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If you ever give photo albums (with pictures) to someone as a gift, you know what would be a good addition to that gift? A disc with all the pictures that are in the album, in digital form. Isn’t that a good idea? I think I’m going to start putting together a photo album for the spud of all her pictures from when she was a baby to now. If I start now, maybe I’ll have it done by the time she graduates from high school in 2007!

So, they never were able to find anything wrong with my car. I don’t know if it was just some water in the gas line or what, but Fred drove it home yesterday and said it was running just fine.
And then he told the spud that at the dealership they’d told him a teenager must be driving the car. Heh.
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There’s just nothin’ going on ’round these parts. I’m going to put up a bunch of cat pictures and call it an entry.
This picture is to illustrate how sparse the hair around Tommy’s mouth is. I’m not sure why that is. Also, every time he flops down, you can always see that one nipple. I don’t know if it’s a particularly prominent nipple or there’s just less hair around it, but it always catches my eye.
Miz Poo on my lap.
Spot would like you all to just calm down and be quiet, please. He needs a nap.
The “purse carry”, as we call it. Sugarbutt and Mister Boogers like to be carried like this.
Brudders quarrel.
Brudderly love.
All of today’s uploaded pictures,
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2005: I’ll take my anonymous life, thank you.
2004: No entry.
2003: No entry.
2002: “What?” he said. “I WASN’T geeky!”
2001: No entry.
2000: Tomorrow, I’m going to go see Dr. Judy for my ear, out of which I still cannot hear anything but constant white noise.
I have one of those lazy susans too. Now everytime I see that cabinet, I’ll think of Narnia.
I keep my smaller appliances there. The other day I couldn’t find my George Foreman. Do you think he went to Narnia?
Ahh Yes… I do so love a stretched out cat pic! Question for cat folks…does anybody else out there have a realllly looong cat? When our black cat, ‘Poop Mink’ lays fully stretched out he is over 3 feet long tip to tail. Crazy long cat!
My cats paws at the cabinet under the sink. Of course there are treats in there for all 3. Even after he gets his treat, he still looks in there or wants the door left open. Are there little gnomes in there taunting them I wonder??
Edited to add: that should be my cat WITHOUT the “s”. 😀
My mom made my brothers and me our own photo album exactly like that. We all like those the most. It’s the one I’ll go back to time and again.
One of my cats is like that with the bathroom sink cabinet. He’ll pull and pull on it until it opens, stick his head in and then just sit and stare into it.
Melissa – our female is the same way when she lays on her back and stretches out. Not only is she just about 3 feet she’s fat as can be so it’s really a sight to see.
Oh yes, all my kitties open cabinets too…it’s so annoying! Varinia also likes to open the bottom drawer in the bathroom, so it’s alway open when I get up in the morning! For a while we couldn’t figure out who, until a few weeks ago, when we caught Varinia “red-pawed”!
Hope you are feeling well, and healing and all that happy horse shit. Also, I think Spot looks hung over, I suspect a kitty catnip party after hours or something. And I have to also say, when I look at Miz Poo’s face in pictures, especially in close ups, she kind of appears to have extra features, like more than 2 eyes or something. And that unique lip of hers. I love calicos, they are so unusual and snotty!
Awwww. If I didn’t know better, I’d say that Spot needs a hug! He looks… sad, somehow. But that much attention would send him off to hide beneath the furniture for several days, wouldn’t it?
duh. the hair is sparse on his chin because every other picture of him, he’s licking himself or his brother. he’s bound to be licking some of that hair off in the process, no?
I hadn’t realized just how incredibly THICK Spot’s fur is. Why, you could loose another cat in there!
Thanks for sharing!
Whenever I go to the bathroom at night (no idea why this is a pre-requisite) Chloe has to come in and get into the cabinet under the sink. Her banging the cabinet door is REALLY loud, so I have to let her in, cause my boyfriend’s sleeping usually. Then she goes in there and hangs out for a few minutes, and then leaves the bathroom.
My cats love the “Narnia” cabinet, too — but that’s because we once had a mouse in there that chewed through a bag of flour and a package of chocolate chips. (Little mouse must have been PMS’ing…)
In our old house our corner cupboard had a built in lazy susan and our cats loved to go in there and ride around it. Then, they, and us too, found out that there WAS a hole in the wall, and if they entered it they would be able to walk around in between the floor and basement ceiling!! The smarter cats could get out without incident, but the no so smart (aka dumb) ones would wander around up (down) there, crying pitifully!!!
I think including a CD of photos with an album is a GREAT idea.
Believe it or not, I was looking at photo albums at the dreaded W@lmart today and actually saw a photo album with a sleeve on the inside front cover for a CD.
My black cat, Michael, also has sparse hair around his mouth, but his includes his ears.His fur is thick and full everywhere else. He love to lounge outside in the summer, and the mosquitoes love to bite him there. It is awful for him! I hope Tom Cullen does not grow into this affliction!
Take care & give them some petting from me!