3/10/10 – Wednesday

Today marks 14 – FOURTEEN! – years since Fred and I first laid virtual eyes upon each other. Happy anniversary, baby!   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *   On Monday over at Love & … Continue reading “3/10/10 – Wednesday”

Today marks 14 – FOURTEEN! – years since Fred and I first laid virtual eyes upon each other.

Happy anniversary, baby!


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On Monday over at Love & Hisses, I posted an entry that included new pictures of Nate and Dora (Kara’s babies, who were River and Inara back then), and Ouiser from the Magnolias. Go check ’em out!


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Things I have been meaning to link to.

Staying safe when you’re in a hotel room. (Thanks, Mikki!)

Microwaved water and other liquids do not always bubble when they reach the boiling point. They can actually get superheated and not bubble at all. The superheated liquid will bubble up out of the cup when it is moved or when something like a spoon or tea bag is put into it (and subsequently burn the shit out of your face or hands or whatever skin it might hit). Snopes supports this – Snopes link here. Kinda scary, huh? (Thanks, Annette!)

Remember Misty, the kitten with Megacolon who needed surgery? She’s had surgery and seems to be doing well! (Thanks, Suzanne!)

These are the sites I hit every morning when I first sit down at my computer – one little click helps more than you know!

The Animal Rescue Site
The Hunger Site
The Breast Cancer Site
The Child Health Site
The Literacy Site
The Rainforest Site

(You can go to any one of those sites above, and get to the other by clicking on the tabs at the top of the page.)

Free Kibble
Free Kibble Kat


Except for FreeRice, it takes just a moment to go through and clickety-click. It’s a good way to start the morning!


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Have you ever heard of RomanceNovelYourself.com ? You can take a picture and put yourself (or a loved one!) on the cover of a faux romance novel. Fred had some fun during his down-time yesterday.

When I saw it, I laughed out loud, then called to yell at him for using the WORST POSSIBLE PICTURE of me. I mean, godalmighty, I appear to have THE squarest jaw this side of RHoNYC’s Bethenny. He guffawed as he told me that I looked like WEIRD AL.

He knows how to compliment a lady, doesn’t he?

Then later, he tried again.

I’m all ::completely fake grin:: “Please tell this strange man to stop SMELLING ME, if you please.”

The title of the novel and the quote at the bottom had me laughing out loud again, though.


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In our back yard, there are two fence posts, and a wooden platform going from the top of one fence post to the other. There’s a platform atop both fence posts, and the cats don’t use the whole contraption a LOT, but they use it often enough. Joe Bob especially likes to get up there and hang out underneath one of the platforms. Tommy likes to sit at the bottom and glare up at Joe Bob. (Those pieces of wood going up the fence post are “steps”. One of them got knocked crooked when Fred was mowing the lawn last year, and he hasn’t gotten around to fixing it just yet.)

Joe Bob keeps an eye on Tommy.

Tommy’s all “Maybe I’ll just lay RIGHT HERE ’til he comes down.”

“Or MAYBE I’ll hang out back here, so you will STOP pointing that damn camera at me.”


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2009: I felt SO OLD then, but 28 sounds impossibly young to me now.
2008: We had a little weirdness on Friday in the form of a super-mega-mutant egg.
2007: No entry.
2006: Today’s the 10th anniversary of the day Fred and I met.
2005: I met Fred nine years ago today.
2004: Eight years ago today, I entered the IRC Undernet channel #!Fredsplace and met the geek who owned and ran the channel, who would eventually become the love of my life. (Complete with mush!)
2003: Sick Poo.
2002: No entry.
2001: Five years ago today, I was on IRC and I wandered into the Undernet channel #!Fredsplace, and I met the love of my life. (More mush!)
2000: Four years ago today, I wandered into the IRC Undernet channel #!Fredsplace, thus setting into motion a chain of events which would echo down through the years.

12 thoughts on “3/10/10 – Wednesday”

  1. Robyn, I rarely comment, but since I’ve been very into the most recent RHoOC series and am all ecstatic about RHoNYC (them bitches be cray-cray!), I’m now all primed to talk shit with you about it all. PLEASE SAY WE CAN TALK SHIT, PRETTY PLEASE!

  2. Thanks for the laugh this morning! Your comments about your pictures made me cackle like a LOON!

  3. Oh yeah, I forgot: Those book covers and your comments are HILARIOUS. I thought you looked very Mona Lisa-esque in the first one! There’s a celebrity who often reminds me of you, but I’ll have to blow through some cobwebs to remember who it is…

    Anyway, re the Housewives. How awful is Simon? I was getting major heebeejeebies (sp?) when he was whispering in Tamra’s ear at the finale party – “You’re not talking about what happened in the car, are you?” On the reunion, Tamra says he accused her of infidelity because an old boyfriend contacted her when she started the show, and she exchanged emails with the guy for a year (but never met him or talked on the phone or anything). The video is on the Bravo site. My theory of what Vicki hasn’t said, that Simon knows Tamra told her, has to do with his preparation of sandwiches – knuckle flavored.

    As for NYC…oh, man, do I freaking hate Ramona. She’s pretty much reason alone to watch. Hating on Ramona is the new masturbation.

    1. Ugh, god, I cannot STAND Simon, I haven’t liked him since the very beginning. (Also, “sandwiches – knuckle flavored” made me laaaaaaugh.)

      Ramona is a complete lunatic. She had the whole up-and-down cycle right there on the boat. First the thrilled “Hiiii, we’re going to have so much fuuuuuun!”, then the sobbing, then the “Okay, well, that was fun!” She has got the craziest eyes of any Housewife, and that’s saying something!

  4. What’s disgusting is that often I find that vile gutter cock sort of attractive. Feel free to stone me.

    Did you see the preview clip of Ramona walking the runway with the CRAZIEST EYES EVER? It’s hilarious – I cannot wait for that episode! My theory about Ramona, based on much harrowing life experience, is that she’s got a mix of Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Histrionic Personality Disorder, and is also a sociopath. She never does ANYTHING for someone else if it doesn’t benefit her in some way – usually by making her look good. That yacht party wasn’t about her frenemies, it was about HER. “Look at me, inappropriate bikini wearer, on a rented boat I didn’t pay for!” Yeah, any busted grifter can bring their friends onto a flotation device, Ramona. You’re still crazy and incapable of emotionally connecting to another human being. Enjoy the bean dip!

    1. Oh, I can see that he’s attractive, kind of, but attractive coated in a layer o’ SLIME.

      I did see that preview clip of Ramona, and she looked a little staggery to me, like she was going to walk right off the edge of the stage, crazy eyes and all. I don’t even know what Histrionic Personality Disorder is, but it certainly sounds right!

      Kelly and Ramona should have a Crazy-off, but it looks like Kelly’s a bit toned down this year.

      Also, it makes me sad that Jill and Bethenny aren’t friends anymore.

  5. Silent and Deadly, we know what that’s all about, at least on Crooked Acres. Those book covers gave me my morning laugh. Thanks.

    Happy virtual anniversary!

  6. Dude, don’t grow your hair out and get a spiral perm. And that’s all I have to say about that.

  7. Happy Anniversary-I hate to think if you and Fred didn’t meet and fall in love-so sad for all the kitties and all of us readers not to mention you too-you are so perfect togeather. The covers had me howling! I love the SBD one -that’s what we call it. Our dogs are huge sbders-the groans of the nearest nose alert everyone else. The first cover didn’t even look like you-I thought Fred morphed you with someone else (photoshopped?-I know nothing about that stuff).

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