
When I didn’t recognize a line he quoted from Alien (a movie I saw maybe once, and was probably not paying that much attention when I did), Fred said these words: “My vast intellect is wasted on you.” The pigs reported that he tasted “Too humany.”   Yesterday was bright and sunny and in the … Continue reading “3-4-08”

When I didn’t recognize a line he quoted from Alien (a movie I saw maybe once, and was probably not paying that much attention when I did), Fred said these words:

“My vast intellect is wasted on you.”

The pigs reported that he tasted “Too humany.”


Yesterday was bright and sunny and in the 70s, and about midmorning, after I’d taken some food (salad, carrots, grapes, bagel) out to the pigs, and after I’d filled the bird feeders and checked for eggs, I was walking across the back yard and I looked down at Sugarbutt, who was following me, and I said “It’s awfully windy out. It’d be a good day to do laundry!”

So I came inside and tossed a load of clothes in the washer.

An hour later, when the clothes were done washing, I took them outside to hang them on the clothesline, and that is when I realized that there was a shitload of paper and styrofoam blowing around our property and the property of the next two houses over. Recently, trucks for a local cable company have begun parking in the parking lot of the little strip mall across the street and down a little way. When I’d gone out to check the mail earlier, I’d noticed that some boxes with the cable company’s name emblazoned across them had started to blow across the land next to the strip mall parking lot. Apparently the boxes and styrofoam and paper had continued their journey across the road and onto our property.

I glanced across the street and saw that a man in a cable man uniform (you know the outfit I’m talking about) had come out and was picking the stuff off the land next to the parking lot. I figured that once he’d finished with that, he’d continue across the street and pick up the rest of his shit.

When I finished hanging out the clothes, the man in the cable man uniform was gone. And there was still shit all over our property and the property of the next two houses over.

I was a tad peeved. I started stomping around the property closest to the back yard picking up cable company work orders, pieces of styrofoam, plastic bags. When my arms were full, I stomped inside to get a garbage bag so that I could continue the cleanup. Fred happened to call at just that moment (to find out what the pigs were doing, naturally), and I bitched and ranted and raved to him. He told me to stop picking the shit up and sit tight while he made a phone call.

Unlike his wife, Fred does not back down from make phone calls wherein he says “Please come pick up your shit, thx.” He is, after all, the son of the man who called to complain that his trash had not been picked up on trash day and when the trash people were all “::Shrug::, I don’t know what to tell you! You gotta wait ’til next trash day!” he responded by saying “You come get this trash within the hour, or it’s going to be all over the mayor’s lawn, and you can explain to HER why that is.” (PS: Trash was gone in ten minutes.)

So he called and they were all apologetic (and freaked out when he said that he was holding a “receipt” – I myself would have referred to it as a “work order”, but same difference, I s’pose) and swore they’d send someone out to pick it all up.

Four hours later when he got home from work, no one had shown up to pick up the shit. He called and gave them hell again, and they promised they’d send someone out to take care of it. As of this morning, no one had bothered to show up, and most of the trash blew through our property onto the nursery property behind us.

The older I get, the less tolerance I have for fucking littering. I tossed my share of fast food cups out of car windows when I was a kid, but GODDAMN it pisses me off to drive down the highway to Closeville and see the median all shitted up with garbage. When we lived in Madison, there was an old man who’d walk up and down a nearby big road, picking up garbage. I can totally see myself getting fed up with all the fucking litter and spending my days walking up and down the median of the highway picking shit up.

Now there’s a career goal.


The pigs are doing well. Fred took down the hog panels on Sunday so they could have access to their entire pig yard (you keep them in a small area at first so they know where “home” is, apparently) and they haven’t gone too far from their shelter. Yesterday morning I saw neither hide nor hair of them until after 9. They came out, rooted around and ate for a while. When I went out there at 10:30, they’d gone back into the shelter for a nap.

It’s a rough life, I’m telling you.

I took them some leftover salad, grapes, carrots, and a bagel and put it in their food… dish. Trough, I guess? I spoke and called to them, and eventually the little one lifted his head up, sniffed, and said “We are napping, go away pls.” and burrowed back under the straw.


For dinner we had Fred’s favorite meal of all time – scrambled eggs and homefries (cubed potatoes and onions, potatoes precooked in the microwave for 5 minutes before being cooked in a pan) – and because I’m no dummy I made extra homefries, and after dinner we made the rounds, gave the Girlz some leftover scrambled eggs, and took the rest of the leftovers out to the pigs.

