2/8/10 – Monday

I hope those of you who got hammered with all the snow these past few days have successfully dug yourselves out. Myself, I woke up this morning to this particular nightmare, so I feel your pain: I don’t know how on earth we’re ever going to dig out from under all that. It’s a good … Continue reading “2/8/10 – Monday”

I hope those of you who got hammered with all the snow these past few days have successfully dug yourselves out. Myself, I woke up this morning to this particular nightmare, so I feel your pain:

I don’t know how on earth we’re ever going to dig out from under all that.

It’s a good damn thing we have plenty of toilet paper and bread! God knows when we’ll ever be able to get out of the house again!


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So there was some sort of football game last night, I understand?

I kid. We actually sat and watched the whole Superbowl. Okay, Fred read and I surfed on the laptop, and we only paid attention during the commercials, but the TV was on the whole time.

A few hours before the game was due to start, I said “The Saints – New Orleans, right?”

“I think so,” Fred said.

“Who are they playing against?”

“The Patriots, maybe?” Fred offered.

I shrugged.

Fred sat down about half an hour before the game started, and then I wandered into the room and he said “They’re playing against the Colts.”

“Denver?” I said.

“I think St. Louis.”

Turns out we were both wrong. Clearly we’re not the sporty type. I’ve seen so many good Super Bowl recipes lately that it almost made me want to host a Superbowl party, regardless!

My favorite commercials were the Boost Mobile Shuffle (I canNOT believe it’s been 25 years since the Bears did the Superbowl Shuffle! I’m the punky QB known as McMahon! When I hit the turf, I’ve got no plan!) and all the E-Trade commercials.

Damn, I love me a talking baby.


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Over the weekend, I did a lot of cooking, getting stuff ready to freeze so that Fred won’t have to do too much cooking while I’m recuperating from surgery (two more days! Uh.. yay?).

One thing I made was a batch of Baked Chimichangas. Reader Brenda sent me the recipe a while back, and I made them and really liked them, then realized when I was making a batch on Saturday that I’d never posted the recipe.

So here you go – Baked Chimichangas! Easy to put together, easy to freeze and then bake when you’re in the mood to just pop something in the oven. And best of all, it’s a recipe that’s easy to mess with – you can make it spicier or wimpier, you can add rice to the beans, you can use steak or pork if you want. Yesterday, I marinated steak in this Carne Asada marinade, pan-cooked the steak with onion strips, mixed a can of refried beans with brown rice, and used that for my Chimichangas filling. It was fabulous! The world is your oyster with this recipe (hmm… shrimp chimichangas?).

Highly recommended!

I also made a lasagna and a chicken and rice casserole.

That should take us through at least two weeks, and hopefully after that I can get back in the kitchen even if I need Fred to do the heavy lifting.

I don’t think I mentioned it before, but my gynecologist/ surgeon told me that she won’t need to slice through my abdominal muscles to remove The Organ That Shall Not Be Named, she’ll just kind of pull the muscles apart to remove what she’s gotta remove. On the one hand, the idea of having my muscles pulled apart gives me the cringies. On the other hand, I’m thinking that if muscles aren’t being sliced open, the healing will go a lot quicker, no?


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Today, I clean the house. Tomorrow, I take the Magnolias to Petsmart, run to Sam’s to pick up a few things (god help me if we run out of litter in the next few weeks! Fred refuses to step foot into Sam’s.), stop by Kohl’s to return some jeans, and then home again to do a thorough cleaning of the foster room and probably a thorough vacuuming of the entire house.

So off I go to get started!


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If you missed my weekend entries, here’s the quick update: Steely Dan and Fagen were adopted Friday night, together (!), and the Magnolias are going to the adoption center tomorrow morning!


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Love & Hisses presents…

The Magnolias

Starring in:







“I’M HOT!”





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Spanky always looks so expectant as he sits in his box, and so disappointed when nothing happens. One day we’re going to be sitting at our computers and Spanky’s going to climb into that box, and it’s going to TAKE OFF and Spanky’s going to zoom around the house and then out the door for parts unknown.


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2009: No entry.
2008: Which of your cats, if they were human, would you actually want to hang around the most?
2007: I judiciously left off the “You fucking motherfucking asshole.” part.
2006: And then the spud said “Is he trying to go to Narnia?”
2005: I’ll take my anonymous life, thank you.
2004: No entry.
2003: No entry.
2002: “What?” he said. “I WASN’T geeky!”
2001: No entry.
2000: Tomorrow, I’m going to go see Dr. Judy for my ear, out of which I still cannot hear anything but constant white noise.

