2/7/12 – Tuesday

One lucky person will win $50 to spend at MrChewy.com! Go enter for your chance to win before 11:59 pm Friday! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~   Did I mention that I had my yearly appointment with my … Continue reading “2/7/12 – Tuesday”


One lucky person will win $50 to spend at MrChewy.com! Go enter for your chance to win before 11:59 pm Friday!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Did I mention that I had my yearly appointment with my gynecologist last week? It hardly seems fair that I had my uterus and ovaries removed and still have to go see her every year. Stupid ovaries; one of them was adhered to my bladder by endometrial cells. Or kidney or some other organ in the area, I don’t even remember anymore. Probably my bladder. That’s in the right area for that to happen, right? I swear to you, I have zero clue where any organs in my body are located. She could have told me it was stuck to the inside of my left eyelid, and I would have been “Yeah, I feel like I’ve heard of that happening…”

Of course, seeing as how I’m on the estrogen patch (and OTC progesterone cream), I have to go back and see her once a year so I can get a prescription for the patch. I’m not sure I’d be so ready to go see her every year if I didn’t need that prescription, so it’s probably good that I do have to go see her for it.

Between the appointment in early January with my Gastroenterologist (my lab numbers looked so good he said I can go to seeing him once a year instead of every six months), my appointment at the end of January with my Primary Care doc, and my appointment late last week with my Gyn, I do believe I’m done for the year with doctors.

Except that I just remembered I need to make an eye appointment. Maybe I’ll put that off for a few months. I’m pretty sure I’m about at the point where I’m going to need reading glasses (ohhhhh how I laughed when I was a kid and my parents had to hold something at arm’s length to read it. Who’s laughing NOW, Young Robyn? ‘Cause it sure as shit ain’t Blind Old Robyn.) and ugh. Given that I can barely walk from one side of the house without misplacing my ass, I’m not looking forward to needing to keep track of reading glasses.

I know, I know, get a tether (or whatever the fuck it’s called) and let my reading glasses hang around my neck when I don’t need them. Only, do you know how many times a day I almost hang myself by the headphones cord to my iPod? Oh, that drives me crazy.


I had an appointment with the surgeon who performed my gastric bypass (we just passed six years since I had the surgery!), but a week before the appointment, his office called. They said that he’d retired, and they were going to reschedule the appointment with his partner, who was taking over his practice. So I rescheduled the appointment, and then when the office was closed I called back AND I CANCELED IT. Oh, yes I did.

I find it exceedingly odd that he up and retired with very little notice (his name is actually on the answering machine message at the office), given that he can’t be older than in his mid-50s, if that. It makes me curious as to what the real story is there. What it DOESN’T make me want to do is keep going back to that office. For the past six years, I’ve dreaded my appointment at that office. I’ve actually seen my surgeon’s partner before, and if it’s possible, he has even less of a bedside manner than my surgeon does. My PCP can monitor all my important blood tests, and if there’s something that needs to be done – if I need an iron transfusion (which I haven’t in two years) or whatever, she can refer me to the pertinent specialist.

I am aware that I need to do a six-year update at OneFatbitchypoo. I’ll get to it when I do. I have to tell you, I’m not much interested in OneFatBitchypoo anymore and I have to force myself to update over there (which I haven’t done in a year, so there you go.) There’ll be something up by the end of the month. Probably.

So, there you go. The state of me: healthy. A bum shoulder (hate physical therapy), crappy vision, but my blood pressure is so fantastic it makes triathlon runners gnash their teeth in jealousy, my cholesterol is super-awesome (did you know I eat a scrambled egg every day for breakfast? Sometimes two if I’m hungry and they’re small.), and I don’t look a day over 63 1/2.

I call that good enough.

Last year at this time, I was gearing up for my breast lift/ upper arm lift/ chin lift surgery. The year before at this time, I was gearing up for my hysterectomy (in retrospect, I suspected I was going to come out of that goddamn surgery without my ovaries. Stupid endometriosis.). This year, no surgery. 2012 is the Year of No Surgery.

(Every time I say that, I can feel my appendix getting ready to burst.)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


2012-02-07 (1)
Sally and Everett (pardon the blur), keeping watch on da bird.

2012-02-07 (2)
I need to make a video – that Everett gets some serious hang time when he jumps.

2012-02-07 (3)
Jumpin’ Sally. I love the look on Everett’s face, like “Wait. I’m the only Pepper who’s allowed to jump around here!”

2012-02-07 (4)
Lucy comes over to check out the form on these jumps.

2012-02-07 (5)
Everett takes a break from jumping to show the correct waltzing form.

2012-02-07 (6)
Everett senses that for some reason, he should feel annoyed…

2012-02-07 (7)
“What is it that has me so annoyed right now?”

2012-02-07 (8)
“SO annoyed.”

2012-02-07 (9)
Does Alice look pleased with herself, or what?

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2012-02-07 (10)
Alice, fangin’.

