Poor sweet Muffin has a twisted paw that needs surgery ASAP. Please help out if you can, and if you can’t donate, help spread the word, would you?
Hi, y’all. Just a quick one to let you know that I am, in fact, still alive. I’m just not spending much time in front of the computer. Right now, I’m spending 99% of my time in the recliner either watching TV or snoozing through a TV show. I’ve spent a lot of time snoozing through cooking shows, and I have to say that the only cooking show hostess I can remotely stand is Giada. Everyone else annoys me.
(Well really, Giada annoys me kind of too, but she annoys me the least of any of them.)
Why, you ask, am I spending so much time watching cooking shows if they annoy me? That is an excellent question, and I don’t know. Just ’cause, I guess. If I’m gonna be cranky anyway (and OH I am plenty cranky), why not have something to blame the crankiness on?
The pain is one million times better than it was last week. I’m keeping on top of my pain medication and yes, I’m icing my sore spots occasionally, but mostly I’m just in a state of stasis where I’m waiting to be past this ridiculous healing stage and back to life as normal.
I can unequivocally tell you that if I had just had the neck lift and the breast lift, I would likely be flitting around here like nothing had happened. The biggest part of the pain I’m feeling is coming from my arm pits. I don’t know that I mentioned it before, but my arm lift was an “extended” arm lift, and so the incision on each side goes from my elbow, up my arm, through my arm pit, and down to meet the incision under my breast. As I’m finding out, there are a LOT of damn nerves located in the arm pit, and between the zings of pain my arm pits are sending out and how swollen the tops of my arms are, that’s where I’m having the biggest issues.
There are several staples at the top of each arm that will be coming out Friday, and believe you me, I’ll be taking drugs before THAT appointment.
But on the good side, the pain medication is helping (though I had to call yesterday for one more refill, and didn’t I feel like the drug-seekingest drug seeker on the planet), I’ve been taking a shower every day (even though touching my incisions to clean them still ooks me out), and every day I move a little more easily.
I’ve been sleeping in my bed since, I think, Sunday night. Maybe Saturday. There seems to be a pattern where I have a decent night followed by a bad night, then another decent night, etc. Luckily I can make up for the bad nights by snoozing in the recliner.
(The people next door brought home a dog around Christmas. They tied him or her outside, and that dog lives outside, chained up, 24/7, just a dog and his/her dog house. S/he likes to start barking at 3:00 every morning. Before surgery, I was able to sleep through it. Since surgery, since it’s directly outside my bedroom window for the most part, it wakes me up. Some mornings I just doze back off, and some mornings I fume. I don’t for the life of me understand the point of getting a dog if you’re going to just tie it outside, never take it for a walk, never let it off leash to run around. For god’s sake, it’s not like the dog could defend against home intruders or anything – anyone wanting to break into the house next door isn’t going to be stopped by that dog, since the dog can’t get even close to the house.)
Cara asked if the entirety of my neck lift was the incision under my chin. No, the incision under my chin is where the surgeon did liposuction (and now, a week and a half later, the skin at the bottom of my neck is still bruised, though it’s mostly gone). There’s an incision in front of my ears, seen here (okay, you have to look kind of close, I guess):
and then the incision goes around behind my ears, and off into my hairline, held closed by staples.
I’m still wearing the headgear on my head all the time unless I’m in the shower, and I’ll continue wearing that ’til I see the surgeon again on Friday.
I’ve got ace bandages around both of my upper arms.
I’m not wearing a sports bra at this point, but I expect that the surgeon will direct me to start wearing one when I see him on Friday.
So, that’s me. I’m healing, I’m snoozing, I’m doing fine. I don’t know when regular posting will resume again, but I would guess maybe next week, at least in a limited fashion.
Thanks, you guys, for your well wishes. They definitely help!
Reacher and Corbie, before Reacher went home with Kathy.
So Reacher went to his new home, what, two weeks ago? Yeah, I guess tomorrow makes two weeks. I really and honestly thought that he’d be scared for a couple of days, and then overcome his fear because he’s always been such a lovebug.
It hasn’t quite happened like that. Kathy’s kept me updated on how Reacher’s been doing, and he’s proving a hard nut to crack. He is FINALLY letting her pet him in the past few days.
You can read the details over at Kathy’s site.
