Edward (Teddy) Geiger, please remove yourself from my brain.
Considering that For You I Will (Confidence) spent ONE MILLION YEARS bouncing around my brain before it bounced off into someone else’s brain, I don’t expect this request to be honored. Grrrr.
PS: Get a hair cut, boy!
So, my visit to the surgeon who performed my weight loss surgery is over for another year, thank god. I know I’ve mentioned that my surgeon is very good at what he does, but he’s not much for the warm and fuzzy bedside manner. Which is okay, except that I have to go see him every year and squirm through a torturous visit and he’s perfectly nice and all, I just don’t know.
I don’t have to like him, I know, but I sure do dread the yearly office visit. January just dragged by for me, because I knew I had that appointment at the beginning of February and I was so not looking forward to it. There’s always this awkward moment at the end of the office visit where he smiles and just looks at me, and I feel like he’s waiting for me to gush gratitude over how this surgery has changed my life and this surgery HAS changed my life, I can do things physically that I was never able to do before and I’m grateful for that, but I just don’t gush. I’m not a gusher.
It’s probably all in my head, and I can deal with suffering through a ten-minute office visit once a year, but I’m sure glad it’s over with, is all I’m saying.
Once my visit was over and my appointment for next year was scheduled, I went to the health food store, since I was on that side of town. I really like this place, I always find some interesting new food to try. This time around I bought some animal crackers and some sesame sticks.
It wasn’t ’til Fred got home and looked at the animal crackers and read what it said on the box that I realized they were gluten-free, wheat-free, dairy/ casein free, egg free and trans fat free. We later determined that when they’d left out all that other stuff, they also left out the flavor.
It’s okay, the pigs’ll eat ’em!
(The sesame sticks were good, though.)
From there, I ran over to Sam’s Club because I was just about out of paper for the printer, and seeing as it’s February I figure it’s possibly time to get my ass in gear and move my 2008 files up to storage. To do that, I need hanging file folders, so I bought some ugly green ones at Sam’s. A box of white vinegar (two one-gallon bottles for less than $4!), 25 pounds of sugar, and a bag of pig’s ears (for the dogs), and I was out of there.
About the pig’s ears: Fred bought a small bag of pig’s ears for the dogs a while ago, and apparently the dogs are BIG FANS. We wondered if we might not be sending a bad signal to George and Gracie – “Here, have these pigs ears! And yes, those ARE pigs, and the only thing standing between you and their tasty, tasty ears is a flimsy gate! Good-night, we’re going inside now!”
But after some initial barkiness toward the pigs, the dogs pretty much ignore them now – though when we go into the pig yard, the dogs stand and look sadly at us, like “Why you givin’ them little weird animals yummy treats? We thought all the yummy treats was for US.”
Speaking of the dogs, back when I bought the Fling-ama-string, I also got a couple of these Humunga Tongues for the dogs. I’ve actually seen George running around with it in his mouth, with the tongue part hanging out, and it’s pretty funny looking, but I never have the camera with me when he’s doing it, of course.
They’ve started shredding the ends of the “tongues”, and there are bits of red plastic “tongue” spread across the back forty.
Dogs like to chew! Who knew?
I was going to make an appointment for Samba and Rumba to be spayed this week, but yesterday Samba started getting kind of whistly and sneezy, so I started her back on chlorpheniramine (which seems to be helping), and if she’s doing well by Friday I’ll call and make the appointment for next week.
There’s no big rush, though – Delmar, Lem, Marion and Claudette are still unadopted. My poor babies!
Last evening we took the baby gates at the bottom of the stairs down. Samba and Rumba did NOT know what to think about that – at first, they’d sneak down to the hallway, then at the first sight of Fred or I, they’d turn and run up the stairs to the landing. When we settled down to watch TV, they came down and explored, and even made it out as far as the living room for a while.
It wasn’t hard to get them back into their room last night, and they were quiet all night long, didn’t bang on the door demanding to be let out. I let them out this morning and for now I’m going to let them have the run of the house. So far, they’re spending most of their time running around the upstairs and occasionally coming down the stairs to see what’s going on.
Samba always looks like she’s smiling. I want to just pick her up and squeeze the stuffing out of her.
More kitten pics over at Love & Hisses.