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2011: Here, have some more exclamation points!
2010: Petsmart kitties.
2008: Please don’t tell me she’s a flighty mess in real life.
2007: She became entirely liquid somehow, and flowed through my fingers and across the room, ending up under the bed.
2006: I think that the next thing Apple should create is a cell phone/ iPod player.
2005: Yes, I use the same kind of lotion as my CAT.
2004: No entry.
2003: Anyway. Enough about my underwear.
2002: You’ve been warned, skank hos out there who would swoop down upon my husband in his grief and get him to marry you.
2001: Yeah, that’s me, not giving a shit if they can see me or not…
2000: Really, what other journaller will thrill you with pictures from the litter box?

11 thoughts on “2/7/12 – Tuesday”

  1. So are reading glasses all you need? In that case, go to a drugstore and check out the reading glasses til you find the strength that suits you. Then buy 10 pairs and leave them all the house and in your purse and in your car and … (The Ben Franklin store in Fayetteville, WV, often has reading glasses for $1 per pair.)

    1. I second that. My ophthalmologist is the one who recommended drugstore glasses. He said it’s not necessary to spend the money on prescription ones when all you need is a little magnification.

  2. Sigh. I can remember being a smart ass and offering to hold something across the room so my mother could read it. Oh, Karma. I now have the bifocals – can’t see near, can’t see far. I figure everything should just be computer’s length away and I can see it, because I HATE the bifocals. I always feel off-kilter.

    I can’t believe it’s been 6 years. Damn!

  3. What MR said about the reading glasses. Three of my friends met for a dinner I missed and my bff told me she felt ancient when all three of them whipped out their readers at the same time to see the menu. I have had glasses forever, can’t wear contacts (allergies and dry eyes-tried twice, never again). I got my progressives at 35 and I LOVE them. The only awful part is the damn cost.

    You are a fat bitchy poo no longer so it seems natural it wouldn’t interest you much. You are slim bitchypoo now!

    If Corbie is the handsome male cat then Alice is the gorgeous female one. Her eyes look teal in one of those pictures. She is very beautiful!

  4. You have to get multiple pairs of reading glasses – and leave one in every room of the house. 🙂

    I can’t believe it’s been six years since your WLS! And did you ever post pics after your chin/arm lift a year ago? I don’t remember seeing any.

  5. If your doc retired suddenly, it’s probably one of two things: A scandal or legal problem of some sort (which you’d have caught a whiff of in the local papers under vague terms like “Local Surgeon’s Office Investigated For ____”), or the doctor himself (or a close family member) is having health problems.

    The Group that I work with has had about 9 or 10 doctors come and go in the last few years – all but three of them gave a several-months notice. Of the three who left suddenly, one had a horrific personality clash with one of the other doctors (I mean they almost came to blows in the hallway one day, right in front of patients and everything); the other had a bad outcome on his first spinal surgery that he performed with the Group (the woman was paralyzed for a few months but recovered pretty well) and it shook him up so much that he just quit, to consider going into another field or specialty (he didn’t, and has a thriving practice now in a nearby town). The third doctor, who is the brother of my favorite doctor, had a grand mal seizure out of nowhere one day as he was talking to a patient in the waiting room. He’d had no history of seizures and they never could figure out what happened to cause it, but that was the end of his license to practice surgery. He still sees patients but isn’t allowed to do anything more invasive than injections, even though he hasn’t had another seizure since then.

    Another doctor I used to see when I was a teen went into semi-retirement with no notice whatsoever (and he was a shrink, so he just – boompf! let all his patients drop with no goodbye, no referrals out, no nothing – after his wife was killed in an airplane crash. He resumed practice on a part-time basis and did some work for the State DMHMR after a year or so.

    My point is, if it’s just the “sudden retirement” part that’s skeeving you out, you might be able to get more of the story from the staff there and find out that it’s something innocuous or understandable. If it’s just that you don’t like the ppl who are left, carry on.

    I recently bought a magnifying glass to help me read the backs of labels, boxes, tiny print on bills, etc. Embarrassing, but man does it help. I wear Coke-bottle glasses already (without my glasses, I can’t even see the big huge top E on the chart from 20 feet away, can just barely notice a greyish smudge) and I wore bifocals and trifocals when I was a kid, don’t feel the desire to go back there.

    1. Oh no, it’s a complete and utter excuse on my part. I would have (grudgingly) gone to see my surgeon, but now that my surgeon isn’t there? CANCEEEEEEEEEEEL! I’ll admit I’m curious as to what the explanation is, but not curious enough for a $30 copay plus a $100 visit with the nutritionist that the surgeon requires. Not covered by insurance, of course, that visit to the nutritionist.

      Also, I find the idea of carrying around a magnifying glass oddly appealing!

      1. Check newspapers. Sam’s allergist “retired” to do a handful of years in federal prison (well, his case is still ongoing, but the other two doctors involved are being put away…) for cocaine distribution. Good times.

  6. Robyn, of all the cats you’ve owned in your life, who is your Favorite Cat of All Time?

  7. Some of those shots of the black cats leaping in the air & frozen in mid motion with the camera are begging for LOL cat captions. 🙂 Sooo cute!

  8. Robyn, I am still laughing over the picture that you captioned “Sometimes a cat’s just got to dance”. It was perfect.

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