2/24/10 – Wednesday

Thanks, you guys, for your suggestions on what I should watch next! Once I’m done with Californication (which I expect will be this afternoon), I’m going to give Madmen a try (I’ve been wanting to try it out, but kept forgetting to add it to my queue) and then maybe the United States of Tara. … Continue reading “2/24/10 – Wednesday”

Thanks, you guys, for your suggestions on what I should watch next! Once I’m done with Californication (which I expect will be this afternoon), I’m going to give Madmen a try (I’ve been wanting to try it out, but kept forgetting to add it to my queue) and then maybe the United States of Tara. Eventually Dead Like Me, and The Tudors, and oh – just about everything y’all suggested!


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So, one day last week I was looking around online for information about progesterone, and I stumbled across a q&a page about hysterectomies. And on this page was the following line:

Some women will ask: Can I still have children after my hysterectomy? The answer is no.

Really? “Some” women will ask this idiotic question? Do they perhaps mean “No” women will ask this question? Or maybe “drunk” or “high” women? I mean, come on – they have GOT to be making that up, right? Or maybe they misunderstood the question? Maybe women were like “Can I still ADOPT children after my hysterectomy?”, and instead of saying “Lack of uterus does not, to our knowledge, bar one from adopting children”, they just said “No.”, and the country is filled with uterusless women who are mourning the fact that they can’t even ADOPT.

(Speaking of, kinda, y’all see that woman on Dr. Phil the other day who was a surrogate and gave birth to twins and then kept them herself? I had to delete the show after four or five minutes because she was so utterly smug and unlikable and I found I wasn’t even paying attention to what she was saying, I was just thinking about how much I wanted to smack her.)


Seriously, can you imagine? The doctor’s all “Blah blah uterus blah blah incision blah blah no hanky panky for six weeks blah blah and THAT is how a hysterectomy is done! Do you have any questions?”

“Yes, doctor. My husband and I are really excited to start a family. How long must I recuperate after surgery before I can start trying to get pregnant?”

Doctor (looking around for hidden camera): “Did I mention that I will be removing your uterus?”

Patient: “Yes, yes, you said that already. Do you think I could get pregnant by the end of the year?”

Doctor: “Your uterus will be GONE. Did I mention? That you? Will have no uterus?”

Patient: “Frankly, your insistence on going on and on and ON about my uterus is kind of annoying. Can’t you just answer the question?!”

Doctor: “Where are you under the impression the baby will grow?”

Patient: “Really? You’re a DOCTOR and you don’t know this? Suddenly, I think you might not be the one for the job. OBVIOUSLY when an egg and sperm meet, the resultant zygote travels down the fallopian tube, then flies to heaven, where it grows into a baby, and nine months later, the stork brings it and drops it on your doorstep. I mean, seriously, Doc, this is elementary stuff. HOW did you graduate from med school without knowing it?!”

And so on.


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Late last night I finished We Bought a Zoo, and while overall I’d give it a positive rating, it was really less interesting than I expected. Also, not NEARLY enough pictures.

But in the course of reading the book, the author mentioned that there was a camera crew filming the whole time while they were getting the zoo ready to open again, and ultimately a miniseries called Ben’s Zoo aired in the UK. I thought that it was likely the miniseries would be interesting, so I went to Netflix and searched on Ben’s Zoo, and. Well.

Y’all go to Netflix and search on Ben’s Zoo and see what comes up. It’s certainly NOT what I was looking for. Ugh.


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I just went to weather.com to see what the weather’s supposed to do in the near future (the temperature’s supposed to slowly trend upward, or so they claim. I HAVE MY DOUBTS.), and this ad in the sidebar cracked me up:

The face is killing me. He’s like “Who in the what, now?”


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Last weekend (speaking of weather, like I was up there just a second ago) was gorgeous and sunny. We actually went out into the back yard for a little while, and a handful of the cats joined us.

“Say, this warm weather is nice. It heats up the concrete and warms my belleh!”

Newt felt so good, he started rolling around…

Offended by this behavior, Sugarbutt came FLYING out of nowhere to put the smack down.

Note that Sugarbutt is multi-tasking here, running AND smacking.

But ultimately, Newt can go places Sugarbutt can’t, and so he sat atop the fence post taunting Sugarbutt for a good long while before wandering off to parts unknown.


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2009: That’s helpful.
2008: Every now and then the finch would flap his wings and squawk indignantly.
2007: No entry.
2006: I hate spoiled rotten princesses.
2005: “4.2 billion,” he said suddenly. “Not 4.7. Because a regular signed 32-bit integer only goes up just over 2.1 billion – that’s 2 to the 31st power – and an unsigned would be one more power of two onto that, so–”
2004: Is it easier to write bad poetry, or am I just naturally a bad poet (and didn’t know it)?
2003: Let’s see whether or not I can give Lisa what she wants!
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Have you noticed that I feel like an idiot a lot?

19 thoughts on “2/24/10 – Wednesday”

  1. That old man’s face cracked me up too when I first saw it. He looks like he is about to fly off the handle and take somebody out! Newt is so pretty!

  2. O.k., so I sauntered over to Netflix and did that search. That’s seven kinds of not alright. *shudder*

  3. Hi Robyn!!

    Glad to hear that you are doing well after your hysterectomy…now when do you plan on having another baby?? That made me laugh too (I had my hysterectomy back in August)…I told my cousin about, and she was like, does that mean you can’t have kids…is your husband ok with that!! Well I certainly hope so!!!

