2/9/10 – Tuesday

One more dayyyyyyyyy!!! Given that my surgery is taking place so early in the day, Fred may go to work for a few hours, and if so I’ll have him post something here letting y’all know that I lived. I suspect I’ll also be Twittering intermittently, so you can check there. I may even be … Continue reading “2/9/10 – Tuesday”

One more dayyyyyyyyy!!!

Given that my surgery is taking place so early in the day, Fred may go to work for a few hours, and if so I’ll have him post something here letting y’all know that I lived. I suspect I’ll also be Twittering intermittently, so you can check there. I may even be blogging from my phone from time to time, depending on how out of it I am (the more out of it, the more fun the posts, right?!)

I don’t know why I’m telling y’all all of this, since I will be posting an entry before we leave for the hospital tomorrow and will likely tell you all of this again then!


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We had steak, beans and rice Chimichangas for dinner last night (and salad too, I swear we do get our veggies in even though I rarely mention them!), and holy moley were they good! The only thing I’ll do differently next time is leave the cumin out of the marinade, because I am not a fan of cumin.

I’m pretty sure I’ve expressed, in the past, my belief that cumin smells and tastes like B.O.

Nance once mocked me for pronouncing cumin like “cyoo-min” instead of “coo-min.” Is it a regional difference in the pronunciation of the word, or am I just totally pronouncing it wrong? How do y’all pronounce it?


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I started out yesterday with the biggest of plans, to get the house scrubbed in preparation for the fact that Fred will be responsible for keeping the house clean while I’m recovering from surgery. I was going to do some SERIOUS cleaning, but when it came down to it, the house is actually not so very much of a mess, so I ended up soaking all the humidifiers to get rid of the build-up (empty the humidifier, fill the base with white vinegar, let it sit for half an hour, scrub and rinse), did some laundry, ran the Swiffer Duster over various super-dusty spots in the house, and called it good enough.

Well, I also dumped the litter in each litter box through a sifter (looks somewhat like the insert in this litter pan combo), scrubbed down each litter box, coated each litter box with a light coat of Pam cooking spray (then wiped the excess Pam off), and dumped the clean litter back into the boxes.

This morning, after I take the Magnolias to Petsmart, I’m going over to Sam’s, swinging by Kohl’s, and then coming home to clean the foster room and vacuum the entire house.

The worst part of having surgery is having to wait for it to be time to HAVE the surgery. I feel like I’ve been waiting forever, and it’s still not time yet!


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I’m leaving soon to take the Magnolias to Petsmart. They’re all going to be in one (big) cage, which makes me glad, because I like that they’re going to have each other for comfort. It’s a moot point, though, because they’re all going to get adopted during adoption hours tonight, right? RIGHT!

All five in one picture! (Too bad they’re not all in focus!)

Obviously I was waving a toy over my head to get their attention. Hey, it worked!

Skeptical Truvy.

Drum has got the thickest, most luxurious fur. It’s such a pleasure to pet him (and a good thing, too, ’cause he can’t get enough of being petted!)

Sweet Ouiser. Have I mentioned that I’m pretty sure Ouiser thinks she’s a puppy? She loves to run around with a mylar ball in her mouth.

Clairee wonders if it’s time for the pettin’ yet.

I just adore M’Lynn’s markings. Basically, she’s a white cat that someone tossed brown tabby spots at!

Smilin’ Truvy.

Smilin’ M’Lynn.


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Miz Poo knows something’s up…


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2009: “They’re rejects from the nursery!”
2008: No entry.
2007: Beach Roses (fiction).
2006: Giggling like that is EXACTLY something Fred would do.
2005: Taking the day off.
2004: I don’t believe I mentioned that the Bean has tapeworms.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: And I yelled “Any fucking thing else?!”, addressing, I guess, God.
2000: Okay, so I don’t have much to say today.

42 thoughts on “2/9/10 – Tuesday”

  1. Those magnolias are lovely and the white and tabby ones are very like my cat bomber.

    And for the record I say q-min but coo-min is accepted too round these parts!

  2. I checked pronunciation at Merriam Webster online (I LOVE words and everyone says it differently on Food Network so I was curious) and they list THREE pronunciations. Q-min (the way we pronounce it) Coo-min (like Nance) and Come-In which sounded totally weird and kinda porno (I know, I HAD to go there). I personally like cumin, it’s oregano I have to use with caution, just a hair too much turns me off. Hunny is like that with cilantro. One pronunciation that does bug me is when the Food Network chefs say “Pap-A-Rika” – PEOPLE! There’s no extra “A” in paprika!! I dunno, just annoying little thing, hehe.

    Damn those kittens are adorable lil monkeys! Thinking the good thoughts they’ll all get happy homes ASAP.

  3. I live in NY so we call it f*cking coo-min. Hee.

    Will be thinking of you tomorrow. When I had my WONDERFUL SUCCESSFUL HIGHLY-RECOMMENDED hysterectomy, it was such a positive experience that I started questioning the use and necessity of other organs. Appendix? What does he do? Do I need it? Spleen? Pancreas? Ok, those last two serve some function. (I still have all of them. I even have my tonsils for the love of God!)

