Tandem jumping, starring Alice Mo and Lucy Peppers.
Alice Mo is 1/16th Cherokee. True story.
Got too close to Lucy Peppers, got all hissy. Lucy looks terrified, no?
Okay, drama queen, dial it back.
Lucy’s like “No, seriously. WHAT is her problem?”
Apparently that jump was just an excuse to get closer to Alice and unleash the Peppers Paw o’ Doom. She’s a smart girl, that Lucy Peppers.
The bullies always crumble when you stand up to them, don’t they? A LIFE LESSON FOR YOU.
Note that she hisses at Corbie as she brushes by him, but he’s concentrating so hard on the teaser that he doesn’t even notice her.
Thank you all for the name and group name suggestions! I am definitely naming little mama “Emmy”, and the litter name will be (drumroll please) “The Nominees.”
A couple of people suggested that group name, but Andrea/ Luanne suggested it first, which means that she wins bragging rights! Try not to let it go to your head, Andrea, though I’m sure that you’ll make room on your resume for that.
The list of names that are in the running for the kittens (whenever they may come) are: Golden, Clio, Obie, Tony, Razzie (Fred insists that it’s “ie” not “y”. WHATEVS.), Espy, Darwin, Hugo, Sama, Olivier, Genie, Brit, Dundee, Peabody, and Pulitzer. These names are not in the running because they’ve been used for shelter cats in the past: Oscar, Juno, and Felix.
I can pretty much guarantee you that we’re going to have a Darwin and a Razzie out of this litter, because I REALLY like those names. Well, I like all of those names, actually, but I like Darwin and Razzie especially.
Mama Emmy is doing well. She seems to prefer to spend her days in the kennel and her nights in the basket on the wall. She’s no longer holding her ears out to the side in a manner that suggests “I hate you and want to kill you”, but rather holds them in a more relaxed, perked manner. I decided to stop being scared of her because I think that bringing that kind of energy into the room with me was not a good idea (have I been watching My Cat From Hell, do you think?) and look – if she lashes out and scratches me, it won’t be the first or last time that happens to me. I make frequent short trips into the room to visit her, and rub her ears each and every time, which she enjoys. She also talks to me a little – she talks to Fred more than she does to me, but I think we’ve established that the mama cats have a deep and abiding love for him.
She also howls at night. I thought, the first night it happened, that it might mean she was ready to have her kittens, but it’s been three nights running now, and there aren’t any kittens yet. I’m sure that she’s lonely – there were a lot of cats in that house where she was living, so being alone is probably not something she’s accustomed to. I had thought at first that maybe we should see about bringing another cat from that house here to keep her company, but mama cats are protective of their kittens and I’d hate to bring a cat into the room to keep her company, only to have her stressed about protecting her kittens from the other cat. I think that she’s still scared and lonely and just not sure what to make of this whole situation. But we are making progress, little by little, so I think we’re going to be okay.
She drew first blood on Fred yesterday, though it was HIS OWN FAULT. He tried to pick her up – have I mentioned that he always pushes the new cats further than I think he should? – and in her strong desire to get away from him, she scratched up his arms with her back claws.
I mean, let us not forget that when he tried to pick Rufus up, WAY before Rufus was ready to be picked up, we ended up with poop on the wall.
Okay, a little bit glare-y. But I did wake her up. Maybe she’s grumpy when she first wakes up.
I was able to finally get a good look at her belly, though I didn’t touch it. I can report that I absolutely, definitely saw baby movement. I bet it won’t be TOO long now! (Though of course I thought that exact same thing with Maggie when we brought her home last year, and she hung in there for over two weeks before she had her babies!)
2011: She lubs her daddy.
2010: Until then, may all your tunes be loony.
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: I’d hate for him to be able to CLIMB things.
2006: HOT MONKEY SEX, that’s what.
2005: I can tell you this – I’m not terribly fond of my mailman right now.
2004: No entry.
2003: No entry.
2002: Not bad, since it’s been ten years or so since I read the play, eh?
2001: Resolutions for 2001.
2000: Well, apparently “coke” sounded like “coffee” to the Einstein taking my order.
Nominees – perfect name!
Spanky is so pretty/handsome! Corbie should be worried about his status.
Corbie’s not worried. He knows there’s room on the pedestal.
How about Grammy (odd for a kitten, I know) and Edgar (mystery writers award)?
I have actually used Edgar before (in my very first litter of fosters), so that can’t be used. I’m adding Grammy to the list, though!
I love how Miz Poo is just a spectator, never moving with all that action in front of her.
Are you keeping track of just how many “cats with da bird” pictures you have taken?
Geeze, when did Miss Alice start getting so hissy-pissy?? She wasn’t like that when y’all first got her, was she? Or maybe I’m just “disremembering”…;-)
Sad to see Oscar get cut from the list, that was my favorite cat’s name! So excited to see new kitties though! What about naming them after Oscar Nominees? You could have Hugo and Rango, Rooney, Viola, Meryl, Jonah, George Clooney…
How ’bout adding “Nobel” (i.e., Nobel Peace Prize) to list of possible kittie monikers?
Emma is purty – love color of her eyes.
What about Newbery, for all the books you read.
Emmy is a lovely girl.
Being a football fan (Go Bucks!), I’ll throw in Heisman.
Is it wrong that I laugh at my cats when they get the “hissy ears?”
It may not be loneliness that sets Emmy to howling at night. Our three orange brothers and sister sleep every night in their well-appointed Kitty Room, and we get howls 2 or 3 nights a week of the “I’m so alone and lonesome and pitiful and woebegone, can’t you tell by the sounds I’m making and pay-no-attention to those other cats here with me ’cause I’m howwwllllinnggg.”
I forget if you have 13 or 14 cats in the house, but what GALLS me is however many you have, there is no fur flitzing around on your hardwood floors! I have TWO rotten cats, and every time the sun hits the hardwood floors, I want to grab both of the cats and shave them bald. You’ve got skatey eight cats jumping around after da bird and nary a loose hair. Dammit!
I am stealing skatey eight. Ha.
Shouldn’t they be the Nom-nom-nom-inees?
I think the second one of Spanky might be my favorite photo of Spanky ever. He looks so serene and zen-like. It’s my desktop now.
Based on your recommendation of Da Bird I purchased one for my daughter’s cats. She says they like it and she has to definitely put it away when done. The Amazon link you had was definitely the best deal. I tried looking around myself and then I slapped my forehead and came here to find your link. Thank you for making life so easy for us Robyn!
I saw this and thought you should see it (if you haven’t already)…Cats! Improving paintings! http://nedhardy.com/2012/02/15/famous-paintings-improved-by-cats/