty banner!
Glad you are feeling better