I feel so bad both for Reacher and for Kathy and her husband and their cat Beau (who is drop-dead gorgeous, by the way). I never thought it would take so long for Reacher to come around, but what I’m learning is that I know NOTHIN’. I’ve told Kathy repeatedly that Reacher will always have a home with us if it doesn’t work out, and I was starting to think that he needed to come back here, but now he seems to slowly thawing. I hope that he really does thaw, that he starts to love them and allows them to love him. That he shows them his real lovebug nature and realizes that hey – they’re pretty awesome people and he ended up in a really good situation!
Fingers crossed!
I found a picture of Clairee and a picture of Drum on my memory stick this morning!
I forgot to tell y’all, but Clairee and Drum were adopted two weeks ago (the Tuesday before I had surgery) – together!!!
Yay, Drum and Clairee!
Loony Jake and Corbie, taking advantage of the weather.
Can I just tell you that I think the addition of Alice to our permanent residents was a really good decision. She’s such a little character, and I know I’ve mentioned it before, but she really seems to have brought Miz Poo out of her shell. Every day, several times a day, I catch Miz Poo PLAYING with Alice. PLAYING. Miz Poo does NOT play with other cats, so you can imagine how amazed I am by this! And as often as not, it’s Miz Poo instigating the play!
Alice’s tiny size does not hold her back at ALL. She might be half the size of the other cats, but she can jump from the floor to the kitchen counters with no problem at all. Last week she discovered the walkway and the platforms in the kitchen, and she’s been spending plenty of time curled up in the cat bed on the platform. I’ve seen Stinkerbelle looking at Alice many times, as if she can’t quite decide what Alice’s deal is.
Alice is friendly enough to me, but there’s no doubt on earth that she’s a daddy’s girl. Every day, 10 minutes before Fred gets home from work, Alice wakes up, stretches, eats, uses the litter box, and then waits for her daddy to come home.
She lubs her daddy.
2010: Until then, may all your tunes be loony.
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: I’d hate for him to be able to CLIMB things.
2006: HOT MONKEY SEX, that’s what.
2005: I can tell you this – I’m not terribly fond of my mailman right now.
2004: No entry.
2003: No entry.
2002: Not bad, since it’s been ten years or so since I read the play, eh?
2001: Resolutions for 2001.
2000: Well, apparently “coke” sounded like “coffee” to the Einstein taking my order.
so glad to hear you are healing and doing well! I miss your daily posts, and was thrilled to get the email that you had posted!
Take care Robyn, and you’ll be back to yourself in no time!
I swear if you guys hadn’t kept Alice I would have driven my ass to Alabama and gotten her for myself! I think she is just the cutiest thing, I can see why Fred is so smitten!!!
Don’t you think we should start dressing her up? I can just see her in a little skirt…
It’s great to have a post from you,Robyn,thanks for making the effort to put one up. Wow all those sutures look painful and annoying. Both arms operated on to that extent at once-ouch! You really need those pain pills-no addiction worries. Don’t you wish the Doc’s office could know you in real life so they could see how little risk of a problem there is with an active go getter like you? The haze is nice as opposed to pain but most people would not want to live there all the time. It gets old.
So much good kitty news! Fingers crossed for Reacher to continue his thaw. A request for a video down the line when you are much more mended-would LOVE to see Miz Poo and Alice playing! That must be such awesome fun to watch! Hope all continues to go well and you are back to your hoter looking regular self soon.
I’m glad you’re doing better all the time. I have missed your regular posts. Those incisions in the arm pit do sound like they would be painful!!
Have you considered calling the Humane Society on your neighbors dog? I don’t think your supposed to keep a dog chained outside 24/7 but I may be wrong. Just wondering.
I had the same exact thought about the humane society, Jeanette. It is illegal to chain up a dog like that here in NJ. People who do that should never own a dog :(!
me too. I was going to suggest calling on them too. that makes me so sad.
Glad you’re starting to be up and around. Sorry it’s more slow going than you had hoped. take care!
This video has one clever way to market cats. Hope you enjoy it.
Glad you’re doing better Robyn!
It’s great to read of your progress! I just know you’re going to be so happy you’ve had all of this done
The dynamic between Miz Poo and Alice is so sweet. I guess Miz Poo has found her soulmate.
SO glad to hear from you, and that you’re starting to feel better. When saw the first pictures of your incisions, I thought “Well, that’s not too bad.” Then I saw the ones behind your ears and had a full body shudder.