  4. Q-min here too, and I like the taste of it. I suppose it would be easy to have too heavy a hand with it, and then… yeah, maybe the BO factor would become an issue. Used judiciously, with a bunch of other seasonings? Yum.

    Cilantro, on the other hand, is the devil’s weed. I cannot have it appear on my plate, even as a garnish, because it taints the flavor of everything near it.

    1. I’m not crazy about cilantro, either. Which makes it interesting, trying to eat Mexican food! (As long as the cumin’s not too heavy, I can stand it most of the time, though.)

  5. Good luck tomorrow Robyn! Will be sending good vibes your way.

    I too say Q-min for what it’s worth 🙂

  6. We say Coo-MIN here(CT) but I have heard either way is correct so whatevs. I wish you a speedy,safe procedure tomorrow..sending you good thoughts. Love ya!

  7. Q-min here too.

    Good luck tomorrow. I hope the item being removed weighs a hefty 10 pounds (innocent pounds, no dirty business missy) – but it has been such a naughty organ, I think it should weigh in an a weight more appropriate with its’ naughtiness.

    Kick it to the curb!

  8. I think it’s so selfish of you to go and have surgery just so you can steal my surgery-getting attention. Man!

    I’ll be thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. One of us has to have an easy recovery period – and I’m pretty sure it’s not me.

  9. Coo-min here in California – I had actually never heard the other “q” pronunciation – and I love it. It’s great in guacamole and hummus.

    Hope your day flies by and the surgery is soon a distant memory.

  10. This Kansas girl says COO-min but we still know what you are talking about if you pronounce it Q-min. I love the stuff and put lots of it in my homemade burritos. To each his own I say. Good luck tomorrow in your surgery. I would be on pins and needles but it’s not your first rodeo so you’re probably as cool as a cucumber. I am 57 yrs. old and have never had any surgery so the thought of going under the knife scares me to death. Hope your recovery is short and you feel like a new woman when it’s all said and done. I’ll be thinking about you and hoping for only the very best outcome for you.

  11. Q-min here too! And even though it might be heresy here in Texas, I can’t stand cilantro! It’s so bitter and there are some Tex-Mex restaurants that insist on using a heavy hand with the stuff in their salsa.

    Best of luck tomorrow…I’ll be watching for updates!


    1. When the cats pee up against the side of the litter box, the Pam makes it so that the clumps don’t stick – they just come right off (and all our damn cats pee against the side of the litter box, it seems!)

  12. Head on shots of Miz Poo remind me of two-face from Batman 🙂 only fluffy and cute and without scars.

    Good luck with the nameless one!

  13. Good luck on your surgery tomorrow. I will be thinking about you all day. Do let us know how you are doing. It is best for you to rest on the day before surgery. I’m sure you already know that,but you need to remember it. The vacuume cleaner is not going anywhere. It will still be there when you get well. love ya,

  14. I’ve only ever heard Q-min and I grew up in Philly and live at The Jersey Shore (yes I live 20 minutes from Sleazeside-That Jersey Shore, sorry to say! We don’t go to the Boardwalk much and Never go to the bars!) I don’t know what cumin tastes like but I know my bf removes it from alot of recipies. I personally think subs with raw onions and oil and vinegar reek of the worst bo ever. Not much of a sub person really. I grew up calling them hoagies but 30 years here has changed that.
    Resting before surgery? No way! I’d be bouncing off the walls, the wait is very hard. I never sleep well the night before either because I’m certain I will oversleep somehow. I hope it all goes great and may the pain meds be wonderful. Getting legally stoned is the best part!

  15. Sending you my best wishes for a good day tomorrow. Remember—walk walk walk (and then make Fred wait on you hand and foot)!!!! (((HUGS)))

  16. Here in Scotland it’s q-min too. Best wishes for tomorrow Robyn and a speedy recovery. Hope the Magnolias find new homes soon.

  17. Best of luck to you with the removal of the Organ that Shall Remain Nameless (until it is ousted, at least) and to the Magnolias on getting snatched up and placed in good homes!

  18. Q-min here in SW Ontario, Canada but have heard it the other way as well.
    Good luck tomorrow, Robyn!

  19. A couple years ago a calico who looks a lot like your Ms Poo came into our farmyard and never left. She’s a barn cat now, and with attitude. She will chase the cows out of their stalls if she gets there before they do. What a gal. The kids named her Scaredy, because all the animals are afraid of her. She loves people though. I think I’ll bring her to the new place (GGFarm) to be the big cheese.
    Do all calicos have attitude?

    1. Kate, in my experience most calicos and torties have got some serious attitude going on. This is just my experience, but while both calicos and torties tend to rule the roost with an iron paw, torties tend to be a little more, well, COMPLETELY INSANE.

      However, if I can go further than that, I find that all four of our female cats (Miz Poo, Kara, Maxi, and Stinkerbelle) do not for one moment put up with any bullshit from any other cat, so maybe it’s a female thing! 🙂

  20. All my Hispanic friends here is So Cal say coo-min, so I do too. Know everything will go well for you tomorrow. I agree with the walking suggestion – I know it worked for me. Also, make sure you drink plenty of water after your surgery.

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