18 thoughts on “2/8/10 – Monday”

  1. I don’t know if my surgeon cut my muscles (such as they are/were) but I was up and around in a couple of days. The recovery time was much less than I expected. I even got to go back to work earlier than planned. Yay. Not.

    My biggest disappointment was that my OTSNBN didn’t weigh more so I came home from the hospital thinner!

    1. I have to confess that I mostly expect to be back to 90% of normal (except for lifting the 40 pound buckets of litter, maybe, and stuff like that) within a week. I’m planning for the worst but hoping for the best! 🙂

  2. Also, I think a lot has to do with the psychology of it. I couldn’t wait to be rid of my OTSNBN, but a co-worker had the same surgery, after fighting the inevitable and ending up in an emergency situation, and she was devastated about losing her OTSNBN. (Never mind she is older than me and has two grown children and wasn’t dating or anything so why in the name of pluperfect HELL did she need it … never mind. She still bemoans the loss of it, eight years later.) Anyway, it took her longer to recover and I think it was because she was against the whole thing to begin with. You obviously aren’t, because you are MUCH smarter!

    1. I don’t get women who are that attached (har har!) to their uterus. As far as I’m concerned, it’s nothing but a pain in the ass these past few years, it’s serving no purpose, GET IT OUT!

  3. I never get tired of seeing Spanky. I think you should set up a webcam on that box just in case it does ever take off!

    Good luck for your op 🙂

  4. Good luck with the removal of your OTSNBN! Hope it’s everything you hoped it would be =0).

    I will be going in for my own lady part procedure tomorrow, polyp removal with anesthesia funness, so I might miss any posts you make.

    Will be thinking about you on Wednesday. Could you have Fred post something when the operation’s done so we know you’re ok?

  5. How do you always know when I need my spirits lifted?! That Spanky in a box bit made me bust out laughing. The gal who mentioned a cam might be onto something.

    Good thoughts to you for whateveritwas you were gonna do on Wednesday. 😉

  6. great news that they’re not cutting through muscles. i had a c-section a little over three weeks ago, and will say that the first 1.5, almost 2 weeks were pretty bad (i like to think i had some tough muscles to get through… har har). being up all hours caring for a newborn likely didn’t help the recovery either. but, it will be four weeks since surgery on wednesday and doing just fine now!

  7. It seems like Anders0n kitties get adopted quickly! Do you “market” them special in any way, e.g., extra cute pictures, captions, bios on their cages?

    See ya later, OTSNBN. Don’t let the door hitcha on the way out. Speedy recovery, Robyn!

  8. Well, there is no joy in Indy, the mighty Colts have struck out. We live close enough to the team headquarters that I can actually hear the horn honking from cars passing by the complex. The buses just got here from the airport from the flight back. Congrats to any Saints fans. We will get you next time!
    Best of luck on the surgery Robyn. I trust the ONTSNBN is well and truly distracted so as not to cause issues. When I had my mastectomy I hoped to come home a little lighter. Wrong! I was a couple of pounds less but not the amount they removed. Of course I had an implant that probably weighed the same if not more. Somehow I convinced myself that silicon would not weigh anything. Silly human.
    Do yourself a favor and do all of the exercises they tell you do to . It will make all the difference in the recovery time and quality.
    I will miss Dan and Fagen. I really liked them.
    Took 2 of our 3 to the vet today for yearly checkups. One needs a dental cleaning and the other has an infected tooth that needs, we hope, to have the top removed and then the gums sown over. It could require more work if there are still roots. Keep you fingers crossed that the lessor amount of work needs to be done. I am positive the whole world knows I am getting a bonus check in a couple of weeks. The financial hemorrhaging begin!

  9. Just curious, did any of you know that Dooce is going to be part of a program on HGTV this spring? Just saw it on HGTV, and here’s a link to her annoucement:


    I’m probably behind the curve on this, just thought I’d mention it.

    Gonna miss the Magnolias, even if the do like to complain!

  10. Oh what wonderful news about Steely Dan and Fagen! They touched my heart from the first photo of them.

    Robyn, I will be sending you good healing thoughts this Wednesday. May your recovery be quick and pain free.

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