
Fred sent me to John Cleese’s blog this morning so I could watch this video. LOVE IT. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *   George and Mr. Friendly. (Note: Mr. Friendly did not actually get up on the dog … Continue reading “2/26/09”

Fred sent me to John Cleese’s blog this morning so I could watch this video.


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2009-02-26 (1)
George and Mr. Friendly. (Note: Mr. Friendly did not actually get up on the dog himself, he was placed there.)

2009-02-26 (2)
Mr. Friendly has better places to be, apparently.

2009-02-26 (3) 2009-02-26 (10)
The white Silkie. She is SO purty.

2009-02-26 (5)

2009-02-26 (4)
George is such a good boy – I walk through the gate, he runs over to greet me, and then he immediately sits, ’cause he knows that’s the way to get a treat. Gracie, on the other hand, has recently lost all memory of sitting – “What’s this ‘sit’ they keep saying to me?!” – and just looks at us like we’re idiots when we tell her to sit. She’s slowly re-learning it, though.

2009-02-26 (8)

2009-02-26 (11)
Head Rooster in Charge Michelle is keeping an eye on YOU.

2009-02-26 (13)
Featherhead keeping an eye on me in case treats should suddenly appear.

2009-02-26 (9)
Oscar (so named because she resembled an ostrich when she was little), one of our original 12.

2009-02-26 (7)
One of the chickens we got from the flea market last Fall.

2009-02-26 (6)
Rock star, just inside the coop – staying out of the wind, but taking some sun.

2009-02-26 (14)
Giggling pup.

2009-02-26 (15)
Bob chases off one of the young roosters. “Them’s MY WIMMIN!” says Bob.

2009-02-26 (16)
Keeping an eye out for trouble.

2009-02-26 (17)
The Buff rooster and one of his wimmin.

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2009-02-26 (18)
Last night, after I played with the kittens in the foster room with the laser light, I went into my bedroom where Tommy and Sugarbutt were waiting for me, and I let them chase the laser light for a few minutes. Sheriff Mama (Kara) watched with quite some disapproval as they raced around after the light, and then Sugarbutt ran too close to Kara. She had had QUITE enough of this foolishness, so when he came within smackin’ reach, she reared up and boxed his ears. I laughed until I wheezed.

She has NO tolerance for foolishness.

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2008: “You (kick) are such (kickkick) an asshole (kickkickkick) get in that goddamn house!”
2007: Christ, what a weekend we had.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: God, why why WHY do women do this to themselves?
2003: A Day in the Life of Spanky.
2002: No entry.
2001: Saturday was my dumbass day.
2000: No entry.

13 thoughts on “2/26/09”

  1. Every time I see pictures of George and Gracie, I just want to hug the stuffing out of them. So cute! I love their smiles. 🙂

  2. Great pictures today, as usual. Love the goggies. They are really photogenic. However, the note that Mr. Friendly had somewhere else to be just has me giggling like a fool at my desk at work. Sad thing is no one even noticed since I seem to do that alot! Go Sheriff Mama. She just has a look doesn’t she.

  3. Thanks for sharing the link to John Cleese’s blog! I love that guy. Now I know what I’ll be wasting my afternoon on!

  4. Everyone already beat me to it, but I’ll say it again anyway. Before this, I never really thought chickens could be so beautiful. The Anders0ns – Changing the World Outlook One Chicken At A Time.

  5. Sheriff Mama, a/k/a Upstairs Mama, has no time for foolishness. She has way too much work to do to protect the And@rson home. Any foolishness will be dealt with in an efficient manner. Signed Sheriff’s Assistant – Val C.

  6. The white silkie looks like it could be the offspring of George + a chicken.

    I liked Cleese’s house tour video on his blog–note the enormous cat tree in front of the window. But why does he apparently keep some of his cats in a large outdoor cage??

  7. Your animals are all gorgeous. Have you thought about doing a coffee table-type book to memorialize them and Crooked Acres?

    I miss your commentaries on those nutty Housewives (NY and OC). Did you see the OC end of season get together? Wow, now I think they’re ALL evil, except Lori and Lynn. Not sure about Gretchen. As for Lynn, when they call her dumb I think that’s their euphamism for not a heartless bitch like the rest of them.

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