I feel your pain on the annoying-ass cooking show hosts. For some reason, that’s the channel I keep on for background noise throughout the day. While they all have qualities/quirks I find annoying (Paula’s cackle and exaggerated drawl; Giada’s incredibly obnoxious over-pronounciation of every single Italian word; and Sandra Lee’s…well, everything about Sandra Lee, the only ones I cannot STAND are the Neely’s. It’s a shame, too, because they make some yummy looking stuff, but Gina’s constant shrieking combined with Pat’s “heh-heh-heh” and his need to remind us eleventy times per episode how much he “looooves his honey-bunny” send me diving for the remote.
Several states do have laws prohibiting tethering a dog, but I don’t think Alabama is one of them. I HATE people that do that. WHY? How do they expect the dog to develop any kind of social skills, or to be any kind of a companion to them? I know a lady in Tuscaloosa that has made it her life’s mission to, shall we say, “liberate” dogs that are kept in those conditions. If you’d like, I can give you her contact info.
Lisa, when Giada (and every damn time I type her name, I accidentally type “Giardia” first, heh) said “mascarpone” yesterday, I’m pretty sure I rolled my eyes so hard they bounced across the floor.
I keep hoping that it’s just a matter of time, that the people next door are planning to put up a fence around the back yard. I’ve tried to get Fred to go over and OFFER to put up a fence. I just don’t get what the hell is going on. What’s the point of having a dog you just tie out and ignore completely?
Glad to hear that you are recovering as well as can be expected.

Wow, the arm thing sounds painful as hell. So do staples
Poor little Reacher should be ok, it will just take more time with another (unknown) cat in the mix. (I haven’t read Kathys post yet) but 2 weeks isn’t that long for a cat to adjust to a whole new world.My cats were mental for weeks ,just coming to this lovely new apartment.
I’ve been meaning to email you for ages about Skeletor,the starving pitbull. You were kind enough to post about him on your blog. If you’re up to reading some ” warm fuzzy” here is the link. It’s been one year since he wandered up to my sons door ,a walking skeleton ,riddled with heart worms.Thank you for sharing his story .
Quick healing wishes to you !
omg.. the pain!!! Just reading your explanation of the arm lift makes my whole body hurt! Ok well not like yours hurts obviously, but a little sympathy pain. I’m sure end the end it will be worth it not to have wings (at least I assume that’s that that got rid of) but ouch! Glad you’re feeling better!!
Barb, I suspect that in the long run, I’ll look back on the first week and a half after surgery and think “Well, that wasn’t SO bad, was it!” And while the pain in the first week and a couple of days was unpleasant, the worst part has been how incredibly slowwwwwly the time has gone by!
Yep! That is how it is on all points.
So cute about Miz Poo and Alice.
Me ,again. Just read kathy’s post, apparently dogs are in the mix…..may take a little longer. It’s not hopeless…..I just hope they are giving him a “safe” place ,all his own.
Oh, he does – at the moment he’s closed in her office. Their cat Beau goes in and visits, and the funny thing is that although Reacher acts like he doesn’t like Kathy, he ALSO doesn’t like to be alone, so when she leaves the room he starts howling! I have hope that as time goes by, he’ll relax more and more, and revert to his sweet lovebug nature.
And I’m so glad to see how well Skeletor is doing – he is one lucky dog to have gone wandering up to just the right person!
You know that once this is all over, we will want to see you in CLOTHES. THAT. FIT.
Robyn, I’m sorry to be so dense about this, but what kind of headgear are you talking about?
And, like you, I can’t stand people who let their dogs out all. night. long. sigh….
I’m glad you’re feeling better and looking forward to your posts again!
Louann, there’s a picture of me wearing it in the previous entry – that white stretchy thing that goes around my head. That isn’t the greatest shot, it actually looks more like this, only beige instead of black. It’s pretty annoying and I’m looking forward to not wearing it all the time.
I’ve told Fred we should go next door and ask our neighbors if they mind if we take their dog for a walk to shame them for leaving the poor thing out there all the time.
I hope you feel better soon. My neighbors have two dogs chained up in their fenced in backyard. No idea why they bother having dogs. One of the dogs has been chained for over a year now. The other one is newer. He lived indoors for a while then apparently annoyed them in some way and now he’s chained too. I feel bad for them. Snow, storms, whatever they are chained up all the time.
Glad to hear from you! Hope the healing does so quickly! I love that about Miz Poo! Maybe she likes her cause they are both calico. (birds of a feather and all that)
that is sad about that dog. my dog was always in the house. He went out to do his business and then came back in. he and I would go for walks, and he would not need a leash as he would walk next to me, even when other dogs or cats or whatever was around.
I’m so glad you’re healing up, though I totally knew you could do it.
Missed you, lady!