From a garbage can to a tiny condo crammed between a set of concrete stairs and the hose reel in two short months! Who says the American Dream isn’t alive and well?
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: How does one become a house appraiser?
2004: I told Fred about how little things remind me anew of our loss strike me when I’m least expecting it, and I cried again.
2003: And, oh and does fred annoy you? Not any more than I annoy him, probably. 🙂
2002: See something on the floor? Sit on it.
2001: No entry.
2000: Here’s a cute story to satiate your bitchypoo jones until then
Aw, darn, I’d have eaten the animal crackers. Due to factors beyond my control (thanks to a big-ass infection several years ago that apparently activated the genetic predisposition), I am forced to eat gluten-free, wheat-free, dairy/casein free for life. It doesn’t mean no flavor and no fun though–I can eat Crooked Acres jams and hot sauce!!!
That pic of Sugy looks like he is half machine, al la ‘Terminator’. I think he will be called “The Suginator”!!!
I agree that Sugy looks totally badass in that picture.
I don’t have dogs but I have seen/heard of this thing that I think is called a “kong.” It’s a hollow red plastic snowmanny shaped thing that you put peanut butter or some other food into and then give to the dog(s). Apparently it is some sort of exercise/fun/torture for the dog(s)and amusement for the human(s). I don’t know!! I just thought of it when I saw the plastic tongue!
The pig ears did creep me out but I was more concerned about what the pigs would think.
I LOVE the foster kitties. I wanna squeeze ’em!
As the owner of several “power chewers” I’ve learned that any toy that the dog can get pieces of off, should be discarded. They will eat the chewed off pieces and it can cause blockages. Which=very costly surgery. Paula mentioned Kongs and they are THE.BEST.DOG.TOY.EVER! Indestructible.
Fill them with peanut butter or yogurt. Freeze. Keeps them busy and happy.
I have had about ten surgeries. Surgeons are not warm and fuzzy and most are like Romano of ER. When I had gallbladder issues it was elective surgery and I was supposed to wait six weeks. I was violently ill 3 times a week-missing work, couldn’t eat at all so no driving(I was a diet controlled diabetic and got low blood sugars had to drink ginger ale and sometimes barf it back up-NOT FUN). Finally I went to the ER. I got scheduled for emergency surgery the next day. It just happened to be the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. My surgeon told me afterward I pushed my way in by going to the ER and I spoiled his holiday weekend. After he left our hospital room my roommate said, “Fuck him and his four hundred dollar shoes.” The nurses told me he was the best surgeon on staff-they’d choose him for their own surgery. Personality-bed side manner-they just don’t seem to go hand in hand with excellent surgeons.
Ollie loves pigs ears too. He hovered near thier bin at the pet store we took him to to get a harness and leash for him after we adopted him. Hubby let him get the pig ear and it worked out well. He’d been very anxious in the car-his last ride he was dumped on the side of the road. The pig ear distracted him until we got him home. My other dogs love the Kongs too. I freeze them with the peanut butter-it takes them longer to eat it that way-a little trick my friend learned at her $700.00 puppy training classes.
My dogs love pig ears, but geez, they sure stink up the whole house!
Your story about the dogs and the pig ears reminded me of my friend’s brother. He had a small dog as well as a pot-bellied pig, both as pets. One day he was trimming the pig’s hooves when he noticed his dog skulking about. He watched as his dog scurried out, grabbed a piece of discarded pig hoof, and ran off to go chew his treat in another spot.
The dog pretty much ignored the pig, but he sure did enjoy his bits of discarded pig hoof.
Do you ever call Tom Cullen M-O-O-N, that spells moon?
Gawd, I hope you get that.
My dog is such a powerful chewer that she destroys most dog toys in 5 minutes. The only 2 that can withstand her crushing mandibles are kongs and nylabones.
Ewwwww Andrea! I supposed no nastier than the pig’s ear, but ewww.
Oh no. I thought Delmar was adopted. I tried and was told I didn’t qualify because I was going to have his toenails removed. Poor baby. I hate to think of him in a tiny cage for this long. May he go to a good home soon. I think the economy is making it difficult for people to adopt. I’d appreciate it if you would keep us updated.
Did you see The Rocker? It was pretty cute.
I want to eat Samba’s face, her whole face and nothing but her face, and then I want to eat Rumba for dessert!!!