    And I just love the picture of Sugarbutt…multitasking of course : ) My cats thoroughly enjoyed the sunshine this past weekend too.

    I will be updating Misty’s chipin page sometime this week…I have new photos…he owner says she is doing great!!

    For now…best wishes for a speedy recovery…
    Forgotten Felines

  4. Poor Newtles, the joy didn’t last long enough. I hope it warms up again soon so he can try again! And so I can go lay on MY patio and soak up some heat without paying $180 a month for it…

  5. When i had my full hysterectomy in 1995, it wasn’t laparoscopic. When I woke up in recovery, a nurse came over to tend to me. She had a list of questions to ask me, and one of the first she asked was, “Is there any chance you may be pregnant?” I stared at her and responded, “Not if y’all did your job right!”
    I’ve tried to think kindly of her, but really….. Oh, and then it turns out that when you’re recoveriing from a hysterectomy, at that hospital at least, they put you on the floor with all the moms who’ve just given birth. They ALSO put the moms whose babies didn’t survive on the SAME FLOOR. Mind-stunning.

    Life without ovaries, tubes or uterus has been great. I also stopped all hormone therapy after about 6 months–never found it made much difference, and didn’t like the seesawing research study results. I’m fine, thanks very much.

    1. I concur about the hormones. I had the patches too (insisted on it after I had night sweats in the hospital while recovering), but found them annoying, and used them for about 6 months, and then cut them in half and used the rest of my (year-long) prescription for about another year, and then just stopped. I have really mild hot flashes and night sweats, but nothing that’s not easily manageable. My mother, on the other hand, took premarine for a couple of years after her surgery, not stopping until they came out with that devastating study, and she has awful hot flashes now–they think b/c of the HT–and got breast cancer to boot.

      I had the same experience at the hospital–in the maternity ward, aka ob-gyn unit. There was an unfortunate woman who lost her baby AND her uterus with some horrible childbirth experience, and she WAILED and sobbed at all hours of the day and night. I can’t imagine the stupidity of putting her in the “ob-gyn” unit. Of all the insensitive things to do to someone who had just experienced such an amazing horror…

  6. I love Newtles-so glad he could go up high and flip off Sugarbutt. That old guy freaks me out too-there was an even odder looking one in an ad before him. I don’t get the reason for it. I would kill for the warmth-we have snow on the way again-damn it! I can believe a woman would think she could still get pregnant after a hysterectomy-there are some very dumb bunnies out there. The Real Housewives are on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire this week-what some of them don’t know is amazing.

  7. If a woman has to ask if she can still have kids after a hysterectomy, then she definitely should NOT be allowed to have children b/c she will propagating the Stupid Gene. Jeezus!

    LOVE the fight pics. That Newtles always gets me.

  8. I love the Q & A between doctor and patient about getting pregnant after the hysterectomy. When mine was first scheduled, the “doctor” talking to me about it was a female Doogie Howser, who was being oh so matter-of-fact, so I decided to be funny and said:

    “So after the surgery, I can still have kids, right?” with a huge grin on my face.

    She was so startled that she almost peed her pants. She squirmed around a bit and then said in her best authoritative voice:

    “Um ma’am, we are removing your uterus and possibly your ovaries. You will not be able to get pregnant. Do you understand?”

    “DUH! Yes. I was only kidding to lighten the mood in here”

    cricket cricket cricket. She was not amused.


  9. Poor newt! Why all the hate?
    Sug’s ability to run AND swat at the same time is quite impressive! I can barely walk and talk at the same time.
    I heard that those ads were supposed to be “eye-catching”……don’t think they are having the intended effect!

  10. I REACTIVATED my Netflix account just to see what you were talking about. I will now need permanent therapy.

  11. OMG! I just stumbled upon this comment on a blog called “I like to fish”

    “singedwingangel said…

    I have a friend who thought when his wife had her hysterectomy she would no longer be able to have sex. He thought they removed the v and all. Ummm yeah and he was an ADULT I can overlook a young guy thinking that better then I can a grown man thinking a hysterectomy resulted in the removal of the tunnel.. Hello taking out a tunnel means leaving a bigger tunnel or lots of sewing that I don’t even want to think about..

    February 4, 2010 8:03 AM ”

    Before I saw that, I was going to say “I think I’ve seen those girls that thought they could still have babies after a hysterectomy, on the Maury show. Any girl who needs to have 12 daddies DNA tested ,obviously doesn’t know much about birthin’ no babies.”

    Lord help ’em.

  12. So the answer is no, you can’t get pregnant after a hysterectomy, right???
    Love the pics of Newtles. He looks like he has taken to regular meals juuuusst fine. Or is that winter weight?
    Cold as you know what again after a tiny warming trend. I think the snow piles along our driveway won’t completely melt until the end of March.
    Lay offs at work (not me Thank God but who knows what tomorrow shall bring), had taxes done and owe $1500 and found out our tax lady has breast cancer/is undergoing chemo/ will have double mastectomy in about a month. Did I mention today SUCKED??? At least I could talk to her about what to expect from the surgery. There is a silver lining in having gone through it. I can talk to other ladies and maybe they won’t be as scared.
    Hope you are feeling better.
    I have to go drink and cuddle a furbaby now. Sucky day.
    As for TV recommends: Castle, White Collar, The Good Wife. We watched the movie Zombieland this weekend. Okay funny. I think guys might like it more than ladies. Watched The Hurt Locker. Very good, hard to watch though. Zack and Miri Make a Porno- very funny.

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