Robyn, hugs to you and many hopes & prayers that the remainder of your recovery process goes well. You are one courageous and super-smart gal — and you’re certainly a trooper! Tell all those kitties they need to take good care of you while you’re recuperating. At the very least they can do the dishes and tidy up.
Thanks for the info/pictures on the neck lift; it doesn’t look as difficult as I thought it would. And you said the pain from that is not the worst you’re suffering from. I sure get tired of wearing turtle-neck tops, wish my neck was normal-looking!
Glad your pain is at least manageable. I’m sure it’ll be worth it in the long run. I bet it’s been frustrating have to rest indoors when outside we’ve finally been having GREAT springlike weather. I’ve hardly been able to stay indoors, just so nice after the snow.
As for that chained dog, nothing makes me more angry than people who treat their dog as a yard ornament! Argh! When I’m out walking my 2 dogs, I take notice of any place where a dog is chained; I remember the address on the mailbox, then when I get home I print out some info/flyer about the cruelty of chaining a dog (from a website) and mail it anonymously to them. Sometimes it makes a difference, but all to often it doesn’t. There is a movement now to educate people against chaining, and hopefully someday it will make a difference.
Here’s the website I mentioned; it has general info about how to help, as well as flyers/letters you can print out. What you are thinking of doing, offering to walk the dog, build a fence (even if it’s a smaller one) are suggested on the website.
Hi, Robyn,
Glad you’re feeling better. As for sleeping in the recliner, I do that all the time due to sleep apnea, and when I’m having problems falling asleep I find a good documentary helps. I usually find documentaries very interesting, but there’s something about the calm, almost monotone voice of the announcer; it just lulls me to sleep. It is best if the documentary has no commericals (PBS or something On Demand), as sometimes those damn things are so much louder they just jolt me awake! My Number One go-to for a lulling-to-sleep documentary is “History Detectives” on PBS. It is rare that I can make it through the show, even if I’m NOT trying to go to sleep!
About Reacher, maybe he misses his brother(s)? Maybe she should adopt Corbie, too? Just a thought…
Take care,
Glad you are healing and feeling a bit better. I am so happy clairee and drum were adopted together, and keeping my fingers cross that Reacher comes around. When my two fosters came into the house, I thought our cat Stanlee, would be the one who played and slept with the, but instead it is Casper who has always been a bit mean to people and animals who loves on them and naps with them. Just like people I guess, takes all kinds to make the world go round.
This weekend I am going to hang up some ledges in the cat bedroom and try and inspire some moving around rather then lollygagging on the guest bed all the live long day.
Hi Robyn,
I’m glad to hear of your progress. I’m not surprised you still have pain and bruising on your neck if you had liposuction there. Have you SEEN how they do that? Goddamn, it just seems so, so, well, rough and violent. But no pain, no gain, as they say.
Poor Reacher. He’ll get used to a quieter house soon enough I presume. I mean, he’s coming from a damned Pride – and a big one at that. It must be quite an adjustment to feel singled out.
Glad you’re recovering nicely, Robyn.
There’s a dog charity called “Dogs Deserve Better” that devotes itself entirely to rescuing dogs that are tied-up for life. Maybe there’s a local chapter in your area?
If your neighbors have no problem leaving the dog tied-up and miserable now they have zero incentive to ever make changes for the better unless someone gets involved. They’ll probably never let the dog live a decent life (off the leash) and will likely never put up a fence. In fact, I’d bet that they just acquire more dogs to tie up. Some horrid people just do this.
Sorry to be a downer. I don’t even know your neighbors and I despise them.
You’re not alone. I despise them too!
Robyn, hope everything goes well at your appointment today. We miss you!
Glad you’re coming along better! Regarding the neighbour dog situation, the SPCA here is big on it being an offense to keep a dog chained. Not only is it considered cruel it causes bad personality changes. A good dog easily turns agressive and violent. They do public education on this and quite possibly the one in your area has a negative view on this also. But-they don’t know about it unless *someone* tells them!
I should have mentioned in the entry that another neighbor has been keeping an eye on the situation with the dog and has made calls. I don’t know if someone official has made a visit to our neighbors, but I CAN report that one of the residents of that house spent a long time playing with the dog the other day (and that was one happy dog!), and I’m pretty sure at this point that the situation with the dog is temporary – s/he belongs to someone who recently moved in next door, and I don’t think they’ll be in residence for very long. I believe the reason the dog is tied out back is because the lady who owns the house doesn’t want the dog inside.