Earlier, when he’d gotten home from work, Fred had convinced the little one to take a bagel out of his hand, so he tried to get him to take an english muffin out of his hand, but I think having both of us right there made them nervous, so we gave up on that and just dumped the leftover scrambled eggs and homefries in their food bowl. I can report that the leftovers were a big, big hit with the pigs. They both bellied right up and ate every last bit we’d given them.

These pigs are probably going to be the happiest, most well-fed pigs in the area. Hopefully their happiness will only make them that much more tasty.


Miz Poo in the sun.



2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: Dumbass things I did yesterday.
2004: I think I need to go back to high school.
2003: “Well, good luck to Daddy on that,” I said.
2002: (You just shut up)
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.

27 thoughts on “3-4-08”

  1. “Fred: The Pig Years”

    “Fred Anderson, Pig Whisperer”

    Good book titles,no?

  2. Looking at the wee pink piggy peeking out from the straw, I am once again reminded that you are made of far sterner stuff than I…

  3. I wouldn’t recognize a quote from either movie if you hit me over the head with it, but I *LOVE* that Fred’s was the first comment, all Johnny-on-the-spot with his correction.

  4. When I see the picture of the pig head sticking up from the hay, and read stories of hand feeding the little one, I wonder if Fred will really be able to slaughter them. I know I wouldn’t! One look in those brown eyes, and they’d be pets instead of dinner. πŸ™‚

  5. I know what you mean about being less tolerant of litter as you get older. I’m the same way. Hubby is a police officer and when he’s walking up to a car, after pulling them over, there are times the driver will throw their cigarette out the window. When he writes them a ticket for littering they can’t believe it. Some people don’t even think of that as littering.

  6. So, what do the kitties think of Pork and Chop? If they are anything like my cats, they have thoroughly investigated the situation already.

  7. Wait. You fed the “Girlz” scrambled eggs? Aren’t the “Girlz” the chickens? Isn’t that … well, I don’t know what it is exactly and it’s not like I haven’t wanted to scramble and fry my own two rotten kids on occasion, but … I don’t know. Something is hurting my brain here.

  8. The pigs are here!?! Man, I have some catching up to do!! And I can’t do it now either, this sucks. Maybe throughout the day I’ll be able to sneak back otherwise I’ll try to make a point this evening to catch up.

    Miz Poo looks like she’s enjoying that sun big time. Very cute picture.

  9. Ok this is just too weird ……… at one point this past weekend I was channel surfing and happened upon “Aliens” … started watching it a bit because that’s just the kind of happening life I’ve got going on …….. and IMMEDIATELY thought of you because of Bill Pullman and his truly smackable annoying-ass performance!!! He is such a whiny pain in the ass in that movie, your opinion is him is well deserved.

    And now you and Fred are talking about “Aliens” in the same time frame …. insert Twilight Zone music here …….. too eerie!

  10. Ok …….. my bad ……. Bill PAXTON is in Aliens, not Bill Pullman.

    He’s still an annoying ass though …. thought I would correct myself before I get smacked down..

    Heavy sigh …

  11. Yes, I can see now that dinner is now going to be cooked for 4 – you, Fred, Pork and Chop. And when the big day finally comes there is no way Fred is going to be able to slaughter his dinner guests for the past 2 years πŸ˜€

    “Too humany” *heh*

  12. The pigs reported that he tasted β€œToo humany.” That proves my point about me thinking they can taste too “piggy” πŸ™‚ I am avenged!!

    And Fred? Love ya, really, mean it, but we also know what Robyn puts up with. See those chickens? Those pigs? Yeah, she is one donkey away from sainthood.


  13. HAHAHA!! “One donkey away from sainthood”!! Good one Kay!!! Fred really is one lucky man to have such a tolerant, supportive wife who cooks up good meals and banana pudding!!

    πŸ™‚ Kathy

  14. I’m laying a bet right now that the little piggy in that photo is going to die of old age on Crooked Acres. He’ll never be a pork chop.

  15. Chickens and other birds commonly eat eggs, their own and other birds’. My pet zebra finches eat the egg shells of eggs they’ve laid that have broken, as well as the shells after their babies have hatched. Kind of cannibalistic, but then in the bird world, it’s OK.

  16. That picture of Miz Poo?
    The first thing that came to my mind: “I will do you this favor, but someday I will call on you to do a favor for me.”
    I’m both old and weird. =)

  17. I can’t help myself. I want to name one of the pigz Six Degrees but can’t for the ever-loving LIFE of me think of the “matching” name for the other one!


  18. Try, try, try not to get too comfortable/adoring with the piggies!

    I was lucky, when my 4-H swine pigs were ready to go to slaughter I was far away (counting my $$ in anticipation of buying a horse, which I did). Piglets can be so darn cute!

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